FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 22, 1913.- 1 ★ 3 ? THE STAR THEATRE Motion Picture Exhibition The Press Poultry Department C on du cted b y H . S. Canon, M a g a lia , Calif. S en d questions fo r this department direct to M r. Canon to insure prompt ansu'ers. Marketing Poultry. and trouble of grinding it, and On many large poultry plants, enable it more quickly to digest especially where the production ar)d assimilate the lood. The Every Film A W inner of eggs is the principal object, last meal, however, should be of Drama, Comedy, Laujlftiter and Pathos the hens are kept for two laying whole corn, which will keep the seasons, one half of the flock be- digestive organs working most of ing replaced each year, the n>f?ht. If the last feed at There are several reasons why ' ni&ht consisted of ground grain the hens that have passed their the fowl would have it digested period of usefulness and are to *n about two hours after going be replaced bv pullets should be to roost, and during the remain- turned off in the spring. First, der °f the time until daylight, or consider the market. Current rather until the first feed in the prices for large hens in San morning, would be drawing on Foundations, W alks, Curbing, Drains, Francisco range from $7 to $9 the supply of fat it had stored C em ent W ork of all Kinds. E verything per dozen, and for extra large during the day. And it is easy to guaranteed from start to finish. hens, $9 to $11 per dozen. This that if half of what was laid is $2 to $3 per dozen more than on during the day was used to they would have brought two Reaerate heat during the night, months earlier, and is more than *t would take twice as long to they will bring a little later when Ret the fowl in prime condition Forest Grove, - - - O regon the young stock becomes more a s would if none of the stored plentiful. j ^at was used. By feeding the Then consider the price of " h°ie ^,rain atL niKbt we furnish eggs. Latest quotations from i1 ie b n v .''r,tb beat f°rni'ng food San Francisco show store eggs wh'ch " l11 •ast it all night. to be worth 18J cents per dozen, . ,°,y.t^e so^ ^eed’ mix one part while select white eggs are 20 m,ddl,n*8- one part bran and two cents. After paying the com- ,pat ts corn meab A considerable mission merchant, for selling amount niay he mixed at one them, and paying the transporta- tline' b,lt on y vvbat the fowls and you will save a lot tion charges you will have left can eat up c'ean should be wet o f trouble, worry and about 15 cents, which is probably at one time, as it soon becomes m o n e y . Much d e- about what your local merchant foin ’n vvarm weather, and there pends on the proper would pay you. This leaves a 1S no surer way °f defeating selection of your lum ­ very slim margin of profit. In your ob->ect than to feed so'"' other words, it is costing nearly n'ux*;ure The fowls quickly lose b e r —Strong, durable as much to produce the eggs as | their appetite for the mash, and dim ension and joist, refuse to eat it. It should be you are getting for them good, sm ooth siding Am Li/mUrfT>«rv With their own market value mixed with just enough water to that will take and hold paint, sound sh ingles and at the maximum, and the value ma'eanuts and th e m inia­ tu re lobsters, w blcb also m ake candy boxes. When you commence house­ cleaning don’t forget to kalsomine the walls. The best at G. G. • Paterson’s, Forest Grove. 18tf Pacific Drug Company T h e store of quality and right prices. Everything as represented or m oney refunded. We fill your prescriptions right. FRANK MERESSE, Manager, Forest Grove, Ore.