FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913. O I N o tic e o f F in a l S e t te e m e n t . Good form N o tic e ia h e re b y iriv en t h a t I, th e * u n iicn iy n e .1 a d m in is tr a tr ix o f th e e s ta te o f Isaac K. A n d e r e m , d ec eased , w ith th e w ill o f said d ec eased a n n e x e d , h av e tile,! in th e c o u n ty c o u r t o f th e s ta t e o f O re - icon fo r W a sh in g to n c o u n ty , m y fin al a c c o u n t aa su c h a d m in is tr a tr ix , a n d t h a t said c o u r t has s e t M .i d ay , J u n e £1, 191:), a t th e h o u r o f 1') o 'clb ck a. m. a s tn e tim e, a n d th e c o u n ty c o u r t ro o m in H illsboro. O reicon, a s th e p la c e fo r h e a rin g o b ­ je c tio n s In said a c c o u n t a n d th e fin al s e ttle m e n t o f said e s ta te . Liated th is M ay 17, 1913. K A ItA H M A N D E R S O N , A d m in is tr a tr ix o f th e e s ta te o f Is a a c K. A n d e r ­ son, d ec eased , w ith th e w d l o f said d e c e a s e d a n ­ nexed. N. W H A R R K T T , A tto rn e y f u r said e s ta te . 2itt5 HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. THE GOLDEN KEY By ELSIE B MATTESON R u le s F o r H ealth. The Ja p a n e se governm ent has Issued th e following rules for health fo r free d istribution: F i r s t —Spend as m uch tim e out of doors a s possible. B ask much In the su n und tak e plenty of exercise. T ake care th a t your respiration is alw ays deep and regular. Second.—As regards m eals, eat m eat only once a day and let the diet be eggs, cereals, vegetables, fru its nnd fresh cow s’ milk. T ake th e last nam ed as m uch as possible. M asticate your food carefully. T hird.—T ak e a hot bnth every day and u steam b ath once or tw ice a w eek If the h e a rt Is strong enough to bear it. • F ourtb.—P u t on roughly woven underw ear (cotton fabrics are preferable) and clothes, a com ­ fortable collar, light h at of any m aterial nnd well fitting boots. F ifth .—E arly to bed and early to rise. Sixth.—Sleep In a very dark and very q u iet room, w ith win- dow s open. the m inim um of sleeping hours be six or six and one-half hours and the maxi- mum seven and one-half hours, In case o f women a rest of eight und one-half hours Is advisable. Seventh.—T ak e one day o f a b ­ solute rest p er week, ou w hich you m ust refrain from even rend­ ing or w riting. E ighth.—T ry to avoid an y o u t­ burst of pnsslons nnd strong m ental stim ulations. I)o not overtax y o u r brain a t th e oc-. curretice of Inevitable Incidents or of com ing events. Do not say unp leasan t things nor listen, If possible, to disagreeable things. N inth.—Be m arried. W idows and w idow ers should be m arried w ith the least possible delay. T en th .—Be m oderate in the consum ption of even tea nnd cof­ fee. not to say tobacco and alco­ holic beverages. E leventh.—Avoid places th a t are too w arm , especially steam heated and badly ventilated rooms. University of Oregon June 23 to SUMMER SCHOOL Aug. 1 /1 3 Twenty-five Instructors— Fifty Courses Distinguished Eastern Educators A dded to Reglar Faculty University Dormitories Open. Board and Room at $3.50 per Week. Recuced Railroad Rates. Tom Brlukw-uter began life as ■ foum lrym uu and becam e a m ultim il­ T he o th er day t saw th e m ost sham e- j lionaire. W hile m aking his money be £ For Complete Illustrated Catalog, Address the Registrar, ful exhibition of discourteous tre a tm e n t m arried a woman w ith social a sp ira ­ th a t I b«|)e to w itness for some time, University of Oregon, Eugene. tions. Mrs. Brink w a te r's desires In said a charm ing w om an of th e world, th is respect w ere gratified In the place and. would you believe it, it w as the w here she lived, a w estern city, but discourtesy of tw o d a u g h te rs to th eir no Hooner hud she conquered In th a t m o th er? They w ere products of a field than she grew am bitious for a very gixxl p riv ate school, wtiere theli larger and more Im portuut one. A V IS IO N O F T H E F U T U R E . fa th e r and m other hud sen t them and But her husband did not become a p aid for them , too, w ith money earned H ow to Becom e “ D iv in e ly F a ir ” W ith A vision o f th e fu tu re rises. m utllm llliouulre till the tw o bad been L ittle T ro u b le . 1 see our cou n try filled w ith by h a rd work, c arefu l planning and m arried long enough to have a d au g h ­ Horn to the parents, Mr. and te r seventeen y ears old. To Introduce happy homes, w ith firesides of I f you are desirous of being “most m any sacrifices. c o n te n t—th e forem ost land of all divinely fair.” then adhere to the T hese d a u g h te rs w ere dressed in ex ­ Mrs. Clyde Crossley, a 9-pound th is d au g h ter, Itusam ond, Into the big­ th e earth. beauty program given below, as It will cellent taste. T h e ir spending money babe, Saturday morning of last gest. rich est and at the sam e tim e the I see a w orld w h ere thrones be the m eans of giving you a healthy m ost difficult social sw im In th e w est­ in th eir elegant purses exceeded, I um vv ek, since which time the proud have crum bled an d w here kings body and a comely face. If you are ern world then becam e Mrs. Brink- ce rta in , th e salary of th e ir fa th e r a t are dust. T h e aristocracy of skeptical of th is w ay of living, a t least father has suspended operations w a te r’s auiL 'tlon. As fo r Rosamond, th e ir age. They knew a little board­ Idleness has perished from the reserve your opinion until you have she wus ver^ well satisfied w ith the | as engine keeper at McMinnville. ing school F ren ch and G erm an, and earth . had an opportunity to try It out. T here friends she bad and did not care to • they w ere very well drilled in how to I see a world w ith o u t a slave. can he no question w hat your decision e n te r a new field. She w as much be­ ? The G. A. R. committee gave loved by those who knew her In tim ate­ f e n te r a d ra w in g room and how to gush Man a t last Is free. N ature's will finally be. forces have by science been en ­ T he day of th e woman who craves in th e accepted society butterfly fusli- very pleasant talks to the high ly and. though no oue knew it but her­ 1 j slaved. L ightning and light, h ealth and beauty should be laid out ion. One tiling in th e ir education had school pupils and grades Friday, self. w as very much predisposed to a w ind an d w ave, fro st and flume as follows: been sadly neglected. They seem ed inviting them to attend the me- certain young man, M acD ouald Sher- und ¡ill the secret, su b tle powers W hen you arise In the m orning run mnn, a young law yer, as a life part n o t to u n d erstan d th a t p aren ts dem and of e a rth und a ir a re the tireless to th e window, w hich should have been norial exercises in June. tier. Not even Mr. Sberm an w as aw are a courteous consideration a t all tim es, toilers fo r th e hum an race. th a t a h ea rt wus ready for him to open all night, and tak e tw enty deep, an d th a t, above all things, th ere should \ I see a w orld a t peace, adorned g ather, and even If be had been th e rap full breaths. be a polite tre a tm e n t before others. For the eight girls who served Idly grow ing fo rtune of Mr. B rtukw ater w ith every form of art. w ith m u­ P ractice som e sim ple all round exer Well, these girls w ere en te rta in in g would have made th e youug man sic's m yriad voices thrilled, while else for five m inutes. frien d s and d u rin g th e evening th e ir it the Gama banquet a comical backw ard In gutherlug it. T ake eith er a w arm or a cold sponge lips a re rich w ith w ords of love m o th er cam e into tile library to meet •pera was provided on Thursday T h ere w n three grad es of refine and tr u th —a world in w hich no bnth or both. I f you do not react well them . She really laid a b etter idea of •vening after the debate and rneut In the B rlnkw nter fam ily. Tom a fte r a cold plunge, om it It lu the exile sighs, no p riso n er m ourns; h o sp itality than h er d au g h ters, for she w as p resen tab le am ong well bred per fu tu re, a s It Is not fo r you. a w orld on w hich th e gibbet's business meeting of the Gama knew th a t th e real hostess should meet sons, and th a t w as all th a t can be said Go dow nstairs, and tw en ty m inutes shadow does not fall; a world all guests, even for a few m inutes. Sigma boys. The heroine of the of him Mrs B rinkw uter had acquired before you b re a k fa st drink tw o glasses w here labor reap s Its full re­ T h is little m other had never been In opera was Axleson. a good deul of the savoir falre of a so of hot w ater, not so w arm th a t it w ard. w here w ork and w orth go a “ llnishing” school, and her g ram ­ clety womnu. Rosam ond w as a lovely scalds the m outh nor so cool th a t it hand in hand, w here th e poor m a r w as th e plain everyday g ram ­ girl In her ow n home and am ong her nauseates. girl try in g to win bread w ith the Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Shaw and m a r w ith o u t the fluffy F rench phrases ■ itlm ate fri. ids, but th ere w as an un E a t a light b reak fast, refraining from needle—tlie needle th a t has been or up to d a te slang. I believe th a t she Miss Adelaide Hiebel attended a derlying coldness about fashionable so­ m eat. called “tlie asp fo r the breast of mnde som e erro rs in g ram m ar, for her dance at Hillsboro Saturday ciety th a t repelled her. T ak e a sh o rt w alk for a mile or the poor”—is not driven to the d a u g h te rs took th e trouble to correct more, w alking along briskly w ith chest d esp erate choice of crim e or night, and report a very enjoya­ T he finding th a t the doors of the h e r before th e guests, to th e e m b ar­ elect of New York society w ere closed th ro w u up and o u t und head held erect. d eath , of suicide or sham e. rassm en t of every one present except ble time. against her only stim ulated Mrs. Brink W ork. 1 see a w orld w ith o u t the beg­ them selves. T hey did not seem to re­ w a te r’s a m b 'tlo n to effect an entrance, T w en ty m inutes before lunch drink g a r’s o u tstretch ed palm , the alize a t all th a t corrections should nev The house on Third street be­ und she began th e study o f the sltua tw o glasses of hot w ater. m isers’s heartless, stony stare, e r be m ade before outsiders, and, E a t a sim ple lunch. longing to Mr. Dodge, proprietor tlon. U nlim ited m eans w ere a t b erd ls tlie piteous wail of w ant, the altove all, they should be done kindly posal. but th ere w ere hundreds ,of R est fo r half un hour. livid lips of lies, th e cruel eyes of the Sunrise grocery, which and gently. w ealthy fam ilies knocking a t the so W ork. of scorn. T h e plain little d ress did not su it the was partially destroyed by fire a clal doors w ho w ere not adm itted When you commence house­ T ow ard evening w alk for an hour if 1 see a race w ith o u t disease of fashion p late Ideas of th e duugliters of few weeks ago, is being repaired Mrs. B rln k w ater hunted th e dog m ar­ cleaning don’t forget to kalsomine you feel so disposed. flesh or bruin—shapely and fair, th e house. W hen th e d e a r little lady (I ket for the highest bred poodle and the walls. The best at G. G. T w en ty m inutes before you sit down the m arried harm ony of form "u se th e w ord lady in good faith) cam e by Harry Nauffts and a force of bought oue th a t took first prize In a to th e dinner tab le drink tw o glasses and function—a n d as I look life Paterson’s, Forest Grove. 18tf in, they Hew a t her ns if she laid been I helpers, and will soon again be dog show. In this way she got some of hot w ater. lengthens, joy deepens, love can­ on lire and roughly straig h ten ed her ready for occupancy, free ad v ertisin g In th e new spapers. D inner. opies the earth , an d over all In blouse. T hose d a u g h te rs scolded th e ir _____________ _ R est or recreation. Then a span of horses she bought at the g re a t dom e shines th e etern al Acre tracts in Sun Set Addition m other for having a blouse not p e rfe c t­ tracted sim ilar attention In the BDlmal to Forest Grove to be sold on T w en ty m inutes before creeping Into sta r o f hum an hope.—R obert ln- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hart will ly plain in th e back! Itude is not the bed drin k tw o glasses of hot w ater. horse show. By these tw o coups the gersoll. term I would apply. leave this city next Wednesday Indy’s nam e w as becom ing som ewhat terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoffman Sleep fo r nine o r ten hours. Building. 19tf She w as corrected In one or tw o for a visit to their old home in known, but she knew th a t If she re sta te m e n ts th a t she m ade In a m anner Vermont. They will also visit taxed her efforts It would soon be lost th a t the d au g h ters w ould not d a re to again. So she Joined the suffragettes use to any o th er person. “No, d o n 't several of the principal cities of and gave largely to the cause. say th a t,” said one. “ You have no the east while gone; their itin­ T his last move was probably the rig h t to give any opinion. W h at can erary, will include New York, most effective of all Mrs. B rlnkw ater's an old person like you. with no e x p eri­ moves, sltice It brought her In touch ence In th e w orld, know of th is?" I Niagria Falls, Toronto, Canada w ith a num lier of New York’s social w ish th a t I could give you th e ru d e and Victoria, B. C. They expect lenders. B ut this did not mean a social m a n n e r th a t w ent w ith It. acq u ain tan ce. T he goal w as not yet Now, 1 would w arn every d a u g h te r to Le gone about eight weeks. even In sight. The asp iran t had not w ho reads this little talk a g a in st fall y et been Invited to the house of a sin Ing Into disresp ectfu l w ays to w a rd ] (Will Thompson, a Sophomore gle fam ily prom inent socially. ! ______________________ h e r paren ts. N ever be asham ed of th e in the Forest Grove High school, O ne day w hile discussing suffragette fac t th a t y o u r p aren ts have not been "finished" or do not hold diplom as from went to his home in the Hillside business w ith a lady who seemed In colleges. You will find th a t th e older section to spend to spend the d in e d to be friendly Mrs. B rlnkw ater g en eratio n s have been busy earn in g week end Saturday, and Sunday told her w hat she had done to get Into society and asked w hat more she could m oney, building homes, m aking things possible for th e ir children to acquire morning went out into the wood do. Then and there for the first tim e som e of th e m ore show y th in g s th a t shed to split a little wood. The the h u n te r for th e portal by which she som e people are foolishly o v erratin g third lick struck his wrist, and m ight e n ter had th e secret revealed to her. It w as th e touch of gold, but the in th e ir valuation o f life. Good honest principles, high Ideals, Will dropped the axe and started gold m ust be expended In the right honorable actions and rig h t liviug for Forest Grove on the run. way. T he Inform ant knew a family who had hern born lu the sw im . T heir count fo r m ore th an a n y th in g else Dr. Kauffman took a few stitch fo rtu n es bnd failed. You need n ever be ash am ed of th ese os in the wound, and Will will T he sam e evening when Mrs. Brink- attrib u te s. I would suggest th a t you l>e proud of p a ren ts w ho have those soon be as willing to split wood w ater told her husband th a t she bad found th e key to New York society and qualities. No correction, no rudeness as before the accident. th a t It w as money he replied, ‘T il o r disresp ectfu l tre a tm e n t will ever draw you a check for a hundred th o u ­ count for a n y th in g except ag ain st th e Dick Crowther and Mrs. Aker sand ns soon ns you w ant It.” children w ho forget th a t they, too, a re were united in marriage Friday J “ Not so f a s t T he way It Is done Is not perfect. Keep In m ind alw ay s the d a y s of p a­ morning by his honor, County I more Im portant than the money. Y’ou t) ... . , are a d irector In several corporations. tience, trial and self sacrifice th a t . , yo u r p aren ts have given to you. They JUGgC kensonei . D ic k IS U ns- l D oubtless some oue of them needs an have generally respected you and have tive of Gales Greek, and is well Olllcer for a y e a r a t a salary of $50, show n kindness and love for you known in this city. Mrs. Crow th- . 000 . . . ” . long a fte r th is Mr. Von G. re- Owing to my tailing eyesight I will sell my business in Forest Grove and turn over . . . . . Not Surely you should give th e sam e to my lease to the lucky man who buys my stock of goods. I say lucky, and mean it as my >’ l came to this c i t y some months celved tlie . ppolntment. l ie wns glv- them . Y o u r Parent*. BEAUTY CULTURE. Going Out of Business K. N. Staehr of Forest Grove will Sell his entire Stock of Goods—Pianos, Organs Violins, Guitars, Accordéons and all other Musical Instruments will be Sold during the next few weeks at Prices never heard of before. Etiquette For B u s i n e s s Gi rl , The girl who c u lcrs business life m ust not expect excuses to be untile fo r tier on th e ground of sex. She Htiimls ou nu ctpml footing w ith mnii In the business world, hut tills Is not th e tru th ns j et. though It tuny he in th e fu tu re Wotiinn Is d iscrim inated • gainst nil through th e tuduatrlnl w orld just Ian nuse she is n woman She may do ns good or b etter work ttin ii n man In th e s.-iuie position, hut sh e cannot yet coiuinnnd the salary th a t he call Hut If she keeps on do lug her very best and Is prom pt and en erg e tic and neat In ap pearance, w ith it p leasan t word and a cheery sm ile fo r all com ers, she can already go a long w ay. and th e tim e Is com ing when ■ lie can go still higher T h e best bred girls ns well ns tlie g irls w ho a re most sm vcssful lit th e busin ess w orld never try to m ake th e fw o ab so lu tely d issim ilar w orlds min gle, b u t keep th e ir social life entirely fo r th e home. T K s Polit* Salutation, I f a w om an bow to you acknow ledge It, even th o u g h y o u r mem ory fails you alniitt n am e o r place of m eeting. A co u rte o u s sa lu te should alw ay s lie re tu rn e d No w-dl bred person should e v e r c u t an a c q u a in ta n c e . A tu rn in g In a n o th e r d irectio n or a purely polite, co n v e n tio n a l bow will show th e o th er th a t you do not c a re to c a rry your »octal a c q u a in ta n c e sh ip beyond tk e p re s e n t sta n d in g . agO from Woodburn, and has en a rosewood desk at the office of two snu children. Coneratula- tl,e Rr,ukw",*r M anufacturing compn uy. and Ills salary was paid In ad lions. vance. O ccasionally som e duty w as assigned him, but he wns not required to perform It unless he chose to do so T he B rln k w aters w ere Invited to d in n er at th e You U s and at the bouses o f several other fam ilies con­ nected with them , all In th e sw im T hese doors having been opened, o th ­ ers followed suit. W ithin half a year a fte r th e tu rn in g of the golden key the asp ira n t, her hu sband and her dnugh Shearer’s Confectionery can te r found them selves m em bers of the arm ed circle. save you money on your brick ice ch But Toni B rln k w nter spoiled th is so­ cream. 25tf cial a c h ie v e m e n t One of his form er Bring your wool and mohair to business associates, who had also . ., .. m ade his millions, cam e from th e w est A. («. Hotlmail and Company lor «rltb asp iratio n s sim ilar to those of highest cash price. 18tf Mrs. B rln k w ater. Tom w as asked , , . . hOW he did It and let the ent out of Shearer s C onfectionery can the bn* as soon ns it w as out it ran save you money on your brick ice m eow ing through the glided parlor» T he B rln k w a te rs w ere dropped. 25 tf cream. Mrs B rln k w n ter w as furious. Tom »-ns crushed w ith remorse at w h at he Shearer’s Confectionery can had done. Only one of the fam ily w as save you money on your brick ice not disappointed. Rosamond Brink- w ater found the cocktail d rin k in g and cream. 25tf c ig a re tte sm oking of th e women In the sw im not to her ta ste She w ent When you want that suit back to her form er home on a visit i pressed or cleaned take it to and did not retu rn. W hile th ere she m arried th e young man she w snted Marion Markham, who can do it and . , finds th e society of her native anil do it right. Repairing a City fa r mo-« refined thnn th n t her fs specialty. Shop on P a c i f i c th c r paid a sm all fo rtu n e to e n te r only j |( to he sh u t out a t th e beginning of the Stated communication this Saturday evening 8 o’clock Holbrook Lodge No. 30. A. F. & A. M. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethern welcome. By order of the W. M. H. M. Parker, Secy. Vi t avenue. first act business is by tar the hest paying business in this county considering the money it takes to buy it. It is well known and well patronized and every thing goes at cost in order to reduce the stock and by doing so make it easier to find a purchaser. I will sell all of my Pianos, Organs and all other Musical Instruments and also all of my Sewing Machines, one piece at a time, at actual cost, and more than that, I will accept a $30 coupon which appears in this issue as part payment on any new piano that I may have in stock during this sale. I his gives piano buyers an opportunity they never had before. First, to get a piano at wholesale cost and next, to even get the price reduced $30 from that figure. These coupons do not cost me anything or I could not afford to accept them but certain piano factories allow me to use them once a year and they will accept them from me as lull value in part payment on pianos when I settle with them. Cut this out and present it. lo ft V ^ . y ‘JsïSL’iSte-iVèSÂ y à % good for 1,1 payment on any new piano purchased | . B&Zaar from Monda>’ May 26th, Saturday, June 28th. RO? This is not any fraudulent advertising scheme, but clean, cold facts. Remember the place, the “BAZAAR,’’ next to Post Office, Forest Grove.