.OatooS IWIJOWH uoiaJO F orest G rove P ress W A S H I N G T O N C O U N T Y ’S N E W S P A P E R . Vol. 4 FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1913. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES INVITATION TO G. A. R. Dolarway Paving Bid Turned Pupils of Local High will hold down Other matters transacted. No. 29 Commercial 'Club would have W:!l be Prepared to Handle many times more than old veterans meet here present yield. next year. Exercises in Congrega- tional Church. Short Items of Interest Concerning people you The city council met in ad­ The students o f the Forest journed session Friday night to Grove High school will hold their consider bids for paving west commencement exercises in the Pacific Avenue and North “ A ” Congregational c h u r c h next street with Dollarway pavement. Thursday evening. The p r o - Only one bid was received, and gram prepared for the occasion it was not accepted. This bid will be as follows: was for $1.35 per yard without a Invocation, Rev. D. T. Thomas; guarantee to maintain the pave- piano duet, Misses Kerry and ment in good condition for a Littler; salutatory, Samuel Glenn period of five years, and $1.45 Morgan; oration, “ L ife’s Purpose with a guarantee to maintain the i and Goal,” Andrew Cecil Tup- pavement. I per; oration, “ The Mission of The Light and Water Commis- the Library,” Bessie Josephine ioner was'instructed to look after Morton; oration, “ The Y.M .C.A. time switch o f the Oregon-Wash- as a Social Factor, ” Edward M. ington corporation, this pertain-! Livingston; song, “ Afloat at ing to the time when the cor- Dusk, ” The Gondoliers’ Sere- poration should turn their power nade, L. Barnes, The Glee Club; on or off. A motion carried to commencement address, Prof, continue the box drain on “ A ” Thomas Gentle, director o f train- street, such as has just been in- ing school, Monmouth; valedic- stalled on First Avenue. tory, Mary Ella Garrigus; pre- An amusement man requested sentation o f diplomas, Mrs. to be allowed to conduct a mer­ Dorothy Seymour, chairman of ry-go-round within the city lim­ the school board; song, “ L ife’ s its, and the council passed a Dream,” . J. A. Parks, Glee Club; resolution to charge five dollars ; benediction, Rev. C. H Hilton, per diem for the priviledge. The alumni banquet to the Senior class will be given at the Five hundred feet o f fire hose, Laughlin Hotel immediatly after Patrol Brand, at one dollar per the commencement exercises. foot, was ordered purchased. The Educational sermon will The purchasing committee was instructed to purchase necessary be given at the Methodist church supplies for the chief-of-police. Sllnday. evening, by the pastor, The street commissioner was in Rev. Hiram Gould. structed to look after the waste water from the College gymna­ sium and Herrick hall, which flows into the street north o f the Thi* County will pay $10,000 campus. per year to support father­ Tuesday night the council met less children. in adjourned session. A resolu-! _______ tion was passed to reject bids of- Applications are pouring in the WIDOWS PENSIONED fered for PaviIdi ^ f tree^ county court for aid under the with Dolarway. The council will provisions o f the widow>8 pen_ now have to go over the ground sion ,aw> which takes effect June again for the paving of West Pa- g> and the court estimates that cific avenue and 1 A street, tak- Washington county will pay at ing the same legal steps as be- ,eagt $10)000 in pe„ si0ns a year, fore. Bill o f M. Taunton for | So far nQ applicationa have been $87.78 for 231 feet ot curbing al- fiIed excepting where the fami- lowed. Chief-of-police oidere i [¡es are large. One woman, Mrs. to remove curtain in pool room- Emma V. Russell, o f Dilley, Resolution passed to bear ha.f whose husband died March 5> expense of installing pavement relateg that she has nine chil. on Fourth Ave. between Main dren> eiffht o f whom are under and A streets in consideration s j x t e e n years of agfi Thjs o f a deed from the property own- famiJy wi„ cogt thfi c ou nty ers o f the street. No definite $62.50 a month as they have no action was taken by the property other support. Another woman owners. from this city has s e v e r a l A sight warrant was ordered children, and her husband is drawn in favor of the Warren wholly incapacitated, and she Construction company for im­ will come under the provisions provement o f intersection on of the law. First Avenue for $2952.45. Reso- Another case that has been lution passed to ask post office brought before the court is the department' for mid- day -mail. case 0f a California woman who City engineer instructed to make came to the county, leaving a plat o f city water system, sjck husband in California, Council adjourned to meet May the family now drawing $15 26. , monthly from a county in that state. She has seven children. Hillsboro Will Celebrate. Prunes Only Half Crop. Hillsboro will have a Fourth of Prune growers in this section Julv celebration this year. A of Washington county say that committee, consisting of W. W. there will not be more than half Boscow, T. M. Kerr and James a crop this year, owing to the Miltenberger, has been appointed cold rains at blossoming time. to have general supervision of This fruit is steadily gaining in affairs, and they will appoint all favor with the people, and the sub-committees. The city park price for the past few years has has been improved and better ar­ tended steadily upward. New rangements provided for hand- acreage is being planted each ling attractions. Forest Grove year, but the danger o f over pro- has made no move as yet to hold duction is remote. a celebration, and in all proba- ---------------------- bility there will be nothing doing On Sunday evening o f this in that line in the college town week the Seniors, Intermediates this year. Every cross-roads and Junior Endeavors o f the village in the county, besides the Congregational church had a larger towns, will have some sort Union Meeting at which there o f a celebration on the nation’ s were many present. The Inter- birthdav. and the people o f For- mediate society was the first of est Grove will have plenty o f >*8 kind to be undertaken in the places to vent their patriotism. , county. NEW CANNERY READY Additional machinery for the The Commercial Club met last Forest Grove Fruit Cannery is may be interested in. night, the purpose being to con­ scheduled to arrive this week, fer with Captain W. J. R. Beach and will be immediately install­ Aden Harper, 6f Gales Creek, Mrs. J. E. Bailey was calling in rejiard to extending an invita- ed. In an interview__with a traded at the local stores, Tues­ on friends in the Rose City 'lu e s-• tion to the Grand Army of the Press reporter, President H. C. day. day‘ Republic of Oregon to hold their Atwell stated that the cannery Irvine Bailey, of David’ s Hill, annual encampment in this city would be ready to take care of Joe Samet spent the week end was a pleasant caller at the Press next year. Captain Beach stat­ the first fruit that may be in Portland. Miss Lela Whitlaw, o f Port­ office, Monday. The Baileys will ed to the Club that should the brought to the cannery for can­ land, visited her sister, Mrs. give one of their populr dances Encampment be held here. For­ ning. Strawberries will be the Robert Young, o f this city, the in Bailey hall Saturday night. est Grove would be expected to first fruit offered. The cannery A large crowd is expected to at­ furnish four halls, a band and will have the capacity to handle past week. tend the affair. necessary advertising, and the twenty time the amount of fruit E. H. Sexton, o f Portland, hotels should be pledged not to that will likely be brought in Duncan Macleod left Monday spent Sunday with his folks, the raise their rates during the En­ this year, and the farmers and for British Columbia on a busi­ Sextons. campment. ness trip, and will be gone a fruit raisers will make no mis­ Judge Wm. Stevens, o f Dilley, The Commercial Club enthusi­ take in planting a large acreage, week or ten days. was circulating among his friends Darnell Heisler has left High astically endorses the proposition as there is no probability o f an in this city, Tuesday. of holding the Encampment here over production. President At­ Mr. and Mrs. George Hamlin, school and is going to work on and addressed a formal letter to well advises the planting o f the of Timber, were Forest Grove his father’ s farm. A. B. Craft left Friday for The Captain Beach, t h r o u g h the Cuthbert raspberry, as this fruit visitors Tuesday. President and secretary of the is popular with the trade, has Jeff Parsons, o f Gales Creek, Dalles to be at the bedside of his Club, asking him to represent been on the market for a great was a pleasant caller at this o f­ mother. the city in a general invitation to many years, commands a good Miss Eunice Bernard spent fice, Tuesday and became a sub­ the Grand Army to hold their price, and yields a good tonnage Thursday afternoon in this city. scriber to the Press. Encampment here in 1914, and per acre. Mrs. Chris Jensen, o f the Miss Bernard is in training in pledging the cordial support of The new machinery to be in­ Thatcher section, was shopping the Good Samaritan hospital. the Club to make every effort stalled in the Forest Grove Can­ Elmer Hamilton made a busi­ looking to the enjoyment of the nery consists o f an automatic with the local merchants, Tues­ ness trip to Hillsboro Thursday. ojd veterans during their stay in capping machine, which cost day. Austin Buxton, o f the Watt our city. $650, and an exhaust box, which Mrs. R. W. McMutt, o f Cor­ district, was a business visitor to The next annual meeting of cost $175. After the cans have nelius, was calling on friends in this city, Monday. the Commercial Club will be held been filled with fruit and syrup this city, Tuesday. Mrs. 0 . G. Ogden, of Forest Monday night in the K. of P. they are placed in the exhaust Will Boos, who has been work­ ing at the Boos rock quarry be­ Grove, has been a guest at the hall, before or after the lecture box and steam is turned into the box. After passing through this yond Dilley for the past two home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. by Professor Shaw. box the cans are capped with the weeks, was a Grove visitor, Cameron, in this city.—McMinn­ capping machine, which crimps ville News-Reporter. Tuesday. the cover down, obviating the Cicero Hines, of Gales Creek, James Loving, of'Gales Creek, was a business visitor to this was trading at the local stores, Representatives from four states necessity o f using solder. President Atwell and his fel­ city, Tuesday, and made the Monday. will speak in Marsh hail. low members o f the board o f Press office a pleasant call while Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers, directors o f the Forest Grove in town. formerly of this city, now o f Mc­ The Interstate Prohibition Ora­ Fruit Canners’ Association are Rev. Hiram Gould, pastor of Minnville, were attending the torical contest will be held in well pleased with their present the M. E. church, was in Sheri­ Christian church conference in this city tomorrow night in outlook, and are sanguine that dan Tuesday, where he gave two this city, last week, Rev. Stivers Marsh hall, representatives from the cannery will be a great suc­ addresses before members o f the giving an address. Washington, Idaho, California cess from the beginning. Methodist denomination. E. S. Boyd, o f Dilley, traded and Oregon to compete in the Mel Hiatt, prominet dairyman with the local merchants, Mon­ contest. Three interstate con­ Native Son Passes. o f the Oak Hill section, was a day. tests will be held at the same Martin Parsons, aged fifty-six Groye visitor Monday. Carl Hoffman was a business time, the winners to represent years, died at the home of L. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rahles, of visitor to Portland, Monday, go­ j each his district in the national McCoy at Gales Creek, Monday Hood River, were guests Sunday, ing down to engage special at j contest which will be held in after several months illness. The o f the Captain McCanns in this tractions for the Star Theatre Washington, D. C. Oregon will ! funeral services were held at the Decoration Day. be ably represented by S. W. home o f Mr. McCoy, Tuesday, city. • Charley Sears, o f Thatcher, Grathwell, o f Pacific University, Rev. S. S. Dallas officiating. In­ Captain F. S. Barnes, the world famous bow maker, is was a business visitor to this who won the state contest some terment took place in Forest weeks ago. seriously ill at his home in this city, Monday. View cemetery. These contests are held for the j Mr. Parsons was a native son city, and his many friends will A street fakir took in quite a be pained to learn that his recov­ little coin in this city Monday. purpose o f awakening and keep- ! o f Washington county, and was ery is doubtful. He was a smooth talker and cer­ ing alive the temperance move­ born near Dilley. His parents, ment, and are national in scope. : William and Mary Parsons, were John Davis, o f Toledo, Ore., tainly knew how to sell his William E. Gynn, a graduate among the eailiest pioneers of brought his wife to this city goods. of Pacific University and now a this section, the former crossing Monday, to the home o f her Mrs. William Pollock and little practicing attorney at Toledo, j the plains in 1848 and the latter mother, Mrs. Herman Glaisyer. daughter, Roma, were Rose City Oregon, won the Interstate Pro­ in 1852. Mr. Parsons was mar­ Mrs, Davis is quite seriously ill. visitors Saturday. hibition contest some years ago. ! ried at the age o f seventeen Attorney S. B. Lawrence was George Stone, a prominent years. He is survived by three a business visitor to the county farmer o f Cedar Canyon, was at­ Mr. Baldwin goes East. seat, Tuesday. tending to business matters in j Ray I). Baldwin and family, daughters, Mis. Geo. Stewart, Dilley; Mrs. Ben Hall, Patton Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Thomp­ this city, the last of the week. who have made their home in Valley, and Mrs. Rosa Coffrey, son, o f Cedar Canyon, were Alfred Freerksen, of Thatcher, this city since April, 1912, will o f Lafayette. Also three both­ shopping with local merchants, was a business visitor to this leave tomorrow or Saturday for ers, Jeff, o f Gales Creek; Ben, of Monday. city, Monday. their obi home at Marshall, Min- the Kansas City section, and Al- Mrs. Lee Covert, o f Portland, Mrs. G. A. Gilmore and baby nesota, where Mr. Baldwin will lie, o f Vancouver, Washington. has been visiting the past week are visiting friends at Albany be foreman o f the printing plant of the News-Messenger, one of with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. this week. Emmett Quick drove to Tim­ J. S. Buxton. Carl Hinman and wife return- the leadinK Papers o f that state ber Saturday and returned home Mr. Baldwin has been foreman Saturday night. The road over Miss Mary Hinman has been ed the first o f the week from ____ _ . . . quite ill the past week. Bend, Ore., where they have of the *,ress printing department to Timber is mountainous and George Reynolds was calling been looking over the country for the past year- and is notonly runs through heavy timber most a master journeyman, but he is of the way, consequently a drive on friends below Cornelius, Sun- with a view o f locating, also a Prince o f a good fellow. over it after night is dangerous, day. Mrs. C. A. Broderson, o f the He was foreman o f the News- but Emmett has handled the rib­ J. H. Shearer was a business Dilley section, was shopping in Messenger plant for more than a bons ever since he could walk visitor to the county seat, Friday, this city, Saturday, dozen years before coming to alone, and the accidents he has going down in his new automo- Clyde Pechin, o f the Gales Forest Grove. He and his family had could be counted on the two bile. Jake handles the wheel Creek neighborhood, was a busi- have made many friend3 in por- thumbs. like one to the manner born. ness visitor in this city, Satur est Grove who will be pleased to j F. M. Maury, school director day. Ernest Edwards, a traveling learn that they may return to and prominent farmer o f Dilly, Carl Nicholson, a former mer­ this city in about a year. Mr. man with headquarters in San was in this city, Saturday, on his chant o f this city, now farming Baldwin is succeeded in the Francisco, visited Saturday and way to the county seat. in the Firholm section, traded Press office by Mr. Dave Schwartz Sunday at the homes o f U. G. Edward Lufer, a bridge build­ with local merchants, Saturday. who has been employed in print- Hanna and Dr. William Pollock er o f Portland, wa3 in this city Dr. Charles Pollock, tooth car- ing plants o f several o f the larg- in this city. Mr. Edwards was Saturday, and spent the week penter o f Hillsboro, spent the er cities, and who is fully quali- associated with the fire depart­ end with the family o f M. E. week end with friends in this fied to sustain the reputation of ment o f California’s metropolis Hall, in the Oak Hill section. city. (the Press for superior printing. for many years. ORATORICAL CONTEST