FORE ST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 15, 1013. s S » « » w Sfi DRUG One of our new commissioners of labor and commerce is making a record by digging up and en- forcing the laws. He finds there is a law requiring seats for women employed in manufactur- ing and mercantile establish- ments, and there was a sudden demand for seats, when it was discovered that the law was to be strictly enforced. Too bad we have not a few such officers here in Forest Grove to strictly enforce the curfew law and the outrages committed on our streets would be punished as they de- serve. cause. He worked hard to se- cure the prohibition of the liquor traffic in his home town. He worked to see the sale of whiskey and beer forbidden, for he fear- ed the temptation for himself, but the voters allowed the saloon and paid no attention to “ blind pigs, ” and the young man fell, When dying he said to his pastor, “ I want the names of the church members who voted for the sa- loon. I wish to offer that peti- tion at the Judgement Seat of C hristas one reason why lam lost.” NAMES A living language is a chang­ ing one. Each day brings vari­ ations that oft times leads to con­ fusion in the interpretation of words and phrases. Hence it is the dead Latin language is used in medicine. There is safety in its unchanging word- forms and fixed meanings. No matter how a prescription may In letters received from differ­ be presented, the Latin name of ent places in Michigan the writ­ each specified drug means but ers say there is no denying the one substance and the prescrip- fact that the liquor interests took tionist knows. an active part in the defeat of Bring your prescription to us suffrage. Oh, how the saloon! and it will be filled right, with men fear state wide prohibition and they see it staring them in j the purest of drugs. In answer to the plea that women must not vote because they do not fight, Beatrice Rob- ertsen says, ‘‘If physical strength were to be the standard for vot­ ers and office holders, Jack John­ son, the pugilist, and not Wood- row Wilson, should be president the face. They sent thousands5 of the United States. of dollars into the state to defeat the women. Then the militants | At the meeting of the W. C. of England have hurt our cause, The Up-to-the-Minute Druggists T. U. at the Congregational also to think that votes can be Phone 901 church, Friday, May 16, at 3 p. bought by brewery and saloon m., Senator Hollis has kindly money. But the fight will go on j consented to address the ladies and the women will win. Good on ‘‘Women in municipal affairs.” citizens want suffrage, because Judge Fitch, of Dilley, was a Everyone welcome. m the women’s voice at the polls visitor to Forest Grove the first they see the vicious elements of the week. An incident lately brought to routed. A big step taken for Shearer’s Confectionery can our notice should move tc action i progress, and securing of better j save you money on your brick ice the most thoughtless. It is the homes. The saloons and the cream. 25tf true story of the downfall of a breweries, and the political boss­ Mr. and Mrs. Beck and little fine young man who had been an es won, but just wait a little and daughter were visiting in the ardent worker in the temperance the women will be victorious. Grove Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Hughes, of the Dilley seetion, was shopping in ^ W ORTH "I this city, Saturday. | L O O IN G IN T O l Bring your wool and mohair to % A. G. Hoffman and Company for A lw ays when it comes to the queston o f Food, w here it is I highest cash price. 18tf m ade, how it is m ade and w h a t • it costs. Bernard O r t m a n , of t h e Thursday and Friday is Pana­ Thatcher section, was a busi­ ma day at the Forest Grove Hat We have studied th e question, as we are m a n u fa c tu re rs of ness visitor to this city, Satur­ shop. Fresh line of millinery food products. W ith th e aid of day. e x p e rt chem ists and m odern eack week. Mrs. L. L. Lom­ m ethods, have s e t a new stan d - Snappy drinks that sparkle bard. 28tl ard in t he mak and please at VanKoughnet & Mrs. T. M. McDonald, of this ing o f g m r Reders new Soda Fotntain. The city, has returned from an ex­ T his Rexall Store. 28 p roduct tended visit to California. em b races the James Ruggles, who has been The Forest Grove Restaurant requisite visiting friends in Cornelius, was will move to its new quarters principles in a reliable in this city Monday, on his way next to the Star Theatre this leavener t> Gaston, where he will make week. The room has been fitted All G rocers his home with his son, Alfred up in elegant style and the pro­ Ruggles. 25c prietors purpose to give the pub­ pound can A complete line of the best lic the best that can be procured. varnishes can be had at the Pat­ Acre tracts in Sun Set Addition Crescent Manufacturing Co., S e a ttle , W ashington. erson Furniture Store, Forest to Forest Grove sold on Grove. 18tf terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoffman Building. 19tf Harry Russell, of Gaston, who recently traded his farm in that section to Ruggles & Goodman, has moved his family to this city and is occupying the house on W e have th e host equipped Fourth street which he received o u tfit in th e county. in the trade. g Brick, Stone and Concrete Work Dick Holscher, of the Watt Phone 876 Foresi Grove, Ore. district, was circulating among Let us figure on your w ork. the business men in this city, Saturday. Dick has a fine vine­ yard, and states that the pros­ pects for a fine crop this year are excellent, Miss Frances Hiebel will close her school in district No. 31. south of Hillsboro, tomorrow. The pupils will give an interest­ ing progam, and the parents of the children will be present to enjoy the occasion. Dr. Lowe’s time, energy and effort is devoted exclusively to Weigh the car—not its price. Both testing and and fitting glasses to are light. But the Ford is the one the nervous eye. He has been car whose low price does not indicate coming to Forest Grove 21 years it’s high worth—the reason why you next August, his next date here will he Thursday, May 22; Hills­ must “get busy” today— if you want boro 23. a Ford this season. Marion Hall, who has been vis­ "E v ery b o d y Is d riv in g * F o r d " — m ore th a n iting friends, in his old Indiana 200,0'Hi in serv ice. New price*—ru n a b o u t home the past six weeks, return­ JiiOO to u rin g c a r 1676 tow n c a r $875—w ith ed to his home in the Oak Hill all eq u ip m en t, f. o. b. F o rest G ro v e. G et section, the first of the week. p a rtic u la r* from He visited his son, Everett, who is now living in Idaho, on his way back. Mr. Hall says that M ain St Garage, Forest Grove, Or. before he left for Indiana he was somewhat discontented with Ore­ gon, but is resdy to take it all back, and now admits that this is the garden spot of the world. Forest Grove Pharmacy E R SO N A L B PICKUPS C o n tr a c to r S O M E S T E A M E D P U D D IN G 8 . ST EA M E D pudding la g en eral­ ly wholesome. T h e steam in g m ay be done by cooking in a ste a m e r and by c o n ta c t w ith the steam , o r it m ay be done by cooking the pudding In a double boiler by m eans of tbe b eat from th e ste a m in th e su rro u n d in g vessel. A iiiiitiuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiu; i Fruit Puddings. Lem on P udding.—B u tte r a sm all pudding dish, till It w ith slices of th in ­ ly cut stale bread and b u tte r sprinkled w ith su g ar and g rated lem on peel. M ake a cu stard by m ixing h a lf a pint of milk w ith tw o well b eate n eggs. P our th is over th e bread. L et it soak for an hour. C over w ith b u ttered p a­ per an d steam for an h o u r and a q u a r­ ter. T urn out und serve w ith fr u it or lemon sauce. D ate Pudding.—T ak e a q u a rte r of a pound of stoned dates, h a lf a pound of suet, h alf a pound of breadcrum bs, one tablespoonful of su g ar, tw o eggs and one cupful of m ilk. Chop su e t and d ates and add o th er ingredients. Place in a b u ttered b ak in g dish and steam . W hite P u d d in g —T ak e th e yolks of th ree eggs and bent until light. Add gradually one cupful of g ran u lated su g ar, stirrin g all the w hile. W hen very light add tw o tab lesp o o n fu ls of m ilk, one cupful of flour an d s tir again. B eat the w hites of th e eggs to a stiff froth. A dd quickly to th e b a tte r one teaspoonful of baking pow der. Fill w ell b u ttered cups tw o -th ird s fu ll and steam for tw en ty m inutes. Boll in pow dered su g a r and serve. Watch This Space Sweet Desserts. Sirup P u d d in g .-T a k e tw o eggs, tw o ounces of m oist sugar, tw o ounces of b u tte r, one-half pound of flour and a little milk. B eat all together, b u tte r th e baking dish well, pour in one-half pound of sirup, then fill th e dish w ith the m ixture. Steam tw o an d a half hours. W hen done th e siru p will form a brow n crust. C aram el P udding.—T ak e th re e eggs and m ake a cu stard w ith tw o ounces of sugar, h alf a pint each of m ilk and cream and six drops of lem on essence. In to a mold put th e ju ic e of a lemon and tw o ounces of sugar. S tan d th e mold on th e stove till th e co n ten ts tu rn a golden brow n. T hen move th e mold round th a t th e sides m ay be covered w ith tbe caram el. S tand tb e mold in cold w ater till the caram el is set. P our in the cu sta rd and steam slow ly for tw en ty m inutes. *aJ Watch improvements in A. G. Hoffman & Co’s, store. 28tf Thursday and Friday is Pana­ ma day at the Forest Grove Hat shop. Fresh line of millinery each week. Mrs. L. L. Lom­ bard. 28tl Notice. Be it known that the Sunrise Grocery on and after May 1st will pay cash for all farm pro­ ducts, Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and all goods sold at the bottom price and for cash only. JOHN DODGE. Proprietor. 23tf llllllllllllllllllll!li:illllli:illllll!l!lllll!!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllll# We pay the highest cash price for Mohair, Wool, Poultry, Butter and Eggs. Phone 631 A. G. HOFFMAN CO FO REST GROVE, OREGON YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University You can o b tain a th orough education, one th a t will fit you to g rap p le w ith th e w orld if n ecessary . M oreover, you can live in a r e ­ fined, hom plike atm o sp h ere a t H errick H all (the finest g ir l's dorm itory in the Pacific N o rth w est) w hile you a re p u rsin g your studies. F u rth e r­ m ore, you can receive sy ste m a tic in stru c tio n in g y m n astics and enjoy th e privileges o f th e gym nasium and sw im m ing pool. E nroll a t P A C IFIC U N IV E R S ITY House Moving and Repairing. fo r E ducation, H ealth and Physical D evelopm ent, and Do It Now ! E. A. DIXON W . A. CHALMERS F or S ale — Good household furniture, reasonable p r i c e s . Jesse H. Bond, North end of A 28t2- St. F or S ale —Shadeland-Climax seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest 20tf Grove. F or Q uick S a l e —A $12000. 38 acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, for $8500. One of the finest fruit farms in Washington Co. Terms, 1). A. Kennedy Phone Vine 151. 16-tf FOR S a lk . N o . 2 Smith Pre­ mier typewriter, good as new. First offer of $30 takes it. Press office. 16-tf A cre T racts in Sun Set Ad­ dition to Forest Grove to be sold on terms. W\ W. Ireland, Hoff­ man Building. 19tf F or S ale Baled Clover, baled Timothy in ton lots. Good stuff. Ed. L. Naylor. 24tf Wanted a couple of young calves, either sex. Phone 0185, Edw. L. Navlor. 27tf For particulars address P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. W ATCH THIS SPACE! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . To E xchange Seed potatoes for equal quanity and quality re­ turned this fall. Phone 0185, Edw. L. Naylor. 27tf A t once, a few stock sheep (Ewes and Lambs) phone 0185. or write Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove. Ore. 28t4 W anted , Advertise in the Press. B oard of D irectors : Geo. Mizner L. J. Corl H. G. Goff W. H. T. W. Sain John Templeton H. T. Buxton Hollis E. W. K. Newell Geo. G. Hancock Chris Peterson W. Haines