FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 15, 1913. F o r e s t G r o v e p r e s s disrepute from acts on the part of some of its members. J . N . Hoffman, M anaging Editor. The acts of the voters of Cor­ T H E P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G C O nelius, our sister town at its late FO R EST GROVE. ORE. election in voting for dry condi­ tions, has arroused the indigna­ T eleph o n es : O ffice 502 R esidence 442 tion of the German Speaking So­ ciety of Cornelius, w ho passed a T erms of S u b s c r i p t i o n resolution last week expressing One y ea r, in ad v an ce.......................$ 1.50 their deepest regrets in being Six m onths, in a d v a n c e .........................75 T h ree m onths, in advance...................... 50 deprived of their personal liber­ ties by denying them their re­ T H U R S D A Y , MAY 15, 1913. freshments while trading in the city. They further resolve that D isp lay a d v e rtis e m e n ts fo r p u b lic a tio n in th e during the continuation of dry P r e s s m u s t be in th is office n o t la te r th a n T u e s ­ day e v e n in g to in s u re a p p e a r a n c e in c u r r e n t issu e conditions they will direct their trade to places w'here they may E n tered a t th e post office a t F o rest Grove, Ore. quench their thirst. They ask as m ail m a tte r of th e second class. that an effort be made to restore former conditions. The resolu­ The man who throws stones is tion and petition is signed, Ger­ the man whom you should watch hard Goetze as president and when he is in actual eruption. Wm. Schendel, secretary. ESTATE ACTIVITY ____ ßäJ Furnished by Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro Fountain Lawyers 22 F ir s t Ave. N o-th P hone: Office 40x R esidence 402 Forest Grove, Ogn. Forest Grove, Ore, W. P. Dyke S. B. Lawrence II. W . Voilmer, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Attorneys-at-Law Office in A b b o tt Bldg. Forest Grove N at’l Bank Bldg John P earson and wf to S tan d ard T ra n sfe rs for w eek ending May 5, B oth T hones F o re s t G rove, Ogn. Box & L um ber C om pany SEVi of 1913. Forest Grove, Ore. W A Shaw and w f to W ilhelm F NW Vi; SWVi of N E 1-4, and NVi of Ind. Phones S ch n eid er E 1 a cre o f lot 96, Jo hnson SE 14 sec 7, 3 N 4, $10. J. N. Hoffman A rth u r B urke and V ivian, his wife, E s ta te A ddition to B eaverton-R eed- D R . C .E . W A L K E R to W alter B urke lot 6, blk 7, K nob Altorney-at-La n> ville A creage, $10 etc. F ra n k C olfelt and w f to J e n s N H ill A ddition to F o re s t Grove, $270. E Q U IT Y A N D PR O B A T E O N LY Wm C a rste n se u , 3 a cres in sec 20, 2 S 1 1 Mary A nn O rr and hus to Office H offm an Bldg. Pacific A ve. Osteopathic Physician $2250. K eidt lots 9, 10. 11. 12, 13, to 34 in ­ Ind. Phone 502 F o re s t G rove clusive, in blk 18, W est P o rtlan d R u th T ru s t C om pany to J P C on­ Treatment by Special Appoint­ verse lot 8, blk 54, North. P lains, H eights, $10. Alice A dkins and hus to Jaco b F $1350. ment Only Mark B. Bump J o h n C orkish and wf to J o h n Page T racy NWVi of SWVi Bee 32, 2 N 5, Bond, lot 3, G ray O ak T ra c t $1000. $400. Attorney-at-law W . Q. Tucker, f.l. D. B L B unnell and wf to E liz a b e th C | J. D Rode and wf to F ritz Schlie and wf lots 5 to 12 inclusive in blk South of C ourt H ouse Lew is lo t 1, E cho H eights, $250. Physician cr.d Surgeon 4, F re d A B row n and w f to J E 3; lots 6 to 12 inclusive in blk Hillsboro, Ore. F o re st R eeves 30-100 a cre in H illsboro, O re­ Valley View, an ad d itio n to C alls answ ered prom ptly day o r night Phone: O.Iice 271, R esidence 283. gon, $!0. Grove, $5000. Joseph T Eckley and w f to A lexan­ Hollis & Graham P ru d e n tia l Ixian and T ru s t Com pany to JameB H ard y B e n n e tt tr a c t 24, d er A itken and w f lot 33,M illard and Dr. H. R. Kauffman Van S chuyver T ract, $10. C hehalem M ountain O rc h r—*s $1589. A ttorneys-at-Law Physician & Surgeon P riscilla M D aly to M arlon R M ark­ A gnes Belle W a tts e t al to E R W irtz tr a c t in M arvil M W a tts an d ham lot 8, blk 3, South P a rk Add to Office: F o re st G rove N a t’l B ank B uilding Forest Grove, Ugn. P hone M ain 0131 wf DLC No. 48, 1 N 4, $479. F o rest Grove, $300. E m il L u th i to P e te r C onrad N '/2 I H enry W ill and w f to O regon N u r­ Forest Grove, Ore. sery Com pany lot 5, blk 8, O renco of N W V i SW14 sec 26, 2 S 1, $2500. E. B. Tongue, T J F o rc e and w f to K M B orgen T ow nsite, $1. 2.20 a c re s in R o b ert S T u p p e r DLC Clem qns H ilsm an an d w f to A nna R. M. Erwin, M. D. Jlttorney-at-Law No. 42, 1 S 4, $10. H ulsm an e t al SWVi of N W 1-4 sec Physician and Surgeon D istric t A tto rn e y . F e lix V erhoeven a n d w f to J A 16, 1 S 3, $10. T am iesie Bi ilding H enry C haliacom be and w f to G W T h o rn b u rg h undivided Vi in t in 12 Hillsboro, Ore. 3d and M ain S ts. a c re s in Jo h n G riffen DLC No. 56, 1 and O A Z im m erm an WV& of SWVi Hillsboro, Ore’ N 2, $1. sec 34, 1 S 3, $10. E liz a b e th R o sser and h u s to A G C M C lover and wf to J u stu s T N eff Y eager & Cornish G ibson 11.86 a c re s in A H ill DLC No. and wf 4.09 acres in lo ts 1 and 2, S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Attorneys at Laid 42, 2 S 3, $2500. F ruitvale A ddition to F o re s t Grove, Physician and Surgeon Jo h n W F u q u a and w f to E s th e r E | $2600. Hillsboro Commercial Bank Buildtng J F u q u a lots 1 and 2, blk 5, South Em m a G W a tts and hus to A lbert D elta B uilding Phone City 232 Hillsboro, Oregon P a rk A ddition to F o re s t G rove $1 etc. L ubberm ann 25.12 acres in B arton Hillsboro, Ore. U ora S p e n c e r and hus to H arry DLC, $1 etc. John W G ibson an d w f to F red Dr. E. J. Crowthers S p e n c e r NEVi of SWV4 of N E 1-4 sec 33, 3 N 2 $300. O berg V4 a cre in— $75. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. A man’s efforts through life Ladies’ Club Entertain. may be likened unto the crack­ Monday night the Woman’s ing of a nut. All is labor until club met with Miss M. F. Farn- the kernel is secured. ham at Herrick hall. The rooms were decorated with lilac and In calling for county warrants j ferns. The first on the program at the clerk’s office it is not un­ was a piano trio by Misses Mic­ common to be asked if this is kle, House and Thomas, and re­ your part of the compensation sponded to encore. Mrs. McEl- for the Forest Grove Cleanup. Downy gave a vocal selection. Misses Peterson, Thomas and Yes, Forest Grove is a beauti­ House sang a trio; Mrs. McNeil, ful town, no mistake about that, vocal solo; Ned Livingston cor­ and our citizens are going to net solo; Goldie Peterson, vocal shine up her old cases if it keeps solo. The last number was a the grand jury in session the chorus by Mesdames McNeil, Glasier, Ferrin, Richardson and rest of the year to do it. Misses Peterson, House, McEl- downy and Thomas, a'l respond­ Man’s trials are a good test of j ed to encore. Refreshments were his goodness and ability. The served in the dining room and man whose path has never been ( halls. This being guest evening, crossed, who has had uninterupt each member was allowed one ed sailing, has not been permit­ guest, and the large rooms were ted the opportunity of proving well filled. The women wish to his real worth. thank all the young people who There are folks who never stop so kindly helped with the even­ to consider whether the other ing of entertainment and the Donald Lamb was on the sick Steve Morgan was visiting in fellow deserves it or not, take no serving of refreshments. list last week. Portland Monday. thought as to where the Press President Southwick, of the Miss Hazel Barker visited in Dr. Lowe’s glasses are death cames in! Let us say right here that so long as there is room at Emerson School of Oratory, of to headaches. Ask your neigh­ the Watts District Sunday. the trough, we are in with both j Boston, Mass., will give a read­ bors. Miss Gladys Emmerson is now feet or there is something doing. ing on “The Rivals,” Tuesday, Mrs. Gus Danielson made a working in the 15 cent store. June 3, at Marsh Hall, under the business trip to Portland this — Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Abraham There are many fathers and auspices of the Women’s club, week. 1 were Portland shoppers Satur­ mothers in the Grove and for the proceeds to go towards keep­ C. H. Brown and S. P. Wright, day. that matter, in other localities, ing the reading room open on of Portland, were in this city at­ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Emmer­ who would ward off a severe Sunday. The women ask the tending a council meeting. son are visiting friends at Hope- heart ache in time to come if help and co-operation of the citi­ Mrs. Bertha LeBow Moreley well, Ore., this week. only they would insist on know-j zens of the town in this worthy and baby are visiting friends and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Emmerson ing where their hoys and girls \ cause. relatives in the Grove this week. 1 visited in the Grove with his Buy your shoes at A. G. Hoff­ are during the late’- hours, and father, W. C. Emmerson, before Shearer’s Confectionery can man & Cos. 28tf with whom they associate' save you money on your brick ice moving to Newport. A new and up-to-date line of cream. 25tf Shearer’s Confectionery can wall paper in many handsome It certainly is not necessary to save you money on your brick ice Mrs. R. F. Emmerson and call the attention of our city patterns. P l a i n , figured and children made a trip to Portland cream. 25tf council to the need of an ordin­ novelty goods to select from. last Friday. Miss Eva Heisler visited at the ance that prohibits dogs from All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ home of her sister, Mrs. Carl Mrs. C. B. Campbell and Mrs. running on the streets. Our [ erson’s Furniture Store, Forest Hoffman. J. M. Smith visited in Portland 18tf grocerymen often meet with this Grove. The Forest Grove Fruit Grow­ Miss Gladys Todd, who is Saturday. nuisance when displaying vege­ Leda Marsh, formerly of Gales ers’ Association received from teaching school in Vancouver, tables on the walks, and not un­ Creek, now of Monroe, Oregon, Sumner, Wn, fourteen bundles has been visiting at her home common is the pedestrian both j has been visiting in Gales Creek of trees. yound and old of both sexes to | here. Roe. Thompson, of Seattle, meet with unsightly nuisances J House to rent, 7 rooms; berries the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Vander Wn., was visiting his parents, from the canine tribe. to supply large family, garden Zanden, of the Verboort section, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson, ready to plant, barn, chicken were trading at the local stores, the past week. We are not going to knock any house and yard. Inquire at Cole­ Monday. Don’t forget for every $6 pur­ body; that is not the atitude of j man’s, corner Gth St., 3rd Ave. Mrs. Glaiser and daughter, chase of merchandise bought at 27 the Press. In saying this we are 1 Violet, left Monday for an ex­ A. G. Hoffman’s you will get reminded of a story told some-} tended visit with their son and your choice of a piece of silver­ thing like this: “Three persons j brother in the Philippines. ware or dishes free. 28tf were playing at cards, some one Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas and persistently cheating; one player When you want that suit daughter, of Portland, were in pressed or cleaned take it to had hut one eye; one of the play­ town Friday. Mr. Thomas is the Marion Markham, who can do it ers placed his gun on the table owner of the Laughlin hotel. with the threat that he would and do it right. Repairing a not accuse any individual of John Cornelius, leading the specialty. Shop on P a c i f i c cheating, but some one was simple life in the Blooming sec­ avenue. 10-tf cheating, and if it occurred again tion, was greeting his many Ambrose Porter, who has been he would shoot out the other friends in this city, Tuesday. visiting friends in Washington, eye.’' When you commence house- has returned to his home in this I ry our new fountain and cleaning don’t forget to kalsomine city, and will go from here to get new drinks, and new the walls. The best at G. G. Scoggins Valley, where he will The various denominations of Paterson’s. Forest Grove. 18tf ice Cream served in an up the church have and are accom­ visit his daughter, Mrs. Louis plishing much good. Sad it to date manner. Jap-a-Lac is the housewife’s Wilcox. would be for any community to friend. Will renovate the oldest It looks good to see an old he without church and its influ­ furniture, cover the woodwork, timer of the Grove on the streets ence, but we often hear it said Our special drinks are right, stain the floors, and can be used again. R. L. Roe, who has been and oftimes true that the church in many other ways. For sale in Portland for some time, has our ice cream is perfect, is used as a refuge for the worst by Paterson’s Furniture Store, returned and is now helping in- our service is to please you. of hypocrits. This is even true fW w t G fs n , I8tf Abraham’s store. of lodges. Brave and true is the There may be something in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sargent, man or woman who has the cour­ the following list which you can age to take in hand the man or use: Dining table, rockers, cop­ cf Gales Creek, were calling on per boiler, tubs. Remington type­ friends in this city, Tuesday. woman who has so proven them­ writer, hammerless shot gun Walter wears one of the finest selves to be unworthy, and with VanKoughnet & Reder with leather case, 25-20 rifle, beards that has been seen in this kindly advice and attention, rubber boots and 42ft tennis net. section lately. Its luxuriant TH E REXALL STORE make them all they profess. Too Call at this office or at residence. Forest Grove, Oregon often from lack of such courage 5th Ave. So. Not later than growth is due to the fine climate of Washington county. Monday. R. D. Baldwin. the church or lodge falls into Soda Dr. D. W . Ward Dr. E. B. Brookbank Physicians and Surgeons W . M. Langley & Son Physician and Surgeon ‘Physician, Surgeon and Osteopath C alls answ ered day and n ig h t Office in Ja c k s o n P h arm acy Cornelius, Ore. Calls answ ered d ay or n ig h t. H illsboro N ational B ank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. W. B. COON, V. S. O ffice on 1 st S t . J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. B etw een Pacific and 1st Ave. S. H aving b o u g h t o u t D r. F eeley, V et­ Physician and Surgeon erin arian , I w ish to n o tify th e public th a t I am p rep ared to an sw er all calls, Phone C ity 384 Room s 4 and 5, S ch ulm erieh Bldg. day o r n ig h t. Phone Main 95 F orest G rove , O re Hillsboro, Ore. ROUND TRIP SUMMER EXCURSIONS EAST V IA T H E T ick ets will be sold from all m ain and b ran ch line points in O regon to E a ste rn d estin atio n one w ay th ro u g h C alifo rn ia or via P o rtlan d . Stop overs w ithin lim it. TICK ETS on SALE DAILY— May 28 to Sep. 30 Final Return Limit Oct. 31st TO Atlantic City Baltimore Boston Chicago Denver Toronto Detroit Indianapolis Kansas City Memphis New York Washington, D. C. Norfolk Omaha Philadelphia Rochester St. Louis Winnipeg And various o th e r points South and E a st. Call on n e a re s t A g en t fo r full in fo rm atio n as to ro u tes and fa re s to any p a rtic u la r E a ste rn city, and fo r lite ra tu re describing points along the S. P. or w rite John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Mrs. M. A. Gordon made a business trip to Hillsboro. Go see the new line of men’s and children’s hats at Hoffman & Co's. 28tf Judge Langley, who has been sick for some time is improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Ryeheart came out trom Portlan in their auto Sunday. S. A. Walker was elected last night as representative of Wash­ ington Encampment I. O. 0. F., No. 24 to attend Grand Encamp­ ment which meets at Medford next Tuesday. Prof. A. W. Taylor, head of the economics department of the Washington State College at Pullman. Wn., visited with his mother, Mrs. 0. M. Taylor, of this place. Captain Barnes is reported as being very sick. Gearge Littlefield, of Kansas City, was in the Grove, Tuesday. Chas. Lilley, of Portland, vis­ ited with D. Pierce, here, Sun­ day. Mrs. Lewis Shogren is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Olsen, in Portland. Robert Emmerson. of Boise. Idaho, visited with his uncle, W. C. Emmerson, here, a few days last week. Miss Winona Ogden has been absent from her work in Hoff­ man & Co’s, store owing to a severe case of sore throat. Mrs. O. M. Taylor and Miss Anna made a trip to Portland Saturday to attend the Reed col­ lege conference on the Conserva­ tion of Human Life.