FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 15. 1913. 1 TH E S T A R Ê bû T H E A T R E The Press Poultry Department j W rist W atches for Ladies Conducted b y //. S. Canon, M agalia, Calif. : Send questions for this department direct to Mr. Canon to insure prompt answers. ! Motion Picture Exhibition Natural Incubation. broken and covering the rest The Best Pictures Obtainable Without artificial incubation with a coat f white and yolk the poultry industry could never which clogs the pores o f the Every Film A Winner have reached its present enor­ shell, shutting off the chick’s Drama, Comedy, Laughter and Pathos mous proportions. The incubat­ supply o f air. This will soon or and brooder have made it pos­ kill the chick unless the eggs are sible to hatch and rear chicks in washed in tepid water and the numbers that would be absolute film of dried egg entirely remov­ ly impossible with the natura ed. way o f hatching with hens. The object of building the nest of moist earth is to furnish mois Yet, for the “ city lot” anc “ back yard” poultryman as wel ture to the eggs. A hen knows as the farmer who only raises instinctively that the eggs need a few fowls, «he natural methoc moisture, and in stealing her Foundations, Walks, Curbing, Drains, is quite satisfactory. And while nest away from from the build­ Cement W ork of all Kinds. Everything setting a hen seems like a very ing, will almost invariably make guaranteed from start to finish. simple operation, it is seldom it on the ground, under the pro­ done as it should be done, for tection of some overhanging like so many simple things, it bush or under a barn or other ' M . S. T A U N T O N , seems that many people do not building. The moisture from the Forest Grove, - - - Oregon consider it worth studying or ground keeps the eggs from dry­ ing down, and keeps the lining thinking about. One of the commonest mis from becoming so dry and tough takes is giving the hen more that the chick cannot break eggs than slm can cover well. through when the time comes for I know the temptation. One it to hatch. Unless a hen is very gentle more egg may mean one more Start Right on and very broody it is best to re­ chick, we argue, and we keep move her from the nest where adding one more and one more Home Building she has been laying to the nest until the hen that should not prepared for her, at night. She have more then thirteen has six­ and you will save a lot will then settle down on the eggs teen or seventeen, and the hen of trouble, worry and and by morning will have become that could cover fifteen has eigh­ money. Much d e- accustomed to the change in her teen or twenty. Now it would pends on the proper surroundings. A supply of food be alright if the eggs remained and fresh water should be left selection of your lum­ in the same position all during where she can get it when she is ber Strong, durable the period o f incubation, but they ready for it. Many hens do not do not. When the hen leaves dimension and joist, leave the nest the first day. the nest, the eggs naturally roll good, smooth siding Ain IvmUri*** Every effort should be made to to the center, and when she re that will take and hold paint, sound shingles and keep down the vermin while the turns, she works her body down smooth flooring, end matched and hollow backed, hen is sitting. I think that I so that the breast rests on the guaranteed to lay close. bottom o f the nest and not on may safely say that every healthy There are a lot of things we can help you with the eggs, and in moving the eggs hen has a few lice. By the end around they are shifted from one o f the second week these wil that will make your home a haven of contentment. position to another, so that the number quite a few, and by the Let’s talk it over. eggs which were in the center of end of the third week there will the nest yesterday are on the be many. Dust the hen frequently with edge today, and those which some good insect powder, and if Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. were on the edge are in the cen fresh tobacco stems can be se­ ter, so that all of them take their General Contractors and Builders cured, break up a few occasion turn, several times, partly, or Council St. Forest Grove, Ore ally and sprinkle them in the entirely exposed, which, during nest. A strong cigar will do as the early part o f the season, is well. Lice detest the odor and sure to result in chilling and fumes o f tobacco and will not either killing the germ outright, breed where it is. Since most or weakening it so that it cannot varieties o f lice do not breed on produce a strong, livable chick. the fowls, but in the nest ma­ Do not set the hen in the same Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked terial, straw and litter on the nest she has been laying in. It floor, the best way to fight them Every Day. is probably infested with vermin is in their breeding places. The which will multiply rapidly dur­ W e sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents lead louse, however, breeds on ing the three weeks the hen is Free delivery to all parts o f the city the fowl, and must be treated sitting. Take a clean box 15 to Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove accordingly. They are the dead- 18 inches square, and about a iest enemy the baby chick has, food deep. Into this put about and a dozen or so o f them will five inches o f moist earth. Shape till a chick in a few hours. this into a well rounded nest, oil mixed with grease will Investment Realty Abstract Company packing it well in the corners, (ill Coal off the head lice, but it must and line with clean hay or straw, not be used on the hen, for it well broken. Put the nest in a will kill the chicks in the shell. dark place, where other hens will It can only be applied to the not bother the sitting hen by Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. chicks after ther are hatched, crowding into the nest with her using a feather and applying Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. to lay, as this usually results in the grease all about the chick’ s one or more of the eggs being GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE lead, neck, and throat. The lead -lice work only in those places. Ten drops of oil to a table spoon o f lard or other oil is the proper proportion. The lard will have to be melted and the oil mixed with it while hot. Ap­ ply while still warm enough to run freely. CEMENT W O R K . HOME T H E newest style— and a sensible one. Deco* rative and convenient. The Lady Elgin the smallest watch made in America here illustrated in solid gold 14 karat Bracelet costs $55.00 up Same in silver $35.00. Slightly larger size Elgin wrist watches in filled cases as low as $18.00 S H E A R E R & SON, Main Street Forest G rove, O regon STAEHRS’ BAZAAR K. N. Staehr, P ro p rie to r Forest Grove, O regon. N e x t D o o r to P o s t o f iic e PIANOS, O R G A N S, S E W IN G M ACHINES, S T A T IO N E R Y A N D SC H O O L SUPPLIES P H O N O G R A P H S A N D RECORDS Pianos; 40 different makes. Organs; any style, parlor or chapel. Instruments; for band and orchestra. Sheet Music; the latest popular pieces, 10 to 25c. Phonographs; Edison in all styles. Records; full Edison catalogue. Sewing M a­ chines; latest improved makes. Needles and Extras; for any machine made. School Supplies; books and stationery. Notions; toys and birthday gifts. . G R E E T IN G ! Coaster Brakes to-day ! A few years ago, brakes on the tires were consider­ ed the best, they kept on improving gradually till they came to the “MORROW’ ’ Brake, I prefer this make to all others, it would take too long to ex­ plain why; investigate at C. Q. DANIELSON'S If you prefer any other Coaster Brake they will get it for you. You can absolutely depend upon the Reliability of their Coaster Brakes, and in fact any article that comes out o f their store. I must brake here, but watch for me next week! TH E CYC LE EXPERT. BAKING CO. Makes Your Abstract The Approach of Spring is the signal for greater effort it) all lines of endeavor. Warm­ er and dryer weather means greater activity in b u i l d i n g operations. Now Is the Time to Start work on your new residence, store building, barn or other structure. When you are ready to start That New House, get our estimates on all the ma­ terial you will require. Willis-Place Lumber Co., Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove. BELGIAN STALLION “Ouragan” 3821 Handsome bay stud, Grand Champion, 3 years old, State Fairs of California and Oregon, champion yearling at the A . Y . P. This horse has never been defeated in the show ring. Fee $25.00 to Insure Mare in Foal FOREST GROVE TRAINING PARK Forest Grove, - - - Oregon Call and see white goods for graduating dresses at A. G. Hoffman’s. 28tf Fancy Egg Drinks at Var- Koughnet & Reders new Soda Fountain. The Rexall Store. i8 The better your eyes see the better and quicker decis­ ions your brain will make. Your eyes plus your brain equal you. If you have defective sight Dr. Lowe’s glasses fitted by his methods will strengthen your eyes and brain. He will analyze your case and demonstrate this truth gratis if you are interested. Consult him about your eyes and glasses Thursday, May 22, at Hotel Laughlin. Scores o f For­ est Grove experiences. Remem­ ber the place and date. Pacific Drug Company The store of quality and right prices. Everything as represented or money refunded. W e fill your prescriptions right. FRANK MERESSE, Manager, Forest Grove, Ore.