Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 15, 1913, Image 2

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Forest Grove
Steam Laundry
Wood, Coal,
Cold Storage
and Ice.
Watch and Use
the Want Ads
and you’ll not need
to be a mind reader
The tho u g h t has o ften come
to you perhaps, t h a t you could
easily solve most difficulties if
you were a mind read er if
you could for instan ce,K N O W
who would be glad to r e n t
y ou r p ro p erty , o r to buy It;
who would be glad to employ
W a n t ad vertisers, and those
who w atch th e w a n t ads, learn
th ese things in a B U S I N E S S
W A Y—not through occult
By G . B. B R A C K E T T , Pomologist,
Bureau of Plant Industry, United
States Department of Agriculture.
Cor. 5th Ave.
and 2nd S t.,
Forest Grove,
apple orchard lands should be
thoroughly surface drained and
uuderdralned. No orchard can
endure for a great length of
time with stag n an t w ater either on the
su rface or within the soil. All surplus
w a te r from excessive rainfall or from
other causes should he promptly re­
moved by either surface or suhdraln-
If the natural formation of the land
does not afford such prompt drainage
It must he provided artificially. S u r­
face ditches or fu rrow s between the
rows of trees may afford temporary
drainage, but they are objectionable
on other accounts th a t will he a p p a r­
ent, for an orchard (bus drained will
be difficult to get over In Its necessary
care and in gathering and handling
th e fruit. Underdrainage Is far better
on these accounts. Besides, it is much
more thorough, especially If accom­
plished by means of well laid tile.
Temporary Drainage.
A thorough breaking up of the sub ­
soil will afford tem porary drainage in
u stiff clay oil, but in a few years the
soil will again become compacted,
when it will require restirring. B ut I d
1st Ave. N., n e a r Main St.
We are prepared to do
the very best of all
kind of shoe work.
Special attention given
to crippled feet.
Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet
Metal Work and Re­
pair Shop.
N o rth F irst A venue, betw een Main and
“ A ” S tr e e ts ; phone 863.
sv E i.r, L O A n w in e s a t A r rt,tt
f rom the preparing of
the food to the serving,
ab so lu te dumbness and
painstaking care is observ­
ed by the
Forest Grove Oyster House
Everything to Fat
O ysters
and Shellfish a
Open Day and Night
ED. BOOS, Proprietor
M a n u fa c tu re d
at the
100 for $1.25
250 for $1.75
500 for $2.25
thee .
all discs th e planter must tic the judge
of tlu> special drainage requirem ents of
Ills soil and location.
T he sell constituting the proposed
orchard site should lie carefully s t u d ­
ied. and if found to tie lacking In the
essential elem ents of fertility neces­
sary to m aintain a fairly vigorous
wood gro w th fertilizers should I k ? a d d ­
ed before plowing that they may he­
roine thoroughly Incorporated with the
soil ill preparing the land for planting
Well Ratted Manure.
Scientists and practical orchnrdtsts
are geaerullv agreed on th e great val­
ue of well rotted barnyard m anure for
an apple orchard. It supplies not only
I ii i i i i i i s . tint It contains a large per cent
of other necessary nutritive elem ents
for m aintaining health, vigor and fruit
fulness of tree and for the develop
w ent of the proper qualities for n tine
fruit product. Hut as the stock of this
sort of manure is not alw ays sufflcleut
for the general dem and other agent*
have to l*> resorted to. and next til
value and In a concentrated form are
On lea d ie d wood ashes, which will sup
ply to a great ex ten t the elem ents
necessary to plant growth. It Is m ain­
tained by some authorities th a t one
ton of nnleacbed w i s h ! ashes contains
ns much plant nu trim ent ns five tons of
ordinary barnyard manure; therefore,
w henever obtainable, ashes should lie
usml In preference to any other fer­
F e rtiliz e rs .
T here arc many kinds of m anufac­
tured fertilizers, some of which are
valuable onty for special soils or s(>e-
clal crops
It Is difficult to determ ine
w hat fertilizer It Is best to use w ithout
knowing what elem ents are lacking la
the soli T he th ree elem ents most com
monly needed by soils nre nitrogen, pot­
ash and phosphoric a d d . and chemical
fertilizers th a t contain the largest per­
centages of these substances In avail­
able form will be the most valuable.
A fertilizer containing 1>4 to 2 per
cent of nitrogen 7 to 0 per cent of
available phosphoric acid and 10 to 12
per cent of potash will give excellent
reaulta when applied to orchard land
In qu an tity ranging from 400 to 600
pound* per acre.
Western prairie lands are generally
sufficiently fertile for an orchard
gro w th and need no enriching until
Neat as a Pin Is
the trees begin to show signs of w eak­
This Spring Coat.
ness in vigor from crop bearing, and
even then they may be Invigorated by
tlie use of crops of red or crimson
clover grown am ong the trees, allow­
ing the crop to fall and decay upon the
grouud each year. By this treatm ent
a large amount of decaying vegetable
m a tte r rich In plant food will accum u­
late upon the laud, forming a moist
protection from the hot sum m er sun
and preventing deep freezing during
the winter, a condition conducive to
the health aud vigor of the trees. All
lands lacking lu humus can have this
element restored to a great extent by
such treatm en t, and orchards which
have been sown with red clover m ain­
tain greater longevity, fruitfulness and
excellence In fruit product, besides
dispensing with the costly necessity
of using special fertilizers.
As to the Indications when a bearing
orchard needs stim ulating the em i­
nent pomologist. Dr. Warder, once
said, “ When the grow th of the term !
nal branches fails to m ake an annual
extension of a t least one foot In length
the tree should be stim ulated by ma
During th e land and giving It thorough
T he principal requirem ent In pre­
paring land for. planting an orchard
Is deep tillage, and the more thorough­
ly this work Is done th e more certain
is success. The preparation bad best
be done Inte In the fall, so t h a t the
land will be ready fo r early spring
planting or for fall planting If prefer­
red. Many successful orehardists, es-
peclally ln th e w estern states, plow
the ground In "lan ds” so as to make
an open land furrow where each row
of trees Is to be set and then, a ft e r ti e
trees a re planted, backfurrow the
ground so as to make lands with tree
rows In the center.
There Is nothing dashing and pic­
This method affords a deeper tilth tu resque about this n ew outing coat,
under th e trees and a t the sam e time which is conservatively severe aud
su rface drainage Into the open land trim In style. It Is m ade of dark
fu r r o w s midway between th e rows worsted mixture in modified coat
which will receive and. If p r o p c l y style, with a stitched belt passiug
graded, carry off any surplus w ater through a buckle of the material.
which may accum ulate from heavy Pockets at the sides em phasize the
outing ch aracter of the model.
Distances For Planting.
Expensive New Cotton Fabrics.
A decision as to the proper d istance
Among the washable m aterials which
a p a r t to set trees varies with different
planters. Some plant 16 by 32 feet— a re newly displayed French ratines are
that Is, the trees sixteen feet a p a r t In prominent. They are to be had in five
rows thirty-tw o feet a p a r t T he ob­ colors, blue gray, brown gray, apricot,
ject of this method Is to obtain a crop lavender and green. All are in double
from the trees until they begin to In­ width goods and with an inwoven bor­
terfere with each other, when every der ure priced a t $3.75 a yard. T h e
alternate tree In the row Is c u t o u t plain colors are less Some also h ave a
leaving the trees In the en tire orchard tine black stripe, alm ost a hair line
at a distance of th irty-tw o feet each stripe, running through them. These
way. T he trees to be cut out should cost $2.50 a yard. One o f orange color
tie early bearing, sh ort lived varieties. and white has the effect of a sh ep­
This system has the ad v a n ta g e of herd's plaid. Chenille voile Is an oth er
more fully utilizing th e laud for fruit of the novelty materials, but th is la
It ts of wool voile
production until the tblnulng out be­ not washable.
foundations for a chenille stripe, which
comes npeessary.
O th er planters adopt a distance be­ Is closely placed an d stan d s up like
tween trees of tw en ty, tw enty-four or small ridges on the goods, so th a t the
thirty feet a p a r t each way. claiming effect ts t h a t of uncut velvet. White
th a t by th e time the trees Interfere stripes of chenille on black aud w h ite
with each other th ey will have finished on lavender are tlie only tones in which
their gro w th an d th e orchard will be­ It may be procured. It is forty-live
gin to decllue. But It Is generally con­ Inches wide nnd costs $2.05 a yard. It
ceded th a t thirty tw o to forty feet Is Is particularly lovely for the early
the p referred sta n d a rd distance. If spring costume.
th e distance of forty feet each way Is
Good to Know,
adopted It will afford ample space be­
i f you have ever attem pted to em ­
tw een th e row s for growing any crop
which requires cultivation, such as broider or stencil a piece of heavy b u r­
corn, beans, potatoes, etc. Such culti­ in]) you have doubtless grow n angry
vation is highly im p ortant nnd neces­ and discouraged a t the tendency of the
sary for th e m aintenance of moisture edges to ravel.
If you had taken tim e to ov ercast all
In th e soil aud for the health and vigor
of th e trees. This distance will afford the edges this could have been p r e v e n t­
free circulation of air and abundance ed- But It takes time. Next tim e you
of sunlight, both of which are essential have to work with burlap in m ak in g a
to th e grow ing of well developed and cushion top or c u rta in s simply stitch
highly colored fruit.
Small grain tho cut edges on the sew ing machine*
should never be growu am ong fruit Make the stitch long a n d th e tension
trees, especially when the orchard is loose an d then sew t h e edge In a wavy
line, keeping close to th e edge all the
time. It won't fray, a n d it w on’t ta k e
Best Time to Plant.
T he question ns to the best time to long to flx It thfei way. T he stitching
plant is governed so m ew h at by lati­ w on't show when the cushion is sewed
tudes. In southern latitudes Inte fall up or the curtains nre hemmed.
or th e early part of the winter may be
A Conservative Spring Hat.
safe for plautiug. But In most of the
In c o n tra st to some of the extrem e
states early spring Is considered the
better time. Full planting has the ob­ styles o f the m om ent this attra c tiv e
jection ag ainst It th a t the roots of a little h a t Is most admirable. Its shape
tree do not ta k e hold of the ground
sufficiently to supply enough moisture
to maintain n healthy active circula­
tion of the sap, which Is required to
prevent shriveling of the branches
during w inter's extrem e cold and ex
naiistlve evaporation from drying
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association
O f Forest Grove, Oregon
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Your
Business or Dwelling in The
Bankers & Merchants
Phone Main 701
South Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore.
Fresh Vegetables Every Day
Log Cabin Bread
Amber and
Fresh Each Morning
Golden Gate
! i
Neat Printing
is something every business man
desires when he orders station­
ery. Neat appearing business
letter heads, envelopes, state­
ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are
what can be had from the Press
Publishing Co.
Neat printing
Is Our Motto
and we endeavor to live up to
it at all times. When we fail
to deliver a job of printed work
which entirely satisfies, we are
prepared to make it right. A
job turned out of this office
must be correct in every par­
ticular. Bring your work to the
Press Publishing Co.
and be assured of securing some­
thing which is typographically
correct, tasty in construction and
neat in appearance.
A'lm ls.
T he selection of trees Is n very im­
portant part of orcharding, for upon
are and Judgm ent In this m atter de
►•end largely th e future proffts of the
investm ent, ¡strong, stocky aud vigor­
o u s one or tw o y e a r old trees, called
•whips" by ouserymen. having well
developed root systems, are preferable.
I'reos of this ty pe and age are mors
„ntlsfactory and profitable In time aud
..uffer less In transplanting, cost less
,i. d a re much more easily handled
, hau older ones.
lu this connection we would suggest
the advisability of purchasing trees
for planting from th e nearest respon­
sible nurserym an. The local nursery- I
man. tf perfectly fam iliar with hts
business, will understand the needs
,<nd dem ands of his home customers
and should grow the varieties best
suited to tils section of country. If conforms with the latest style m a n ­
honest he should feel himself morally dates. and the (vise of the shaded
If not legally responsible for the cor­ feuther is excellent. By th e way. this
rectness of hts nomenclature. By se­ Is one of the new scraped ostrich
curing trees at the nearby nursery all plumes. Immensely sm a rt and expen
dan g er from dam age by long tran sit slve.
and th e Injurious effects of sunshine
Songs For Children.
and frost are avoided. Besides. If the
Miss Jessie L. Gay nor o f K ansas City,
fa r m e r m akes hla purchase direct
from the nu rsery m an he will save the w ho Is a w riter of children's songs, is
expense of th e middleman or agent recognized ns an authority on kinder­
and ts less liable to the m istakes and garten s ings. T here nre said to be
injury th a t may occur through repeat very few writers of songs for children,
many poems being published, but few
vd handling.
of them set to music.
Cheapest and Best
W ashington-Oregon