Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 15, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
F orest G rove P ress
WA S H I N G T O N C O U N T Y ’S N E WS P A P E R .
Vol. 4
Polk County’s Seat is Shocked
at Revelations of Young
Members of Gang
Opportunity Well Received.
Tuesday night of last week the
Star theatre introduced the first
of a series of educational and in­
dustrial moving pictures, playing
to a packed house, showing the
appreciation of the public to films
of that nature. In the near fu­
ture the Star will present a film
a week dealing with the different
industries of the Pacific coast.
The management is to be compli- ]
mented on their endeavors to J
meet the popular demand for this |
class of entertainment.
Ray R. Richardson and Alice
McCan were married at the home
of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John McCan, of Gales
j Creek, Thursday of last week.
The newly married couple after
a short trip on the Columbia
have returned to Gales Creek,
where both are well and favora­
bly known, to make their future
home. This wedding promotes
May McCan to the titled position
! of Miss McCan. Success to the
newly weds.
K aiser W ilh e lm and C h ild ren
S n ap p ed at R ecent R e u n io n
No. 28
Much Complication Grow» Out
of Boys' Fishing Trip up
Scoggins Creek
Dallas, Ore. — The juvenile
Gale Miller and Ralph Higby
court of this county has had
made a fishing trip up Scoggins
much real work to do, but the
Valley Sunday. The boys fished
cobwebs are to be dusted away,
up Scoggins creek and and across
and about 15 young boys, rang­
the farm of Henry Scott. Scott
ing from 11 to to 17 years of age,
resented the boys’ presence and
are to face various charges of
ordered them off the premises.
The boys moved to a distance in­
Many of these boys come from
dicated by Scott and proceeded
among the best families of the
to fish. The boys tell it that
county. Without knowledge of
Scott in company with his father
their parents, they have fallen
armed with a shot gun again ap­
V. S. Abraham Exchanges Cor­ proached and taking each lad
in with older boys, who have led Old and Young Are Captured
by the Bbghting Fangs
ner Store for Patton Val­
them astray. An organization of
separately slapped and kicked
boys has been unearthed that for
of Dread Monster
ley Farm Property
them while the father attended
a long time has defied detection.
with the gun.
They have stolen everything from
C. W. Pease, aged 74 years,
V. S. Abraham, who for the
Thursday evening Scott, in
a 22 rifle to a key, including ; died at the Forest Grove Sani-
past four years has opeiated the! company with R. C. Walker, was
smoking tobacco, baseball mits, j tarium Saturday, after several
Corner Store in this city sold the met by the boys, when Gale Mill­
fishing tackle, pipes, cigarettes, weeks’ illness. Mr. Pease came
business together with his resi- j er, a lad of 14 years proceeded
candy and soda water.
with his wife to this city about a
dence in South Park to B. F. to give Scott a thrashing.
They traded these stolen arti­ year ago, where they made their
Purdy, of Patton Valley, Ex­ Scott and Walker swore out
cles back and forth, and thereby home near their daughter, the
representative of Washington warrants. Miller and Higby
hangs the tale of their apprehen­ late Mrs. Charles Hatfield. Fu­
county, Mr. Abraham taking in were taken into custody for as­
sion. Night Watchman David neral services were held in the
exchange for his property the sault on Scott. Other boys who
R. Grant and Sheriff J. M. Grant chapel of the Forest Grove Un­
J Purdy ranch, of Patton Valley, were present were arrested for
have been on the outlook ever dertaking parlors Monday fore­
valued at $60,000. Under the assault on Walker. The boys
since someone broke into the con­ noon, Rav. D. T. Thomas, pastor
management of Mr. Abraham appeared before Justice Smith
fectionery store of F. E. Kersey of the Congregational church,
the Corner Store has built up an Monday. The cases have been
about three weeks ago and took officiating. The remains were
immense business and ranks transferred to the Juvenile court
many articles. The capture of taken to Portland and incinder-
among the best of our city. The and will be heard in a couple of
one boy implicated led to the ex­ ated at the Portland Crematori­
farm of Mr. Purdy in Patton weeks by County Judge Reason-
posing of the whole band.
um. His widow survives.
Valley is considered one of the er. We understand that the
The entire community is shock­ Logan A. Markham, a youth
very best in that locality, con­ matter is now under investiga­
sisting of bottom and uplands, tion by the grandjury, and the
ed and many hearts are almost aged 17 years, died at his par­
P h o to by A m erican P re s s A ssociation.
broken. As a rule, the boys im­ ents’ home in the northwest part
suitable for diversified farming. wrongs there being investigated.
plicated are making a clean of town Friday, after a long ill­
H IS in te re s tin g p ic tu re o f K a is e r W ilhelm o f G e rm a n y a n d h is c h ild re n Mr. Purdy will in the near fu­
a n d close frie n d s w a s ta k e n re ce n tly
T h e e m p e ro r uiny be easily ture take charge of the store,
breast of the affair, and are re­ ness with tuberculosis. Funeral
From the Manger to the Cross
p ick ed o u t a t th e u p p e r l e f t N ex t to him s ta n d s th e c ro w n p rin ce , w ho
turning the articles as fast as services were held in the chapel
What will undoubtedly be the
h a s been re sto re d to his f a th e r 's good g ra c e s a n d h a s re tu rn e d to Her
possible. The sheriff and dis­ of the Forest Grove Undertaking lln. P rin c e s s V ictoria L ouise, w h o se e n g a g e m e n t to P rin c e E rn s t A u g u s tu s the farm, trying his hand in the grandest moving picture ever
trict attorney have made every parlors Sunday, Rev. Hiram w ns late ly a n n o u n c e d , a n d h e r slstc r-ln law , th e c ro w n p rin ce ss, a re a t the raising of stock and farm pro­ shown in Washington county will
one of them go home and confess Gould, pastor of the M. E. u p p e r rig h t of th e p ic tu re . T h e m en a re all w e a rin g royal re g im e n ta l u n ifo rm s ducts.
be presented at the Star theatre
to his parents, and it is believed church, officiating. Interment
May 27, both afternoon and ev­
Money in Prunes.
the rod is not being spared in was had in Forest View ceme-
ening, this being no less than
Dallas these days. The boys will , tery. Logan was a bright boy,
Green prunes sell for various Kalem’s Bibl i c a 1 Masterpiece
probably be compelled to work to | and his early death is regreted
prices, depending on the size of “ From the Manger to the Cross, ”
earn enough money to pay the j by many friends. His parents
j the crop and the quality of the a révérant moving-picture life
damages. The ring is being and several brothers and sisters j
fruit. The prices range from 50 story of Jesus of Nazareth.
broken up with a vengence, and j are left to mourn the loss of a I
j cents to $1.25 a crate, which This great picture film was
many a little heart 'is quivering j son and brother.
j means a net profit to the grower taken on the very scenes where
with fear as the dim walls of the
; of 50 cents to $1 a bushel. The the Savior was born, where he
penitenitary and the reform Grove People Surprise Friends
cost of crates, packing paper and lived, and where he died on the
school loom up in a ghastly light
A number of the members of
Sheriff McQuillian, of Hills­ R. C. Hill has just finished two loading on the car is placed at cross. Every incident in the life
before his eyes.
j the Bible class of the local Meth- boro, was seen on the Grove bungalows on the Mt. Scott line | 20 cents a crate. An additional of Christ, as recorded in history,
The matter will be laid before | odist church went to Portland streets Saturday.
profit might be obtained by using has been reproduced, as far as
at Myrtle Park.
Judge Kelly next Monday.
j Saturday and took dinner with John Ihrig, of the Firholm sec­ Mrs. Wm. Weston, of Port­ a small dryer in connection with possible. This great film con­
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pollock, tion, was a business visitor to land, is visiting in the Grove this the packing house, in this way tains eighty thousand photo­
THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. I former residents of this city.
obtaining a profit for the culls graphs, there being five reels
this city, Monday.
week with friends.
At the Christian church next | Mr. and Mrs. Pollock were com-
Billy Wilson, a prominent Jack Byers, of the Oak Hill and overripe prunes which would and over five thousand feet of
Sunday the pastor will speak | pletely surprised when their For-
film shown. Eight months of
dairymen of the Gales Creek sec­ section, was a business visitor to otherwise be a complete loss.
both in the morning and evening. i est Grove friends appeared at
industry were required
tion, was trading with the local this city, Monday.
Food and Dairy Commissioner to prduce this great film. Hun­
Morning theme, “ Christ, the their home, but soon recovered
merchants Monday.
Mrs. Winifred Gunton, of J. D. Mickel passes arbitrarily
World’s Great Hope.” Evening | and the jolly party sat down to a
dreds of people were required in
was visiting at the on the branding of butter pro-1
subject, “The Young Man Who jsumptous repast, part of which
the cast, and no expense was
duction, making the following spared to make this reverent
Was Always True.” On Sunday | was taken by the visitors. Those there will be a public highway Sexton home last Saturday.
morning, May 25, the pastor will present to enjoy the occasion between Pacific avenue and Hol­ Ive Vlaeminck was in town one order: “ All dairy butter offer-j moving picture the masterpiece
preach the annual memorial ser­ were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Show, lis addition was before the coun­ day this week and advanced his ed exposed for sale will be con­ of the world. Appreciations from
subscription to the Press $2.
sidered misbranded if it does not j the clergy and press are unboun­
mon to the Grand Army and the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Morgan, cil Tuesday evening.
Con McNamer and Jake Bux­ Howard McGill, who has been have plainly marked on each roll i ded, and every one who has had
Woman’s Re fief Corps. Special Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger,
musical features will be arranged Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pollock, Mrs. ton went fishing up in Scoggin’s working in the express business or square the words, ‘Dairy But­ the opportuniny to see the great
and the other churches invited | Emma Showers, Mrs. C. E. Valley, Tuesday, and caught sev­ in Corvallis, has returned home. ter—16 ounces full weight,’ or| production are unstinted in their
to participate in this service.
Geiger, Mrs. S. G. Morgan, Mr. s eral of the finny tribe that long.
Miss Beatrice Tunstall, of Hel­ | ‘32 onuces full weight,’ and the praise.
The Northwest District con and Mrs. George Markee, Mrs. A couple of whopers got away.
vetia, is visiting this week with name and address of the manu­ This pictorial drama of the re­
vention of the Christian churches Scroggs and daughter and Mrs.
The public school children will Miss Adelaid Hiebel, in this city, facturer. Any person offering demption of mankind is designed
lor exposing for sale dairy buttei j
is in session this week at the Charles Odell.
be instructed in the meaning of
Mrs. D. C. Clark, of the Ver-
to bring the subject close to the
Christian church. On Thursday
memorial day by a committee of boort section, was shopping with not branded in compliance with j hearts of those who witness it.
President Wilson’s Cabinet.
evening there will be a stereopti-
G. A. R. veterans, who will the local merchants the first of this ruling will be prosecuted un­ No one can afford to miss seeing
der the statutes provided for the
can lecture by Rev. T. L. Hand-
Secretary of state, W. J. Bry- j make the rounds of the schools the week.
this wonderful moving picture
misbranding of food products.”
saker, of Walla Walla, Wn., and an; secretary of war, L. M. Gar­ Friday.
drama. Remember the day, May
special music by Prof. Ben C. rison; postmaster general, A. S. ! Lee and Hugh Sparks, who
Butter wrapper stock on hand 27, afternoon and evening. Star
Crow, of Spokane. Other speak­ Burlson; secretary of interior, F. have been working at Black week have cleared the atmos­ at the Press office.
ers will be Rev. W. F. Reagor, K. Lane; secretary of commerce, Rock, Ore., the past two weeks, phere and intensified the brilliant
This great production, “ From
of the First Christian church, W. C. Redfield; secretary of building a store for the Great
Manger to the Cross, ” was
Sunday was mother’s day, and
Miss Lizzie Hannen has return­
Portland, and Rev. S. R. Haw­ labor, Wm. B. Wilson; secretary Western Lumber company, have
to packed houses at the
hundreds of Forest Grove peo­ ed to school after her illness.
kins of the Central Christian of agriculture, D. F. Houston; returned to this city.
Portland, for sev­
ple wore carnations and roses in
Claude Hutchens, a junior, has
church, and several other promi­ secretary of navy, Josephus Dan­
March, and re­
honor of the day, colored if stopped school to begin work in
nent workers of the church. iels; attorney general, James Mc-
praise in the
mother is still living and white if a sawmill.
The public cordially invited to Reynolds; secretary of treasury,
she has passed away.
Donald Lamb has been absent
atten all these services.
Wm. McAdoo.
ly gash in the back of his left
Rev. Hiram Gould, of the M. from school this week on account
The congregation of the Chris­
Grove Inventer» Get Patent.
hand. The wound was dressed E. church will preach the educa­ of illness.
Goes to Grand Lodge.
tian church Sunday extended a
Charles E. Hicks and J. N.
tional sermon before the gradu­ The High school student have
call to Rev. J. B. Holmes, of Eu­ Mesdames Templeton, Ortman
gene, Ore., to take charge of the and Schofield leave Sunday for Chas. 0. Roe and Edwin Tatro ating class of the Forest Grove elected a committee of five to Hoffman were last week granted
work in this place for the pres­ Medford to attend Grand lodge. purchased of Robert Anderson High school, on Sunday evening, draw up a constitution for stu­ a U. S. Patent on a printing of­
ent. Rev. Holmes will likely These Rebeccas will stav three his 40 acre farm near Dilly last May 25th. The service will be dent body organization, to take fice mitering machine. The ma­
week, Anderson receiving as part held in the Methodist church. effect next year. The committee chine which can be manufactur­
come sometime during June.
days at the convention.
pay the Cassa Rosa House on 3rd Complete announcement of the is chairman, Claude Hutchins, ed and sold for less than $5 takes
Mrs. C. Good has been on the
A. L. Sexton made a business Ave. South. W. W. Ireland was graduating exercises will be Bessie Martin, Iieisler, Higby the place and does the work of
a $20 machine.
sick list the past few day.
t trip to Hillsboro Wednesday,
made next week.
and Noble.
the mediator in the deal.
T h e M ak G n T he S toset