T FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 8, 1913. Ifi tfi ifi ili « ifi tfi DEVOTED TO THE W . C. T. U. Edited by Mrt Katherine R. Kerr The W. C. T. U. will hold a bake sale at Schultz store Satur­ day, May 10th, to help the boys out on their pledge for the inter­ state prohibition meeting. Come and buy all home made cooking. DRUG stood for equal rights for women for years. NAMES R. E. Porter, o f Gaston, visit­ ed in this city Friday. Mrs. W. J. Good left Friday for Palmer, to visit her daughter Mrs. Elmer May. H. Parker, W. J. Good and son Carmel, of this city, spent Sun­ day visiting friends at Shoals. Drink Chase and Sanborn’s coffee. A. G. Hoffman & Co. have it. 27tf C. B. Stokes was in Portland Monday. He is slowly recover­ ing from the shot wound. L. N. Traver, contractor for the new High school, and his wife, of Salem, visited in this city Sunday. Acre tracts in Sun Set Addition ! to Forest Grove to be sold on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoffman Building. 19tf Mr. and Mrs. Lou Davidson, of Tupper’s mill, near Gaston, visit- j j ed in this city Sunday. Shearer’s Confectionery can [ save you money on your brick ice ' cream. 25tf Mrs. Z. M. LaRue, o f this city, j entertained the Aloha club, of Portland. After a hot chicken dinner, the time was spent play- j ing caids and viewing the city, j Bring your wool and mohair to | A. G. Hoffman and Company for highest cash price. 18tf ^¡liiiuuiiiuumumiiHiiHiiiuiiiiiiimiiimiiminiHiHiiiuiiiiiHiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiHHimiiiiiiiiHUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu^ ABOUT YOUR GRADUATING DRESS ^iniU jl)jll!!,>Hjl!t!l!lftlllll1ltllllllllllllllllllllllt!lllill!|)||f!l!|jI||HlU!||!i|||t||]l|U||!|!!!!]l|||l|||!j|||;||||l||,||||!jl||||||!|||i|||||||l||||l||,l||||l|||||||\^ The public school teacher wants politics driven out of the public E are out with schools. ‘ ‘Well,” says an up-to- A living language is a chang­ date teacher, ‘ ‘to do this she ing one. E ach day brings vari­ the first com ­ The W. C. T. U. met at the needs the big stick, the ballot.” ations that oft times leads to con ­ plete showing of residence o f Mrs. Bolderick Fri­ fusion in the interpretation of The women o f theW. C. T. U. day, 3 p. m. with Mrs. Wm. white goods, a n d Kerr, president, in the chair. and the suffrage forces and other words and phrases. H en ce it w i t h o n l y three The hour seemed only to short women’s organizations jo in e d is the dead Latin language is forces in the recall o f Judge for the business to come before weeks until gradu- used in medicine. T h ere is Weller. Judge C. Weller is the the meeting. safety in its unchanging w ord- a t i n g day. We man who lowered the bail o f a forms and fixed meanings. N o Women o f Oregon, hear what man charged with criminal as­ suggest that you Senator Chamberlain says: “ I sault upon a girl. He thus made matter how a prescription may call and see the expect to see conditions very it possible, says The Womans’ be presented, the Latin name of much bettered in Oregon now | Journal, for the man to escape. each specified drug means but many beautiful patterns we are dis­ that women have a vote, I ex­ The fight was a hot one. By a one substance and the prescrip- playing. W e quote the following pect Oregon to teach a lesson to margin of 815 votes Judge Well­ tionist knows. prices: other states in legislation for the er has been removed from office. Bring your prescription to us good o f her citizens. The women Philadelphia has just appoint­ and it will be filled right, with are on the side of moral right,” ed two women police officers. I the purest of drugs. India Linen, ........... 10c, 12Jc, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c per yard Also Senator Lane gives women think it would be a good thing Persian L a w n ,........10c, 12£c, 15c, 20c, 25c and 35c per yard this compliment, ‘ ‘If I had my Flaxen...........................................20c, 25c, 30c and 35c per yard for Forest Grove to follow the way, I would give the women of Silk Mull........................................................................35c per yard quaker town’s example. I won­ the county the ballot on a silver Nainsook,.....................................15c, 25c, 30c and 35c per yard salver with apologies for giving der how many drinks they would Voile...............................................................30c and 45c per yard The Up-to-the-Minute Druggists be offered in a night, as a recent Imported Voile, .....................................................$1.00 per yard it so late.” marshal told me he was. French Lawn............................................................ 1.00 per yard Phone 901 Ratine, ....................................................... 60c and 1.00 per yard The greatest need o f this na­ Dotted Swiss,.............................................. 25c and 30c per yard Miss Reis, o f Ogden, Utah, Mrs. L, Clark, formerly of tion is wise fathers and mothers White Linen,..........................................40c 50c and 80c per yard recently appointed city physi this city, who is running a board-; to train its future citizens. Great White P iq u e ,........................................ 25c, 30c and 35c per yard ing house near Buxton, was seri- j Britian is (he first nation to give cian, shortly after her appoint­ Madras Cloth,.......................................18c, 25c and 30c per yard | ously injured this week by a fall- comprehensive study to child ment, rode seven miles on a cow- j catcher after a man who h a d, | ing tree striking her. wel-fare. The men and women We are in the midst o f our house cleaning, as it were, the small pox. Rev. Hilton spoke to the High j in our own land are learning and with tearing out the front of our building, removing school Friday morning on “ Some ! every day the need of the study goods, etc., we are somewhat disorganized. We are pre­ Monday’s Oregonian contained | pared however to wait on the trade and can give our custom­ Students I Have Met.” He out­ o f child nature. Oh if the moth­ an article stating that potatoes | ers every attention. lined the muscilage student, the ers o f our land could only realize furnished the relief committee of mistle student, the shirkers, the i the need to teach the children the Dayton flood disaster, some R. M. Porter, o f Scoggins Val­ We pay the highest cash price for Mohair, Wool, Poultry, jerkers and the workers. lessons on purity, on abstaining 10,000 bushels donated from Ore­ ley was in the city this week. Butter and Eggs. from evil things, teaching them gon and Washington, are being Have you seen the new hat j Buy that graduating dress of to reverence the good things, offered for sale by a Cincinati case at A. G. Hoffman & Co’s. A. G. Hoffman & Co. 27tf mould the characters o f their grocery firm at 36 cents per sack, j It shows 100 hats. 27tf Mrs. Alice Strobridge, o f Port­ children, we would have purer It appears that the potatoes were L. J. Coral, o f this city, has lives, better homes and nobler identified from cards placed in land, visited in this city this i traded his property here for Cor- j week. men and women growing up in the sacks by the doners. vallis property and will make his Joe Ramsey, of Portland, visit­ residence there. The lady with our homes. If the better things FOREST GROVE, OREGON ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. whom the deal was made, will are thus taught in the homes, the Frank Ramsey Sunday. foundations will have been laid with her daughter and son-in-law, for a generation o f pure and use­ John Heisler, Sr. and Dock immediately move to this place. ful men and women. Teach the Wagner, of Gales Creek were in Subscribe for the Press. children through civics their re -[ town trading Tuesday. lations with society and their obli­ Wanted, a good second hand Notice. gation to obey the golden rule, I VIA organ or piano. Must be in good Be it known that the Sunrise | and make them realize the uni-} OREGON ELECTRIC RY. condition, address ” E” care Press Grocery on and after May 1st versal kinship of life. for the great Mrs. L. Laffer, o f Gales Creek, will pay cash for all farm pro­ O. A. C. MILITARY DAY visited ner daughter, Mrs. Otis ducts, Eggs, Butter, Veal and | A number o f women deans anil Shearer, last week. pork, the best market price paid | have been appointed in the CIVIC CELEBRATION and all goods sold at the bottom Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Schiffer, You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to Chicago High schools to help im­ price and for cash only. JOHN of Banks, visited relatives in this grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ prove morals and manners. Such DODGE. Proprietor. 23tf city last week. fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory an appointment is needed right There lias been another slight \ here in the Grove High schools. Grand Parades, Drills and Review of . in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy Regiment by Governor and Regular change in the time table o f the Oregon Electric recently. In Michigan the women had ] the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool. Army Officers. the people with them, but too Attack and Defence o f City. See those beautiful paterns in Enroll at . much liquor money against them. Sham Battle. Band Concerts. white goods for graduating dress-1 P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y Definite proof has at last been Ball Game. 0 . A. C. vs. U. o f W. es shown by A. G. Hoffman & for Education, Health and Physical Development, and obtained that the liquor interests Opening o f Benton county Growers’ Co. 27tf were furnishing money to the Do It Now ! Association Cannery. Clifford and wife spent the anti-suffrage ca m p a ig n . How Decoration and Celebration by the week end in town visiting old j $120.00 worth o f good furni­ ture for $60.00 (Call Friday or must the women feel to be class­ City o f Corvillis. friends. Both attended Pacific Saturday. R. D. Baldwin, 5th ed with the saloon men, the University a few years ago. Ave. S. between 1st and 2nd Sts. F or particulars address gamblers and other vice pro­ Train schedules ami details on A complete line of the best I F or S ale —Shadeland-Climax P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y moters? I rejoice that the Wo­ request. varnishes can be had at the Pat­ seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest J. E. FARMER, Agent. men’ s C h r i s t i a n Temperance C are Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon 20tf erson Furniture Store, Forest Grove. Union in a large majority have Forest G rove, Oregon. Grove. 18tf FOR Q uick S ai . e - A $12000, 38 Mr. Stevens, o f Albany, has acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, for $8500. One o f the finest moved into II. A. Williams’ fruit farms in Washington Co. house on Pacific avenue. Mr. Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone Stevens is a motorman on the Vine 151. 16-tf Oregon Electric. F or S ale No. 2 Smith Pre­ Trunks and suit cases at re­ mier typewriter, good as new. duced prices at A. G. Hoffman & F'irst offer of $30 takes it. Press office. 16-tf Go’s. 27tt Forest Grove Pharmacy W Phone 631 h i. G. HOFFMAN C( ) $4.00 ROUND TRIP C O R V A L L IS May 8 and 9. Limit May 12 YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University FRIDAY, MAY 9TH. I WATCH THIS SPACE! Join the ‘‘don’ t worry your Ford today. appointed iast year. chance this tune. c lu b !" Buy 1 housands were dis­ D on t take a A n d remember that the more w e make the better w e make them. Insist on an immediate delivery. "Everybody is driving a F ord "- more than 200.t)iHt in service. New prices -runabout $i>00 -touring car 1675 town car $875—with all equipment, f. o. b. Forest Grove. Gi t particulars from W . A . CHALM ERS M ain St- G arage, F orest G rove, Or. A cre T racts in Sun Set A d­ Prof. B. L. Howe, of Portland, spoke at the S. D. A. church dition to Forest Grove to be sold on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoff­ Saturday morning. man Building. 19tf Mrs. Farmer’s mother, Mrs. F' or S ale Baled Clover, baled Byerley, is spending a couple of Timothy in ton lots. Good stuff. weeks in Dallas, Ed. L. Naylor. 24tf S u b j e c t at Congregational F'OR S ale 15 Angora Goats church Sunday morning, “ Fare­ $1.50 each. One U. S. Cream wells;” evening, “ Life’s Highest Separator No. 7, first class con­ Achievement,” R e v . Thomas, dition. John Hardebeck, Dilley. 26t2- Pastor. WANTED—2 Brood Sows, also young calves. -W. Geittinger, Furniture for Sale Cheap. Cherry Grove, Oregon, 26t2- Dining table, drop head sew­ Wanted a couple o f young ing machine, sanitary couch, iron calves, either sex. Phone 0185, lied complete, chiffioner, rockers, Edw. L. Navlor. 27 1 f mirrors and other articles, all To E xchange —Seed potatoes practically new. Must be sold at for equal quanity and quality re­ once, as party is going east. turned this fall. Phone 0185, Call at residence. 5th Ave., be­ Edw. L, Naylor. 27tf tween 1st and 2nd St., R. D. Baldwin. Advertise in the Press. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard Geo. Mizner L. J. Cori H. G. Goff W. H. of D irectors : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson Hollis E. W. Haines