FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 8. 1913. Forest Grove = Steam Laundry th ic k e r th a n th e other. T he o b ject of this Is to have th e pressu re o f the cleft g reatest upou th e o u ter side w here th e union is to be effected. If the stock Is large enough a g ra f t may tie Inserted on each side of th e d e f t but If both grow one should even tu ally be cu t off. A fter th e scion has been properly Inserted th e w edge should be carefu lly w ith d raw n , leav­ By LUCY K. WYNKOOP ing th e scion In place, so th a t th e in ­ ner bark of th e scion and th e stock Wheu m other und 1 w ent to th e city shall coincide. If the p ressu re of th e cleft tie not sufficient to hold th e scion we alw ays stopped a t th e A rlington ho­ II.-GRAFTING A P P L E in place It m ust be w rapped w ith cloth tel. It was in a quiet p a rt o f tow n and or strin g s before w axing. a hotel suitable fur women. TREES AND LOCATING Air Tight Joints. We had finished one o f these sojourns AN ORCHARD. T he stock and scion a re now ready In the city, during w hich we had done for th e g ra ftin g w ax. w hich m ay be considerable shopping. I hud packed applied e ith e r tu liquid form w ith a niy trunk aud gone Into m o th er's room By G. B. B R A C K ETT, Pomologut, brush or In plastic condition a fte r h av ­ to puck hers. T hen 1 w ent buck to my ing been w orked w ith the bands, or room. 1 found th e door a ja r, w hich Bureau o( Plant Industry, United they may be w rapped w ith strip s of surprised me, fo r 1 had closed It w hen States Department o! Agriculture. muslin or mauiln paper previously 1 left the room, au d in th e cen ter of Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd S t., spread w ith wax. a s heretofore m en­ the room saw a m an standing, look­ tioned G re a t care should be tak en to ing rath er tiuzed. 1 stood stock still, F o re st G ro v e, O re. f’P i.E graftin g , unlike budding, is m ake every jo in t a ir tig h t o r th e o p era­ looking a t him, when be said to me: usually perform ed d u rin g the tion will be a failure. " I’urdon me; 1 m ust have en tered the wrong room." d o rm an t period of grow th. It R egrafting B earing Trees. He wus a very gen tlem an lik e young is accom plisiied by carefully R e g ra ftin g Is som etim es very d e sira ­ fitting a sm all d o rm an t tw ig o r scion ble w hen It is found a fte r trees have fellow and w ithal very handsom e— of th e v ariety we w ish to p ropagate come into b earin g th a t th e ir fru it Is Q o t h i u g a t -ill like a th ie f—au d I w as about to say som ething to m ake him into a cut in a stock o r seedling tree w orthless. W hen th e trees a re not too feel more com fortable when I noticed old an d a re in a h ealth y condition th e w hich we wish to change. T h ere are change can be m ade w ith good results. thut my tru n k , w hich I bad left closed, several form s o f g ra ftin g , but they d if­ B ut w hen th e tre e s have a tta in e d a s t o o d open and th e articles 1 had laid fer more in m ethod th a n in results. In considerable age an d have lost th e ir In it carefully w ere much d isarranged. fact, so fa r as th e top o f th e tre e Is vitality to a considerable e x te n t it I ran to it and found certu in articles— concerned, th e resu lts are th e sam e In would be a w aste o f tim e an d expense purcels recently purchased— missin™. and you’ll not need all cases w h eth er we hud or g r u f t T he to a tte m p t to ebunge them . B etter Then 1 w as convinced th a t I had to be a mind reader object sought is to ch an g e an u ndesir­ p lan t new trees. If. how ever, in the caught a th ief In my room w ho pre­ tended th u t he w as there by m istake. able or uncertain tre e Into one w hich case or healthy, vigorous trees it is I went to tiie electric button and w . , considered ad v isab le to re g ra ft tops It we know will produce a v ariety whose about to press it w heu he seized my The th o u g h t has o fte n come fru it will possess c e rta in d esirab le c h a r­ is not best to do th is all a t one tim e. w rist and said: to you p erh ap s, th a t you could Only a b o u t on e-th ird of th e tre e should acteristics. "F o r heaven's sake, w h a t a re you be g ra fte d th e first year, selecting easily solve m ost difficulties if Splice G rafting. b ran ch es in th e c e n te r and top of the going to do?" you w ere a m ind re a d e r—if “Summ on assistan ce.” I d id n 't feel Splice g ra ftin g is a sim ple form and tree. T he n e x t y e a r an o th er th ird may you could fo r in stan ce,K N O W is used wheu th e stock and scion are be g ra fte d and th e rem ain d er th e fel afraid of him. Why 1 don't know , u n ­ who would be glad to re n t less it w as his m anner, w hich w as very n early th e sam e size. It consists low ing year. y o u r p ro p e rty , o r to buy it; very deferential. G rafting Wax. w ho would be g lad to em ploy “ You d o n 't need assistance. And If H ere a re form ulas for g ra ftin g w ax; you and 1 a re cau g h t here to g eth er In you. F orm ula No. 1 (for outdoor w ork).— your bedroom th e consequences will be W a n t a d v e rtise rs, and those iiesin. four or five p a rts; beesw ax, one u nfortunate, to say the le a s t 1 assu re who w atch th e w a n t ads, learn and one-half to tw o p a rts; linseed oil you th a t I have got Into th e w rong th e se th in g s in a B U S IN E S S one to one and one-half parts. T his is room." W A Y—n o t th ro u g h occult melted in a m ass, and when cool enough “ Who has robbed m e?" m eans. it may be d raw n out into th in strip s "R obbed you?” and applied by w rap p in g it firmly “ Yes; articles a re m issing from th a t around the stock w here th e scion is in­ trunk." serted. or a more convenient m ode of H e a t once tu rn ed his pockets Inside S. A. W A I .K E U H. L I D Y A R D using this w ax is to spread it while out to show m e th a t he did not have m elted upon thin m uslin o r stro n g my property. Indeed, th e lost a r ti­ m anlla p ap er and w hen cool c u t or te a r cles w ere too bulky to be on his p er­ in strip s o f convenient w idth for w rap son, besides bein^j quite valueless. 1 ping aro u n d th e g ra fte d stock. w as puzzled. F orm ula No. 2 (for indoor an d o u t­ “ I don’t u n d erstan d It.” I said. door work) —Resin, six pounds; bees “ Nor I. B ut I'm not going to rem ain wax-, a p o u n d ; linseed oil, a pint. Melt here to h u n t for an explanation. Be­ to g eth er and when a t the tem p eratu re lieve me, if I am found here it would 1st Ave. N ., n e a r Main S t. SU CCESSIV E S T M ’S O F STOCK G RA FTIN G . o f ISO d egrees F. apply directly to the reflect upon you, a w om an, fa r more (a , splice gruft; b, to ng ue graft, parts sep­ We are prepared to do arate; c, to n g u e graft, parts united; d, Joints w ith a sm all b ristle brush, in th an on me. a m an.” waxed wrapper applied.J o rd er to keep it a t the proper consist­ the very best of all “Go,” I cried. “ I t Is bad enough to ency th e vessel co ntaining th e wax kind of shoe work. in splicing or lapping th e scion on the may be placed In a n o th e r vessel con­ be robbed w ith o u t any additional m is­ fortune.” stock by scarfing each a t th e sam e a n ­ tain in g boiling w ater. UP-TO-DATE M ACHINERY H e slipped out of th e door and left gle. W hen a close Joint is secured the me stau d in g over my tru n k , bew ilder­ Locating an O rchard. p a rts a re held in place by m eans of Special attention given The selection of an orch ard site is ed. My braiii wus filled w ith conflict­ som e kind of w rapping m aterial. to crippled feet. not governed by any a rb itra ry rule. It ing conjectures concerning him. He T ongue g ra ftin g differs from splice Is u n fo rtu n a te th a t som e farm s do not bore th e sta m p o f a gentlem an, and yet g ra ftin g in th a t both scion an d stock afford th e best soils and exposures for surely he w as a th ief and by som e B ut th e ow ners of such trick had got aw ay w ith my property. i are split a t corresp o n d in g points on the orchards. H ow ever, th ere w as nothing for me sc a rf w ith a thin bladed knife so a s to should not allow th is fact to d eter to do. so fa r us I could see. but pocket ! form tongues. T he object of this is to them from p lan tin g trees and caring my loss au d say nothing ab o u t IL T his for them a fte rw a rd . unite m ore tirm ly the tw o portions and Some kinds of soils nnd su rface pres course com m ended Itself to me, hr p resen t a larg er su rfa c e for th e effu­ e n ta tlo n s a re p referab le to ethers, as cause if th e m an w ere innocent I did T in n in g an d P lu m b in g , S h e e t sion of cell tissu e an d to prom ote the they a re b e tte r a d ap ted to this fru it not w ish to accuse him. T h e articles callousing process. T h is is th e method and req u ire less expense In p rep ara­ lost w ere not o f sufficient value to M etal W o rk a n d R e ­ comm only p racticed by n urserym en un- tion and in th e a fte r care and tre a t­ m ake It w orth w hile to a p p ear a g ain st p a ir Shop. m ent of tlie orchard. T he m ost intelli­ him In court, even if I could find him. | der the nam e of root g raftin g . In root g ra ftin g th rifty one-year-old gent an d experienced o rch ard ists differ w hich w as not probable. Besides, if stocks grow n from seed are tak en up as to th e best location and exposure he w ere w h a t he pretended to be tt m ight m ake tro u b le for me. i in th e fall a n d stored In a cellar or of no o rchard, som e preferrin g a Som e m onths la te r I m ade an o th e r N o rth F ir s t A venu“ , b etw een Main and burled in th e soil, w here they will keep no rth ern slope, o thers an eastern, and y et o th ers recom m end a southern or trip to th e city and w ith me w as my " A ” S tr e e ts ; phone 86it. fresh and tie accessible a t any tim e In even a w estern slope as b e s t It Is m other, an d w hile w alking along th e w inter when w ented. T h e scions hav believed th a t th e ad v an ta g es prepon­ stre e t m et th e m an I had found in my lug been seeured in th e fall, th e work d e ra te In Tavor of a g en tle eastern or room In com pany w ith a lady, w hose of g ra ftin g may he perform ed a t any n o rth e a ste rn slope, ns orchards located a p p earan ce w us a s refined as th a t of tim e d u rin g the w inter. T he roots only on such sites suffer less In both soil th e m an. I rem nrked to m yself th a t a re used in th is m ethod, and they m.-ty nnd tree from the effects of heat and if be w ere a th ie f he certain ly had tie cut in tw o o r m ore sections accord drought. An orchard w ith such an ex­ very a risto c ra tic looking associates. posure will m ain tain Its vigor nnd lon­ H e saw me. recognized me nnd tu rn ed lug to th e ir size find length or th e de­ gevity b e tte r than if Incliued to the pale. B ut a s we w ere face to face but sire of th e propagator. But th e larger w est or southw est. T his is especially m om eut i could not see how lasting or stro n g e r roots, ns n rule, may be re­ tru e in s ta te s south of tlie New E ng­ w as his em otion. lied upon for tlie m ost sa tisfa c to ry re­ land group, w here the sum m ers are One day w hen I w as a t hom e I saw su lts long, hot nnd dry and w here It is prob­ in n paper an Item headed “C ap tu re of From the preparing of able th a t the g re a te st Injury to trees a Noted H otel T h ief.” T he article w ent F o r e i g n M e th od s. B ut, ns on to say th a t a th ie f w hose assu ran ce the food to the serving, In the foregoing m ethods of graftin g , resu lts from these causes. before sta le d , all farm s do not afford w as unlim ited aud w ho w as m aster but especially In th e tirst. th e p a rts ab so lu te cleanliness and these most favorable sites, especially of all so rts of su b terfu g es had been m ust lie held to g eth er by som e kind of near th e home, w hich la the most de­ eaught In a certain hotel nnd had con­ painstaking care is observ­ hnndnge or tie Tills may tie m ade of sirab le local*-n for the fam ily orchard, fessed. tu rn in g over pluuder th a t he ed by the thin cotton cloth or tough m anlla p a­ rim s th e p la n te r will often be forced hnd beeD a loug tim e accum ulating. per sp read w ith m elted g ra ftin g wax to forego such a location and tak e hts T he description fitted th e m an I had and when cool cu t or torn In ” nrrow chances w here the n atu ral conditions found in uiy room a t th e A rlington. 1 If possible the gave up all Idea o f his Innocence. It strip s of convenient w idth for w rap ­ a re not so favorable Everything to Eat ping But th e most common m ethod site should be elevated above Its Im­ gnve me som ething o f a pang to do so, now pmoth-isl ts to em ploy cotton yarn m ediate surroundings, th u s giving a nd yet w hy 1 could not tell. O ysters and Shellfish a d raw n thro u g h melted wax and wound free circulation of air. w hile such an A few d ay s Inter I received a note upon a spool, from w hich It ts used elevation will also be of g reat aid In from th e proprietor of th e A rlington, Specialty. gu ard in g a g a in st late spring frosts, so repenting w h a t l hnd rend in th e new s­ when w anted. T hese root g ra fts, a fte r having been fatal to young fru it a t the blooming p aper and saying th a t packages bear­ tied In bundles with each variety sep­ season. ing my nam e hnd been recovered Open Day and Night Soils. arately labeled, may be packed aw ay Should he send them to m e or would Apple trees will th riv e and do well I call for th em ? T h e la tte r course w as In m oist e a rth or loam and left in a cellar free from frost until springy on alm ost any soli w hich Is well pre­ advised. I w ent im m ediately to th e when they should lie planted In m irs pared. but th e different kinds of soil city and to his hotel. erv row s in th e open ground and c u lti­ may require different treatm en t and I Identified som e property as belong­ vated for one. tw o or th ree years, a fte r care. ing to me, end it w as returned. 1 w as A loam y soil Is naturally rich In when they a re ready to be tra n s p la n t­ anxious to see the th ief, but could not ed to tiie orch ard site. p lan t food; hence It will need little. If get sight of him w ith o u t going to Jail, any. m anuring In Its preparation. T horough cu ltiv atio n In the n ursery row s should he given an d som e a tte n ­ A clay soil Is th e m ost difficult to w hich 1 w ould not do. B efore I left tion should tie paid to tra in in g or sh a p ­ p rep are aud o ften requires m anuring, th e landlord se n t up to my room to know if I w ould m eet him In th e la­ ing th e young trees, so ns to Insure as well a s thorough plowing, replow Sandy soils are dies' parlor. I w ent dow n, and there the best resu lts when tra n sp la n te d In Ing nnd subsolllng generally lacking In the necessary beside th e proprietor w as th e m an I the orch ard p lan t food T he wood grow th on had found in my room. Cleft G rafting. “T his Is Mr R rain ard ." said th e pro­ loam y soils will lie strong and vigor­ C left g ra ftin g Is generally dene w hen prietor. “ who d esires to offer you an ous. but may not be sufficiently m a­ the stock la considerably Inrger th an apology for som ething th a t occurred th e scion and w here th e operation is tu re to w ith sta n d the freezing of the Mr m ore rigorous w inters. Clay lands are In th is house som e tim e ago. to be perform ed above ground The at the R rainard Is a patron o f my house and t o t a p t to produce such vigorous stock Is split d o w n w ard , n fte r It has a gentlem an o f the best social sta n d ­ been cu t off a t th e point w here the grow th, and o rchard trees on such scion Is to be Inserted, by using a flne lands will be hard ier as to w inter kill­ ing." "I am exo n erated ." snld Mr Braln- tooth saw T he bark should be cut ing th an on m ost oth er sells Tim ber- 100 for $1.25 through drat to avoid lielng torn and lands or lands on w hich forests have ard. “and a m ystery ts explained. T his 250 for $1.75 so th a t th e sides of th e d e f t will be form erly grow n. If having the proper hotel th ief w ho has been captured w as sm ooth A wedge Is pu t In to keep the exposure and drainage, are preferable In your room Intentionally befons I got 500 for $2.25 cleft open for th e Insertion of the for o rch ard sites. F ru it grow n on such Into It by m istake." In Mr R rain ard I found a frien d who scion, w hich Is cut wedge shape, w ith lands «III rank first class In size, q u an ­ bus now been such m any year*. ■ long slope, one edge being a Utt-w tity and appearance. Wood, HOME COURSE IN FRUITS AND BERRIES Coal, Cold Storage A HOTEL T H IE F Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association Of Foreat Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. T he H om e Company That H as M ade G ood. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in T he Bankers fic Merchants and Ice. MERTZ & LATTA A Watch and Use the Want Ads WALKER & LIDYARD S H O EMAKERS W M . W EITZEL J G ILTNER’S ROCERY Phone Main 701 South Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore. Fresh Vegetables Every D ay Log Cabin Bread Amber and Fresh Eaéh Morning Golden Gate COFFEE Neat Printing is something every business man desires when he orders station­ ery. Neat appearing business letter heads, envelopes, state­ ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are what can be had from the Press Publishing Co. Neat printing Is Our Motto and we endeavor to live up to it at all times. When we fail to deliver a job of printed work entirely satisfies, we. are prepared to make it right. A job turned out of this office must be correct in every par­ ticular. Bring your work to the Press Publishing Co. and be assured of securing some­ thing which is typographical!)* correct, tasty in construction and neat in appearance. U* tor ■f Forest Grove Oyster House ELECTRIC POWER ED. BOOS, Proprietor Cheapest and Best «r BUTTER WRAPPER W ashington-Oregon PRINTING Corporation. FOREST GROVE PRESS