FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 1, 1913. |« « ESTATE ^ A C T IV IT Y b « a « a DRUG NAMES Furnished by Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro J F Spicker and wf to Roy H elneck and P D Lewis EVfc o f S E l,i sec 7; WV4 o f SWVi sec 8, 2 N 4, $10. A living language is a chang­ Elizabeth L Taylor Curtiss and hus ing one. Each day brings vari­ to E J Fox 20 acres in sec 23, 1 S ations that oft times leads to con­ 2, $100 etc. Charles E Hall to Charles L and fusion in the interpretation of Grace A Leroy lots 8 and 9, blk 2 words and phrases. H en ce it Halls Add to Forest Grove, $1. Wilhelmlna Kuehne to Mathilda is the dead Latin language is Caarde 18-100 acre W o f lot 8, Frew- used in medicine. T h ere is ings Orchard tracts, 2 S 2, $1. safety in its unchanging word- Hiram R Kay and wf to Louisa M Downs E ’/j of N W !4 sec 1, 1 S 5, forms and fixed meanings. N o $ 1500. $ 1000 . matter h ow a prescription may Ira Heckinger and w f to F L K el­ George II Keeves to Mary K Reeves ley W>/2 o f NE14 o f NEVi sec 13, 1 be presented, the Latin name of 7 acres In sec 33, T 1 N 1, $1. etc. Alonzo B Creekpaum et al to Ja­ N 5, $10. each specified drug means but Frau ds A Jones and w f to Henry cob Correl and wf W % of SE-4 of one substance and the preScrip- W il­ the NE V* o f sec 15, T 1 S R 3 W, Rltthalar 5 acres in W*4 o f liam McLin DLC No 67, sec 34, 1 N tiomst knows. $2800. G H Reeves to Mary E R e e /e s 5 3, $1010. Bring your prescription to us Holland A Phelps and w f to R E acres In sec 33, 1 N 1 $1. Loomis part o f lot 2, blk 31, Forest and it will be filled right, with Thomas Nissen et al to R N Shane 34.6 acres In sec 3, 2 S 2. Also 1.728 Grove, $3500. the purest of drugs. John Conzelman and wf et al t o ; acres adjoining said tract, $2600. William Foster and wife to F W George Conzelman E*4 o f SW (4 sec sec Farrington 17.83 acres in sec 9 i S 23; also W 120 acres o f SE14 | 23, 2 S 2, $10. 2 , $ 10 . E M Tongue et al to O G Davey W alter Roswurm and wf to J B The Up-to-the-Minute Druggists W ilkes 12 acres in sec 1, 1 N 5, and wf 190.65 by 50 ft In Hillsboro, J 11 Shields to Z T Allen lot 3, Shields Little Farms, $10. William Osborne to Hamilton N Burchell lot 7, -McGill Acres, $100. Merchants Savings & Trust Com­ pany to William E Hilller lots 324, 225, 226, 227 and 228, Johnson Estate Addition to, Deaverton-Reedville A cr - age, $10. Carl Hinman to Emma Bey llln- man SE'A of S E '4 sec 34, 3 N 5, $400. Kuth Trust Company to C M Cul- ovson lot 0, blk 54, North Plains, Forest Grove Pharmacy I $10. $10. etc. J R Parinley and wf et al to H B j Jonathan S Thompson and w f ct al to J A Buckle and wf part o f lot Dauchy et al 5000 sq ft sec 31, 2 N j 1, blk 3, W alker’s Add to Forest 3, $100. I W J W ilcox and wf to P A Taylor Grove, $10. E I Kuratli et al to J B W ilkes tr ! NVfc o f N E '4 of SEV4 sec 34, 2 S l .j east o f lot 7 blk 22, H illsboro, $10. Phone 901 j $10. G M Lock and wf to Anna C Sperl F C lot 6, blk 10, W est Park Naylor's Sub-1 West division Forest Grove, $10. Conrad P Olson and w f to Seanda- H T Buxton to Almira L Rogers navlan American Bank lots 4, 5 i 3-4 acre In E W alker and wf DLC 1 6, Grove Heights, $10 etc. N 3 and 4 $400. Frank E Bunnell et al to Lenore Lenore Underwood to T M M on is Underwood tract in John L Hlcklin j tract in John L Hlcklin DLC, $10. DLC, $10. Mary E Adams and hus to Marshall lots 17 and 18, blk 15, Portland Heights, $10. Paul Relmers and wf to P E Brad Oregon Realty Co. to E S Jackson shaw 1 acre in tract 76, Chehalem 37.01 acres sec 9, 1 S 1, $10. Mountain Orchards, $1. M L Holbroo^ and w f to Empire 2. Paul Relmers and wf to W H P Investment Company lots 1 and Bell tracts 23, 24, 67, Chehalem blk K, Lehmann Acre Tract, $10. Mountain Orchards, $1. Frank M Graves to Nick Kemmer John B Hibbard and wf to Frank A l! S 6 acres lot 14. Aldrich A cre­ Graves S 6 acres o f lot 14, Aldrich age, $1400. Acreage, $10. Matthew T Patton and w f to Emil W L Bieghler and wf to Olive Hu­ Lovegren 24.10 acres in sec 31, 1 F 4, $2651. ber 1 acre In Centerville, $750. COWS! COW S ! COWS! I will sell at public auction at B R O W N ’S LIVER Y STAB LE * IN H ILLSBORO, Saturday, May 3rd, my entire herd of about thirty head of Jerseys, young and heavy milkers. E. E. W A T T S. Mrs. Dan Parson and niece, Nancy Moore, visited at Portland over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Loomis and daughter Mamie, were Portland visitors Saturday. The boys o f the O, K, club gave a surprise to Master Clar­ ence Lenneville Tuesday evening, the occasion being his fifteenth birthday. Gale Grange will meet Satur­ day, May 3rd at K. P. hall at 10:30 a. m. Several candidates will be given the first and second degrees and a class o f eight will be given the 3rd and 4th degrees. Sisters don’ t forget that the so­ cial dinner hour is helped very much by the full baskets you bring. An interesting program has been arranged for the open m e e t i n g beginning at 1:30 o ’clock. All are cordially wel­ come. J. D. Mickle will talk on his work as pure food commis­ sioner. A new and up-to-date line of wall paper in many handsome patterns. P l a i n , figured and novelty goods to select from. All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ erson’ s Furniture Store, Forest Grove. 18tf Notice. Be it known that the Sunrise Grocery on and after May 1st will pay cash for all farm pro­ ducts, Eggs, Butter, Veal and pork, the best market price paid and all goods sold at the bottom price and for cash only. JOHN DODGE. Proprietor. 23tf v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.w Bring your wool and mohair to A. G. Hoffman and Company for i highest cash price. 18tf A First Communion class is preparing to receive in St. Alex­ ander’s church, Cornelius at the nine o ’clock mass on Sunday, May 25th. May devotions will be in For­ est Grove Catholic, church on Wednesday evening at 7:40, and at the same hour on Friday even­ ing in Cornelius, during the month o f May. When you commence house­ cleaning don’t forget to kalsomine the walls. The best at G. G. Paterson’s, Forest Grove. 18tf A basket social and little social dance will be given at Dilley by the Catholic young people of Gaston on Wednesday, May 25th. A good time is assured and all friends are invited. Mrs. L. M. Green of Portland, is the guest o f Mrs. R. Fritz. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Fritz were old friends in Nebraska and had not seen one another for ten years. $ •: w a t t s i* •: The subject for the evening in­ struction in the Catholic church last Sunday evening was “ The Use of Latin in Catholic Litur­ g y .” Mrs. Wellnersang a beau­ tiful Ava Maria, lending much to the beautiful services. Next Sunday evening the subject will be “ Indulgences,” followed by benediction. Everyone is cor­ dially invited. Does it pay you to send your sewing out when you can buy a good second hand sewing ma­ chine at Staehr’s Bazaar for $5, fully guaranteed to do perfect work ? 22t f Shearer’ s Confectionery can save you money on your brick ice cream. 25tf Why use the old out o f date moth balls when you can get Mothene to keep the moth out o f Mrs. Geo. Markee and daught­ clothing? It has a more pleas­ er, Luella. o f Portland, visited ing odor and just as effective. The Forest Grove Pharmacy are friends in this city this week. i exclusive agents. 26tl Subscribe for the Press. The Misses Helen Phillips, Mary Olmsted, Camilla Mills, Evelyn Patton, Ruth Austin, Mildred Carlyle, Mona Mallory, Mariene Feour, and June Walker with Mrs, B. F. White, of this city, attended the first Girl’s con­ ference in Oregon and also in the United States which was held in Oregon City Saturday and Sun­ day. Advertise in the Press. niiiiinintuiiiiu HATS FOR EVERYBODY Full of springtime’s cheer and just the right styles and colors.......... iiiiiiiiiu im iiiiiiiitiiim iiiu iiiiiiiiiu iiiiiiiu iiiia iiiiiu n iiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 ^l¡lllll|l|||||||¡nilllllli¡lllllll!lll>lllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllll¡llllllllllllllllllllllll!lllillllllHIIIIIIIII# W e ’ ve got ’em for Men, Boys and Children, in Fur, Felt and Straw. The prices range like this: 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.50,3.00 and $3.50 W e speak advisedly when we say that no better line of hats can be found in W ashing­ ton county than ours. In our new hat case you can see 100 hats at a glance and thus make your selection quickly. New goods have also been added this week in our Dress Goods Department, which will no doubt interest the ladies. Our Grocery Specials are becoming more and more interesting and the low prices still continue. v.v.v.v.w.v.w.vv.w.v.v. Mrs. Roy Kaegy, from Cali­ fornia with her little son, is vis­ iting her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. B. Stevenson, for a few weeks. Rufus Frost had quite a seri­ ous accident last Thursday which will prevent his working for some time. He had been work­ ing on the pile driver on the Southern Pacific near town and some way got the bones in one ankle crushed. The X-ray was to be used on the foot Tuesday to determine just what the injury was. Mrs. Kennedy’ s father has re­ turned from his visit with his son at Colville, Wn. He brought Mrs. Kennedy's niece, Mildred Campbell, with him for a visit. A C. E. social was held at the home o f Emma Busclj on Wed­ nesday night, April 30. Mr. DeMoss and family spent Sunday at Concord Ridge Fruit Farm. A sleight frost Sunday night, but did no damage to fruit. Sea Salt, choice toilet soaps, Bath Brushes, snonges, every thing needed for the bath, the best for the cheapest price at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. 26tl Mrs. W. Aldrich was agreeably surprised at the home o f her mother, Mrs. J. Darling, last Tuesday night, the Occasion be­ ing her birthday. Fourteen Roy­ al Neighbors and one guest were present. Dainty refreshments were served and all went home voting the Misses Darling royal entertainers. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Phone 631 A. G. HOFFMAN CO FOREST G R O V E , O R EG O N YOUNG WONSAN l At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool. Enroll at P A C IFIC U N IV E R S ITY for Education, Health and Physical Development, and Do It Now ! F or particulars address P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y C are Committee of Control Forest G rove, Oregon. F or S a le —Shadeland-Climax seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest Grove. 20tf F or Q uick S a le —A $12000. 38 acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, for $8500. One of the finest fruit farms in Washington Co. Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone Vine 151. 16-tf F or S ale -N o . 2 Smith Pre­ mier typewriter, good as new. First offer of $30 takes it. Press office. 16-tf A cre T racts in Sun Set Ad- tion to Forest Grove to be sold on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoff­ man Building. 19tf F o r S ai b Baled Clover, baled Timothy in ton lots. Ed. L. Naylor. Good stuff. 24tf F or R ent - House in excel­ lent repair. All modern except furnace. Lawn, fruit and gar­ den. $15 a month. Apply Press office. 25t2 F or S a l e - 15 Angora Goats $1.50 each. One U. S. Cream Separator No. 7, first class con­ dition. John Hardebeck, Dilley. ____ 26t2- WANTED—2 Brood Sows, also young calves. W. Geittinger, Cherry Grove, Oregon. 26t2- W A T C H THIS SPACE! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard of D irectors : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell Geo. Mizner John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock L. J. Cori H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson H. G. Goff E. W. Haines W. H. Hollis