Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 01, 1913, Image 6

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Forest Grove =
x?= Steam Laundry
Wood, Coal,
Cold Storage
and Ice.
whole fruit Into coarse pieces an d ev ap­
orating them.
Apple b u tte r of the real, rich, old
time farm product, not the thin, fac­
tory made excuse, fills an im p o itan t
place In the household economy an d al­
ways fiuds a ready sale at good prices.
H e Left a Clew
Behind Him
Sweet Cider.
Good sweet cider made from sound
apples, not from half decayed, wormy
fruit, is one of the most healthful
products of tlie orchard, and all surplus
over and above w hat Is needed for
home consumption is alw ays in dem and
s t rem unerative prices It can be kept
sweet and iinfermented by heating It
to a te m p e ra tu re of 150 degrees K. and
holding it th eie for thirty minutes,
then sealing It up tight in bottles or
casks and storing it in a cool place.
Boiled cider made In the good old
fashioned way by reducing to one-fiftb
by boiling and then canned is nn e x ­
cellent article for culinary purposes,
for making apple butter, apple sauce
or for use In apple or mince pies. It
also has a commercial value.
While th e aim and purpose of the
farm er should be to supply an a b u n ­
dance of fruit for his own family, he
should also be able to offer to th e out­
side world a liberal surplus. T he apple
orchard will often bring him b etter re­
turn s for bis outlay than any other
portion of h’s farm, acre for acre. The
product of a single tree will sometimes
sell for $10 or more, and fifty such
trees can be grow n on an acre of land.
Though we may not alw ays cou nt on
such large results, we may Rafely e x ­
pect th e orchard to do its full d u ty one
y ear with another, especially if we
first do our d u ty by i t
1 was dosvu on my luck aud alto­
gether discouraged. I had come to the
city six months before with $400 lu
my pocket to look for a position. All
but $7 w as goue, au d 1 bud not found
the position. Besides, I ow ed a board
bill which I couldn’t pay. I decided j
to go home, but didn’t like to remove
By G. B. B R A C K ETT, Pomologish
my buggage w ithout paying my in­
Bureau ot Plant Industry, United
debtedness. so 1 left my tru n k au d all
my clothes except w h a t I absolutely
States Department of Agriculture.
Cor. 5th Ave.
needed. These I rolled in a bundle
ami 2nd St.,
and carried out under my arm .
I.THOUGn the apple is not a n a ­
would writ«- my landlady from home
Forest Grove, Ore.
tive or American soil, it seems
th a t I had left and w as not coming
to find a congenial home here.
It Is true we have some nearly
On my w ay to the station, passing a 1
' related species in o u r native crabs, and
trunk store, I thought 1 would go in
they give promise in the hands of the
and buy a cheap bug in which to c a r ­
experim enter of better th ings In the
ry my belcugiugs. My ticket to my
y ears to come, but as yet no specially
home would be $5.50, so I hadn't much
valuable varieties have been developed
to spare for the luxury of a satchel.
from tins source
Our cultivated a p ­
ples and crabs are the lineal descend­
I found a man in the store looking a t
a n ts of the wild crabs of Europe, which
some suit cases. H e bought one nnd
have bad many years of careful culture
transferred some clothing und a pack­
bestowed upon them to bring them to
age to It from a suit case th a t I th o u g h t j
and you’ll not need
our present stan dard of excellence.
as good as the oue he purchased a n d !
to be a mind reader
When our American species have had
asked the storekeeper to th row the
as many y ears of domestic life and as
latter aw ay . As soon as he was gone
.careful culture bestowed upon them
I asked th e storekeeper w h a t he would
The th o u g h t has often come
they may rival th eir foreign cousins in
take for th e case th a t had been leu , j
to you perhaps, th a t you could
many of their good «imilities.
and when he said 50 cents I bought it. |
age fa r m e r propagate his own trees
easily solve most difficulties if
1 did not notice 'till I w as boarding
Apple » Foreign*«-.
for planting, but it Is well enough for
you w ere a mind read er if
In a short treatise like this, addressed him to u n derstand som ething of the the train th a t it w as m arked on one
you could for instan ce,K N O W
end with the letters “ E. R. N„” and j
as it is to the plain, practical farm er
processes and methods of propagation
who would be glad to re n t
of our country, it may not be expected commonly used. T he natural method then my attention w as called to th e m j
your pro perty, o r to buy it;
th a t an elaborate scientific explanation of propagation Is by planting the seed by a man standing n ear the car steps
who would be glad to employ
of all the methods of Im proving and of th e fruit, but as a very large per looking at them with considerable a t ­
domesticating a wild species will be cent of seedlings are Inferior In qual­ tention. H e followed m e in, took a
seat directly behind me and, pulling
presented and discussed. It is deemed ity to the parent variety the results
W a n t advertisers, and those
out a newspaper, began to read. It
sufficient, therefore, under th e present are too uncertain to recom mend for
who w atch the w an t ads, learn
was not till we had left th e city limits
heading to say th a t the apple in its planters generally
these th ings in a B U S IN E S S
Only th e p ain s­ that he leaned fo rw ard a n d said:
cultivated varieties as grow n in this taking ex perim enter who w ishes to
W A Y not through occult
“ How a re you. N ayler?’’
country is a foreigner, hut, like the originate new varieties can afford to
“ My nam e is not Nayler,” I said.
C aucasian race of man, has found a practice this n atural method of propa­
“You are tn 'staken in your m an.”
"You are E d w ard Nayler, alias Bill
Once having obtained a valuable v a ­ Shanks, alias Pete Devon, an d you j
riety and w ishing to multiply and per­ don’t w an t
S. A. WALK Kit
deny it with y o ur initials j
11. I.IDYAltU
petuate It. one of several methods now on the end of your suit case. T he only i
in use must be resorted to for propa
thing that puzzles me Is th a t you
Ration T he methods more commonly should a tt e m p t to get aw ay with the
practiced in grow ing young apple trees sw ag with such a dead g iv e a w a y abo ut
for planting In orchards a r e budding you.”
and grafting
I told th e man how I had come to
With the apple, budding m ust be per­ buy the suit case and, opening it. show ­
formed du rin g the growing season. ed him th a t it contained nothing h u t I
1st Ave. N., n ear Main St.
Tills operation consists in removing a clothes. He believed my story and a t
bud from a tw ig of the variety which once asked me if I would know the
W e are prepared to do
we wish to propagate and inserting it man to whom the case had belonged.
the very best o f all
beneath the bark of the stock or young I told him I would. T hen he said th a t
kind o f shoe work.
seedling tree we wish to change, and the fellow had been a valet in an im- |
this is th en held In place by tying it mensely wealthy family an d had walk­
fa s t until the hud and the stock have ed off with some $80,000 worth of je w ­
united Then, by forcing the sap and els. A maid In the sam e service who
Special attention given
consequent gro w th into this trans
was Implicated In th e th eft had con­
to crippled feet.
planted bud by preventing all other fessed to my in fo rm an t t h a t Nayler
growth, we get n new tree of the de­ was to leave the city on th a t train, but
sired variety T his we call budding. It he would doubtless be disguised. “ He
Is a method of artificially multiplying a will probably w ear the sam e clothes
desirable variety. T he extent of this aud m ake up as when you saw him In
multiplication is limited only by the the trunk store.” added th e man behind
me, “for he wouldn’t have had tim e to
n um b er of buds available.
make a change. I wish you would go
Keeping the Scion*.
Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet
The main requisites for success In through the train and sp ot him.”
" W h a t is there in it for me?” I asked.
budding are a healthy, growing condi
Metal Work and Re­
T he m an who wns working for a re­
tion of th e stock on which the work is
to be done and n certain state of m a­ w ard of $20,000 offered fo r th e recov­
pair Shop.
tu rity of the buds. The bark of the ery of th e Jewels dickered with me for
stock m ust se p a ra te freely, so th at the some time, offering me am ounts ra n g ­
hud may be forced under It without in­ ing betw een a ten th and a half of all
to the cam bium layer of either he was to get out of It* I closed with
N o rth F ir s t Avenue, betw een Main and
hud or stock. T he bud sticks or scions him on a half, nnd, going rapidly
" A ” S tr e e ts ; phone Stilt.
selected for su m m er budding should th rou gh the train to the baggage car, I
congenial home In the major portion be of the cu rren t year's growth aud tu rned nnd w alked back slowly, look­
of th e United State* and in large areas should have well developed buds. ing carefully a t every one. I recog­
of the ad jacent territory of British When taken from the tree the leaves nized my m an in the n e x t c a r ahead of j
must be cut off at once, leaving only the one I had been riding In.
My frien d —D aw son w as his n a m e —
Uses of the Apple
a short stu b of the leaf stem for con-
So well known are the uses of the venlence In handling during the opera- was delighted, and, tak in g some paper
apple th at little need he said upon this tion They should he kept In a fresh an d a fountain pen from his pocket, he
subject. No fruit known to the culti­ condition by m eans of dam p moss or a wrote an agreem en t to pay me w hat j
vator in th e north tem perate zone can wet cloth until used, and not more he had verbally agreed to pay in case i
ta k e the place of the apple as a food th an one or tw o scions should be w ith­ of success. T hen we changed our seats
into th e next car forw ard, where we .
Many other fruits indeed, d raw n from th e package at n time.
If it Is desired to s ta rt the bud Into could keep an ey e on Mr. Nayler.
most cultivated fruits rank i i s lu xa­
From the preparing of
ries, hut the apple in most parts of the f m w t h the sam e season It Is Inserted D aw son w rote a telegram to th e chief
the food to the serving,
United S tates is one of the leading s t a ­ the budding should he done ns early in of police a t the first large place on our
the season as well developed buds can ro ute to h a v e a force a t th e station to
ple products of th e farm.
ab so lu te cleanliness and
As soon as It is found a rr e s t a man, nnd a t o u r first stop l
In Its numerous varieties Its season he obtained
of m aturity extends throughout the that the hud has united with the stock got out a u d sent it. having first arraug-
painstaking care is observ­
y e a r No other fruit of the te m perate or branch the material used to fasten ed w ith t h e conductor to hold the train
ed by the
t o n e may th us he had In continuous the bud In place must be removed and for me.
On app roaching the place w here the
succession without resorting to artifi­ the stock or branch cut hack to within
cial means of preservation. It Is pre­ a s h o r t distance from the hud to force a rr e s t w as to be m ade I stood a t the
front door an d Dawson a t the rear, so
eminently useful In th e household econ­ the grow th of the Inserted bud.
th a t from w hichever door he w ent out
Everything to Eat
E a rly Ju ne Budding.
As a culinary fruit none excels
This Is the kind of budding more we could keep track of him. T h a t he
It It graces the table In a greater va­
O ysters and Shellfish a
riety of forms th an tiny other, and ns a commonly practiced among nursery­ would leave th e train a t th a t point we
dessert fruit few are Its equal and none men. the buds being Inserted Into the felt confident, for the conductor had
its superior Its Juice when extracted stock as late In the season ns the bark Informed us th a t his tick et would c a r­
m akes an excellent and wholesome
**ie stock will le pnrnte freely to re- ry him no farther. If he did not we
In such instances the bud were to hail a policeman from th e plat­
beverage, and for vinegar it has no celve It
0|>en Day anti Night
rival. As a market fruit It Is one of rem ains do rm an t through the follow­ form.
O ur man left th e c a r by the front
the easiest and least expensive to h a n ­ ing w inter T he following spring the
dle and usually finds a ready sale If w rapping is removed, nnd wherever the door, i followed him and saw several
buds appear sound the tops of the men In police uniform looking up at
well grow n and handled with care.
stocks are cut hack and treated In the the train. I beckoned one of them and
W u t « Products Used.
same m anner as described for Ju n e pointed out Mr. Nayler. He w as the
Among the many ways In which the budding All buds on the stocks below most surprised man I ever saw. He
app 'e is now usisi the m an u factu re of the one Inserted should tie rubbed off tu rn e d as w hite as a sheet, and when
jellies and preserves is one of growing ns they s ta rt to grow The objection one of th e policemen took bis suit case
The numerous factories to early or J u n e budding Is th at the from his hand I th ought he would drop.
for th e m an u factu re of th ese goods grow th from such buds does not al­ We took him to a police station, w here
which have sprung up all over th e ap- ways innture sufficiently In northern his suit case w as opened, and I saw
pie growing region of the country have sections to pass a severely cold winter the p ackage he had tra n sfe rre d In the
tr u n k store. T he outside w rapper be­
created not only a dem and for secoud without Injury
f.ud third grade apple*, hut also for the
O th er im portant things to be consld- ing taken off disclosed a box and Inside
w iste products -cores and skins —re- ered In the propagation of apples Is the box a display of Jewelry worthy
an ting from drying and ev ap orating th e different kinds of grafting Splice, o f the window of a high grade Jewel­
the fruit
It has been found th a t Jel- tongue, root nnd cleft grafting, the er's shop
lie-» made from this apple w aste are al- regraftlng of henring trees, the best
Weil, we all returned to the city to­
at the
most ns good ns those m anufactured wa.v of grafting wax. the best way of gether. w here o u r cnptlve was landed
from whole fruit. These w aste prod­ locating nn orchard, ns well as a dls
In Jail
I went hack to my boarding
ucts have s value not only for the uses cession on soils, will he discussed I d house nnd said nothing about having
a b o v e mentioned, but there Is a grow another article
sta rte d for home In due time the re­
100 for $1.25
lug dem and for them for export pur-
A ihtrd article will consider the s u b ward w as paid—half to Dawson and.
poses for th e m anufacture of cheap Ject of m anufactured fertilizers, the half to m e Then 1 started for home
250 for $1.75
wines nnd cider
growing of clovers, the need of propel again, hut th is tim e with my baggage.
500 for $2.25
t ’liopa. for which there Is nl«o ready cultivation, the selection of the beet When I retu rned to the city 1 set up a
• a le for export purposes, are made from land for planting and the proper season detective office and have been since
th e lower grade apples by chopping the for planting.
1 reasonably successful.
Watch and Use
the Want Ads
Forest Grove Oyster House
ED. BOOS, Proprietor
Absolutely Safe and Reliable
The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association
O f Forest Grove, Oregon
Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. The Home
Company That Has Made Good. Insure Youi
Business or Dwelling in The
Bankers & Merchants
Phone Main 701
South Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore.
Fresh Vegetables Every D ay
Log Cabin Bread
Amber and
Fresh Each Morning
Golden Gate
Neat Printing
is something every business man
desires when he orders station­
ery. Neat appearing business
letter heads, envelopes, state­
ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are
what can be had from the Press
Publishing Co. Neat printing
Is Our Motto
and we endeavor to live up to
it at all times. When we fail
to deliver a job of printed work
which entirely satisfies, we are
prepared to make it right. A
job turned out of this office
must be correct in every par­
ticular. Bring your work to the
Press Publishing Co.
and be assured of securing some­
thing which is typographically
correct, tasty in construction and
neat in appearance.
Cheapest and Best
W ashington-Or egon