Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 01, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
F orest G rove P ress
Vol. 4
New Pupil in Domestic Science.
Horses Rounding into Shape.
Miss Clara West, formerly
The McCan track, near this
domestic science teacher in city, is in daily use by the train­
the public schools of this city ers who have horses lining up for
ami Hillsboro, Thursday evening the season. It is a common oc­
obligated herself to exclusively curence to see from two to five
instruct Mr. C. T. Richardson, going around the oval, and the
who holds a responsible position rail birds are beginning to take a
wuh the local plant of the Pacific decided interest in tbe various
Coast Condensed Milk company, tryouts. A number of good
in the mysteries of domestic sci­ prospects are being housed at the
ence and home economics, for track, and judging from the
the remainder of life’s existence. workouts several surprises are in
The ceremony was performed by store for the talent when the
Rev. D. T. Thomas, in the home flag drops tor the first race.
prepared by the groom for the I Not a driver who has been
reception of his bride, with a few around the course tu t gives voice
immediate friends and relatives to praise for the condition of the
as witnesses. Miss Helen Rich­ track, and many claim it is the
ardson was bridesmaid and Mr best they have rolled over in a
Haskel B’errin best man. The number of years. City water
bride was given away by herj has been turned on at the
brother, Prof. E. D. West. Miss grounds and each set of four
Lucy Richardson played the wed-1 stalls is now supplied with a fau­
ding march as the bride entered ! cet and a ready supply of pure
the ceremonial room preceeded water. Captain McCan has mov­
by Master Robert West and Miss ed his office from the Abbot
Victoria Seymour strewing her building in this city to the new
pathway with apple blossoms. clubhouse at the track, which
Mrs. W. W. MacEldowney sang was completed this week. In
several beautiful selections, be­ addition to the large office room,
fore and after the ceremony, at a room has been provided as
the conclusion of which the new­ lounging quarters for the owners
ly married couple and the guests and trainers.
partook of a three course wed­
K ap p a D elta P a rty Success.
ding supper. The couple left for
The third of the notable col­
Portland in an automobile, early
in the evening, enroute upon lege social events of the year
was the Kappa Delta party Fri­
their wedding trip.
The decorative scheme was in day evening, held in the parlors
pink and white, and the bride of Herrick Hall. The rooms
was handsomely gowned in a ; were decorated with ivy, dogwood
beautiful creation of white silk, and Oregon grape, with paper
and carried a magnificient show­ festoons centering at the chande­
er boquet of bride’s roses. Many liers. The patrons were Dr. and
handsome gifts were received. Mrs. W. N. Ferrin, Dr. M. F.
The Press joins in extending con­ Farnham, H. L. Bates, and Pro­
fessor L. B. Shippee. Among
the alumni present were Miss
Pacific T ra c k O utlook Blue.
Mary Heidle, Miss Wilson, of
Pacific University has small Hillsboro; Miss Hollinger, of
hope of carrying off honors in Portland; Miss Esther Spillman,
the triangular meet to be held Miss Lorena Belknap, of Salem;
May 3 at Corvallis, between O. Miss Rasmusen and Miss Chalm­
A. C., Multnomah Athletic Club ers, of Forest Grove; Sumner
and Columbia and Pacific as one Bryant, Mr. Murie, Mr. Lanse-
team. Captain Austin has been field and Richard Abraham.
informed that he could not go
out on track for ten days, as T each ers’ Institute a t Hillsboro.
Supt. B. W. Barnes will hold a
there is a ligament torn lose in
his hip. Without Austin in the normal school at Hillsboro for at
distance runs, Pacific will have lest one week just before the
to depend on her weight men. schools open in the fall. The
Manager Taylor sees a chance school will be open and free to
for winning if it is possible for all who have not taught more
Columbia to take the sprints and than six months. Experienced
the high jump. The hopes of instructors will be in charge.
the team rest on Shaver, who Subjects offered will be, phonetic
came near the school record in reading, writing, primary num­
the discus and shot, and on Rice ber work, “ profitable” busy
who made a creditable showing work, monthly reports, and such
in the hurdles and broad jump. advanced subjects as the teach­
The school is noticeably weak in ers may desire. Those interest­
the sprints.
ed should write to the office at
Yam hill B anker Visits G rove.
Fire D epartm ent for Banks.
J. A. Simmons, a well known
agriculturalist and business man
Banks, Ore.—A large public
of North Yamhill, paid a vist to 1 meeting was held here Thursday
Forest Grove last Thursday, the evening and the subject of better
first in twenty years. Mr. Sim­ fire protection for the town dis­
mons expressed great surprise at cussed. Twenty citizens signed
the remarkable growth of th e . an agreement to organize a vol­
city and stated that the possibili-1 unteer bucket and ladder fire
ties for further development in company, and it was the senti­
this section were unlimited, ac­ ment of those present that such
cording to the present outlook. a company would be sufficient for
Mr. Simmons is now engaged in present needs. The needed fire
banking business at North Yam­ fighting equipment to put the
company on an efficient and ef­
fective basis was promised by
Salem Firm G et C ontract.
the citizens.
At a meeting Saturday the
board of school directors for dis­ H usband A w ay W hen W ife Dies
trict 15 let the contract for the
Hillsboro, Ore. —Mrs. Herman
construction of the new school Prahl, 45 years old, died sudden­
building to Messrs Snook and ly at the family home, one mile
Traver, contractors of Salem, northeast of this city, Thursday
who bid approximately $25,000 night. She was the mother of
for the work. The successful seven children. The husband
bidders were over $000 below left two weeks ago for a visit
Portland firms, and between with his mother in Prussia, ex­
$2500 and $3000 lower than local pecting to be absent all summer.
R. W. Emerson spent the week
Subscribe for the Press. 12-tf end in Portland on a visit.
R o c k e fe lle r R e fu se d to Fly,
B u t H is D octor T o o k a C h a n c e
No. 26
Solovieff Still in Prison.
Forest G rove High Victorious.
Harry Underhill Monday morn­ Forest Grove won the Wash­
ing rceiv ed a communication ington County track meet here
from Serge Soloveiff, the Russian Saturday, sc o r i n g 65 ’ points
banker who absconded some against 60 for Hillsboro and 15
many, many months ago with for Beaverton. Toward the close
something like 5,000,000 of ru­ of the event, with Forest Grove
bles in his possession, dated from and Hillsboro tied at 60 points,
Madrid, and in which Serge calls the rooters in the grandstand
upon his good friend Harry to were in an uproar and the final
help him escape from tbe Span­ explosion c a m e when Forest
ish pen and gain possession of Grove edged over the deciding
the fortune bidden away. Harry five points.
has an opportunity to make a Clarence Lenneville, an eighth-
little matter of $160,000 by going grade Forest Grove boy, was the
to the prompt assistance of the star of the meet, winning four
. Russ, but feels that before he firsts. He fairly “ walked away”
! could undertake such a task, he with the sprints and in the relay
would have to be properly intro 1 made ri.narkable time. Forest
duced to the gentleman and ex­ Grove took the lead in the relay,
amine his references as to char­ not only maintaining it, but mak­
acter, etc. If Serge will just ing distance with every change.
stick around that Spanish pen a Hillboro showed strong in the
while longer he may possibly es­ j jumps and hurdles as well as the
cape through the assistance of i 880-yard run.
some Yankeeland chap, but we The hardest fought contest
doubt his being able to interest was the pole-vault, and a low
anyone in Oregon.
mark resulted as the athletes
were tired out in the long-drawn-
Broom stick Causes D eath.
out event.
Oscar Wise, the six year-old
The grandstand was packed to
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wise, of capacity and it was with diffi­
Scoggins valley, died at the local culty the field was kept clear.
The events and the winners
sanitarium S a tu rd a y evening,
and was buried in Forest View were as follows:
cemetery Tuesday. Death was 50-yard dash—Lenneville, For­
due to an accident suffered while est Grove; Davies, Beaverton;
the young lad was playing Thomas, Forest Grove; time,
“ horse” with a broomstick, on :05 4-5.
his parents’ farm. In some man­ Running high jump Taggart,
ner the stick got caught in the Hillsboro; Walker, Forest Grove;
grass, the end striking him in Swanson, Forest Grove; heighth,
the stomach as it threw him to 5 feet 1 inch.
P h o to by A m e ric an P re s s A ssociation.
the ground. The resulting bruise
100-yard d a s h — Lenneville,
H E N J o h n D. R o c k e fe lle r w a s In v ite d to ta k e a sp in In th e a ir he caused acute agony and he was Forest Grove; Davies, Beaverton;
sa id In s u b s ta n c e . “ L e t G e o rg e do it." A nd G e o rg e did. In th is case
hurried to the local hospital, Turner, Forest Grove; time,
G e o rg e w a s n o t R o c k e fe lle r’s s t a r la w y e r, paid to d o a n y th in g a n d
where everything possible was :10:4.
e v e ry th in g , b u t no less a |>ei'soimge th a n R o c k e fe lle r’s p h y sician .
T h a t 's how It h a p p e n e d t h a t D r. H F. B lg g a r w e n t a lly in g w ith M iss R u th done to save him, but without
Running broad jump—Davies,
B a n c ro ft L aw a t o u e o f F lo rid a 's h e a lth r e s o rts w h e re R o ck efeller w a s sto p
Beaverton; Hurl ey, Hillsboro;
plug. T h e p ic tu re sh o w s th e d o c to r ta k in g a c h a n c e In M iss L a w 's aeroplana.
Taggart, Hillsboro; 20 feet.
H e c a m e d o w n s a fe ly a n d e n th u s ia s tic a lly to ld his m u ltim illio n a ire p a tie n t all
S tate M ay Buy Holsteins.
a b o u t t t "I h a v e n ’t g ro w n w in g s y e t," d ry ly re p lied th e oil king.
880:yard run, (open)—Connell,
Hillsboro, Ore. —G o v e r n o r Hillsboro; Morgan, Forest Grove;
Hillsboro T eachers Engaged.
Firem en Do Good W ork.
West and Dr. Lee Steiner, super­ VanDoren, Hillsboro; time, 2:19.
Hillsboro, Ore.—The Hillsboro Shortly before eleven Monday intendent of the State Hospital
Running high jump (grammar)
board of school directors has em­ morning fire was discovered in for the Insane, were Hillsboro —Taggart, Hi l l s b o r o ; Mark,
ployed 19 teachers for the school the residence of Louis Humburg, visitors Saturday and were taken Hillsboro; Goff, Forest Grove;
year beginning next September, on Second street near Pacific to the Cove Oaks ranch to look haighth, 4 feet 8 inches.
as follows: H. G. Case, of Sil- avenue, which entirely consumed at a herd of registered Holstein
220-yard dash, (open)—Turn­
verton, superintendent of the the upper story before being cows, owned by George R. Bag- er, Forest Grove; Hurley, Hills­
city schools; C. W. Burtt, now placed under control. When the ley. The state board wishes to boro; Davies, Beaverton; time,
filling vacancy caused by B. W. firemen, who were on the scene increase the herds at the asylum 25 fiat.
Barnes’ election to the office of as quickly as possible, started to and penitenitary farms. Both
Pole-vault, (open)—Jones, For­
school superintendent, principal work, the roof was one sheet of officials were well pleased with est Grove; Fisher, Hillsboro; Gar­
in high school; Helen Bollinger, flame, and flying sparks seriously the appearance of the heard and rett, Hillsboro; height, 9 feet 6
Sarah Boldrick and Gertrude threatened the adjoining houses. will make an official offer. Gov-1 inches,
Denhart, high school; Miss Min­ Quick work by the department, ernor West and Dr. Steiner also j 220 low h u r d l e s , (open) —
erva Brown and Miss Nellie however, soon placed the fire un­ visited the celebrated hop farm Wilkes, Hillsboro; Roe, Forest
Wood, first grades; Miss Althea der control, and alievated the of William Bagley, Sr., compris-[ Grove; F e r g u s o n , Hillsboro;
Hembree and Miss Alma Curtis, danger to adjacent property. I ing 130 acres of vines.
time, 30 2-5.
second grades; Miss Ethel Bryan, The occupants were successful in
Standing broad jump (open) —
Heppner, and Miss Willabelle removing practically all of th e ! H ighlanders Will E ntertain.
Hancock, Forest Grove; Davies.
Moore, third grades; Miss Cecelia furnishings, and the loss is con-1 Tuesday night May 13, in K. of Beaverton; Taggart, Hillsboro;
Greer, and Miss Emily Young, fined principally to, the building. P. hall, the local lodge cf Royal ( distance, 9 feet 6 3-4 inches,
fourth grades; Miss Ruth Jones The volunteer firemen are worthy Highlanders will keep open j 50-yard dash (grammar)—Len­
and Miss Ethel Joy, fifth grades; of all praise for the expeditious house. An entertainment of a neville, Forest Grove; Taggart,
Mrs. Maris, sixth; Miss Tennes­ and workmanlike m a n n e r in | vocal and instrumental nature | Hillsboro; Goff, Forest Grove;
see Weatherred and Miss Marcia which they fought the flames.
has been arranged for and re­ time, :05 3-5.
Gleason, seventh; Mis. Josephine
freshments will be served by the 1 Running broad jump (gram­
Going A fter the Business.
Case, eighth.
ladies. A good time and a pleas­ m ar)—Taggart, Hil’sboro; Olson,
Vankoughnet and Reder, pro­ ant evening is anticipated by the: Hillsboro; Douher, Hillsboro; dis­
Young M an T akes Pistol Route. prietors of the old Pioneer Drug Knights and Ladies.
tance, 17 feet 8 inches.
Hillsboro, Ore. —Iva M. Rog­ store, now known as the Itexall
440-yard dash (open)— Turner,
T akes in Orenco.
ers, aged 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. store, adopted an unique and
Forest Grove; Connell, Hillsboro;
Charles Rogers, residing near valuable b u s i n e s s promoting
Cornelius, Ore.—Cornelius de­ Hurley, Hillsboro; time, :56 1-5.
Garden Home, Monday shot and method of introducing to the feated Orenco in an exciting
Shot (open)--Walker, Forest
killed himself within 200 yards of public a soda fountain recently game before 500 people Sunday. Grove; Fisher, Hillsboro; Taylor,
his home. Young Rogers in the installed. Friday and Saturday The game was well played and Forest Grove; distance, 38 feet 3
morning visited a physician in every person who entered the was won by the locals in the inches.
Beaverton for treatment for a store was a guest of the proprie­ eighth inning by three consecu­ 100-yard dash (grammar) —
varicose ulcer, after which he tors at the fountain. Friday tive two-base hits, Mellis held Lenneville, Forest Grove; Tag­
called at the store of Cady & Co. over 800 cones of ice cream were the visitors to six scattered hits. gart, Hillsboro; Olson, Hillsboro;
and purchased some cartridges, given away to the children of Batteries Orenco, Bettis a n d time, :10 4-5.
only one of which it was neces­ the Grove and Saturday the old­ Harrington; Cornelius, Mellis and
The relay team was composed
sary for him to use to commit er people to the number of 400 Beherman.
of Thomas, Davis, Lenneville and
suicide. No cause for the deed enjoyed the hospitality of Van*!
can be learned, though it is sup­ koughnet and Reder.
Officials Starter, Levi Austin;
posed that his ill health had
Regular services at the Chris- field judge, H, T. Shaver; timers,
Mrs. Chas. Hundley, of Gales tian church next Sunday. Bible Taylor and Heiter.
made him dispondent. The body
( reek, passed through the Grove school at ten o’clock. Morning
was found in a cabin.
C. F. Elder, of Seattle, is vis­
Friday enroute for a day in Port- 8t.rvice at 11 o’clock. Theme,
Will parcel poet stimulate the 'and-
“ Christ in The Faith of To-Day.” iting at the Sexton home this
trade in gold bricks?
Your needs in wearables, in Y. P. S.C. E. at 7 o’clock. Ev- week.
O. T. Mevrie, an employee of eatables; your aspired to articles ening service at 8 o’clock, theme,
Misses Maude Hollinger, of
State G a m e Warden Finley, of furniture and of home adorn- “The Handsome Young Man Who Portland, and Lorena Belnap, of
spent the week end in Forest ments—these things form a cen- Failed.” The public cordially in- Medford, were in town to attend
tral theme of today’s ads!
the Kappa party.