Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 24, 1913, Image 1

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    O regon H isto rical S ociety
F orest G rove P ress
8 Pages
Voi. 4
P le a :a n t Q u a rte rs fo r H o rsem en
T u rn e r A rt E x h ib it A ttra c ts.
F o rest G ro v e G e ts F irst Blood.
No. 25
D ubious as to F ried m an n C ure.
T h o m a s S u lliv a n , 112, Takes P lu n g e
The club house and office build- The Turner Art Fxhibit, which
Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. J. P.
By a score of seven to two the
in jr being constructed by Captain opened in K. of P. hall yester­
Forest Grove High school nine Tamiesie, who has just returned
Each M o r n in g , S u m m e r a n d W in te r
C. P. McCan on the old Wash­ day, is attracting a great deal of
was victorious Saturday over the from a four months’ foreign
ington County Fair association attention from the lovers of the
McMinnville High school in the tour, was welcomed home by a
grounds is rapidly nearing com­ beautiful who reside in Forest
opening game of the Washing­ banquet at the Hotel Washington
pletion and will soon be ready Grove. A large collection of re­
ton-Yamhill county league, play­ Friday night. Plates were laid
for occupancy, when the Captain productions of the masterpieces
ed on the college diamond. for 60 and those present included
will move his headquarters from of the world’s art galleries are to
Hamilton on the mound opened close personal, business and pro­
the Abbott building to the track. be seen, and in addition, an at­
for the locals, but because of fessional friends. H. V. Gates,
The club house has two large tractive program is rendered
wild pitching, allowing five men of Portland, formerly of Hills­
rooms on the ground floor, one of each evening. To-night the girls’
i toperambu a ‘e and givingthe \ is- boro, presided as toastmaster.
which will be fitted up as an of­ glee club will entertain with a
itors an unearned run, he got the During his absence, Dr. Tamiesie
fice and the other furnished as a number of popular selections and
j hook in the second. Ireland, visited the leading hospitals of
lounging and residing room, with to-morrow evening, the last day
! who replaced him, held the Mc­ London and Paris and met many
writing desks, easy chairs, and of the exhibit, an interesting
Minnville aggregation down to a men prominent in the scientific
other comforts for the conven­ program of musical numbers will
few scattering hits and one run. i world. He says these men do
ience of horsemen patronizing be rendered and Prof. Proctor
Arthur Ireland was behind the not take the Friedmann tubercu­
the park. A file of daily news-1 will deliver an address which
sack for Forest Grove. Parker ■ losis cure seriously and that pre­
papers, turf and breeding publi-! will be worth hearing.
and White did the honors for the; vious to the announcement of his
cations, monthly magazines, etc.,
I visitors. Wednesday, April 30, discovery the doctor was little
will be kept on file. Upstairs, | In d ian O fficials A fte r H orses.
{Newberg will try conclusions! known. Upon returning to New
extending across the entire front,
with Forest Grove on the local York Dr. Tamiesie visited the
Hillsbo o, Ore.—An officer of
Mount Sinai hospital, where pa­
a covered gallery has been pro-! the Yakima Indian Agency, an
vided. which will be used by the interpreter and Joe Toppenish,
tients who have been given the
E n tries in fo r School M eet.
serum are under observation, and
owners and their friends as a an Indian, arrived Sunday night
place from which to view the | to identify 14 horses that were
Entries for tl\e Washington after a personal examination and
races, undisturbed by the crowds stolen from the reservation a
county track meet, scheduled for study of the history of the cases
in the stands and field.
April 26, are in the hands of since receiving the treatment, he
year ago and brought to this
Austin. Twenty schools is skeptical as to its merit. He
county and sold. They went out
G ra ft in B urial Lots.
The list of defends the attitude of the medi­
with Sheriff Reeves Monday
Hillsboro, Ore.—Recent inves­ morning to claim the property
events f o l l o w s : For H i g h cal profession regarding Dr.
tigations have disclosed that] which will be relinquished with­
schools, 50-yard dash, 100-yard Friedmann’s claims by saying
burials have been,made in unsold | out litigation. Two men brought
dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard that if the bars were let down
lots in the local I. 0. 0. F. ceme-1 the horses here, shipping them
dash, 880-yard run and 880-yard and indiscriminate treatment per­
tery. Officers of the lodge hav- j from The Dalles to Portland by
r e l a y , shotput, 220-yard low mitted without careful investiga­
ing the cemetery in charge re- j boat. Most of the horses were
hurdles, pole vault, running high tion being first made the medical
cently completed a checking-up sold in the Forest Grove and Cor­
jump, running broad jump and profession would be held respon­
of the lots and were amazed to nelius sections.
standing broad jump. The gram­ sible in case of failure and the
discover that burials had been
mar school events are: 50-vard anti-vaccinationists and others
made in lots not yet sold and in H illsboro H o st to D r. T am iesie.
dash, 100 yard dash, running given another argument.
at least one case that an inter­
high jump and running broad
Hillsboro, Ore,—Sixty couple
C h a n c e to W in G old M ed al.
ment had been made in a lot be­
Friday evening tendered Dr. and
longing to a family, which sup-i
A gold medal to the school boy
posed that it was vacant except Mrs. J. P. Tamiesie a home-wel­
S w inging A x e D ees D a m a g e.
girl between the ages of ten
P hoto by A m erican P re s s A ssociation.
for one body buried years ago. coming reception at the Hotel
fifteen who writes the best
Vinton Robinson, the 18 year
IN C E he w as tw e lv e y e a rs old, w hit i b" claim s w as Just about a century
No record of the burials can be Washington. H. V. Gates, of
not to exceed 800
ago, T hom as S ullivan of W illiam s Bay. W ls„ has taken a inorulug old son of H. N. Robinson, while
found and they are supposed to Portland, prssided as toastmaster
repair and main­
plunge. F o u rth o f J u l y o r C hristm as, It m akes no difference, head first splitting wood Tuesday morning
have been made by non-resi­ at a banquet, and the following
In he goes. D u rin g th e w in te r m onths he often has to chop a big hole with a double bitted axe, had the tenance of earth roads, is to be
dents. There is a possibility | responded to toasts: W. N. Bar­ In th e Ice so he can ta k e a dip. G ives you th e sh iv ers? Well, old Tom, as he thumb of his left hand almost awarded by Logan Waller Page,
th riv e s on i t T h e p ic tu re show s him w alking out on the frozen river
that the graves were sold by an rett. Senator W. D. Wood, W. G. Is n e called,
a r his hom e ab o u t to plunge In. H e's a fisherm an and farm er. He g ets up slashed off. The axe glanced off Director, Office of Public Roads,
unauthorized person .and while
a t 6 a. m. and goes to bed a t 7 p. m.
the wood, cutting deep into the United States Department of Ag­
no charges are made suspiction M. Erwin, John M. Wall; Dr. C.
flesh. As first it was thought riculture, Washington, D. C. All
is cast in the direction of a form­ J. Smith, of Pendleton, and Rev. F ind S k eleto n o f M issing M an. C o rn eliu s C ouncil Close Saloons. that the member would have to ; compositions must be submitted
er employe, and it is known that Evan P. Hughes, of Ridgefield,
Hillsboro, Ore.—Mrs. Thomas
Hillsboro, Oregon.—The City be amputated, but quick and to Mr. Page before May 15, 1913,
in the case of at least one inter­ Washington. Dr. Tamiesie gave Haines Sunday found a skeleton Council of Cornelius closed the careful work on the part of the and the medal will be awarded
ment this man admitted respon­ a short talk on his impressions on her husband’s ranch, 10 miles two saloons at that place Satur­ physicians, who were immediate­ as soon thereafter as the compo­
sibility and promised to have the while abroad in Europe. Three southeast of this city and south day night, notwithstanding there ly summoned, will probably save sitions can be graded. The com­
body removed. An effort is be­ of the gentlemen at the table— of Scholls. A revolver was lying was a temporary injunction sign- j the thumb.
position may be based on knowl­
ing made to discover the identity Dr. Tamiesie, Dr. Smith and Mr. near and the skull had been ed by the Circuit court prohibit­
edge gained from books or other
Hughes—were all in England
of the bodies.
W ill C lean u p th e City.
sources, but no quotations should
penetrated by a bullet. No cloth­ ing the mayor from proclaiming
during the winter months.
ing was found. The skeleton the election results of April 7,
By proclamation of the city | be made. Any child between
F re e C o n cert M o n d ay E vening.
has been positively identified as which decreed that the licensed council Mav 1 has been designat­ the ages mentioned, attending a
C ornelius N ine D e fe a te d .
The men of Pacific University
that of Percy Jaquith, the 23 saloon must go out of business. ed as clean-up day. S a c k s of country school may compete.
McMinnville, Ore.—By a score year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. The majority was nine votes and rubbish, garbage and other re­ Only one side of the paper must
conservatory will give a recital
Monday evening in Marsh-hall of 13 to 6, McMinville defeated W. Jaquith, of that place. Iden­ the saloon men at once asked for fuse should be placed on the be written on; each page should
which will be free to the public. Cornelius here Sunday. Foster, tification was made by the num­ an injunction of proclamation on curbing in front of each resi­ be numbered; the name, age and
The male quartette will sing sev­ for McMinnville, struck out sev­ ber of the revolver, which was the ground that the ordinance dence on that morning to be address of the writer, and the
eral numbers, new music will be en men and allowed three hrts, 27,170, a Colt’s police special. ordering the election was not picked up by wagons and hauled name and location of the school
rendered by the orchestra, vocal while Carsten, for Cornelius, This number found' in the dead properly executed. The council to the dumping ground. Every which he or she is attending
and instrumental solos given, struck out three men and allowed man’s diary corresponds with the last week adopted an ordinance resident of the city should par­ must, be plainly written at the
and several novelties in piano nine hits. Up to the sixth in­ number of the gun found by the with an emergency clause and ticipate in this movement and as­ top of the first page.
and violin duets and trios heard. ning the score stood 4 to 0. Cor­ side of the skull. Young Jaquith the marshal closed all saloons at sist in getting rid ot the year’s
O re n co W o m an Sails fo r E n g la n d
nelius came with a crippled team. was studious and had passed a 6 o’clock Saturday evening. The accumulation of garbage, etc.
Egbert and Fred Leise have
Orenco, Ore.—Mrs. Jack Cul­
year at the Corvallis Agricultural saloon men will obey the ordin­
Master Charley Stream was C o l l e g e . Jacquith committed ance until the Circuit court dis­
been absent from school with
will sail on the Olympic on
H eld on C h a rg e of T h e ft.
out of school this week with suicide July 18, 1911.
measles this week.
for England. She goes
poses of the case.
Hillsboro, Ore. Romeo H.
relatives at Eccles, near
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McNutt,
Stephens, alias Harold E. Martin,
Kent, England. Her
G ive P la y a t C ornelius.
of Cornelius, visited with their
Mrs. T. Wigman has returned
is under arrest here on a charge
in England about
son C. McNutt, of this city, Sun­ to her home in this city after her
Elmer Rogers died at a Port­ of taking $70.90 from the Ore­
Last Wednesday the Knights
and her brother
visit at Seattle.
of Columbus of Hillsboro pre­ land hospital Saturday morning gon Electric at Tualatin, where
about three
Mrs. F. Thompson, of Omaha,
Mrs. Fred Boise, of this city, ! sented to a large and apprecia­ of heart trouble, and was buried he was employed as station agent weeks ago. She will remain
who has been visiting her sister, is very sick at the home of her tive audience at Cornelius, the from his home in Cornelius Mon­ for a time. He was apprehend­
“ Price of His Honor,” a play day afternoon. The dead boy is ed in Portland and brought to abroad for six months.
Mrs. 0. S. Higby, of this city, father, J. Dilley.
with a strong moral. The vari­ a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hillsboro Saturday. During the
left Wednesday for a trip through
Friends and neighbors of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady, of ous characters were well taken Rogers, and leaves, besides the day he talked quite freely to the
Mrs. J. Tumbleson tendered
Cornelius, visited C. S. McNutt, and the numerous situations parents, 3even brothers and on^ officers, and told of numerous
Mr. and Mrs. McCan are at of this city Sunday.
them a pleasant surprise last Sat­
which developed throughout the sister. He was born in Green­ escapades, ranging from New urday evening. Games were
Vancouver this week attending
York to S a n Francisco. He played and refreshments served
the horse show. Mr. McCan is Miss Edith Churchill, of this unfolding of the plot went off wood, Wisconsin.
claims that the largest amount and all went home saying they
the judge of the harness horses city, visited with home folks at with a vim and sureness which
N a y lo r F in ed $ 3 0 0 .
Dierun Farm on Gales Creek bespoke careful preparation and
taken was only about $400, but had a fine time.
of the show.
that the total sum would run up
The Junior League of the
The Camp Fire Girl’s of Forest
into the thousands. He claims
Miss Wynona Ogden, of this
Methodist church held a banquet
met with several visitors
O d d Fellow « C e le b ra te B irth.
George F. Naylor, Forest Grove to have forged express money under the direction of Mrs. B. F.
in the church parlors last Friday city, spent Sunday with her sis­
evening from 4 to 6 o’clock. ter. Mr. Wm. Cameron, at Mc­ Local Odd Fellows celebrated capitalist, to a fine of $300 and orders and cashed them, having White at the college building last
the 94 anniversary of the found­ costs, or 150 days in the county cashed one at the Clyde Hotel in Saturday evening and spent sev­
About fifty were present.
jail. Naylor, before sentence, Portland for $10, and one at the
Miss Lizzie Hannon of the 10th ing of the order Monday night. asked for a new trial, which was Union Depot for $40, just prior eral delightful hours. Lurch
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Emmerson
was served.
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Good rode grade has been absent from
ished by Walker’s orchestra, and denied, and he will appeal to the to his arrest.
Miss Ruth Gates of the 9th
in Mr. Emmerson’s auto to Port­
addresses were delivered by a Supreme conrt. Naylor was con-
grade has been absent from her
land last Sunday. They report
number of the prominent mem­ viced of unlawfully living with
classes this week on account of
the roads fine except near Ger­ Prof. Wm. Proctor has offered bers.
Mrs. Miles Watrous.
man town, where the auto stuck a pennant to the individual win­
several times.
Frank Fleck, of Bailey’s store,
J. R. Moore, of San Francisco,
ning the most points in the coun­ Eber Groat, of Shoals, visited
Shearer’s Confectionery can
E. A. Hyde, of Portland, visit­ ty track meet to be held here with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Morris, save you money on your brick ice was visiting in this city the first made a trip to Portland Monday
> to get his new auto.
of the week.
ed in the Grove this week.
1 of this city this week.