FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 17. 1913. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE THE PEOPLES STORE CO. A THING OF THE PAST II II Î Stock and fixtures were ordered sold by the U. S. court. Everything must be sold. Prices are slashed right and left. The order is to sell and sell we must. Everything in this big double store ordered sold for the money it will bring. Goods sold wholesale and retail. The markets best merchandise can be purchased for less than the cost of the raw material. This sale is the talk of the entire community. Take advantage while the opportunity is in front of you. Remember that the People’s Store Company’s stock is the largest bankrupt stock ever thrown to the mercy of the Washington county public. ^Ladies’ and Misses Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists. Dresses, Underwear, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Dsy Goods, Curtains, Quilts, Blankets, Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Shoes for Men, Women, Girls, Boys and Child­ ren. In fact, everything in the dry goods, ladies’ and men’s ready to wear stock to be sacrificed at prices never before heard of in the dry goods or clothing trade. Below we quote you a few of our prices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dry Goods, Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Suits, Coats, Dresses, Etc., Millinery, Shoes and Furnishings Dress Goods Tlie 50c grades in good pat­ terns, Bankrupt price, the y a rd ...................... Embrodiery And laces; high grades; 10c to 20c qualities. Bankrupt price, per y a rd ................ Corsets The famous Kabo $2 kind bank- rupt price for these at o n l y .............................. Sheeting Unbleached the 5 and 6 cent grades, bankrupt price the yard ....................... Embrodiery Extra wide; the 50c grades. Bankrupt price, per yard for ................... Shoes One lot o f ladies’ shoes and Oxfords. Choice.. Veilings The most beautiful $1.00 grades ad es Bankrupt price, only, the yard ...................... Child’s Dresses Made up; beautiful $2.50 and $3 grades. Bank­ rupt price for .......... Shoes One hig lot o f shoes and Oxfords for Ladies. Hood Capes For children and Misses; y rain l til l 1 proof. At bankrupt price. Infants’ Shoes The best 50 cent kind. Bargain price................. 19c 3c 19c Ladies’ Suits A good assortment. All the $10 to $15 giades. n o A t bargain p rice... Ladies’ Suits The tine $20 and $25 grades, at bankrupt price; choice fo r .......... $4.98 Ladies’ Coats One big lot; take your choice................ 98c 3c 89c 14c 98c $1.29 Children’s Shoes Best $1.00 children’s shoes. Bankrupt price Lace Curtains Standard $2 and $3.00 grades. Bankrupt price for the p air.............................. 79c Towels The 5 cent grade goes at bankrupt price o f ........... Linen Towels 25c standard quality. Bankrupt price............ Ribbons 15 & 20c cent grades; all colors. Bankrupt price, per yard r* f o r ..................................... J)C Sweater Coats For children: all-wool; $1 and $2.00 grades. Bankrupt p rice.............................. 29c Red Flannel Absolutely all wool 35c and 50c grades, bankrupt price per y a rd ....................... 19c 19c Pearl Buttons The best 5 and 10 cent pearl buttons. Bankrupt price per dozen........................ Sweater Coats For Ladies’ . The $3.50 and $5 grades, bankrupt price H O 59c Safety Pins The 5c kind. Bankrupt price the dozen............... 2c Muslin Underwear Corset covers, drawers and petticoats, lacetrimmed Q Q bankrupt price f o r .........«55/C $7.98 Muslin Underwear Combination suits, gowns and skirts, bankrupt price fo r ................................. 89c 5c Underwear Ladies’ best 50c vests and pants. Bargain price for only 59c Gloves Ladies’ Kayser’s silk gloves, 2 button bankrupt price f o r ..................... Gloves Ladies’ Kayser and Dents Silk gloves, 12 b u t t o n s {*f\ Infants' Hose Cashmere or Silk Lisle; 25 cent grades. Bankrupt price n fo r ..................................... DC 12c Millinery Spring hats, $5 and $7.50, kind, b a n k r u p t price ( h i Af\ . f o r ............................ j ) 1 . 4 j Hand Bags Solid leather, $2 to $3 fine hand bags. Bankrupt price for on ly........................ Belts Newest 25c and 50c belts. Bankrupt price for on ly.......................... 2c Silk Dresses Also fine wool and Mohair grades to $25. (t»Q Q A Bankrupt price for t p O .O l/ 19c Gloves Ladies’ 35 and 50c Lisle gloves Bankrupt price................. 9cts 49c 2c Ladies’ Suits Hand tailored, the $35 and $50 grades, bankrupt price f o r .............. Raincoats Slip-ons and Raincoats $10 and $15 quality at Children’s Dresses The 1.50 and 2.00 kind, white lawns, fancy percale trimmed priced a t .. 69c at...................69c for........................90C 69c Hat Bra ds $1.50 and $2 hat braids all the iatest colors bankrupt p rice.............................. 39c Ladies’ Hose Fine grade double heel q and toe bankrupt price .. */C Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Etc. Boys’ Shoes Men's Suits $2.59 The $10 grades. Bank­ rupt price, choice....... Caps 17c Knee Pants 69c 89c One lot of Men's and Boys’ Shirts. Bankrupt price . ... All wool, best $.'1.50 grade Bankrupt price......... .... 29c Dress Shirts. High grade Monarch and Cluett brand e 39c Men’s Hats Men's Egyptian ribbed, al­ ways 50c. Bankrupt price 66c Overalls for men. Bank­ rupt price ................ 79c The leading styles and all sizes. Bankrupt price One entire let. Take your choice at ............................ 19c Arrow Collars Men’s Shoes One lot of Men's Shoes and Oxfords. Bankrupt price 12c Up-to-date, well made, good quality. P rice..... 69c Absolutely all wool $20 and $25 grades. Bankrupt 79c The very latest models. $3 grades ....................... P170PI I7Q Q T n P P r L u r L E i j j 1 U K $9.98 $5 '.dozen Knives and Forks. Rogers plate ... L . $2.49 Berry Ladle 79c $2 Silver Plate. Bankrupt p rice................................. 69c Raincoats The famous brands. Bankrupt price ................ L U 98c Knives and Forks Men's Hats PH Tea Spoons $2 Rogers plate Tea Spoons Gartere One lot of slightly soiled Collars 1 /» a t ......................... ............... 26 piece Dinner Sets, Knives. Forks, Spoons. Butter Knife and i QQ Sugar Spoon ¿pT.JO $7.98 Men’s Suits Collars 5c $4.98 Men’s Suits Coats and Vests |jQ., Silver Sets 12c Shirts Overalls One good lot o f o f t and stiff shapes. Bankrupt price Men’s Suits All wool suits, all sizes................... Shirts Underwear 75o ami $1. Knickerbocker Knee Pants. Bankrupt pric 11 Socks 25c grad« Lisle, all colors Bankrupt price................... Sweater Coats For men and boys, 50c qual ty. Bankrupt price TUC Popular Boys' $2 and $2.50 strong shoes, price........... 7 11 r $10 Boys’ slipon. Bank­ rupt p rice....................... $2.98 n o w b e in g w ip e d o u t o f e x is t e n c e Comer Third and Main Streets, Hillsboro, Oregon Fixtures Will Be Sold For Anything They Will Bring. EDW. GETTLEM AN, Appraiser In Charge