FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 1913. M ore Energy Furnished by Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro How much more one can accom­ plish when feeling full o f life and “ vim ” than feeling all run down and having no strength. This run down condition is not always caused by disease, but unless some good tonic is taken it may lead to a long sickness. For speedy recovery take Frank James Hiley to James John J Wilcox 4 tracts In sec 34, 2 S 1 Hiley 9.52 acres in DLC of Solomon $6000. A H Bryant to Ellen Bryant lot 50 and Elizabeth Richardson, 2 S 1 $25. O W Olson and Elizabeth his wife, x 100 ft in sec 28, 3 N 5 $500. Robert Eggerts to Minnie Eggerts to Emma Crofton lot 8, blk 14. Pin< N E !4 of NW»A sec 16, 2 N 4 $1. etc. land Terrace $10. Minnie Klaus to Charles G Sweckes Ruth Trust Company to Nellie C Boley lot 1, blk 51, North Plains $275. NE >4 of N W 'A sec 16, 2 N 4 $1300. Your old energy will come back; A S Sholes and wf to William B Alvord Carr Hunter Co to Andrew your appetite will be recovered, and Anderson lot 44, Groveland $10. Hotvedt tract 5, Alvord-Carr-Hunter tasks, or what seemed tasks to you Henry Charles McDonald and wf to Co’s Sub-Division No 1 $500. before, will be easily accomplished. Alice C Gove to John Kiernan N % Adelaide Haney and hus undivided Sold here only. o f NVVV4 and S W l, of S\V 1-4 sec '5 int In 31.69 acres in DLC of Joel Fairchild and wife, 1 N 4 $5. 17, 2 N 2 $2880. Large Bottle, $1.00 Adelaide Haney and hus to Henry Lawrence N Blowers Trustee to J F Splckor E ',2 of SEV4 sec 7, and Charles McDonald and wf 20 acres in Joel Fairchild D LC ; undivided V4 int W Vi of SW !4 sec 8, 2 N 4 $2000 etc. Harry Engle to Spring Hill Land conveyed $5. TH E REXALL STORE J F Melzer and wf to Fred A Col- Company lots 8 and 24, Spring Hill felt NV6 of lot 3, in blk 1, Sherwood Farm $10. VanKoughnet & Reder W A Harris and wf to R L Cole $300. DRUGGISTS Fred ,H ess and wf to Fred Colfelt tract in Donald McLeod and wf DLC Forest Grove, Oregon and Edward Colfelt 4 acres in sec 2 0 ,1 1 S 4. Also part of 1 % acre $10. State of Oregon to VV H Wehrung 2 S 1 $500. G 11 Baldwin and wf to Della M 1 lots 1 and 2, sec 24, 1 S 3 $30.88. Oscar M Madison and wf to W il­ Hall lot 3, blk 1, Bailey’s Addition to ■ liam Dees lots 12 to 22, both inclus­ Forest Grove. 50 x 110 ft. in blk 18, Forest Grove. Ixits 14 and 15, blk ive, Madison Acreage Grove Maggie Maston and hus to William 1, Curlis Addition to Forest T Krebs part of blk 8, town of Hills­ $ 10 . Nellie C Holey and W F Boley, her boro $10 etc. Portland Trust Company of Oregon hus to Francis R Colburn lot 1, blk to Lulu M Rosecrans lots 5 and 6, 51, North Plains $600. John Pearson and wf to Standard blk 4, Beusonic Heights $1100. of Guy Rosekrans and wf to Louis Box & Lumber Company SEVi 29, Brown lot 6, blk 4, Beusonic Heights N W !4 and NEV4 of S W 1-4 sec Put your ad in the Press. 3 N 4 $10. $950. Prof. Proctor o f the High J P Cronin to F A Martin tract in I William Salzwedel and wf to W school, spent the latter part of Lowell Trichell 10.83 acres in sec 35, sec 24, 1 S 1 $1500. John Obermeier and wf to Karl I the week in Portland. 1 N 1 $1. 4j T S McDaniel and wf to Albert Grim NVis of SWV4 sec 13, 3 N Bring your wool and mohair to ALTITONE W Sehmale lot 11, blk 2, Myers Ad ditlon to Reedville Homes $10. John Walters and wf to C It Hib- berd 8 E % of SW>4 of sec 19, and lots 3 of Sec 30, 1 S 4 $10. August Renit and wf to W E Pegg % interest in NV4 of lots 3 and 4. blk 6, Beaverton $250. Herman Metzger and wf to I, D Fay lot 1, blk 57, Metzger Acre Tracts $375. Oregon Nursery Company to Ga briel Dobra lot 3, Orenco Acres $500. Oregon Nursery Company to John Dt)bra west half of lot 1, Orenco Acres $500. Oregon Nursery Company to Mike Dobra east half o f . lot 1, Orenco Acres $450. The Groner & Rowell Company to Elizabeth Nielsen WVfc of SEV4 sec 22, 1 S 2 also 20 ft strip adjoining J T Heard tract $2080. J E Parmley and wf et ill to Charles E Hall 8250 sq ft in see 31, 2 N 3 $130. Anna Dora Knittle and hus to So phia W est lots 1, 2, 7, 8, blk 2, Mid dleton $5. August Lovegron and wife to An drew Danielson lot 5, blk 4, Cherry Grove, except 10-ft alley $150. Wallace McCamant and wife to W J. F. Leise left Tuesday to vis­ it relatives in Seattle. Miss Aneita Stephenson, of Cornelius, was a Grove visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Baldwin visited last Sunday on their farm near Waldport. Henry Sackrider, o f this city, visited with his sister, Mrs. Bowen, in Hillsboro, last week. Mrs. Henry Clark, o f this city, starts this week for Creston, Iowa, where she will meet her husband. Miss Maude Hollinger, of Port­ land, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hollinger, of this city, over Sunday. The Boy Scouts o f the M. E, church and the Scouts o f th e ! Christian church will hold a track meet on Wednesday after- j noon. $t. and family, of Agra, Kansas, have moved on a farm near Watts. C A Hatch to Louisa Johnson 4 acres in SE14 o f sec 17, 2 S 1 $325. The Misses Edith and Emma J A Thornburgh and wf to Rose J | Craft, o f Dilley, visited with Olmstead part of lot 3, blk 29, For­ their cousin, Miss Edith Craft, est Grove $1. Fannie Clark to C W McNamer tr of this city, Sunday. in William Stokes Land Claim, 1 N j When you commence house- 3 $10. cleaningdon’t forget to kalsomine Elizabeth Young Ilix and hus to j The best at G. G. Ethel M Webb 6.21 acres in Joshua j the walls. Paterson’ s, Forest Grove. 18tf Hall DLC, I N I $10. For full reports get the Forest Grove Press. ' V U TYPEWRITERS Shirt W a ist SALE! FOR T W O DAYS ONLY SA T U R D A Y and M O N D A Y Right at the begin­ ning of the SHIRT WAIST SEASON we are offering some r a r e bargains in shirt waists, in White, Gray, Blue, Brown and Tan. Bring Us Your Produce. We are giving special prices for poultry and veal and all other farm produce. We are the orig­ inators o f ‘ ‘Cash for Produce.” Schultz Pure Food Market and Grocery, Forest Grove. 18tf Notice. I am now sole owner o f th e : Forest Grove Pharmacy and will not pay any bills contracted by \ Edgar H. Brown. CHAS. A. LITTLER. 23t2 Notice. Be it known that the Sunrise Grocery on and after May 1st will pay casl) for all farm pro­ $ 10 . A. G. Hoffman and Company for W A Harris and wf to R L Cole ducts, Eggs, Butter, Veal and highest cash price. 18tf 1 acre near Gaston $10. pork, the best market price paid D D Bump to W F Roltson lot 7, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. LaCourse and all goods sold at the bottom blk 1, Bump’s Addition to Forest were Cherry Grove visitors Tues­ price and for cash only. JOHN G ro v e $150. day. DODGE, Proprietor. 23tf W F Rolston and wf to Charles I) ___________ Gibson visited Crunlcan lot 7, blk 1, Bump's Addition * Miss Gladys to Grove $100. Dissolution Notice. over Sunday at Waldport with Agnes Walker and hus to Harry | Miss Kate Roe. The partnership that has here- Robinson 19.50 acres in sec 34, 1 S j to-fore existed between Dr. Ed- j Some exceedingly low prices 1 $ 100 . Ella Eddy and hus to Addle J Ely on choice Toilet soaps at the gar H. Brown and Chas. A. Lit- 29 acr s in DLC of Edward Byrom sec Forest Grove Pharmacy. tler in the Forest Grove Pharma­ 18tf 26, 2 S 1 $10. cy has been dissolved, Dr. Brown Wr. and Mrs. R. F. Emmerson Jacob Correll and wf to Geo E Zim- [ having sold his interests to Mr. merman undivided % int in NEV4 of visited in Portland the first part Littler, who will receive and pay of the week. SWV4 and N W t i o f SE 1-4 sec 34. all accounts of the above firm. T 1 S R 3 W $10. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Keesee B L Bunnell and wf to Edwin C Bunnell blocks 8 and 9, Echo Heights C 1 Notice. The Washington County Veter­ an association will meet at Hills­ boro in Oddfellows hall, Thurs­ day, May 1, at 10 a. m. All comrades and ladies cordially in­ vited. E. F. Siaz, President, Geo. C. Thomas, Sec’ y. ATl members of W ash-' ington Lodge No. 48, I. Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Gillihan, of O. O. F. are requested to be Independence, visited Saturday \ present Monday evening, April and Sunday with Mrs. L. C .; 21. An interesting program w ill, be rendered. R. M. Taylor, Sec­ Misz, o f this city. retary. Harold Prosser, o f Newport, = = The values a r e = - ----- $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50, $2.75, $3, $3.25, $3.75 All on sale for Saturday and Monday only, at $1.25 Some of these are slightly soiled, but are big bargains at the price we name. Don’t forget our Grocery Department. up to date and strictly sanitary. ( We f T a . y , F™* V^asn I or P a ck Every thing in it Poultry, Butter. Eggs, \ Mohair and Wool. J Silverware, Plain and Fancy Dishes given as premiums. Phone 631 A. G. HOFFMAN CO FOREST GROVE, OREGON YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy the privileges o f the gymnasium and swimming pool. Enroll at PAC IFIC U N IV E R S IT Y for Education, Health and Physical Development, and who has been visiting his grand-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Og­ den, has returned home. Do It Now ! Just arrived in the city today} a fresh supply o f Whitman’ s chocolates at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. 18tf T he W ant advertiser accom­ Mrs. J. T. Shannon, of Hills­ boro, was calling on friends in plishes, today, the task before which the procrastinator stands this city Tuesday. For particulars address PACIFIC UNIVERSITY Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. in doubt and dread, wondering For the Business and Professional Man, The Student and Teacher. Write your letters on a machine and be sure of a neat, attractive, legible communication. Now have on hand one No. 2 and one No. 3 Smith Premier at a right price. Call and look them over— Press Office G. E. SECOUR Forest Grove, Ore. Miss Greta Bailey, o f Salem, is whether or not want advertising visiting with her uncle and aunt, would be of ‘ ‘any use.” F or S ale Shadeland-Climax Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bailey, of seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest this city. Grove. 20tf Does it pay you to send your F or Q uick S alk A $12000, 38 sewing out when you can buy a acre fruit farm on David’s Hill, good second hand sewing ma­ for $8500. One of the finest chine at Staehr's Bazaar for $5. fruit farms in Washington Co. fully guaranteed to do perfect Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone Vine 151. 16-tf work? 22tf F or S a l e N o . 2 Smith Pre­ Ernest and Paul Weiburg, chil­ dren of Mr. and Mrs. Weiburg, mier typewriter, good as new. First offer o f $30 takes it. Press of Albany, were drowned in Mud office. 16-tf creek, near Albany last week. A cre T racts in Sun Set Ad­ $1.25 shirt waist sale. A. G. dition to Forest Grove to be sold Hoffman & Co. Two days only, on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoff­ Saturday and Monday, see ad. man Building. 19tf 24 tl F or S ale Baled Clover, baled. Mrs. Wm. Weston, o f Port­ Timothy in ton lots. Good stuff. 24tf land, visited her daughter, Mrs. Ed. L. Naylor. A Rafferty in this city, over L ost O n Gales Creek road be­ Sunday. tween Glenwood postoffice and Forest Grove, black leather hand­ A new and up-to-date line of bag and contents, finder notify wall paper in manv handsome Mrs. Adoph Abendorth. Portland; patterns. P l a i n , figured and or Mr. Busse, Glenwood postoffice. novelty goods to select from. ____ ______________________ 24tf All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ F or S ale Good Cow. N. K. erson's Furniture Store. Forest Brown, North Fourth Street 24t2- i Grove. 18tf W A T C H THIS SP A C E ! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST G ROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard of D ir ec to r s : 0 Geo. Mizrter L. J. Corl H. G. Goff W. H. T. W. Sain W. K. Newell John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson Hollis E. W. Haines