Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 10, 1913, Image 8

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Furnished by Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro
F re d e ric k W a lte r an d wf to W W
H o ste tle r SVi of 20 acre tra c t
Jaco b S w an g er I)LC, see 1, 1 N 2
A J H a rtra m p f to K rn est W iebold
63.304 a c res in David M onroe DLC
No. 44, 1 N 3 $15,000.
Moses H B ryans and wf to C arrie
O verh o ltzer 5 a cres in lot 8, sec 16
2 S 1 $10.
Kdwin M organ to S usie M organ pt
of blk 10, S im m ons Add. to H illsboro
$ 1 .
C lara N a st H e tle s a te r and hus to
M arie H e tle s a te r e t al lot 5, E velyn
Sub-division to G arden H om e $100.
A lonson H Inman to Alice A 11 in-
m an 15.315 a c re s in H arvey
C larke
DLC, 1 S 3 $1.
J E M orback and wf to A lbert R
Tooze and o th e rs lo t 5, blk
S m ock's Add. to Sherw ood $200.
F red erick W alter and wf to E I
K u ratll e t al NVVi o f NWV4 of SKV4
sec 1, 1 N 2 $10.
Ira M W illiam s and wf to C 1*
K im berlin tre t 18, am en d ed p la t of
F airv ie w Add to H illsboro $1. etc.
C D K im berlin and wf to Ira W il­
liam s tra c t 18, am ended p lat of Fair-
view Add. to H illsboro $1. etc.
H e rb e rt McDonough and wf to th e
Oregon N u rsery C om pany lot 12, blk
3, O rcnco T o w n site $10.
W illiam H enry Levengood to F W
Cady and wf lots 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8,
blk 7, B eav erto n $4000.
G eorgia A H ughes to W ash Co Ag­
ricu ltu ra l & L iv esto ck A ssociation 31.-
06 a c re s in W W C atch in g DLC, sec
32, 1 N 3 $ 6863.60.
P R iehen J r and wife to L o ttie Roe
lo t 5 , blk 2, T h o rn e ’s .Add. to IIm is­
boro $1750.
A braham Abdorlilalden and wf
David Cllgor e t al N Vá of N E Vi of
NW 1 * Bec 11, 1 N 2 $1200.
J iC C orey to Kru ilk C Corey, et
al 318 a c re s in 1>LC of F lem ing D ob­
bins. 2 N 3 $10.
J C C orey e t al to G eorge II C or­
ey 50.20 a c re s in DLC of H erm an
H arm s DLC No 7819, in secs 34 and
35, 2 N 3 $10.
C W Redm ond and w f to Ja m e s A
B ened ict and wf p art of lot 3, blk
17, H illsboro $10. etc.
C H B aldw in and wf to D ella M
H all lo t 3, blk I, H alley's Add to F o r­
e s t G rove tra c t In blk 18,
F o rest
G rove. Ixrts 14 an d 15, blk 1, C u rtis
Add to F o re st Grove $10.
E W D ethlefs and wf to W iliam
e tte V alley & Coast R It Co 60 ft
rig h t o f way In sec 33, 1 S 4,
D arlin g S m ith H om estead $400.
II F Purdy and wf to W illam ette
V alley & C o ast R R Co 60 ft right
of way in sec- 33, 1 S 4 4 In
C T u p p e r DLC $250.
W C L ang to A W H a m ersm ith and
w f lot 2, blk 5, S herw ood A cres $10.
B etthold Fleischhau< r and w f
W illam ette V alley & C oast R It Co
80 ft rig h t of w ay In sec33, 1 S 4
in D arling S m ith H o m estead $500.
P aul S teffen to H erm an n M am ero
and w f % in t in tr a c t in sec 30, 2
S 1 $100.
and arc now prepared to sell
Forest Grove, Oregon,
April 12 -1 3
Admission 50cts.
For full reports get the Forest Grove Press.
, "is
-«Y (
We have just added to
our drug stock
you anything in the Kodak
M arion G eorge and wf to Lellia, M
line and to do your film de­
R eady N 60 a c re s of EV4 of SE*/i sec
veloping, print your Kodak
2, 3 S 2 $7000.
pictures, enlarge your pic­
Ja m e s P a tte rso n and wf to W ash ­
tures, at a reasonable price.
ington C ounty 2 a c re s in NEV4
NEVi sec 11, 2 8 3 $10.
John A F oote to Jo h n H F oote lots
2 and 7, blk 4, H um phreys Add; lots
2 atul 1, blk 20, S im m ons add. lots
3 and 4, blk 20, and alley in blk 20 ,
said a d d ; all In H illsboro $1. etc.
W S M orria to G ranvill E v erest j
and wf 82 a c re s in M arcellas L ucas
V an K o u g h n et & R eder
DLC $6500.
B an k of Sherw ood to E m m et
H cnndon lot 7, blk 1, E p le r’s Add. to I
Forest Grove, Oregon
Sherw ood $500.
J M K ennedy and wf to Jo h n P e a r­
son SEVi of NVV'Vi and N E 1-4 of
SW 14, all in sec 29, 3 N 4 $10. etc.
N ehalem R iver L u m b er Co. to A |
W B ry an t lot 50 by 100 ft in sec 28 j
3 N 5 $500.
It L IVonald and wf to J II Mor- [
Forest Grove.
ton lots 4, 5, 6, F ru itla n d A cres $10. ;
Tom Tucker, who has handled
Jam es liorw ick and wf to F ra n k
the controller on an Oregon Elec­
R ichards e t al lot 17, B orw ick A cres
local between this city and
Put your ad in the Press.
for the past two years,
R ichard L in to n and wf to E
A. L. Sexton spent Saturday has been transferred to the main
F e arin g e t al 2.32 a c re s in D avid H
in Hillsboro.
B elknap DLC No 42, 1 N 2 $464.00.
stem and given a run between
J W L iv in g sto n an d wf to M aflie j Bring your wool and mohair to the Rose city and Corvallis.
May M cNeill e t al 5 a c re s in Elka- A. G. Hoffman and Company for
nah W alk e r and wf DLC, 1 N 4 $101.
highest cash price.
C om m erce T ru s t S av in g s Hank to
Some of the college boys are make his home,
Jo h n A R andolph E 5 a c re s of W 10
a c re s o f lo t 8, A ldrich A creage $10.
out doing practical work in sur­
E J G odm an and wf to Jo h n
H veying, this week.
Bring Us Your Produce.
Brown 17 a c re s in sec 13,2 S 1 $5000.
Sumner Bryant, a teacher in We are giving special prices
W illiam R e ld t and wf to L H R ey­
nolds b lks 36 and 37, W est P o rtlan d the Kalama High school visited for poultry and veal and all other
in the Grove the first of the farm produce. We are the orig-
H eights $10.
R uth T ru s t Com pany to L e ste r Ire ­ week.
j inators o f ' ‘Cash for Produce.”
land lots 6 and 7, blk 37, N o rth P lain s
Some exceedingly low prices Schultz Pure Food Market and
F id elity T ru s t Com pany to H e rb e rt on choice Toilet soaps at the Grocery, Forest Grove.
G ordon 150 a c re s in W B C hatfield Forest Grove Pharmacy.
DLC an d W O Gibson DLC, 1 S 3 &
Mrs. J. S. Buxton was an over I am now sole owner of the
1 S 4 $1. etc.
W A Shaw and w f to A ndrew D riv er Sunday visitor in Portland at the Forest Grove Pharmacy and will
lot 21. Kinnes-iwood A creage $10. etc. home of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse not pay any bills contracted by
Jo h n S. C lem ent and wf to R L Covert.
Edgar H. Brown. CHAS. A.
T u ck er lot 3, C lem en t's Subdivision,
When you commence house- LITTLBR.
sec 15, 1 S 1 $10.
cleaningdon’t forge t to kalsomine
F ra n k Ja m e s H iley to Ja m e s Jo h n
the walls. The best at G. G.
llile y 9.52 a c re s in DLC of Solom on
Paterson’s, Forest Grove. 18tf
Be it known that the Sunrise
R ichardson an d wf, 2 S 1 $25.
() W Olson and E lizab eth his wife
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Peterson Grocery on and after May 1st
to Em m a C rofton lo t 8, blk 14, Pine- are parents of a nine pound baby will pay cash for all farm pro­
land T e rra c e $10.
daughter, Martha Irene, who ar- ducts, Eggs, Butter, Veal and
H er
H enry R ltth a le r and wf to
rived Monday.
pork, the best market price paid
mail T h u rn e r lots 18-19, blk 1, Pleas-
all goods sold at the bottom
an tv lew Add. to C ornelius $800.
for Mohair and pro­
pro-! .
, ,
Six fast events, including
fe a tu re and challenge races
Mrs. Daniel Daffern is report-
ed very ill at her home in this
Lots of news crowded out this
week. Watch for us next Thurs­
Paul Abraham returned to his
home in this city Monday from a
trip to Boyd, Oregon.
Mrs. Carl Hoffman is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
John Heisler, at Gales City.
Frank Malmsten, of Vernonia,
Columbia county, was in the
Grove with his brother Charles,
of East Gaston, Tuesday.
A new and up-to-date line of
wall paper in many handsome
patterns. P l a i n , figured and
novelty goods to select from.
All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­
erson’s Furniture Store, Forest
Rev. Father Buck returned
yesterday morning from one of
his semi-annual pilgrimages to
Tillamook, the city on the hay.
Elmer May, of this city, made
a trip to Portland last week to
visit his mother, who h a s'ju st
returned from California.
for Mohair and pro­
duce at Abraham’s,
f -
S pec i a list
D R. DAV ID ROBERTS, Wisconsin State Veterinarian, 1906-7-$
Do you want a Live Stock Paper a whole year FREE?
D o you want the best Veterinary Book published, cloth-
bound and fully illustrated, FREE?
D o you want FREE the veterinary advice of Dr. David
Roberts, State Veterinarian of Wisconsin, 1906-7-8?
About these free offers aud Dr. David Roberts Veterinary
Medicines, ask
Forest Grove, Oregon
price and for cash only. JOHN
duce at Abraham’s, DODGE. Proprietor.
Forest Grove.
Henry DeBoise, motorman on
tlie Oregon Electric, has been
transferred to the run from West
Woodhurn to Woodburn. The
family moved to the latter city
the first of the week.
Alva Patten, of this city, spent
T he W ant advertiser accotn-
his spring vacation with friends ¡plishes, today, the task before
in Portland.
I which the procrastinator stands
.. . ,
. „
„ in doubt and dread, wondering
Mr. 1 ernck and family, of whether nr not want advertising
Hillsboro, have moved to this would be of “any use. ”
city to make their home.
F or S ale Shadeland-Climax
Just arrived in the city today seed oats. Ed L. Naylor, Forest
a fresh supply of Whitman’s Grove.
chocolates at the Forest Grove
F or Q uick S ale — A $12000. 38
18tf acre fruit farm on David’s Hill,
Miss Irma Quick, of this city, for $8500. One of the finest
fruit farms in Washington Co.
visited with friends in Hillsboro Terms, D. A. Kennedy Phone
the first of the week.
Vine 151
Miss Elizabeth Seymour was
A ncona E ggs for hatching
absent a week from school on from birds second to none. $1.50
to $2.50 for 15. Peterson’s Blue
account of the measles.
Winners. C. F. Peter­
A graduating recital will be son, Box
592, Forest Grove.
held in Marsh hall next Wednes­ Literature mailed free.
day to which everyone is invited.
F or S ale N o . 2 Smith Pre­
The Misses Blanche Harbison, mier
typewriter, good as new.
soprano, and Viola House, pian­ First offer of $30 takes it. Press
ist, will give the recital.
Does it pay you to send your
F or R ent Small house near
sow ing out when you can buy a postoffice,
$4 Edward L. Nay-
good second hand sewing ma- lor.
19t f
chine at Staehr's Bazaar for $5.
A cre T racts in Sun Set Ad­
fully guaranteed to do perfect dition to Forest Grove to he sold
on terms. W. W. Ireland, Hoff­
DeHart Luce, wife and baby, man Building-
accompanied by Mrs. Luce’s O f th e O w n e rs h ip S . ta M t e m a n e a n g t e m e n t. C irc u la tio n .
c., o f th e F o r e s t G ro v e P re s s , p u b l sh ed w eek ly
mother. Mrs. Sarah Smith, arriv­ •4
a t F o re s t G ro v e, O re g o n , r e q u ire d by th e a c t of
1912. E d ito r . G. E d w in S e c o u r, F r e s t
ed in this city the first of the G A ro u g v u e, s t 24.
Ore*p»n. M a n a g in g F xlitor. G. E d w in
e s t G r o \e . O re g o n . B u sin , s» M a n a g e r.
week for a visit with relatives S G e c F o d u w r. m F o S r eco
u r. F o r e s t G ro v e. O reg o n ; P u b lis h ­
F o r e s t G ro v e. O reg o n .
and friends. They have been e K r. n o P w r e n s s b o P n d u h b o lis ld h e in rs, g m Co..
o r tg a g e s , am i o ’ h e r s e c u r i­
n g l p e r c e n t o r m. r e o f t ta l
spending the winter in Los An­ a ty m h o id u n d t e o rs, f b o hoki
n d s, m o rtg a g e s , o r o th e r s e c u ritie s :
geles, and will remain here some A. G. H o ffm G. an E d w in S e c o u r. M a n a g in g E d ito r
time before returning to their of S A u b p sc n U rib 9 e l* d a n d sw o rn to beftgw m e th is >th d ay
Ireland, N otary Fubtìc for Oregon.
home in Rochester, Minn.
Special Sale o f
R ibbons and L aces
Beginning Saturday at 8 o’clock a. m.
and Continuing until 6 o’clock p. m.
We have decided to place on sale 7 0 0 Y a r d s o f R ib b o n
in various colors and qualities, and 5 0 0 Y a r d s o f L a c e
in many widths, at the following low prices, viz:
700 Yards - RIBBON - 700 Yards
5 and 8c v alu 3c per yard
6 and 8c 4c per yard
10, 13, 15 and 18c v alu es..................... at 5c per yard
12Jc v alu es......................................
at 7c
per yard
15c v alu es............................................... at 8c per yard
16, 17 and 18c valu es........................... at 10c per yard
18 and 20c values.................................. at 12c per yard
25c v alu es............................................. at 15c per yard
25c, 35c and 40c values....................... at 20c per yard
35c, 40c and 50c values ..................... at 25c per yard
50c v alu es............................................. at 35c per yard
500 Yards - LACE - 500 Yards
3c and 4c values ................................... at lc per
4c and 6c values...................................... at 2c per
10c v a lu es............................................... at 3c per
6c and 7c 4c per
7c, 8c and 12Jc v alu 5c per
12Jc v a lu es............................................. at 7c per
15c and 20c values................................ at 10c per
25c, 30c and 40c 15c per
30c and 55c values................................ at 20c per
ya d
Plain Riven
and Fancy
VUl llC
U IiU lll Silverware
DllVCl Will t are
to all our
Now on display in Show Case.
0 0
At Pacific University
You can o b tain a thorough education, one th a t will fit you to
g rap p le w ith the world if n ecessary. M oreover, you can live in a re ­
fined, hom elike atm o sp h ere a t H errick H all (th e finest g ir l’s d o rm ito ry
in the Pacific N o rth w est) w hile you a re p u rsin g your stu d ies. F u r th e r ­
m ore, you can receive sy ste m a tic in stru ctio n in g y m n astics and enjoy
th e privileges o f th e gym nasium and sw im m ing pool.
E nroll a t
fo r E ducation, H ealth and Physical D evelopm ent, and
Do It Now !
For particulars address
Care Committee of Control
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Capital and Surplus
$ 6 0 , 0 0 0 .
U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y .
B oard of D irectors ;
Geo. Mizner
T W. Sain
W. K. Newell
I* J. Cori
John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock
H. G. Goff
H. T. Buxton
Chris Peterson
W. H. Hollis
E. W. Haines