Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 10, 1913, Image 6

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Forest Grove
= Steam Laundry
W ood,
C o ld
C o a l,
S to ra g e
Cor. 5th Ave.
and 2nd St.,
Forest Grove,
Feed Mill will run every
day in the week.
The War Fifty Years Ago
A Battle Royal Between Fort Sumter and Federal Iron­
clads-—Nine New and Powerful Monitors Steam
Within 1,300 Yards— A Fierce Rain of Confederate
Shells—-Batteries Adjoining the Old Fort Lend Aid
Against the Monitors---Over 5 0 0 Shots Land on the
T a rg e t-S ix Ironclads Disabled— One Riddled Like
a Colander— Little Damage to the Fort— Lincoln
Reviews the Army of the Potomac In Camp.
L. K I L M E R . L«ts U. ». V.
N April 7. 1803, a Federal fleet
made the first uttem pt to re­
cover F o rt Sum ter. The officers
and sailors of the fleet were
stim ulated by a latent desire to see
the old flaw floating once more from
the stuff where it had beeu humiliated
April 14. 1801, but th at was not the
sole end in view.
T h e genesis of tills a tta ck on Fort
Sum ter was the Invention o f the Iron-
clad. IJlg guns will b atter down con-
crete parapets If they get near enough,
but wooden floating batteries were use­
less under the tire which the Confed
erates could pour upon an attacking
B y C io ltln CEO.
mostly ricochet shots, which glanced
from the w ater over the fo rt and to
the right or left of It. T h e battle casu­
alties on both sides were slight. Five
men were wounded In Sum ter, four
killed and four wounded lu Wagner
by accident and one killed In Moultrie.
Lincoln at the Front.
President Lincoln reviewed the In­
fantry corps o f the Army o f the Poto­
m ac on a Held near the g re at camps
along the Rappahannock on April 9.
This was a novel and in terestin g epi­
sode of the execu tive's relationship to
the army. T h e “lady of the White
House” witnessed the parade of the
troops from a barouche draw n up on
the edge o f the review ing Held. By the
president's side when he rode aloug
the line o f soldiers was his third son,
“T ad .” mounted on a pony.
tired when they saw the signal to re­
This w a s the third uppenrnuce of
treat. It w as then 5 o’clock p. m. T h e Mr. Lincoln in cam p Ju st at the time
Keokuk w as found to be the w orst of what w as described In those days
hurt o f them all. “She w as riddled ns "a bitter feelin g” on the part of
like a colander and th e w orst mauled the army tow ard the adm inistration.
ship one ev er saw ,” w rote Dupont's The first was at H arrison's Lnudlng, In
ch ie f of staff. H er hull was pierced Ju ly 1802, a fte r the disastrous expe­
by thirteen holes, and her tu rret had riences In the Cbiekahouiiny swamps
been bored through and through. I le r before Richmond. The second was at
gallant com m ander. C ap tain Itlilnd, Antietam soon a fte r the b a ttle and the
cam e forw ard bleeding and lim ping proclamation of em ancipation.
from a wound received th at day. He
Many o f the soldiers thought that
anchored his ship, but she soon w ent the disasters o f the peninsula had been
to the bottom.
brought on by in terferen ce a t W ash­
On all o f the ships th e m echanics ington; also th a t the victory of forcing
worked the whole night to repair the Lee to abandon M aryland w as a vindi
damage In anticipation o f a renew al of cation of the arm y and its leader and
Phone Main 701
South Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore.
F re s h V e g e ta b le s E v e r y D a y
Log Cabin Bread
A m ber and
Fresh E ach Morning
Golden G ate
Wholesale and Retail
Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground
Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked
Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole
Wheat and Corn, Middlings and
several kinds of Hard Wheat
Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks,
Hay and Vetch Seed.
N e a t P rin tin g
is something every business man
desires when he orders station­
Give us a call when in need.
Neat appearing business
heads, envelopes, state­
ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are
Ind Phone 50x
Forest Grove, Ore
what can be had from the Press
Copyright by the P atrio t Publishing Company.
S. A. W A L K E R
H. L I D Y A K D
1st Ave. N., near Main St.
We are prepared to do
the very best of all
kind of shoe work.
Special attention given
to crippled feet.
fleet from Sum ter b atteries around the
harbor. T h e a tta ck in g guns must be
protected by iron walls, and Admiral
S. I*\ Dupont, the Federal fleet com ­
mander, waited for an Ironclad fleet to
be created before m aking the first
dash a t Sum ter.
In order to test the new class ships
Dupont sent the M ontauk to batter at
the mud walls of Fort M cA llister. The
fort was not severely harmed, but tlio
Ironclad stayed for hours under a rain
of shots which barely dented her
arm or.
Fleet of New Ironclads.
Seven of the nine Ironclads In D u ­
pont's fleet were monitors, each carry ­
ing one eleven inch and one fifteen Inch
gun In a single turret. T h ese were the
M ontauk, C atskill, W eehaw ken, I ’a-
tapseo, N antucket, P assaic and Nn-
hant. In the fleet also were two e x ­
perim ents In Ironclads, the Keokuk mid
the New ironsides.
T h e New Iron­
sides w as an arm ored battleship, som e­
Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet thing a fte r the pattern o f the Confed­
erate ram Merrimuc.
S h e was not
Metal Work and Re­
armed with a ram , and her roof was
flat Instead of sloping. Her arm am ent
pair Shop.
were tw o lotl pounder pivot rifles and
fourteen eleven inch guns In broad­
side. T h e Keokuk was a double turret
monitor of extra length and width.
North First Avenue, between Main and
T h e fleet was to enter n channel
“ A ” Streets; phone Sli.'t.
planted with obstructions as well as
torpedoes and there face the lire of
sixty nine guns which swept the sea.
Dupont's orders w ere to concentrate
the lire of the ships upon the cen ter
em brasure o f Sum ter. T h e walls of
the fori rose forty live feet above high
w ater and were built of gray brick
laid with m ortar, a con crete o f |»>und-
ed oyster shells and cem ent. A still
firm er concrete had been used for the
em brasures, which alw ays get the
hardest blows iu a light. In thickness
the w alls varied from live to ten feet.
W M . W E IT Z E L
From the preparing of
the food to
a b s o lu te
the serving,
cleanliness and
painstaking care is observ­
ed by the
Forest Grove Oyster House
Everything to Eat
O y sters
and Shellfish a
Open Day and Night
BOOS, Proprietor
— y —
100 for $1.25
25 0 for $1.75
500 for $2.25
Publishing Co.
the attack in the morning. B u t aay*
a rebuke to th eir critics. And some,
light revealed the fleet’s hopeless con­
Including prom inent and influential o f­
dition, and the b attle was postponed.
ficers, didn’t w ant to fight an "ab o li­
The purpose o f the a tta ck on the 7th tion w ar.”
was to reconnolter the channel and
All of the execu tiv e excursions to
test the ships. All the ship com m and­
camp had been well timed. T h is may
ers agreed with the adm iral th at the
or may not have been due to delibera­
forts were stronger than ironclad
tion. One thing Mr. Lincoln could a l­
ways depend upon, “even bank o n "—
The W eehaw ken w as stru ck fifty- that was the popular affection fo r and
three tim es and her deck sm ashed so 1 Im perishable faith In "Old Abe.”
that the w ater ran through, while her
O f Mr. Lincoln absen t the soldiers
tu rret could scarcely be revolved, ow­ could have "h itte r" thoughts. F a ce to
ing to the dents o f heavy blows. The face he w as alw ays “F a th e r A bra­
l'a ssa lc received thirty-five hits, one ham.” (The w riter was present on the
gun was disabled »and the turret Jam ­ three occasions cited and well rem em ­
med so as to be Immovable. One rifle bers th a t Mr. Lincoln’s appearance
shot broke eleven plates o f the turret somehow alw ays allayed th a t "b itte i
and upset the pilot house. The Pa- . feeling.”)
tapsco was stru ck forty-seven times.
The N antucket w as struck flft.v-one ;
Little “Tad” on Horseback.
tim es and her turret was. disabled, j
I t was a new view o f " F a th e r A bra­
T h e N ahant received thirty-six shots, j ham " which the arm y had th a t su­
and her tu rre t was disabled. The Mon­ perb April day on the broad slopes of
tauk and Catsl^ill w ere bit many tim es, j Stafford. T h e president, Mrs. Lincoln
but not disabled. T h e ironsides was j and "T a d ” had been a t the fro n t three
The Keokuk n Floating Wreck.
W hile the Ironsides lay d riftin g in
the current M oultrie directed all Its
Are upon her. T h is w as answ ered by
a broadside, th e only shots tired at
Moultrie. M eanw hile the other ships
ran th eir ceu rss tip to the obstructions,
opened Are as directed and only ra­
Is O u r M o tto
and we endeavor to live up to
it at all times.
W hen
we fail
to deliver a job of printed work
which entirely satisfies, we are
prepared to make it right.
turned out of this
must be correct in every par­
Bring your work to the
P re s s P u b lish in g C o .
and be assured of securing some­
thing which is typographically
correct, tasty in construction and
neat in appearance.
¡É fe i
Old Fort Moultrie Opens Fire.
T h e batteries at the en tran ce to the
channel paid no attention to the ad­
vancing fleet as It passed silently on.
steering for Sum ter, but when the
W eehaw ken cam e within range o f Fort
Moultrie a salute of thirteen gipis a n ­
nounced the opening of S u m ter's new
career as a Confederate. It was then
It o 'clo ck . Fort Moultrie tired the first
shot, which the W eehaw ken answered.
Then Sum ter, B attery Bee and Battery
Beauregard. Cumm lng's Point and
B attery W agner opened lire.
The first adventures cam e to the
m onitor W eehaw ken. which ran close
up to som e o bstructions In the channel
I>etween Sum ter and M oultrie and got
In the first shot. Finding Ids ship In
danger o f being snared by the obstruc­
tions. the cap tain turned her about,
lighting from the stern
As the ves
sel turned a to rivd o exploded under
her bow, but did no serious damage.
Dupont's flagship. Ironsides, proved
unwieldy In action.
She steam ed
within 1.500 yards of Sum ter, but was
at the mercy o f the current, which
carried her directly over a torpedo
holding 2.000 pounds o f powder and
connected with B attery W agner by an
electric wire. T h e Confederate elec­
trician In W agner was accused o f
treachery for not sending her to the
bottom , but the wire was proved to
ho “out o f ord er" at the time.
Neat printing
hit ninety-five times, but with little
During the battle the balls
could be distinctly seen iu their course
with the naked eye.
T h eir presence was general­
ly -known.
It brought the color of
home Into the cheerless camps. "T a d "
was a child In spite o f his zouave cap
and Ja ck e t and "Is sits and spurs.” His
Slight Effect on the Fort.
m ilitary outfit w as a home fad. Now
T h e iron, lad tire damaged Fort Sum ­ for once, he was a soldier am ong sol­
ter In a few places, particularly on the diers, even having an "o rd erly " duly
outer wall or sea front, where two equipped, to ride a fte r him. T lie or­
monitor shells from fifteen Inch and derly was a real soldier, being a bugler
eleven In. li guns strm k together, n ia k -• at the headquarters of General Sickles
lug a c ra te r six feet high and eight "T a d ” was ten years old and his or­
feet wide
In another plaee the p ara­ derly about the sam e-age.
pet « a s loosened for a space o f tw en­
T h e task la-fore Mr. Lincoln, this
ty five feet. The ironclads fired 151 time fifty years ago, was to Inspire the
shots at the fort, ami fifty live hit the confidence o f the arm y as a whole tn
his new appointee for com mander.
The array
Sum ter's guns fired SH> shots, and G eneral Joseph ILioker.
the surrounding batteries fired 1,390. well knew o f the one personal falling
Out o f 2.200 shots fired at the Iron­ of Hooker which all but defeated his
clads 520 Inn.led on the vessels, and candidacy for leadership.
six out of nine ships were practically rath er than bitterness followed hts ap­
disabled In action. The vessels stood pointment. H owever, during the two
off L.'liM to 1 4(io yards from Sum ter months th at had elapsed, surprise had
and a greater distance from the other given way to m Inclination !s make
The Federal shots were the best o f I t
Cheapest and Best
W ashington-Oregon