FOREST GROVE PRESS. FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 3. 1913 Farmers to Test Game Law. ESTATE ^A C TIV ITY Furnished by Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro Charles W Mertz anil wf to Victor Bieghler et al 1 acre in 1 n 3, $575. Joseph Brock and wf to James E I Fuqua and w f 5oxl50 ft in lot l.blk W est and wf lot 7 Rich Acres, $860. 42, Forest Grove, $650. Mary J Loxley and hus Alexander George W Clarke to A J Clarke 11 Brebm r part o f lots 9 and 10 Am en­ acres In sec 36, 1 n 3 $10. William Hollis and w f to Lola H ded plat o f Falrvlew Add, $1500. Alexander Brebner to Christena Graham lots 8 and 9, CreBtvlew $100. H A Collins and w f to C B VVllllai i Daves part o f lots 9 and 10 Amend- | ed Plat of Falrvlew add to Hillsboro, lot 2, blk 1, Tim ber, $250. Frank Murlburt to James Kissick, ! $10 etc. Nettie M Austin to Coline V Dy- EV4 o f SK'/t see 22, 3 N 4, $10. Title and Trust Company to T J ment two tracts in blk 8 N aylor’s add El ford, lots 7 and 8, Paine Tract, | to Forest Grove, $500. M E Huffaker and w f to F A $2866.67. Oregon and California Railroad Younger S '5 lot 8 in subdivision lot Company to A J Hutchinson S W !4 of 13 Garden Home, $1000. Dirkje Storey and hus to Florence NWVi sec 13 2 N 3, $160. etc. Clarence U Hicks and wf to Frank Brook lot 24 Hills Acres, $10. T H Osgood and w f to Cynthia A E Hicks W 4.745 acres of SV4 of Westeott E>/6 of SEV4 o f NWVi sec lot 1, Aldrich Acreage $10. F W Stone and wf to hi F O’ Rourke 16 1 s 4. $242.20. T E Dodson and w f to Jack Tuggle SV6 o f SEV4 o f N K '/i sec 4, 3 N 3 % int in SE !4 sec 6 3 n 3, $10. $2500. Willlard L Plummer and w f to W C John A Foote to Emma Hamel 43.- 89 acres in A Zachary 1> L C, $1.00. Demers part of lot 2 sec 33 1 n 3, $10 etc. etc. Anna B Schelter to E A Muck John A Foote to Lydia Gardner, 43.89 acres in A Zachary L) L C $1.00. and hus 20 acres in sec 11 2 s 3, $700. Mattie S Hess andwf to Mike Wirak etc. John A Foote to W illiam Llghty and wf 75x100 ft in lot 2 blk 7 F or­ 30 acres in Alexander Zachary DLC est Grove, $10. W II Perry and w f to George N $1. etc. John A Foote to Frank Lichty 43.- Chapman and wf tract in die o f A l­ vin T Smith 1 s 3; also lot 3 blk 1 89 acres in A Zachary DLC $1. etc. George P Sink to Jennie E Chand­ K nob Hill add to Forest Grove $10. sec ler y2 lilt in SEV4 O f N W '/i sec 27; 5 acres in It S Tupper d 1 c Elmer Scheese to Dovey Williams WV4 SE !4 and UVa o f SW*4 sec 13 1 s 4,$700. 27, 2 S 2 $1. etc. George N Chapman and wf to W H Florence Tongue M unger and bus to Mary J Loxley 10 acres in lots Perry and w f lot 4 blk 10 South Park 9 and 10, amended plat of Falrvlew add to Forest Grove, $1800. T II Beverly to Mark Merideth Vz Add to H illsboro $10. llattle Jones and bus to George W lilt in 13.10 acres in W m W Catch­ Hughes and Emily E Sloan WVi of ing and wf d 1 c 1 s 3; also 5.70 acres lots 5 and 6, blk 7, Falrvlew Add to in said d 1 c,$10. W C Lang to F A VanKirk lots 3 H illsboro $1000. Carrie Crosley to Harry II Fox part and 5 blk 5 Sherwood Acres, $10. Josephine Wigman and hus to O M o f lot 4, blk 8, Forest Grove $10. add Carrie Crosley to John Simon part Gardner tract in blk 7 N aylor’s to Forest Grove, $1. o f lot 4 blk 8 Forest Grove $10. J W Barnes and wf to W J L eon ­ Charles 11 Foster and w f to John A Putney et al tract adjoining DLC oi ard et al lot 7 Barnes Acres, $500. J W Barnes and w f to It L Tu cker W m Pointer and wf, 1 S 1 $100. John A Foote to Perry Foote lots lot 6 Vista Acres, $875. II W Brut nning and w f to Clara 2 and 7, blk 4, Humphreys Add to 6 and 8, Peach- Hillsboro. Lots 1 and 2, blk 20 Sim Bruennlng tracts mons Add to Hillsboro. Part o f lots vale $500. L M Graham and wf to Minnie H 3 and 4, blk 20, Simmons Add $1. W right part o f blk 16 Forest Grove, etc. John Hansehel and w f et al to $ 200 . Henry W Scott to Daisy E Scott Unii in Investm ent Co 8EV4 sec 7, NMi o f N'/z of SEVi sec 12 1 s 5, $1. 1 N 1 $26,000. Hermann Thurnher to Gustaf N C J W Raynard anil wf to Julia M and Peterson 5*5 acres in Solomon Emer- Raynard \V % o f E u o f HW Vi EV4 o f ■ U o f NW % o f SWV4 see 8 ick and w f d 1 c sec 4 1 s 3, $2150. C B Campbell and wf to Lyda Weit- 2 S 2 $1 T 8 Mol tonici and wf to Annie ze.l part o f blk 3 W alker’s add to For­ Rhodes lots 7, blk 1, Myers Add to est Grove, $2100. A J Hartram pf to Joseph Cawrse Reedvllle Homes $10. Annie Rhodes to John Gorsterschla 74.151 acres in itavld Monroe d 1 c ger lot 7, blk 1, Myers Add to Reed 1 n 3, $11300. Frederick W alker and w f to W W ville Hom es $750. In M S W oodm an and w f to Mintib Hostetler S ’ - o f 40 acre tract W illiam s trait in SVi o f N W U sec Jacob Sw anger il 1 c sec 1 1 n 2, $5000. 31 2 n 3, $10. A J Hartram pf to Ernest Wie- Fred W eigelt to Oscar Helenius 10 bold 63.304 acres in David Monroe d ncres In sec 27 2 s 1, $1300. Gustav Kappahaha and wf to W L 1 c No 44 1 n 3, $15000. M° T 0Rt ( RACES *\ RACES Forest Grove, Oregon, Six fast events, including feature and challenge races y C lE April 5 and 6 Admission 50ds. For full reports get the Forest Grove Press. CEMENTW ORK. Foundations, Walks, Curbing, Drains, Cement Work of all Kinds. Everything guaranteed from start to finish. M . S. T A U N T O N , Forest Grove, - Oregon HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY. R e m o v in g C a llo u s . For callous on the Toot soak In hot water containing a little washing soda, after which cover the callous with oin tm en t This may be repeated several nights. Or you may paint the callous twice a day for several days with a solution o f flexible collodion and salicylic acid, thirty grains o f the latter to an ounce o f the former. Do not apply this solu­ tion to the healthy skin. A fter this treatment the foot should be soaked in hot water and the surface scraped with a dull knife. ni ‘fi­ BUYING BY TELEPHONE The easiest, quickest, simp­ lest, most pleasing method o i placing orders for right-away delivery. Call 901. That’ s all no trouble to you, or extra cost. Our stock is complete in every department. Call us first and save time and trouble, Forest Grove Pharmacy The Up-to-the-Minute Druggists ifi- Put your ad in the Press. Wilbur Weston was seeh on the streets o f Forest Grove Sun­ day. Bring your wool and mohair to A. G. Hoffman and Company for highest cash price. 18tf Mrs. C. F. Elder, of Seattle, is visiting at the home o f her sis­ ter, Mrs. A. L. Sexton, this week. Frank Doan, o f the Grove High school, visited the Washington High school the latter part of last week. Jewelry repairs are a part of this store’s claim to usefulness. The job must suit you whether it’s a trifling one, or a big one. Shearer & Son, Forest Grove. 18tf Miss Bertha Dorris, a student at the local High school, visited over Sunday with friends in Portland. Mrs. John McNamer, who recently underwent a serious operation in a Portland hospital, has returned to her home in this city. This store’ s reputation is built anew on every sale that is made here. W e’re willing to let it rest on the next jewelry purchase you make here. Shearer & Son, Forest Grove. 18tf J. F. Leise, of this city, who is employed in a Portland depart­ ment store, is home for a two weeks’ vacation. Hillsboro, Ore.—Hundreds of farmers in Washington County are in arms against section 41, amendment to the game laws of the state, giving anglers the right to use as a highway for angling purposes all territory be­ tween the streams and the high water lines. This would mean, in many instances, that a fisher­ man could walk over half o f an owner’s place, as the Tualatin river and Dairy creek ofttimes flood acres o f territory. A number have signified their intention to test the law. Dr. Lowe, the well known optition, will he at Hotel Loughlin Friday, April 4. Don’ t fail to have him test your eyes for glasses. Scores o f Forest Grove references. In Hillsboro Satur­ day. Reedville Pastorate Separate. Orenco, Ore. —Beginning Sun­ day, Rev. L. Myron Boozer, who has been serving as pastor of the Presbyterian church here and the one at Reedville, will devote his entire time to the interests of the Orenco church. Heretofore, preaching services have been held at Reedvilie Sunday morn­ ings, Orenco getting but one s e r v i c e on Sunday evening. Hereafter, the Orenco charge will have two services each Sun­ day. Who the new pastor for Reedville will be has not been learned. A new and up-to-date line of wall paper in many handsome patterns. Pl a i n , figured and novelty goods to select from. All prices to fitll a pockets. Pat­ erson’ s Furniture Store, Forest Grove. 18tf Pioneer W oman is Dead. Hillsboro, Ore.—Mrs. Lucy E. Walker, pioneer o f 1847 and widow of the late Stephen Walk­ er, died at her home in this city Saturday. She was the daughter o f Peter Shull and was born in Illinois, J u l y 12. 1829. Two years after her arrival in Oregon she was married. For many years she made her residence here. Of eight children, the f o l l o w i n g survive: Douglas, James and William Walker and Mrs. George H. Waite. The house clocks are so much a prrt of the home that they should be a delight to the eye, as well as truth-tellers. T h e s e w e’ re offering answer to that de­ scription. Shearer & Son, For­ est Grove, 18tf. Marion Knighten, while in town last Friday, dropped in on the Press and renewed his sub­ scription to the "paper that does * i • y A few of our many snappy styles in Ladies’ Par Excellent In Black and Tan............................................................... at $4.00 Diamond Special, Gun Metal and V i c i ............$3.50 and $3.75 Latest Style Suede................................................................... 3.75 A beautiful line of Spring Pumps and Oxfords Black and Tan............. $3.75 S u ed e............$2.50 and 3 00 V e lv e t................................. $3.00 Patent Leather.................... 2.50 Peters Weather Bird for Boys and Girls, $2.25 to $3 BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ OXFORDS In Black, Tan and Patent L e a th e r..................... $1.25 to $2.00 Barefoot S an d als........................................................75c to $1.50 Shoes for tlie little folks, f r o m .................................75c to 1.50 Just a word about our premiums. VVofhpiain S Fancy Dishes to our list o f premiums and our customers can have a choice between these and the silverware. Phone 631 A. G. HOFFMAN CO FOREST GROVE, OREGON YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool. Enroll at for Education, Health and Physical Development, and Do It Now ! For particulars address P A C IF IC U N I V E R S IT Y Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. WATCH THIS SPACE! » When you commence house- Just arrived in the city today cleaning don’ t forget to kalsomine a fresh supply o f Whitman's the walls. The best at G. G. chocolates at the Forest Grove Paterson’s. Forest Grove. 18tf Pharmacy. 18tf Subscribe for the Press. Men’ s Diamond Special, Black and Tan......... $4.50 and $5 00 “ 18 Carat Button......................................................... at 4.00 “ Cascade Bluchers 4.00 “ Salt o f the 4.50 “ Black D iam on 3.00 “ liv e Oak ................................................................... at 2.00 P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y Mrs. Littler Entertains. The members o f the Women’ s Home Missionery society of the Methodist Church, with their friends, were guests at the home of Mrs. Chas. Littler last Friday afternoon. Several p l e a s a n t hours were passed and tempting refreshments enjoyed. Some exceedingly low prices Does it pay you to send your on choice Toilet soaps at the sewing out when you can buy a Forest Grove Pharmacy. 18tf good second hand sewing ma­ Mrs. Sidney Deardorf, from chine at Staehr’s Bazaar for $5, the grand old state of Missouri, fully guaranteed to do perfect 22tf arrived in Forest Grove last Fri­ work? day to make her home with her S. C. Killen, editor o f the brother, L. S. Fairchild. Broth­ Hillsboro Independent, was in er and sister had not seen each the Grove Friday, and called on other since 1854 and the reunion the Press staff for a short but was a most joyous one. pleasant visit. Bring U» Your Produce. We are giving special prices for poultry and veal and all other farm produce. We are the orig­ inators o f "Cash for Produce.” Schultz Pure Food Market and Grocery, Forest Grove. IStf It has been proven that there are no better shoes than those made by the Peters Shoe Co. W e have a full line, and name here a few of the styles and prices : Hazen Maynard, who recently purchased the Cox farm near Banks, has offered a carload of potatoes to be sent to the flooded districts o f the middle west. Miss Dorothy Jones and Lois Livingston were absent from school this week because o f an attack o f measles. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60,000. U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B o a r d Geo. Mizner L. J. Corl H. G. Goff W. H. of D ir e c t o r s : T. W. Sain W\ K. Newell ’John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson Hollis E. W. Haines