Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 03, 1913, Image 2

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Prof. F. C. TAYLOR
Charles VanDoren, of David’s
hill, is slowly recovering from an
illness of several weeks’ dura­
The carload of potatoes donat­
ed for the use of the flood suffer-
eis in Ohio and Indiana left yes­
terday. It contained between
three and four hundred sacks.
At the Christian church next
Sunday evening the pastor will
begin a series of special Sunday
evening sermons on Great Bible
Characters. The first of these
next Sunday evening is entitled,
“ A Young Man in Prison, But
Making Good.” Much interest
has been manifested in the an­
nouncement of these themes.
Next Sunday morning the sub­
ject will be, ‘‘The Meaning of
the Lord’s Day, and Its Proper
Observance.” Last Sunday was
a pleasant day at this church.
Three united with the church
and the audiences were good in
spite of the inclement weather.
The public cordially invited.
When you come
to town G E T
D I N N E R for
Elected President of the Wash­
ington County Sunday School
Ladies’ calling cards, 50 for
75 cents, at the Press.
Notice to Farmers.
Get our prices on produce be­
fore you sell. We pay the cash.
Poultry and veal wanted. Schultz,
Forest Grove.
Feed and Sale Stables
the HORSE at
VV. W . RYALS, Prop’r
F orest G rove, O reg o n
N o r t h M a i n St.
First Class Rigs and Saddle Horses for Hire
G et my prices
General Blacksmithing
W agon and Carriage R epairing
and Plow W ork. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Shop with J. G.
L enneville,
P acific A v en u e
W. F. B R Y A N
Forest Grove,
O regon
For the Business and Professional Man,
The Student and Teacher.
Write your letters on a machine and
be sure of a neat, attractive, legible
Now have on hand on e No. 2 and one No.
3 Sm ith Prem ier at a right price. Call
and look them over—
G. E. S E C O U K
P re s s Office
Forest G ro ve, O re.
Forest Grove
Track. April
General repair» and sundries at
Vem Maskell
will ride the Indian
Forest Grove Bicycle Store
AMOS I.A ll AIE, Prop.
B rooders nud eolony houses w ith re ­
m ovable roofs a re very convenient for
cleaulng. D am pness may th u s be dried
out by tb e hot sun. and on su ltry
n ights th e roof may be rem oved or
raised to let In fresh air.
W hen fow ls show signs of disease
first look a t th e ir fluffs and necks fo r
lice or In tb e benbouse fo r m ites.
W hen they a re w orried by th ese craw l
ers they som etim es sbow sy m p to m s of
several diseases a t tb e sam e tim e.
It Is s ta te d th a t $2,210.000 Is lost by
Indiana fa rm e rs on bad eggs th a t a re
counted o u t of th e ir sh ip m en ts nnd
ch arg ed to them by com m ission men.
T his loss Is ch arg ed to Im proper g a th ­
ering. storing, h an d ling a n d packing
of eggs.
In ste a d of sittin g In th e sh ad e an d
co u n tin g fu tu re profits a fte r th e
stre n u o u s h atch in g an d brooding se a ­
son Is over, th e practical p o ultry m an
s ta r ts a clea n in g cam paign a n d per­
fe c ts plan s for ben c o m fo rt fo r th e
try in g «’In ter season.
W hen th e fa rm e r sav es up th e eggs
aw hile, nnd th e h u c k ster keeps them
aw h ile, an d th e co u n try sto rek eep er
holds them aw hile, and the w holesaler
sto res them aw hile, an d th e city sto re ­
keeper has them aw hile, It’s no w onder
those eggs sm ell a mile, is it?
W hen th e skin g ets sc u rfy an d the
fe a th e rs d ro p off It's a case o f favus,
uud a place for fow ls to catch th is Is
at m any fall show s. The m olting se a ­
son Is then on. and th e absence of
plum age Is ascrib ed to molt. A dip
o f tobacco w a te r sto p s th is n asty p a ra ­
sitical tro u b le quick.
O ne of th e am u sin g th in g s you read
Is th e poultry jo u rn a l editorial d escrib­
ing tb e fn rm er us a farm fossil and
urg in g him to th ro w off his barnacles
and do som ething for th e p o ultry in
dustry. T he poultry crop of th is coun­
try is $ 1 , 000 . 000 , 000 . nnd th e farm er
produces 95 per cent of it. N uf sed!
In th e tw elv e m o n th s’ laying co n test
th a t te rm in a te d M arch 31, 1910, a t Gat-
ton. Q ueensland,. A u stralia, six S. C.
W hile Leghorns laid 1.531 eggs or 255
each per year.
L eghorns from the
sam e flock w ere shipped to E ngland,
12,000 miles a w a y « a n d a re now show ­
ing Jo h n n y Bull how real L eghorns
S k u n k s have little fe a r of m an and
will tro t along th e road beside him
like a dog or refuse to tu rn o u t for his
team . T hey have th e g rit to com e right
Into tow ns and cities for fow ls. Balt
th a t tra p w ith an egg, nnd, if a box
trap , chloroform him If caught In p re f­
erence to w ringing his neck w ith your
bare hands.
W hen you a re ab o u t to buy a pen of
B arred Bocks or W y andottes a t the
show before closing th e sale ask If
they have been produced by double
m ating. If so. d o n 't buy them . Tbe
m ales nnd fem ales by th a t system a re
produced by se p a ra te m atlugs to get
c ertain color an d sh ap e an d when
m ated can n o t produce th e ir like.
D ouble m atiu g fo r exhibition birds
Is a d e trim e n t to any v ariety and es
p e d a lly th o se w hose color, shape and
size tit them for th e duel purpose of
m eat nud eggs. T h is u n n atu ral m eth­
od h as lost popularity to the Barred
Rocks, B rahm as, Brow n Leghorns and
Silver nnd G olden Laced varieties and
when applied to W hite W yandottes
surely Is a b rain sto rm business.
John Pimperton, of Salem, was
a visitor to this city Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Hines, has been
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Win. Crowthers, of Gales Greek.
Wm. Baldwin and wife, of
Lyndin, Wash., arrived in Forest
Grove Monday to visit friends
and relatives.
The I. W. T. D. club pave a
dance in K. of P. hall Saturday
evening at which many had an
enjoyable time.
Miss Goldie Vincent, of Beav­
erton, visited at the home of
Harriet Benjamin, the first of
the week.
Harold McFeeters, of this city,
received a bad bite from a dog
last Tuesday. The animal sunk
his teeth in the lower part of the
leu and McFeeters is traveling
witli a decided limp.
According to the Portland
Journal, John Whittaker, a well
known young man of this city,
has been granted a license to
wed by the clerk of Multnomah
county. The young lady in the
case lives at St. Johns.
A note received from Albert
Tozier tells of an unexpected re­
union o f P a c i f i c University
alumni at Ashland last Saturday.
Miss Jennie Keene, James It.
Keene. Mrs. Edyth Weatherred
and Mr. Tozier participating.
Farmers, Attention.
Schultz Pure Food Market and
Grocery will pay you cash for all
produce which you bring in. We
want your goods. Originators of
‘‘Cash for Preduce” plan.
Given Sofa Pillow Shower.
High School Students Make Hit.
Birthday Surprise for Mrs. Allen
“ A Noble Outcast” proved a
The immediate relatives of
most pleasant vehicle for the antly surprised Monday by num­ Mrs. M. S. Allen, one of Forest
young thespians of the Grove erous friends who inaugerated a Grove’s most popular matrons,
High school to display their tal­ sofa pillow shower, the occasion arranged a little dinner yester­
ents in. The Star theatre was being the celebration of Miss day evening in honor of her
packed to the doors last night Phillips’ birthday. The evening birthday. The affair was a com-
and the efforts of the boys and | was passed with games, candy plet surprise to Mrs. Allen, who
girls received with well merited making and the popping of corn. returned home after a round of
applause. All the parts were The guests departed at a late calls, to find the table spread and
well handled, showing careful hour in the best of spirits, wish­ the hand of congratulation ex­
study and preparation. A good ing their hostess many happy re­ tended from all sides. A bounti­
comedy character, the Irish turns of the day.
ful repast was disposed of after
tramp, was interpeted in a man­
which an hour or more was pass­
Rebekahs Present Play.
ner very true to life.
ed in a social way.
The “Colored Suffragettes” was
Grange Meeting Saturday.
Ministers to Gather.
the title of a most amusing farce
The regular monthly meeting comedy presented to the lodge
The seventeenth annual meet­
of Gale Grange will be held in K. members and invited guests by ing of the West Willamette As­
of P. hall Saturday. Important the Rebekahs in Odd Fellow hall so c i a t i o n of Congregational
business will be transacted at the last evening. Roars of laughter churches and ministers will be
morning session which is to be­ greeted the many humorous held at Sherwood, in this county,
gin promptly at 10:30. The first quips and jests and frequent ap­ next Tuesday and Wednesday.
and second degree will also be plause showed the fine apprecia­ A very attractive program has
given to nine candidates. Din­ tion of the audience.
been arranged, and a number of
ner will be served at noon and
meritorious addresses will be de­
Family Re-union Held.
the afternoon devoted to a very
livered. Among the speakers
interesting program. A cordial
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barker will be Rev. D. T. Thomas, Rev.
invitation is extended to every­ were made happy the fore part of J. M. Barber, Rev. H. L. Bates
one to join in the afternoon ses­ the week by the coming together and Rev. Dora R. Barber, from
of their children for the first this city. Rev. H. H. Rottman
time in 24 years. Their three and Rev, .T. S. McGaw will also
Free Illustrated Bird Lecture. sons and one daughter, with be present and address the meet­
A free bird lecture -by William their children, were all on hand ing Wednesday evening.
Rogers Lord, author of “Oregon and 18 sat down to the feast of
Press ads bring profit to adver­
Birds,” will be given in the good things which was spread.
tiser and reader.
chapel of Pacific University Tues­
day evening, April 8, at 8 o’clock.
At the Congregational church
It has always been a surprise
The lantern will be operated by Sunday morning Rev. Thomas to us, why people will pay travel­
A. J. Douglas, who has perform­ will take for his subject, "Paul ing agents $75 for a sewing ma­
ed similar service for a number on Some Modern Questions. ” In chine when they can buy the
of noted lecturers, including Dr. the evening the theme will be, same machine at Staehr’s Bazaar
Grenfel, of Labrador fame. Ev­ “ Some of Life’s Annoyances.”
for $40 or $45.
eryone is cordially invited to at­
y . v . v . \ v . v . v . v . ,. v .v .,. v . v . \ v . v . v . v . \ v . v . v . \ v . v . v . v . v .
Will Soon Call for Bids.
The school board will call for
bids for the erection of the new
school building as soon as blue
prints and detailed specifications
are prepared, which will be in a
few days. It is the hope of the
architect that the corner stone
enn be laid before the last day of
school. May 29th.
Entertained at Silver Tea.
Mrs. M. Z. LaRue entertained
Tuesday afternoon at her home
on Pacific avenue with a Silver
tea. Those present were: Mes­
dames Watt, McCrum, Hinman,
McClean, Heath, Roe, Ross,
Misz, VanKoughnet, Reder and
I .
ê>r neutre nth Annual iflrrliug
of tljr
W fH t H iU a m r t t ? A a a u r i a t i m t
äurBiiay anil fflrìmratiaii
Aprii Eiijl)tl| tmù Niittlj. Ntnrtrrn ïliirtrrn
tHirruuwii. tOrruon
Marion Hall, of Oak hill, left
to-day for Ohio to settle up the
estate of his father, who recent­
ly died.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Luce, of
near Buxton, are parents of a
handsome baby girl, who arrived
M. Fields, of Portland, was in
the Grove Friday looking over
some nearby timber land.
Sterling—in label and in value.
Silver for the table or b u ffet-
rich in design and workmanship;
the utmost word in quality: the
lowest price possible at Shearer
& Son’s, the Main street jewel­
ers, Forest Grove.
(Eu raft ay fcitruitut
Praise Service.
Glimpses of Forty Years in Turkey,
Rev. R. M. Cole
Associational Sermon,
Rev. H. G. Adams
ÌUrìntraùau {Hunting
Devotional Service—A Mountain Vision,
Rev. D. T. Thomas
9:20 The G reat Need in the Church today,
Rev. John F oster
The G reat Need in the Ministery today,
Rev. H. L. Bates
The Two Essentials in Congregationalism,
Rev. J. M. B arber
The Sunday School's Share in the Kingdom,
Rev. Wm. L. Upshaw
The Apportionment Plan
Good Cheer Service.
A Conference.
(Bring Reports from the Churches)
Dinner and Social Hour.
Hlrimraiing A ft rr mum
Have a simple function to per-
They should cleanse
thoroughly and keep the skin
smooth and soft.
Devotional Service
A Valley Experience,
Rev. D. T. Thomas
1:50 Personal Evangelism,
We know the soaps th at have
honest m erit. We get them of
dealers who have reputations to
You w ant safe soaps.
w ant to sell them to you. Our
prices are no higher than those
o fte n asked for the Harmful sort.
(Cmujmiational (Oiurrljra
mió ifliuiatrru
r •
Rev. H. N. Smith
Mass Evangelism,
Supt. G. E. Paddack
The Church and the Girl,
Rev. Dora R. B arber
Home Life in Turkey,
Miss M. E. Cole
W omen’s Home Missionary Work,
Mrs. W. C. K antner
Safe Soaps of every kind at
very reasonable prices.
V anK oughnet & Reder
Ìfli'ìmraìiau Earning
’:30 Praise Service.
Rev. H. H. R ottm an
N orthw est Field S ecretary Y. P. S. C. E.
Rev. J. S. McGaw
National Field Secretary N ational Reform Assn.
Forest Grove. Oregon
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