O re p "1 H isto rical Society F orest G rove P ress l « ^ WASHINGTON COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER. Vol. 4 FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1913. WILL RACE SATURDAY IF OREGON’S MIST PERMITS No. 22 ANNUAL SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION SUCCESSFUL Young People Are Married. Arranging for Dandelion Day. Sunday afternoon at 6:30, at A committee from the Women’s Lane and M c A d o o , Cabinet Men, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John club of Forest Grove is busily en­ A s T h e y A p p e a r at T h e i r Desks Heisler, pioneer residents of gaged upon an appropriate pro­ Washington County, on Gales gram for “ Dandelion Day,’’ Sat­ Track in Best of Condition and Prominent Speakers Addressed Creek, Rev. Daniel Staver, of urday, April 12. Last year priz­ Prospects for Record-Break­ es were given to several of the | Delegates—Officers Elected Forest Grove, pronounced the words which united their daught­ school children for bringing in ing Performances Good. for the Ensuing Year. er Cathereine J. to Leonard Jen­ sacks of the plant. This year; nings in the solemn bonds of The motorcycle races which the school child en will be told The Washington County Sun­ matrimony. Both the contract­ how to kill the dandelions and have been twice postponed be­ day School Association held its ing parties are well known and cause of unsuitable weather con­ other weeds. School gardening 24th annual convention in Forest popular in the younger set, and will be undertaken, and attrac- ( ditions will be held this Saturday carry with them into their new Grove March 27 and 28th. The meetings, which were held and Sunday if the famous Oregon tive little booklets have been se­ life the congratulations and best in the Christian church, began mist will permit. The track has j cured for presentation to the wishes of a host of friends. The been placed in excellent shape, ! various groups and awards of jat 10:30 a. m. Thursday, at ceremony was performed in- the merit will be given the most dili­ ! which time an unusually large well banked at the turns, and presence of immediate relatives | number of delegates were pres­ rolled solid as a rock. The vari­ gent ones. The managements of and a few close friends only. A e n t to join in the opening exer- ous professionals who are to par-1 the Star and Grand theatres have wedding supper was served. Mr. ! cises. ticipate in the several events arranged for special films for ex­ and Mrs. Jennings will make There are over 50 Sunday have viewed the local course and hibition on “ Dandelion Day” and their home in Los Angeles, where pronounced it one of the best a fine musical program will be schools in the county and in spite the'groom is employed upon sev­ tracks they have ever seen, and j given at each theatre in the ev­ 1 of rainy weather about two thirds eral municipal improvement en­ of them were represented, and feel confident of being able to ening. The school program will terprises. equal the best records that have! be held Saturday afternoon at the attendance was good for a the public school. yet been made. Despite the de­ county convention. Prizes Awarded in Contest. lays which have occurred local j Young Folks Joined in Wedlock. The committee on credentials A county educational school reported 101 delegates enrolled. interest in the races has not Eunice Hester Ritchey and contest which has just closed in ceased and a goodly crowd of Rev. Charles A. Phipps, the Charles A. Kerr, well know Washington county, in which a general secretary for Sunday Grove enthusiasts will be present giod per centage of the grammar school work in the state, was when the events are finally pull-1 young people of this section, grade pupils took part, has been present through the convention. were united in marriage by Rev. ed off. A large crowd of Port­ B. C. Cook at the home of the of great benefit to both teachers Two of the unsalaried state land cycle fans are also expected j bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. and scholars. A first prize con­ workers, Mrs. S. W. Ormsby, to attend, as there is a general W. Pate, in Hillsboro, last Sun­ sisting of an encyclopedia and superintendent of Sunday work, desire to witness the bettering of j day afternoon, the ceremony be­ bookcase, valued at $120, was and Miss Clarke, superintendent the half-mile record held by J ing performed in the presence of awarded to Miss Mabel Clouser, of elementary work, were also Barney Oldfield. The different a few close friends and the rela­ of the Hillsboro High school. here for most of the sessions. racing machines which will b e ; tives of the contracting parties. Five prizes of $5 each were giv­ Other speakers from outside used are on exhibition in the | Mr. and Mrs. Kerr were the re- en to Miss Beryl Deford, of of the county were Mrs. Clara windows of local dealers, togeth­ cepients of a great number of Laurel, Miss Lissie Westfall, of Essen, of McMinnville; Rev. Mr. er with a number of the various handsome gifts in solid silver Tualatin, Miss Fay Wilkes, of prizes which have already oeen , Hayes, of Portland; and Rev. J. Dilley, Miss Mabel Rasmussen C. Spencer, of Silverton. Rev. won by riders who will contest in and congratulatory m e s s a g e s were received from far and near. and Miss Lois Livingston, of Hiram Gould, of Forest Grove, the events scheduled. Photos copyright, 1913, by A m erican P ress Association. They will reside in the county Forest Grove. spoke on Temperance and Rev. WO of th e m ost In terestin g figures In P resident W ilson’s cabinet are seat. Youngster Celebrates Birthday. L. M. Boozer, of Orenco, and W illiam O. McAdoo, secretary of th e treasury, and F ran k lin K. I.ane, Attended Methodist Parliament. se cretary of th e Interior. T hey a re the .u st an d th e w est of th e coun­ Rev. W. J. Weber, of Hillsboro, Harriet Helen Hughes passed Old Pioneer Passes On. cil table. In th e H udson riv er tunnel builder the president has a A goodly number of the Meth- gave addresses. All the other the second milestone in life’s j Littleton Lindsay, who came shrew d man of business, keen on finance and capable In th e affairs of men. In [ odist congregation of this city at­ pastors of Forest Grove and sev­ journey last Saturday and in j to the Oregon country in the th e fo rm er ch airm an of th e In te rsta te com m erce com m ission he has a broad minded, n ationally posted law yer, w ith all the breeze of the w est sharpened tended the session of the Meth- eral from other parts of the honor of the occasion Mrs. G rant1 early days from his home state by co n tac t w ith big men from m any states. H ere th e tw o cabinet mem bers, l odist Parliament held in Portland county were present and fitted Hughes gave a birthday party, of Virginia, settling on a dona­ the New Yorker (below) and th e C alifornian, are show n a t th eir desks In W ash Saturday and Sunday. In honor into the program as occasion of­ which included a matinee at the tion land claim near Farmington, Ington busy a t th e ir tasks. of three visiting bishops and fered. Star theatre, luncheon in the Washington county, died at his numerous official g u e s t s the A main feature of the conven­ Star confectionery and an auto home last Saturday morning, Friends Entertained Saturday. Mrs. Louisa Nason Dies. Ladies’ Aid society gave a ban­ tion was to hear from the schools ride about the city. The tables aged 83, from pneumonia. A A. J. Strang entertained a Portland.—After a short ill­ quet in the First Methodist and encourage them in their set for the refreshments were widow and several distant rela­ number of his young friends in ness, superinduced by age and church Saturday evening. Bish­ work. A feature of the opening decorated with daffodills and for-! tives survive. Up until taking the parlors of Mrs. Miner’s resi­ general decline, Mrs. Louisa op W. 0, Shephard, of Kansas session was for each one to rise, get-me-nots, and the centerpiece sick a few days before his death, dence, in this city, last Saturday Eliza Nason, widow of the late City, preached at the First give his name, and tell where he consisted of a monster birthday Mr. Lindsay personally attended e v e n i n g . Games of various Charles E. Nason, died yesterday j church Sunday morning, and in was from; and on Thursday cake with two candles brightly to all the work in connection kinds, vocal and instrumental at the residence of her son-in- j the afternoon, under the direc- afternoon every school was given burning. About 15 were present with his farm. music, and other amusements, law, W. J. Cuddy, in Washing­ ! tion of Bishop R. J. Cooke, of the opportunity to report on the and all greatly enjoyed the after­ helped the hours to pass pleas­ ton county, aged 81 years, 6 Oregon conference, a most in- noon. Native Son and Daughter Wed. antly away. A delicious supper months and 25 days. Mrs. Nason j teresting program was given in work and progress in its field. All schools represented respond­ Mrs. Fannie Clark and Daniel was served and the guests all de­ was the eldest daughter of Milton j the same edifice. Laborer Hurt at Beaverton. ed to roll call in some way and Black, middle-aged people who parted voting the evening a and Eliza (Choate) Stone, and Beaverton—The 7:10 a. m. were born and raised in Wash­ most happy one. Those present was born in Windsor, Me. She Dr. Ernest Everest Convicted. this exercise was very helpful to all. Oregon Electric car Saturday ington county, were married were; Misses Rita Watson, Alta was married to Mr. Nason at Dr. Ernest Everest, indicted The interest in the sessions struck Emil Anderson, tearing Wednesday at Walla Walla, Williams, Cressie Tennis, Letha Danvers, Mass., in 1852, and re­ | several weeks ago upon statutory continued until the last and the his scalp open and nearly running Wash’n., and will make their Davidson, Louise Freeman, Mil­ sided in Maine, Wisconsin and ; charges, was found guilty Mon­ experienced workers united in over both legs before the car was home at Dayton, in the same dred Fitch, Maude Clark. Ethel Nebraska until 1896, when they day bv a circuit court jury, and | pronouncing it one of the best stopped. Mr. Anderson had been state. Mr. and Mrs. Black are Elston, Hazel Carney; Messrs moved to Oregon to be near their remanded to jail for sentence. j conventions in the history of our working on the county road east children of two of the earliest Glenn Bunker, Ernest Lang, Roy children, who had preceeded The penalty prescribed by law is county organization. of Beaverton and was on his way pioneer families of Oregon, and Burnworth, Mr. Hansen, W. H. them westward. Surviving chil­ from three to twenty years in The sessions closed at 3:30 p. home. When the car was leav­ ha/e considerable property in­ Eaton, Lloyd Gennell, Albin dren are: Mrs. W. J. Cuddy, of the state penitentiary. The con­ | m. Friday to permit delegates to ing the depot he started to cross Strang, Arnold Herter, Alfonso Hillslioro; Mrs. G. W. Green- victed man was granted until terest« in this section. take the 3:40 car east and as they the track. Someone called to Guenett, Arthur Lane, George street, of Portland; Mrs. A. E. him and he turned to see who it Improvements at Oregon Electric Shaw, Frank Dunlap, H. W. Spaulding, of Los Angeles, and next Thursday to file a petition separated all seemed to feel that for a new trial. Dr. Everest is the meeting had been particular­ was when the car struck him. The obstruction of traffic at the Baker, Roy Freeman, Clarence William E. Nason, of Goldfield, 65 years old and a pioneer physi­ ly enjoyable and helpful to them. He will recover. Oregon Electric depot by trucks Lenneville, Clarence White; Mr. Nev., and 19 grandchildren, 12 cian of this section of the county. The following officers were backing up to the freight house and Mrs. Schonover, Mr. and great-grandchildren and one Orenco Buys Fire Equipment chosen for the coming year: great-great-grandchild, besides a Secures Responsible Position. to unload and load merchandise Mrs. DeCuman. Orenco, Ore.—By action of the will soon be a thing of the past, County President, Pro. F. C. brother and four sisters in East­ Gordon G. Brown, a graduate Orcnco Civic Improvement club, as the management nowT have a Reception for Mrs. Sarah Evans. ern states. Taylor, Forest Grove; Corres­ of Pacific University and the the fire department building and crew of men at work tearing ponding Secretary and Treasurer, Saturday afternoon in Herrick O r e g o n Agricultural College, equipment becomes the property dowrn the platform in the rear of hall, the member^ of the Forest Eye Was Badly Injured. Miss Mary J. Corl, Forest Grove; where he completed a course in of the town. The department the building and arranging a Grove Women’s club and the W. F. L. Fox, while working on horticulture, has recently been 1st District President, Mrs. H. was owned and run under the drive way for trucks to get in C. T. U. united in tendering a the Southern Pacific power sta­ appointed by the Canadian gov­ Russell, Gaston; 2nd, L. L. Hol- direction of the Oregon Nursery and handle freight without block­ reception to Mrs. Sarah Evans, tion in South Forest Grove, was ernment to the office of Horticul­ linger, Forest Grove; 3rd, Mrs. company. The club also decided ing the walk. president of the Oregon Federa­ struck in the eye by a sliver tural Field Supervisor for a Brit­ J. J. Hutchins, Banks; 4th, John to ask the Oregon Electric line tion of Women’s clubs. A pleas­ which broke from an axe he was ish Columbia district. Mr. Brown Boyd, Cornelius; 5th, Frank W. for a reduction in fares between New Cement Contractor. ant hour was spent in social con­ using in breaking out false work. will oversee the development of Power, Orenco; 6th, M. P. Cady, here and Portland, the rate M. S. Taunton, of this city, verse and Mrs. Evans gave a The particle of steel embedded large orchard tracts and the Beaverton; 7th, or German dis­ charged now being straight 3 has established a cement con­ most instructive talk upon a topic itself in the iris, necessitating an renovation of older, neglected trict. John Crone; Recording Sec­ cents a mile. retary, Blanche Harbison, Hills­ tracting business, and is now en­ of general interest. The after­ operation, which was performed orchards. boro. Superintendents were also gaged in constructing 250 feet of noon was voted most successful. Saturday in St. Vincents hospital Will Tell How to Spray. Appointed City Engineer. chosen for the various lines of of Portland. curbing south of the Oregon Orenco, Ore. —Friday evening Electric depot on First avenue Firemen Danced Friday Eve. A. A. Kirkwood, one of Forest Sunday school work. A. B. Cordley, dean of agricul­ South. Mr. Taunton is prepared The best of music and a well- Moore s Market Changed Hands Grove’s well known young men, The report of the correspond­ ture at the Oregon Agriculture to undertake cement work of waxed floor gave pleasure to a Robert Duncan, an experienced a graduate of Pacific University ing secretary and treasurer show­ college, will speak under the any character. number of couples who attended butcher from Detroit, Michigan, and the Montana College of ed all bills paid or arranged for, auspices of the Orenco Horticul­ the firemen’s dance last Friday has leased the meat market of Mines and Engineering, has been so that Washington county can tural club on “ Insect Pests and C. W. McNamer has purchased night. The boys were all there Moore and Son, on Main street, appointed city engineer by the go before the state meeting at Remedies,’’ giving special refer­ the property of Mrs. Fan Clarke, in full uniform, and although the Mr. Duncan has also secured the council. Mr. Kirkwood will have Oregon City in the latter part of ence to the application of lime- in the east part of town, and will attendance was not large, all en- Gibson house as a place of resi- charge of all street and other im- April with a clean financial take possession shortly. aulphur sprays. standing. joyed the evening greatly. dence. . j provementa made hy the city, T