FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 27, 1913. District Convention of Rebekahs Will Attend Church Parliament. Gave Pleasant Surprise. About thirty delegates from The members o f the Homstead- Delegates from the Rebekah U^orval ,f)aptie, who learned to skate u'hen playmate of the Methodist Episcopal church lodges of Forest Grove, Hillsboro, ers met one evening recently at J. S. Loynes’ son, at Bathgate, N. 7 ) . of this city will attend a parlia­ Banks, Sholes and Gaston gath­ the home o f Dr. J. S. Stewart ment of the Methodist Episcopal ered in the latter city Saturday and mat ched in a body to the church to be held in Portland to participate in the regular dis­ residence o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph March 30, 31 and April 1. A trict convention. The mayor o f Dean, tendering them a most number of eminent divines will Gaston bid the delegates welcome complete surprise. All w e r e be in attendance and attractive in a hearty manner, turning over soon comfortably seated in the and interesting programs have the key of the city to Mrs. R. M. ] spacious rooms, and instrumental been prepared for each day’ s Taylor, president o f the conven­ music and games were indulged session. Space forbids giving tion. An interesting program in until a late hour, when, after the programs in full, but it will was heard and the Banks degree tasty refreshments had been well repay one to attend these team exemplified the floor work partaken of, the gathering dis­ meetings as the addresses which o f the order in a manner reflect­ persed to the different homes. will be delivered are of undoubt­ ing great credit and honor to Those present were: Mr. and their study and industry. Mrs. Mrs. Charles Aydelott, I)r. and ed worth and merit. Case, of Hillsboro, was elected Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. H. Movie Operator Plays Hero. Chairman, Mrs. Ward, o f Gaston, H. Porter ai d children Gladys Monday morning the team vice-chairman and Mrs. Kinton, and Teddy, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. which pulls the Gales Creek o f Banks, secretary. Ryals, and daughter Lucile, Mr. stage decided to get in out of the and Mrs. A. A. Morley, Mr. and Joy Riders Through Life. cold and started at a breakneck Mrs. R. W. Dean and son Walter, pace from the postoffice, headed John Matthews, Secretary W. K. Hillsboro, Ore. —Marriage li­ for the barn. Carl Hoffman, one Curtis, Carl Curtis, Miss Alta censes have been granted to Fred of the proprietors of the Star Williams and Mrs. Jessie Poge. W. Woolridge and Zula Thacker, theatre, saw the break, and as Joseph E. Cozard and Jessie M. I the team raced down College Wells, Arthur Homshuh and Min­ Reception for Mrs. Sarah Evans. way, sprang before them swing­ nie Muralt, Edward William Sin- The Women’ s Club and the W. ing an overcoat about his head, nott and Adeline Pearl Brinson C. T. U. o f Forest Grove have 'ihe flying garment bewildered and Frederick T. Johnson and arranged a reception in honor o f j the racers and they came to a Minnie B. Stevens. Mrs. Sarah Evans, State Presi­ sudden stop just as they reached dent of the Oregon Federation of City Purchases Team. Pacific avenue. No damage was Women’s Clubs, which will be A team o f heavy horses was held in Herrick Hall Saturday af-j done. purchased by the city o f Forest ternoon at 2:30. All members of Starts for Office Early. Grove yesterday morning from both organizations are urged to A resident of Newberg, through Frank Russell, of Gaston, which be present and to bring a friend ! the medium of a local paper, an­ will be used to pull the sprinkler, along. Mrs. Evans will deliver The fancy skater pictured above mastered the rudiments of the nounces his candidacy for govern­ fire apparatus and in street work. an address at the conclusion of art in his home state o f North Dakota a number of years ago and or, stating that he is urged to the social hour. gave many exhibitions, after he had perfected himself in fancy this action by his “ own con­ Farmers, Attention. skating, in a rink at Langdon, N. D., owned by J. S. Loynes and science.” Judging from the an- Speed Bug Suffers Fine. Schultz Pure Food Market and Grocery will pay you cash for all H.*G. Hill, a member of the Nick Moore, o f this city. In addition to his other feats, Baptie | nouncement, the original “ own produce which you bring in. We Premier Racing Crew, which is does some difficult stunts upon the ice, while perched upon 32 inch conscience” candidate has a big­ want your goods. Originators of to appear at the local track this stilts. Mr. Loynes is personally acquainted with Norval Baptie, ger club than Roosevelt ever “ Cash for Produce” plan. week, flew around through town j and the publication o f his photograph in last week’s issue o f the weilded laid by for a few of his Monday afternoon on his racing Press called to mind many pleasant memories o f other days. Jona­ particular friends. Sterling in label and in value. motorcycle at a mille a minute than Baptie, father o f Norval, is at present a resident of Seattle. Silver for the table or buffet Press ads bring profit to adver­ clip, was arrested by the chief of rich in design and workmanship; tiser and reader. tf Amateur Athletes Organize. Fined For Drinking on Train. police, taken before the Recorder the utmost word in quality; the and assessed five dollars and For the promotion o f clean John Anderson, o f Orenco, ap­ lowest price possible at Shearer costs. The fine was remitted sport and the advancement of peared before the Justice court & Son’s, the Main street jew el­ pending good behavior in connec­ amateur athletics, a number of in Hillsboro Tuesday, charged ers, Forest Grove. 18tf tion with the speed ordinance. the young men o f Beaverton with drinking intoxicating liquor --------------------- | have organized an association, while a passenger upon an Ore­ Mrs. Jack Latta, who has been quite ill the past two weeks, has The Forest Grove Oyster House with the following officers; Arch gon Electric train. He plead recovered sufficiently to be out is now under the management of Chisholm, president; John Corn- guilty and was fined $25. Being of doors. Ed. B* 81tf ley, vice-president; Victor Em­ unable to produce he was sent to mons, secretary; J. L. Hardy, treasurer; Lou Wolfe, sargeant- at-arms. The club starts off with a membership of twenty- five and has joined the Pacific Northwest a s s o c ia tio n . They have a nicely equipped gymnasi­ um, containing a large boxing arena and floor space occupied by punching bags, exercises, etc. Monthly entertainments will be held at which the best talent from the Multnomah, Columbus and Brooklyn amateur clubs will appear. For the Business and Professional Man, The Student and Teacher. Write your letters on a machine and be sure of a neat, attractive, legible communication. Now have on hand one No. 2 and one No. 3 Smith Premier at a right price. Call and look them over— Press Office Professional Motorcycle Races 29-30 (¡enera! repairs amt sundries at Vem Maskell will rise you are called away from your work o f mixing at a criti­ cal moment, it doesn’t matter if you use Get our prices on produce be­ fore you sell. We pay the cash. Poultry and veal wanted. Schultz. Forest Grove. 18tf Van Koughnet & Reder drug­ gists, can fit a truss properly. 21 tl via the V 1 P Chis s u n s e t OGDEN »SHASTA ) R O UTES W ho Celebrated Hi* Third Birthday Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brown are justly proud o f their three- year-old son, who observed his birthday Saturday with a cele­ bration at which a number of his little friends were present. The youngsters gathered at the Brown home in the early after­ noon and passed the time with the games that delight the lit­ tle folk. A delightful lunch was served by Mrs. Brown and when the small guests finally departed they were tired but perfectly happy. A THOROUGHLY ENJOYABLE ROUTE Y o u Ca n Se a in Ca lifornia : Attractive seaside r « >rts. famous ho*e!s, hot springs and outdoor sports. At Pasadena the vr.'rld tamed ostrich farms and magnificent homes. At San Bernadina and Riverside the Oranjre Groves. At Catalina, the wonderful sub­ marine wardens and at various other points attractions that delight the eye and inform tne mind. L o w O n e W a y or Round T r i p Fa ra s : Round trip ticket* to Loo Amtele» on »ale daily with Ion* return limit and »top- ~ i l V , lf yo“. w *h .to- » ° «^11 further »outti or ea»t. ticket», via all rail, or rail and steamer through New Orleans can be secured at reas enable rates. Further particular» ,m application to any A *ent. Ask fo r deacriptive literature on California, or A aysale Note», describin* trip from San Francisco to New Orleans. John M. S c o t t . G e ne ra l P a s s e n g e r A g e n t . P o rt la n d , O r e g o n