Oregon H istorical Society All News F orest G rove P ress WAS HI NGT ON C O U N T Y S NEWSPAPER. Vol. 4 WEATHER FINE FOR RACES CRACK RIDERS TO CONTEST FO R G O LD CUP F orm er Professional Going A fter Prize M oney in Big Events- Big List of Local Entries. FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 27. 1913. No. 21 H eisler Ju ry Disagree. S ta rt F reighthouse Soon. After being out all night, the jury in the case of the State vs. John Heisler, a wealthy farmer of the Gales Creek neighborhood, failed to reach a verdict and were discharged. Heisler was charged with violating the Hunt- ley act, which makes it a misde meanor to issue or cause to be issued any circular or other lit- mature containing statements derogatory to candidates for pub- bc without the signature of the writer. The jury stood seven to five for acquittal. Work will shortly be commenc­ ed upon the Portland, Eugene and Eastern freighthouse at Main street and First avenue South, and information is had from reliable sources that both passenger and freight trains will be running into Forest Grove over the new line not later than July 1. At present carload freight is being brought up into : town, steam motive power being used, and placed for unloadihg within a block of the business section. O n e o f t h e F am ou s G ould T ots P osed A f t e r N o ted P ainting : ABOUT REX-TIGARD DEAL - - JU D G E REASONER REPLIES TO CRITICISM Promises M ade to P ortland A uto Club K ept and Up to T hem to Com plete T heir P art. --------- - The worst collection of weath- Hillsboro, Ore. —County Judge er that has been dished up to Reasoner Saturday gave out the Oregon residents in many manv years vears following statement relative to was had last week, and as a re­ the Rex-Tigard road, which so sult of the sleet and snow, coup­ long has been the bone of con­ led with the Oregon standard, tention between the officials of rain, that was administered here | Washington county and the Port- in copious doses, the motorcycle j land Automobile Club: races that were to have been CO UNTY OFFICIA LS FIN D A “ I find that before I was elect- O REN CO FRUITM EN A D VIS­ given at the Forest Grove track J ed County Judge the members of DISCREPANCY ED ON DISEASES last Saturday and Sunday were the Portland Auto Club appeared postponed. They will be held J before the County Court and this week if weather is any­ Land Supposed to Be O w ned by Illustrated L ecture Given by Pro­ | stated that if the county would wheres reasonable. P ortland M an Now in N am e fessor Jack so n of the O regon | pay $3000 toward the improve­ Motorcycle racers, riding a ment of the Rex-Tigard road the of O ne O scar F. Carlson. A gricultural College. mile a minute, that will be twice j club would complete a stretch of around the local tarck, cannot road, giving it a macadam finish take the additional risk of skid­ Hillsboro, Ore.—A strange case Orenco, Ore. At a meeting the proposed stretch being ding on account of wet. They of a forged deed to 120 acres of Friday evening of the Orenco I about eight miles in length. The are risking life and limb every land near Reedville, on the Horticultural Study Club, Pro- court agreed to this, and opera- time they mount their little “ go Southern Pacific, has just come fessor H. S. Jackson, of the Ore- (tions were at once commenced, devils,” tire trouble, a small to public notice. Harry Ander­ gon Agricultural college, gave a ¡The County Court of Washington rock, or any other little accident son, a Portland saloon-keeper, is stereopticon lecture on fungous | county has contributed some- is likely to throw them, and they owner in fee simple of the tract. diseases. He said; thing like $2399.78 and the club go at such speed that they cata­ He has had a tenant on the "For anthracnose, bordeaux has paid out $6,404.83, and there pult through the air and are fre­ place and has received his rental mixture is considered the best has been about three miles of the quently badly injured. regularly. spray but lime-sulphur has also road dressed with rock. Some of the machines that will Mr. Anderson came to Hills­ given good results. To be effec­ Whenever the outsiders pay be used have been in Forest boro a few days ago to pay his tive. spaying must be done early enough in to complete the eight Grove for more than a week, and taxes and was told that he had in the autumn, as spores develop miles, the present County Court some of them are being display­ no property—that the tract in quickly after the first rains, and will come through with the bal­ ed in Hillsboro. C. G. Danielson question had been assessed to aa soon as possible after apples ance of the promised $3000, but C o p y rtg h t. 1913, by A m e ric a n P re s s A ssociation. is showing the new Pope that one Oscar E. Carlson, whose title I will state that I I T T t.E c h ild re n of th e rich posed In costly ta b le a u x re c e n tly In New are picked and might be applied I not before. will be ridden by Archie Post, of was registered with the County Y ork a t th e p a la tia l re s id e n c e of M rs M n rsh all O rtn e W ilson Tor th e even before the fruit is picked, never at any time promised that ben efit o f th e b a b ie s' w a rd o f th e P o s tg ra d u a te h o sp ita l of New York. the Playa del Rey motordome, Recorder, October 15, 1910. In- “ The disease is also known as the County Board would finish O ne of th e m o st s trik in g p o se s w r - th a t of G loria G ould, d a u g h te r of Los Angeles, and the Flying vesitgation showed that a deed Mr. a n d M rs G eo rg e J G ould of th e fa m o u s G ould fa m ily W ith b a re legs black spot canker. This parasitic j up the remaining five miles of Merkel that will be used by the to the tract was made to Carlson sh e k n e lt on th e floor w ith fa ce u p ra is e d a n d h a n d s c la sp e d a s If In p ra y e r. fungous causes death of tissues * road. The law is plain on this champion of the Northwest, Har­ on October 1, 1910, signed by I t w as a re m a rk a b le re p re s e n ta tio n o f th e fa m o u s p a in tin g “T h e I n f a n t S a m ­ of the bark and infection occurs subject, and the only promise I ry Brant, is being displayed in Harry and Emma Anderson, u e l” by S ir J o s h u a R ey n o ld s. in Fall or early winter. Use ever made was that the road the Hinman-Gordon, Hardware executed and sworn to before a bordeaux 6-6-50. Two applica- would get its just proportion of Company’s window. Amos La- notary public, Claude Hamilton tions about two weeks apart af- taxation. I realize as well as haie has Vern Maskell’s Indian Paxton, at Spokane, with the ter the fruit is picked, for orch- any one the importance of this in his window. ards where the disease is on the road, but Washington county has names of A. B. Fox and Martin The films showing the motor­ Freel as witnesses. The consid­ PROSPECTS G O O D FOR LINE PR IV A T E STABLE HAS JU ST increase. Where orchards are j myriads of small bridges to keep cycle racers in action were dis­ eration given was $10. T O GALES CITY BEEN FINISHED badly effected and it is desired j in repair and rebuild and taxes played in the Star theatre and to clean up quickly, spray about j are high. We are ready to live The peculiar part of the trans­ will be shown again the latter action is that the alleged Carlson Business M en H ave Prom ise of H andsom e E ntrance to be Con­ ! the middle of September, before up to the old agreement of the part of this week. It is under­ has never made his presence the fruit is picked with bordeaux, Board, which was solicited by President Hill R oads to In­ stru c te d —City W a te r Piped stood that a fast former profes­ known either to Anderson or to 1-4-50, and using the 6 6-50 members of the Portland Club, sional rider has been located in the tenant on the farm. Ander­ vestigate Possibilities. j formula as before prescribed. D irect to All Buildings. but we cannot at this time go McMinnville, and that a number son swears that the deed is a “ For apple scab, destroy all any further. of his friends have induced him forgery, and that he was not in In the tw’o districts through Quiet work on the part of the Capt. C. P. McCan, who re­ leaves by burning or plowing to enter the races and he will be Spokane at that time, and never Forest Grove Commercial Club cently purchased the race track early. Spray trees at least three which the Rex-Tigard road pass- on hand with a fast machine and knew a man by the name of las resulted in a promise from and grounds of the Washington times in the spring, first when es there are 39 miles of road, and a determination to clean up some Oscar Carlson. The authorities President Young, of the Hill County Fair association, has let the blossoms commence to show , the total tax amounts to $1700, of the prize money that is being are now looking into the matter ines in Oregon, to come to this the contract for the construction color, second alter petals fall which entitles the eight-mile offered. It is not known what and Anderson will at once take city soon for the purpose of in -1 of a handsome club building up­ and about two weeks later, stretch to about $300. Further make of machine he will ride, steps to remove the cloud on the vestigating the advisability of on which work will begin this Lime-sulphur, about 1-30 of the than this we cannot go, except but it w ill be in the same class as title. constructing a railroad, which week. The structure will be 30 degree stock solution, has to live up to the old promise of the others that have been enter­ The land in question is but a would be a continuation of the i the Board—and this we are ready situated near the head of the taken the place of bordeaux.” ed. short distance from the Southern Oregon Electric, from this city home stretch, and in addition to Among the potato diseases dis- to meet when the original eight Pacific, and is worth at least to a point above Gales Creek, office and clubrooms, is to con­ cussed was blight, which he said miles of road have been com- Native D aughter Dead. $20,000, and perhaps more. where connection could be made tain a well appointed dining should be treated by spraying pleted. Mr. John Nyberg, now Mrs. Sadie Tate, aged 54. who with the United Railways, which room and lunch counter. The with bordeaux, first with a 4-4-50 a commissioner, was the member died at the residence of Mrs. G lee Club M ade Hit. now operates • from Portland to rcof will be of the gable variety and later with a 6-6-50 solution of the Board delegated to deal Sarah J. Hill, her mother, in St. about once every two weeks if with the club, and he is here at If continuous and spontaneous Banks, eight miles west of this with a wide covered gallery run­ Johns, March 21, and was buried ning across the front for the use the season is damp and at least all times to assert the truthful­ at Gaston, was born at Gaston, applause is to be taken as an in­ city. three times or more any season. ness of the statement as to the the daughter of Almoran and dication of pleasure and satisfac­ The construction of such a line of owners and their families. A original agreement.” Mrs. Hill, pioneers who crossed tion, then the audience that list­ would open up a vast timber private stable containing eight A nother Pioneer D eparted. the plains to Oregon in 1843. ened to the singing of the Wil­ region that now lies practically stalls, for the exclusive use of Mrs. Cynthia A. Adams, a resi­ Pioneer W om an of ’69 Dies. Mrs. Tate leaves besides her lamette Glee club, last Tuesday dormant for lack of transporta- Capt. McCan’s string, has been dent of Oregon for many years, Mrs. Susan Burkhaulter, a mother, a daughter, Mrs. Cyrus night, were evidently decidedly tion facilities. It would mean finished, and work is proceeding died at her home in this city pioneer woman of Oregon, died Confer, of Portland; three sis­ and emphatically satisfied. The increased business for the Pacific upon forty additional stalls for Monday night, after an illness of at the home of a son, near Farm­ ters, Mis. T. Monev, of Walla members of this organization University city and probably the the use of breeders and trainers, several weeks. Funeral services ington, Washinton county, last Walla; Mrs. T. Smith, of Pendle­ have all well trained and pleas- establishing of a large sawmill at Plans have been drawn for an were held yesterday with inter­ Saturday and was buried in the ton, and Mr3. H. Corello, of St ing voices, and the perfect har this point. In addition to tap- unique entrance gate of rustic ment in Forest View cemetery. Hillsboro cemetery T u e s day. Johns, and two brothers, Link mony which was evident in th e ;P'nK lar8e bodies of virgin design, upon which work will be­ Deceased was born in Indiana, Rev. B. C. Cook, pastor of the several chorouses was a delight i timber- a road such as >9 Prol,os gin within the next two weeks, September 5, 1831. She was and Frauk Hill, of Gaston. German Reform church of Hills­ to the most critical ear. The en- ed would open up a large farm- The Oregon Electric railroad has married in that state to Thomas boro, of which she was a mem- Bootlegger R eleased on Parole. tertainment was first class from inir area completed a survey for a spur L. Adams and in 1857 the couple ber, conducted the services. De- track, and this, with a platform A man by the name of Moore, start to finish and well worth the moved to Minnesota, going later ceased was born in Dork county, for the accomodation of passen­ Mr*. Hilton Given Surprise. arrested some time since at price of admission. to Nebraska and coming to Ore- Ohio, ¡n 1836. In January, 1854, Beaverton for selling liquor with­ Many of the members of the gers, will be completed by the gon, settling iri Marion county, 8he married Stephen Burkhault- out a license, was arranged in M aunday T h u rsd ay O bserved. Christian church walked into the first of May. in the early seventies. After a er, the couple moving to Indiana, the county court at Hillsboro Scottish rite Masons of this parsonage last Friday night, and . tew years the family moved to where they resided until 1869, T ax-Paying Rush Over. Tuesday and given a suspended city> with the Knight Templars surprised Mrs. Hilton. It was Veronia, and five years ago after when they crossed the plains to The great tax-paying rush has the death of her husband, Mrs. Oregon settling in Monroe, Bent- jail sentence upon the recom- ag guests, properly observed her birthday anniversary. They mendation of the district attorn- Maunday Thursday by partaking brought good things to eat along ended and the force in the Sher Adams took up her residence on county. Two years later they ey. Moore is obliged to report of Parchal lamb and unleavened with them. The evening was iff » office at Hillsboro are taking with children in this city. Mrs. moved to Washington county, to the sheritf of Washington bread, in commemoration of the spent in entertainments and a much needed rest. The last Adams was the mother of ten making a permanent home near county once a month as to his last supper. W. N. Barrett, of game 3 . The party remained un- payment made to the county children, including Mrs. Minnie Hillsboro. Three married daught- whereabouts and occupation, and Hillsboro, delivered an address til a late hour and departed wish- treasurer amounted to $50,937.37. L. Kent and John II. Adams, of ers, 0f Portland, and two sons, of is also obliged to refrain from and a paper was read by Senator ing the pastor’s wife many hap- Total taxes collected to date this city and Mrs. W. W. Har- Farmington, survive. The hus- the use of intoxicating liquors. w. H. Hollis, of this city. amounts to $299,147.34. py returns. rison, of Tillamook. band died nine years ago. DEED IS HELD A FORGERY SPRAYING WAS DISCUSSED L MAY GET NEW RAILROAD M’CAN ERECTS CLUBHOUSE