FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. TH U R SD A Y, M ARCH 6, 1913 AL ES W E ^ACTIVITY M Furnished by Wilkes Abstract Co. of Hillsboro W B Haines and w f to Royal M Cole 70x110 ft in blk 18 Forest Grove, 12500. William Oelrich to Spencer Jones N Vi lots 11 and 12 blk 6 Oreneo, $ 10 . Dr Ernest Everest to Thos T a l­ bot lots 4 and 5 blk 20 Cornelius, $1. Patsy Toosy to' A W Mills and wf 50x184Mi ft In sec 36 2 n 4, *2500. Harvey Vanblarlcom to Ernest Herr lots 1, 2, 3, blk 46, Cornelius, $300. C W Hendricks to Sophia Tucker W 14 of lot 3 blk 27 Cornelius,$1000. C E Peyton and wf to Eigen L Mapes et al 06 ft strip In blk H Falrvicw add to Hillsboro, $10. Edwin H Sivyer to C L llunip lot 1 and NV4 o f lot 2 blk 2 Smith add to Forest Grove, $150. Annie E Crabtree and lius to F M Crabtree tract in II H Catching d 1 c N o 41 1 n 4, $10 etc. F M Crabtree and wf to W II Crab­ tree and wf tra it in It H Catching d 1 c No 41 1 n,4$10 etc. C E Johnston and M F Johnston to Amos J Vinsonhaler and wf 7 3-4 acres in sec 32 2 s 1, $3500. James E liryan to Lovellu Hattie Hoover lots 1 2 3 and 4 blk 9 and also frl blk 10 Diiley, $1200. Richard L Durham and wf to Ed­ ward I.ea et al lot 54 Durham Acres. $800. Charles Westaway and wf to Ed Cowles lots 1 2 3 6 7 8 blk 19 West Portland Heights Addition to Port­ land, $750. Mary A Orr and hus to Delia Hod- ler Vs Interest ill Antonio C Law son d 1 c No 57 1 s 1, $10 etc. Mary Moore to Tennie Pyl N E '4 of blk or tract A Fairview Add to Hills­ boro, $ 1300. Jacob Heyne and w f to Gottlieb Erhardt and w f tract in NM> o f NW sec 16 1 s 3, $3300. 0 W Taylor and w f to A Zwimpfor lots 1 2 3 and 21 in Paine Tract, C rescent B aking P o w d er because it is made superior to em erg­ ency, and ten or twenty minutes interruption won’ t make a failure o f your cake. 25 cents per can 10 . Alfred O Ellison and w f to S B Rundel 7 Ms acres in lot 4 sec 1 2 s 1 , $ 10 . Oregon Nursery Company to John Holmanson lot 7 blk — Oreneo Ac, $ 1000 . Oregon Nursery Company to J E Frank lots 1 and 2 blk 9 Oreneo T J Whyte and w f to R B Carey lots 14 15 and 16 Tualatin Valley Townsite, $150. Acres, $2250. Frank Tonsing and w f to Fred Swan- strom 28 acres in wfs half of Moses R Barnum and w f d 1 c secs 19 and 30 2 s 1, $5180. $ 12 , 000 . J E Morback and w f to Myrtle A Charles It Cox and w f to H W Maynard NBV4 sec 33 and S'/a of NW Becker lots 6 7 8 blk 17 Smock's add to Sherwood, $450. 14 sec 34 2 n 4 240 acres, $24000. A Raphael Skeels to John C c Lof- tua and wf N Va o f NWV4 sec 20 t 2 s r 2 w, $1000. Manly B Hoard and w f to Rl<\hard Hoard tract in 8E14 of SE>4 sec 12 1 s 3. Also 9 acres in S W *4 of s w 14 see 7 1 s 2, $10. William E Cooke and w f to Lizclla C Underhill 69 acres in Oris Brown (1 I c in 1 n 4, $1. James S Loyneg and w f et al tp William E Cooke and w f lot 6 blk 4 South Park addition to Forest Grove, $2500. 1 H Smith and wf to James P Me- Farlane et al part o f blk 25 Forest Grove, $3500. Charles W Mertz and w f to Ellen Keene part of lot 3 blk 38 Forest Grove, $2500. Ellen Keene and hus to Lenna Mertz et. al lot I blk 42 Forest Grove; ciao 50x50 links adjoin tig blk 42 on the south, $4000, in baking cakes and pastery i f you use a Baking Powder that is depend­ able. Suppose you are called away from your work o f mixing at a criti­ cal moment, it doesn’t matter if you use 1 s 3, $10000. Minnie Hoffmann to Ottoi Hoffmann ! NVi of 8.25 acre tract in A W Hart d 1 e secs 11, 12,141 s 1, $1. O F Cooke and W E Cooke to Otto 1 Hoffmann 1.75 acres In Wm & Mar tha E Painter d 1 c No 62, $886.25. O F Cooke and Etta M Cooke to A t your grocer’s Otto Hoffman 1.04 acres in Wm Painter d 1 c N o 62 1 s 1, $572. Send us 2cts Ixits 3 and 4 blk 13 Smock’s add tv Sherwood. W A Shaw et al to Mar- j for a Cook Book garet Conway S 2 acres o f lot 3431 Johnson Estate add to Beaverton- Reedvllle acreage, $800. Crescent Manufacturing Company Mary E Smock Executrix to J E Seattle, Washington Morback tract 2; lots 3 and 4 blk j 10; lots 1 3 4 blk 11; lots 1 2 7 8 blk 13; lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 blk 14; Dewitt L. Harry, o f the Even­ lots 4 5 6 7 blk 16; lots 1 2 3 5 6 ing Telegram staff, was in the 7 and 8 blk 17 all in Smock’s add to city Tuesday completing arrange­ Sherwood. Also .82 acres adjoining blk 3 Sherwood, $3000. ments for the motorcycle races W lllia Kruger and w f to James which are to be held on the Me- North tract in George Richardson d 1 Can track March 22 and 23. c No 38 2 8 1, $10. Some exceedingly low prices ErnHt Gustav Mager et al to Mary A Orr 55 acres in secs 3 4 9 and 10 on choice Toilet soaps at -the (Antonio C Lassen d 1 c ), $12500. Forest Grove Pharmacy. 18tf J C Bchulmerlch and wf to F B C. E. Jay, o f the firm o f A. Warfield and w f 12 acres in N E li sec 36 2 n 4, $1150. G. Hoffman & Company, arrived Edilh P Coomes and hus to W il­ in Forest Grove Saturday even­ liam Aschenbrenner blk 12 Tonquin, ing, accompanied by Mrs. Jay. $ W illiam Reldt and w f to Emma Cowles lots 1 2 3 7 8 blk 19 West Portland Heights, $25. Ellen Welch and hus to Joseph Wallace Henderson W Vs of N E ',4 of section 35 1 n 1, $2000. Floyd W Allen and wf to Asa E Straight 4 acres in sec 22 1 s i , $1400. Albert Osborne Yates admlnistra-1 tor to Oscar Hayter, lots 5 6 7 8 blk 25 W est Portland Heights, $30. Lizclla C Underhill and hus to William E Cooke and wf part of lot 2 blk 6 Forest Grove; also parcel o f land adjoining blk 40, $5800. Elizabeth lhuck to Anton l’ fanner 1-5 of undivided !•_• of NW Vi sec 29 2 n 3; also WV4 of N E ' 4 said sec 29; also 100 acres Ins« 1 29 2 11 3; also SE'4 of NEV4 sec 30 2 n 3; also 10 acres in sec 22 n 3, $650. An tone Hermens, administrator, to J E Ixromis and w f to George II n rf Peter Vandecoeverlng and wf 1 acre W ithy combe 104.20 acres In sec 31 , in sec 20 1 11 3, $588.90. LOCAL N EV A They will reside in the Hoffman cottage for the present. The house clocks are so much a pert o f the home that they should he a delight to the eye, as well as truth-tellers. T h e s e we’ re offering answer to that de­ scription. Shearer & Son. For­ est Grove, 18tf. H. S. Wise, o f the Portland Slabwood Company, has bought seven head o f horses to the Mc- Can track on the outskirts o f this city, including several prominent pacing prospects for the comin g season. and daughter Bernice, formerly o f this city, now o f McMinnville, | were visiting friends here over I Sunday. When you commence house- The woman who is in too much cleaning don’t forget to kalsomine o f a hurry to read the ads al­ the walls. The best at G. G. most always wastes a lot of Paterson'*, Forest Grove. 18tf time in looking about for what Mr. and Mrs. Me Lear, o f Hil­ she wants to buy. lsboro, spent the week end visit­ ing the form er’s father, Mr. Good, in this city. Mr. McLear is bond administrator at tie court house. .C l i p b H O R S ER A D IS H I F Itorserudisb roots are obtainable it Is best to make your owu horse­ radish sauce. That which is sold in the shops may be made largely with white turnips. Some inferior brands of ready made horseradish sauce are so made. I f a recipe says the sauce must be cooked stir In the grated horseradish last. It weakens it to cook horse­ radish. Favorite Condiments. Boiled Horseradish Sauce.—Melt a third of a cup o f butter in a saucepan and stir a half cupful o f flour in It. When this Is hot pour In a pint of boiling milk and stir until It forms a smooth sauce. Let it boil for twenty minutes. Season with a pinch o f cay­ enne, a hnlf teaspoonful o f salt and strain. Add two stalks of grated horse­ radish. I f a boiled sauce Is made stir in the horseradish last. Horseradish Sauce With OH.—Take two tablespoonfuls o f grated horserad­ ish, a tublespooufui each of vinegar, salad oil and ground mustard. Add a quarter o f a tablespoonful o f salt aud beat these togettier, then serve. Horseradish Sauce With Cream.— Scald n pint of sweet cream. Add to it four tablespoonfuls o f grated horse­ radish and a half teaspoonful o f salt. Mix aud it is ready to serve. This sauce may so quickly be made that It Is useful to impure in an emergency. The easiest, quickest, simp­ placing orders for right-away delivery. all Cal! 901. That’s no trouble to you, or extra Jewelry repairs are a part o f cost. Our stock is complete this store’ s claim to usefulness. The job must suit you whether in every department. Call us it’ s a tritling one, or a big one. first and save time and trouble. Shearer & Son. Forest Grove. 18tf Staehr’ s Bazaar is having a Rale on fountain pens this month. Small ranch with house, ham, berries, city water, The “ Autofiller” fountain pen orchard, TI m Up-to-the-Minute Druggists w ill be sold 25 per cent off regu­ close to the grove. Must rent at la r price. E very pen guaran­ once. W. W. Ireland, Hoffman h l Building. 1 9 tl Hi teed . 18tf Forest Grove Pharmacy I S T IL L B U S Y . E are rearranging and changing nearly everything in our entire stock, also getting in new goods almost every day. We are sure that you will be pleased with the changes we are making. W N ex t week we will tell you more about the lines we are adding in our dry goods department. F o r Fish or Meat. Horseradish Sauce For Fish.—Take a cupful o f stock and scald half a cupful of freshly grated horseradish In It. Bent three eggs nnd stir these Into a cupful of cream and cook this with the horseradish and stock. When the b [ k ) o ii becomes coated add half a tea­ spoonful o f salt nnd take from the fire. Horseradish Sauce For Beef.—Take a half cupful of fine stale breadcrumbs, an onion stuck with half a dozen cloves, two tablespoonfuls of butter, a half teaspoonful o f salt and a quarter of a teaspoonful of pepper. Take a double boiler and cook everything but the butter in it for an hour, then take out tiie onion and cloves and add the butter, stirring it around until it Is well mixed. Just before taking from the fire beat In a half cupful of freshly grated horseradish. This is nice for either boiled or roust beef. W e still give away to our cash and 30 day custom­ ers the beautiful Montrose silverware. W e also pay the highest cash price for produce, mohair and wool. Phone 631 9 Narrow Escape for Attorney. Sherbrooke Pays Fare. Forest Grove to Cornelius Rose Gardens when purchasing “ qual­ ity ” roses and d a h l i a s . The world’s choicest varieties at rea­ sonable prices. Buy now. W. E. Sherbrooko, Rose specialist, Cor­ nelius, Oregon. 1912- Grove Man Active at Salem. Chas. E. Hall, o f this city, has platted 67 lots near the Salem fair grounds. One addition, con­ taining 33 lots, is called Fair- view, and the other, containing 37 lots, Melwood. Mr. Hall re­ ports active sales and excellent prospects. Put your ad in the Press. FOREST GROVE, O REGO N YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest g irl’s dormitory in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy the privileges o f the gymnasium and swimming pool. Enroll at PA C IFIC U N IV E R S ITY for Education, Health and Physical Development, and Do It Now ! For particulars address P A C IF IC U N IV E R S IT Y Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. WATCH THIS SPACE ! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 60 , 000 . High School Team Victorious. The Wilsonville Athletic Asso ciation basket ball team suffered decisive defeat at the hands o f the local High school hoys last Friday evening. The game was played on the floor o f the college gym and demonstrated that the locals have been working hard since their recent defeat at the hands o f the same club, at W il­ sonville. A. G. HOFFMAN CO I Cd No one would think it “ funny” j o f music, song and story. Lunch­ to see a stock broker or investor eon, prepared by Mr. and Mrs. show a somewhat feverish inter­ J. G. Lenneville, who are unex­ est in financial news and stock celled in the art o f arranging a quotations. Y e t these have no “ spread,” was served during the more potential importance to latter part o f the evening. A ll him than the store ads have for enjoyed the occasion very much the woman who does the spend­ and voted the Maccabees right ing o f the money for the home. royal entertainers. lest. most pleasing method of i ***• l C APrs c i c m s ; ] „ 1 - V SAUCE. J. N. Hoffman, the well-known attorney o f this city, while trim ­ ming trees on his property in the south part o f town, narrowly es­ caped instant death Friday morn­ ing. Mr. Hoffman was sw in g­ ing a heavy axe, when the im- | plement caught on a clothes line, Broderick & Humburg, who rebounded, and struck him on recently sold their blacksmith the head, rendering him uncon­ business in Cornelius, have open­ scious for several minutes. Just ed a shop on Pacific avenue for­ a few minutes before the acci­ merly conducted by Brown & dent occurred, he had been using McCuman. a double bitted axe. This store’s reputation is built anew on every sale that is made Maccabees Entertain Friends. here. W e’ re willing to let it rest Tuesday evening a jolly crowd on the next jew elry purchase o f Maccabees and their friends you make here. Shearer & Son, gathered in Odd Fellow ’s hall to Forest Grove. 18tf listen to an interesting program ar BUYING BY TELEPHONE I o ar d A new and up-to-date line of wall paper in many handsome patterns. P l a i n , figured and novelty goods to select from. All prices to fit all pockets. Pat­ erson’ s Furniture Store, Forest Grove. 18tf Bring Us Your Produce. II. Boyd, o f Diiley was a Grove Joshua Adkins, o f Gales Creek, W e are giving special prices visitor Saturday. was transacting business in For­ for poultry and veal and all other Mr. Chapman, o f Gales Creek, est Grove Monday. farm produce. We are the orig­ was visiting in the Grove Mon­ E. A. Jones, o f Scoggins Val­ inators o f “ Cash for Produce.” day. ley. was transacting1 business in Schultz Pure Food Market and Mrs. Mary Rains, o f Gales this city Saturday. Grocery. Forest Grove. IStf Creek, was a Monday shopper Just arrived in the city today in the Grove, a fresh supply o f Whitman's Bring your wool and mohair to chocolates at the Forest Grove 18tf A . G. Hoffman arid Company for | Pharmacy. highest cash price. list f Mr. ami Mrs. W. B. Haines I,. E. Thomas, publisher of the Yamhill Record, was visiting friends and relatives in Forest Grove, Sunday. IT C H EN There is no such thing as “ LUCK” U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard of D ir e c t o r s : Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newell L. J. Corl ’John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. G. Goff H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines è * HORSES and MULES For Sale. Rigs and Saddle Horses FOR HIRE C o n tract H auling Solicited Feed and Sale Stables W . W . RYALS, Prop’r North Main St. Forest Grove, Oregon