Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, March 13, 1913, Image 5

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Daily March 15 TO to April 15th,
Chicago $ 38.00 St. Paul
37.00 Minneapolis
St. Louis
37.00 Duluth
Milwaukee 36.70 Kansas City
Little Rock 42.50 Omaha
42.50 St. Joseph
New Orleans 48.05 Lincoln
From other eastern points in proportion
c o m p el
lo ve
Cun a w om an m ake a man love
her? Yes. often sh e can it she
lays b erself o u t to do I t The
most Im p o rtan t point is th a t he
m ust not know It. T he w orld's
history gives us m any Instances
of th e love com pelling pow er of
even u n a ttra c tiv e w om en. To
compel love a w om an m ust sym ­
pathize w ith a man.
She m ust not o ften contradict
him. She m u st fla tte r him, and
let him th in k th a t his opinion Is
the only one th a t m atters. She
m ust p u t him Into good conceit
w ith him self. She m ust ex ert
her pow ers of charm and never
bore bim. She m u st be bright
and am using in his presence. She
m ust see a good deal of bim , for
absence generally m akes the
h eart grow fo n d er—o f some one
T ell you r frien d s in th e E a st o f this oppor­
tu n ity of m oving W est on low fares.
D irect
tra in service via B urlington R oute, N o rth ern
Pacific, G re a t N o rth ern and Spokane, P ortland
& S e a ttle and O regon E lectric Railw ays.
You can dep o sit funds w ith me and tic k e ts
w ill be furn ish ed people in th e E a st.
D etails
will be fu rn ish ed on request.
W . D. SKINNER. Tr.tfic Managar,
Portland, Ore.
0= 0
J. E. FARM ER. Agent-
Forest Grove, Ore.
Ho w to Koep Well at tho Japanase Do
In T h e i r C ou ntry.
T he follow ing rules for th e general
guidance of th e people In health m a t­
te rs have been p rin ted an d widely d is­
trib u te d by the Ja p a n e se governm ent:
F irst.—Spend a s m uch tim e out of
doors as possible. HaBk much In the
sun aud b ik e p lenty of exercise. T ak e
care th a t your re sp iratio n is alw ay s
deep an d regular.
Second.—As reg ard s m eals e at m eat
only once a day. an d le t th e diet be
eggs, cereals an d vegetables, fru its
and fresh cow 's milk. T uke the last
nam ed ns m uch ns possible. M asticate
your food carefully.
T h ird .—T ak e a hot b a th every day
and a steam bath once o r tw ice a w eek
If tho h e a rt is stro n g enough to benr it.
F o u rth .—E arly to bed and early to
F ifth .—Sleep In a very d ark and very
q uiet room, w ith w indow s open. Let
the m inim um of sleeping hours be six
o r six and one-half hours, in case of
woman eight an d o ne-half hours is a d ­
S ixth.—T a k e one day of absolute rest
each w eek in w hich you m ust refrain
from even read in g o r w riting.
S eventh.—T ry to avoid an y outbursts
of passion and stro n g m ental stlm nla
tlons. Do not tax y o u r brain a t the
occurrence of in ev itab le incidents or of
com ing events. Do n o t say unpleasant
things nor listen, if possible to avoid it,
to d isagreeable things.
E ig h th .—Be m arried! W idow s and
w idow ers should be m arrie d w ith the
least possible delay.
N in th .—Be m od erate in th e consum p
tlon of even tea an d coffee, not to say
tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
T en th .—Avoid places th a t are too
w arm , especially ste a m heated and
bndly v en tilated rooms.
The Approach of Spring
is the signal for greater effort
in all lines of endeavor. Warm­
er and dryer weather means
greater activity in b u i l d i n g
operations. Now
Is the Time to Start
work on your new residence,
store building, barn or other
structure. When you are ready
to start
That New House,
get our estimates on all the ma­
terial you will require.
Phone 024X. So. A St., Forest Grove.
Fresh Fish«
Forest Grove Fish Market
Cash Paid I° nrdb ^ cers
A n y thing and E v e ry th in g in Sea-food
Highest cash price paid for Fresh Eggs
Telephone 216
Ho w to Claan These Rare Possessions
W ith o u t Injury .
T h ere a re m any women who possess
am ong th e ir tre a su re s pieces of real
laee w hich have become so soiled th a t
they do n o t know w h a t to do w ith
them . O f course, a good m any women
like th e brow n color of old lace, th in k ­
ing th a t it show s th a t it is real. O ur
g reat g ran d m o th ers, who scorned the
Idea of w earin g Im itations o f any sort,
would have been pretty astonished at
h eaitn g th a t real lace would not w ash
It w as w ashed in th e ir day Just as we
would w ash o u r Im itations, but as they
alw ays took influite pains w ith th eir
clear sta rc h in g an d bleaching, no doubt
the lace cam e In for som e o f th is care.
Some old lace is in such a frail condi­
tion th a t it would be unw ise to a tte m p t
to clean It a t home, and It should be
sent to n good lace clea n er who would
u n d erstan d how to do I t Still, there is
much of this th a t will come through
tlie ordenl q u ite safely. T he best plan,
if th e lace is not too soiled. Is to dry
clean i t Do not use n ap h th a or any
spirit, fo r though this Is very good, it
has a tendency to w eaken th e already
frail thread s. In stead , procure three
ounces of pow dered m agnesia. Place
in a w arm oven un til very dry. (Leave
th e oven door open.) Lay a clean w hite
cloth on a tab le or flat surface, and.
spreading th e lace flatly on this, sprln
kle thickly w ith th e dry pow der. Fold
th e Ince. ta k in g care th a t th e m agne
sla has reached every p o r t Lay a
sheet of w h ite p aper over and then
fold th e cloth up over all. Place un
d er a w eig h t o r betw een tw o m at
tresses and leave for five days. T hen
unfold and sh ak e out the pow der. T he
■ d irt will com e aw ay w ith i t
►Every D ay
K. N. Staehr, Proprietor
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Moxt Door to Postoffico
40 different makes. Organs: any style, parlor or
chapel. Instruments: for band and orchestra. Sheet Music:
the latest popular pieces. 10 to 25c. Phonographs: Edison
in all styles. Records: full Edison catalogue. Sewing Ma­
chines: latest improved makes. Needles and Extras: for
any machine made. School Supplies: books and stationery.
Notions: toys and birthday gifts.
H o w to Cleon Statuary.
To clean sta tu a ry or o rn am ents of
w hite P a ria n m arble put a sm all table-
spoonful o f w ashing soda into a pail
half full o f tepid w ater Soap yellows
m arble and should not he used. Scrub
gently w ith a nail brush, a fte r which
rinse tw ice. W ipe dry w ith a clean
towel. Be su re th e o ran m en ts a re per
fectly d ry before they a re p u t back In
th e ir places, for If not a m oist ring a t
th e base o f each may in ju re th e table
or m antel on which they stand.
H o w to W a rm O v t r Bisoulta.
To w arm over biscuits and have them
as fresh na when first baked put them
w ithout w etting Into th e in n e r k ettle
of a double boiler H ave plenty of w a­
te r in th e o u ter holler an d let It boil for
ten or fifteen minutes.
H o w to Clean Painted Walla.
Bornx and boiling hot w ater applied
w ith a stiff brush h av in g a handle to
soot j painted w alls will m ake them
like new.
Will appear at the Star Theater next Thursday evening
The union services of ti e even-
in g, a t t h e Congregational
church March 9, were held un­
der the auspices of the W. C. T.
Edited by Mrs Katherine R . Kerr
U. Memorial services for Fran­
cis Willard and Neal Dow,
Methodist and Congregational
The regular business meeting is now too late,” Let the child­ churches.
of the W. C. T. U. was held at ren know +hat you love them,
the Congregational parsonage and also teach them that father
March 9. A large number were and mother are the best ones to
Get our prices on produce be­
out and a very interesting meet­ tell their troubles to. Let us fore you sell. We pay the cash.
ing had. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. scatter the sunshine of our love Poultry and veal wanted. Schultz,
Reynolds had charge of the De­ in our homes and everywhere, Forest Grove.
votional exercises.
After the every clay while we are with our
usual business was disposed of loved ones.
Sterling in label and in value.
the meeting was addressed by
Silver for the table or b u ffet-
Mrs. Bolderick, her subject being
Every woman in the Winton rich in design and workmanship;
on the recent new laws passed Indian tribe voted at the election the utmost word in quality: the
by the legislature in which the of their chief in Redding, Cal. lowest price possible at Shearer
members of the Woman’s Chris­ They elected George Wesley as & Son’s, the Main street jewel­
tian Temperance organization chief and the women of the ers, Forest Grove.
are very much interested. Mrs. tribe said they had a right to
When you want that suit
Kerr read an interesting leaflet vote, and they all did so, show­
pressed or cleaned take it to
from the Oregon Anti-Saloon ing plainly that even in the In­
Marion Markham, who can do it,
league, on the recent new laws. dian tribes, when women want
and do it right. Repairing a
Supt. H. L. Sheldon, of the anything, they ean get it if they specialty
Shop on P a c i f i c
Anti-saloon league reports he only unite.
I avenue.
was present nearly every day of
the session looking after these
measures, and that the present
legislature was the most re­
sponsive to the appeals for moral
legislation of any he had ever at­
tended. It is a very good thing
to note that the liquor interests
did not have the grip upon the
legislature here that they seem­
ed to have in so many of the
other states. And I feel that as
Oregon W. C. T. U. women, we
cannot give too much credit to
Gov. West for bis consistent
efforts in behalf of all this legis­
lation, for the liquor interests
had a strong lobby all through
the session.
Notice to Farmers.
Certificate No. 596
Registered No. 3529
The law passed providing that
if the court finds that the crimi­
nal laws are not being faithfully
enforced, the Governor may ap­
point for ninety days, special
officers to enforce the law. This,
in the opinion of many, is the
most important and far reach­
ing law passed at this session.
This law puts a club in the
hands of the governor that may
be held over delinquent officials
and we may look for better en­
forcement of the laws for at
least the next two years.
“A partnership with God, is
motherhood. Wh a t strength,
what purity, what self control,
what wisdon. what love should
belong to her who helps God
fashion an immortal soul.”
‘‘A nation rises no higher than
its mothers.”
Father, do not forget that y< u
are an example of a perfect man
in the eyes of your small boy;
that he just longs for the time
when he will be big and can do
the things that papa can do. Do
not fail to teach him a disgust
for all that is vulgar and impure.
Not long ago I heard of a young
man who had become very way­
ward and lay dying. His mother
and father knelt beside him
pouring out words of love. The
boy turned and said: “Oh 1 if
you loved me so, why ! Oh why !
did vnn not tell me Liefore. It
^tallunt ilU'riuitratuni tLInarii
OF PURE C orvallis
OR , O JACK, NO. 12, 596 11*11
, O
T he pedigree o f the jack B E E C H E R , No. 3529 (A m erican), re g is te r­
ed in th e studbook o f A m erican B reed ers’ A ssociation of J a c k s anil J e n ­
nets, owneil by W. H. F rench, F o re st G rove, O regon, bred by Jo h n Bel-
dingbrock, H eppner, O regon, described as follow s: Black, W hite points,
Sire, T heodor; Darn, Q ueen; Breed JA C K , foaled Ju n e 15, Bind, has been
exam ined by the Stallion R eg istratio n Board of O regon, and it is hereby
certified th a t the said jack is o f P U R E B R E E D IN G , is re g iste re d in the
studbook th a t is recognized by th e associations nam ed in section nine of
an A ct of the L egislative A ssem bly of th e S ta te o f O regon providing for
the licensing o f stallions, e tc ., filial in the office of th e S e c re ta ry o f S ta te
F eb ru ary 23, 1911, and th a t th e above nam ed jack has been exam ined by
the v eterin arian appointed by the Stallion R eg istratio n Hoard and is h ere­
by rep o rted free from infectious, contagious or transm issible diseases or
unsoundnes and is hereby licensed to stan d for public service in the
S ta te o f O regon.
E. L. otter
[S eal]
S ecretary Stallion R eg istratio n Board
N<>TE This license has been recorded in th e office of the R ecorder
of C onveyances o f W ashington C ounty and m ust be renew ed O ct. 12, 191-1
All mares left in my care will have the best of atten­
tion. If desired will furnish pasture for a few days.
OF To insure a live colt . . $20.00
I»-. W-, p. p-w % | ysi 1 or the season . . . . 15.00
L. a \ I I t . l ) 1 IN vj For single service . . . 10.00
In case mare is sold or traded breeding charges are
there and then due.
Will commence breeding
Will make the season at my place
First Ave. North
Forest Grove, Ore.