Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, March 13, 1913, Image 2

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    EÔREâl GKOVE p u tite , FOUite'LGROVE. OREGON, THÜKSDA í , Ai AUCH i J. I9l3.
v .v .v .v .v .v .v .w .v .v .v .w .
Frank Maury is on the sick
list, but is improving.
Mr. Vale is confined to the
house with a lame back but is
There will be a basket social,
given by the Epworth League,
in the Artisan’s hall Friday
Mr. Ellis was a Portland visitor
T5he Foremost
Flour Testing
L a L b o r a L to r y
of th e c o u n try p laces
F isher ’ s B lend F lour
( Mjde from Eiitrrn Hard Wheal and Western Soft Wheat)
far a h e a d of all co m p etito rs.
T h e H O U S E W I F E ’S L A B O R .
A T O RY, com m on ly known as
th e K I T C H E N ,
verifies its tests.
You w ill get the best of results
from this P erfect A ll-P u rp ose
Manufactured by
F is h e r
F l o u r in g
M il l s
C o .
** America's Finest Flouring Mills ”
S E A T T L E , U. S. A.
F or Sale b y All D ealers
0 ® [¥] [¥]
Beautiful Creations of
Milliner s Art ready
for your inspection...
M rs . A . E. D IX O N
M a in S tr e e t
F o r e s t G ro ve, O re.
An Easier Breakfast
Tender, juicy ham. or crisp,
savory bacon is the ideal
foundation for the perfect
\*\ rL
». 'V" fAx
Swift’s Premium
Ham and Bacon
are genuinely wholesome
anti nutritious, sustaining
viands relished by every
member of the family.
Schultz Pure Food Market and Grocery
H om e of all good things to eat
W a toll our Window Display for Kastor
Investment Realty Abstract Company
Mrs. Bush and three sons from
Redmond, Oregon, visited sev­
eral days last week with Mrs.
J. H. DeMoss.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Bailey and
sons spent Saturday and Sunday
with tiie daughter, Mrs Hollen
heck, at Cherry Grove.
The Literary Society elected
new officers at the meeting
Friday night, as follows: Mrs.
A. T. Buxton, President; Pearl
Stevenson, Secretary; Sidney
laylor. Treasurer. An interest-
ing program was rendered.
Mrs. R. 0. Stevenson and
daughter called on Mrs. Ken-
nedy Saturday p. m.
Much needed work is being
done on the road over David’s
Hill, up from the Gales Creek
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Scott were
t it to look over their land south
c Mr. Holscher’s. They called
Concord Ridge Fruit Ranch
A light snow Tuesday night
r .»minded
us that spring is not
O. S. Higby and family spent
unday at D. A. Kennedy’s.
Dick Holscher was trading in
e Grove Friday.
Grandma McCoy is visiting
■r daughter, Mrs. E. Burk.
Miss Helen Rueter was home
it wpek for a visit
Mrs. Ernest Burk and family
and Mr. Harvey Rodgers and
children took dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Holscher Sunday.
Mr. Sills, of the Oregon Land
Co., brought his father, who is
visiting him from Washington,
up over David’s Hill to enjoy
the fine view of the valley and
see the fruit farms on the hill.
J. H. DeMoss was called to
Eagle Creek, O r e g o n , last
Wednesday, by the serious ill­
ness of his mother, who passed
away on Thursday. Mrs. De­
Moss had never recovered from
a fall sustained some weeks ago.
Miss Gladys Vermilyea spent
a few days last week at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. N. A.
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L e ft o u t last w eek.
Mr. and Mrs. George Culver
are the proud parents of a baby
Charles Mateland was a Port­
land visitor Saturday.
Alonzo Wilson had the misfor­
tune to lose a fine milch cow last
Mrs. Emma Hines is visiting
at the home of Mrs. Grace
Thrapp in Salem.
Miss Pherda Loving, of Forest
Grove, spent Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lov­
ing, at Gales Creek.
Mrs. Umcheid was visiting
with friends in Forest Grove last
John and Frank Wilson were
in Portland last Saturday con-
suiting a dentist
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Trites, of
Hillsboro, visited at the home of
J. J. Adkins Sunday.
Royal Highlanders Initiate.
The recently formed lodge of
Royal Highlanders, in this city,
initiated 16 applicants into the
mysteries of the organization,
Tuesday evening. At the close
of the session a flashlight photo-
graph was taken of the members
present and all partook of a
dainty supper, prepared by the
ladies of the lodge. The guests
of the evening were State Mana­
ger H. J. Gildersleeve, W. B.
Bethune and A. J. Martineau, all
of Portland.
Freshmen Soaked with Water.
Monmouth, Ore.—Monday was
alive with parties in Monmouth.
Miss Stella Hoan, formerly of
Forest Grove, entertained a num­
ber of High school freshmen.
About six of the town boys were
not invited, and in an effort to
“get even” on the joymakers,
attached a piece of hose to a
water main on a street corner,
making all the guests as they
passed on their way home. Miss
/'" ’l
., Q1 ' .
cut coat style, newest
V ^ IU C IL O I l l l l o
designs in stripes and
pleats. Priced from $ 1 .0 0 to $ 2 .0 0
Cl. J J C L ‘
coat style. Very
stan d ard ohirts iatest patterns.
Well made; a first class shirt reasonably priced
absolutely new and up-to-
date. A complete assort­
ment of beautiful, nobby patterns just received
1 Neckwear
Leading Clothier
Forest G rove
via the
Y o u Can Se e in C a lifo rn ia :
A ttr a c tiv e s e a s id e r e s o r ts , fa m o u s h o te ls, h o t s p r in g s a n d o u td o o r s p o r ts . A t
P a s a d e n a th e w o rld fam ed o s tric h f a r m s a n d m a g n ific e n t hom es. A t S a n
B e rn a d in a a n d R iv e rsid e th ^ O ra n g e G ro v es. A t C a ta lin a , th e w o n d e rfu l s u b ­
m a rin e g a r d e n s , a n d a t v a rio u s o th e r p o in ts a ttr a c t io n s t h a t d e lig h t th e e y e a n d
in fo rm th e m in d .
L o w O n e W a y o r Ro un d T r i p F a re s :
,Hoan has many friends in Forest
R ound tr i p tic k e ts to Los A n g e le s on s a le d a ily w ith lo n g r e t u r n lim it a n d s to p ­
o v ers a t w ill. I f you w .sh to g o s till f u r t h e r s o u th o r e a s t, tic k e ts , v ia all ra il,
o r ra il a n d s te a m e r th r o u g h N ew O rle a n s c a n be s e c u re d a t r e a s o n a b le r a t e s .
Will Represent P. U.
Samuel W. Gratevvell, a promi­
nent member of the sophomore
class will represent Pacific Uni­
versity in the state Oratorial
Contest at Newberg, on Friday
evening. His subject is ‘‘The
College Man and Social Reform. ”
F u r t h e r p a r tic u la r s on a p p lic a tio n to a n y A g e n t. A sk f o r d e s c r ip tiv e l i t e r a t u r e on
C a lifo rn ia , o r “ W ay sid e N o te s ," d e s c rib in g tr i p fro m S an F ra n c is c o to N e w O rle a n s .
L. Graham is improving his
property by building a new barn.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman
were business visitors in Port­
land yesterday.
Chas. Waigand, of Portland,
has secured a position with
“ Dick” Rodes. He has charge
of the meat department.
We give you the highest class
meal in the city at the lowest
Forest Grove Oyster
B. F. Fry, organizer of the
Royal Highlanders, has gone to
Salem to perfect an organization
jn that city.
Jap-a-Lac is the housewife’s
friend. Will renovate the oldest
furniture, cover the woodwork,
stain the floors, and can be used
in many other ways. For sale
by Paterson’s Furniture Store,
Forest Grove.
This editor is not known to he
over careful about attending
church, but he will he found in
the Methodist church next Sun­
day morning to hear Dr. Homan
preach his great sermon on edu­
cation. He would advise the
readers of his paper to conduct
themselves in the same proper
manner. If he was a student in
the high school or the college he
would not miss this chance to
hear something from this great
preacher on this subject.
Jo hn
S c o tt ,
G e n e ra l
P a s s e n g e r A g e n t , P o rtla n d , O r e g o n
Whose Advertising Bills
are YOU Paying?
W hen you buy som ething at a store that
does not advertise, you help pay for the pub­
licity of the store that DOES advertise !
T he proposition is a perfectly logical
A d vertb in g enables a m erchant to sell
m ore goods in a day. Thus his daily oper­
ating exp en ses is collected from a large num ­
ber of custom ers—instead of from a few .
A ssum ing that he sells ten tim es as
much m erchandise as the non-advertising
store sells, he is enabled to greatly under­
sell his slow er com petitor, and still m ake a
larger aggregate profit.
The pen alty—the tax—therefore, is paid
by the hapless shopper w ho goes to the non-
advertising store; and who, by paying a high­
er price, indirectly “pays for the advertising”
that the live m erchant does.
A ssuredly the patron of the advertising
m erchant does not “pay for his advertising,”
for, b ecause of the advertising, such patron
saves m oney on her p u rch a se!
.• . v . v . v . v . w . v . v . v . v .
The weather in our vicinity
has been fine the past few days
O ffices, with Forest G rove Press, H offm an Building
ami all farmers are very busy.
Mrs. 1. Hines took dinner at
L aw O ffice, M. B. B um p, H illsboro
the Steptoe home Sunday This
GUARANTEES reliable serviof
is her first outing since her pro-
longed illness.
Lawrence Ban ford and Tina
1.oines spent Saturday and Sun-
day with home folks, returning
to school at Forest Grove Mon­
Wm. Clapshaw, of Portland,
visited over Sunday with his sis­
ter, Mrs. John Greenwood.
Miss Bertha Steptoe left Tues­
day for Portland.
The Wylder family spent Sun-
day at the Earl Clapshaw home
and all report a very pleasant
The dance given in our midst
Friday was well attended
M any people in this section of W ashington county
present report a very en­
are interested in Poultry-raising and will purchase
eg g s or breeding slock. You can reach them
Pure Food Groceries.
Anna Gibson is visiting
through the classified colum ns of the
kept in absolute .\VY*V s V.V*V*VV s V /»\\\% V .V V .V »V A V .V »*.V .V A V .V *W *? ä !*
her mother in Tacoma. Washing­
at the Schultz
F o r e s t G rove
ton, this week.
Pure Food Market and Grocery.
Earle House spent Tuesday in Staple and fancy groceries,
meats, etc. We aim to please.
Makes Your Abstract
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