Oregon Historical Society All News F orest G rove P ress * >*■ WAS HI NGTON C O U N T Y ’S NEWSPAPER. Vol. 4 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 13. 1913. SPEED FIENDS WILL GO AFTER WORLD RECORD C O N T E S T S BE H E L D HERE F am o u s M o torcycle R iders W ill C o m p ete on L ocal T ra c k fo r M ’C an C h a lle n g e T ro p h y . T e a c h e rs in F inal Session. The Washington County Teach­ ers’ association held its last meet­ ing of the year at Hillsboro Sat­ urday, with about fifty teachers in attendance. The meeting was profitable in every respect. At the conclusion of a short business session Supt. B. W, Barnes discussed the reading circle work, the social fair, and and the affairs of the Annual In­ stitute and Athletic Association. This year’s institute will be held on the department plan, which met with the approval of all the teachers. The afternoon session was a joint meeting with the Grange convention in Grange hall. R acing S ta rts D e co ratio n D ay. M r s . D espard, N o t e d Suffra gette, In A c tio n B e fo r e Street C r o w d The Riverside Driving Club will stage eight racing matinees this season. This was decided upon at a meeting of the mem­ bers of the club, recently. The season will open with a I card on May 30, Decoration day, at the McCan track, which will he the future home of the club. Sunday racing will be a feature i this season, as the members ! claimed six Sunday dates for J Forest Grove, although the club may stage two at Vancouver. The following are the dates scheduled: May 30, June 8, June 22. July 4. July 13. July 27, August 10 and August 24. Interest is rife in the Motor­ cycle races that will be held in Forest Grove next week, March 22 and 23. Several of the riders were in the city Tuesday after­ noon and looked over the track and they are of the opinion that they will be able to make some very fast time. There will be at least eight entries besides the local riders, more than have ever contested in any of the races that have been — PU B L IC SC H O O L S C O M P E T E held in Portland. Tnese men are all riders with a national reputa­ E L E C T S T A T E D E L E G A T E S tion, there being in the crew, P acific U n iv ersity Silver C u p a n d Vern Maskeli, recognized as one M eetin g P ro fita b le in E very R e­ G o ld a n d Silver M ed als will of the fastest dirt track perform­ s p e c t- L a d i e s serv ed B ounti­ b e P rizes to S trive For. ers in this country, who will ride fu l D in n er a t N oon H o u r. one of the machines that holds all of the world’s records,—the The Annual W a s h i n g t o n Indian. Mr. Lahaie, the local County School Track and Field The Annual Grange conven­ Indian agent, has arranged for tion held at Hillsboro last Satur­ Meet will be held in Forest the display of the machine in his day was a very busy and profit-1 Grove sometime in April, under window here. Harry Brandt, able meeting for those in attend­ the auspices of Pacific Univer­ the champion of the Northwest, ance. Hillsboro Grange held its sity, and the P. U. silver cup, will ride the Flying Merkel, and regular meeting in the morning, which is now in the possession he and his yellow jacketed ma­ conferring first and second de­ of the Hillsboro school, will be chine always create a furore gress in full form on two candi­ put up fot* the second time, to be P h o to by A m e ric a n P re s s A ssociation. whenever they appear. awarded to the school making dates. M ONG th e m o st m ilita n t o f th e E n g lish su ffra g e tte s w ho figured In th e the most points. Coe C. White, commonly called The individual After a bountiful dinner serv­ la te s t " u p r is in g ” In L ondon w as M rs D e sp a rd , s is te r o f E n g la n d 's | prizes will consist of gold and “ See See’’ on account of his ed by the sisters of Hillsboro l fa m o u s c a v a lry c o m m a n d e r. Sir Jo h n F re n c h , w h o re c e n tly v isited ¡silver medals for the first and speed, will have a new Thor; Grange the County Convention A m e ric a W ell a d v a n c e d In y e a rs, sh e h a s h u rled sto n e s, s e t fire to Kid Zob, a German rider with an was organized with Deputy B. le tte r box m all a n d sh o u te d d e fia n ce to th e police w ith th e y o u n g e st o f th e and second places in each event. e n t " v o te s for w o m e n ” c h am p io n s. She w as sn a p p e d , a s sh o w n above, ex international r e p u ta tio n , will K. Denny in the chair. The fol- j a b rd T ra c k M eet R ules. o rtln g s s tre e t c ro w d to fight for th e b a llo t for w om en S he h a s been Jailed have a Harley-Davidson, and lowing delegates and alternates) o ften a n d likes I t H e r e n em ies call her a fa n a tic ; ner frie n d s a m a rty r. To be eligible to compete each Archie Post, one of the best of were elected to the State Grange pupil must maintain an average the riders from the Playa del which meets in Albany the sec­ W ill S tu d y F rie d m a n n ’s C u re. School C h ilren H e a r L ectu re. ¡of 80% and not fall below 75% N. C. Maris, of the State Earth in any one subject. Each High A storia , O r .,—The Oregon Rey motordome in Los Angeles, ond week in May: will ride a Pope. With these H. R. Findley and wife, of State Board of Health has chosen Educational department, address­ school pupil must carry at least machines and a perfect track, Leedy Grange; Geo. Galbraith Dr. August M. Kinney, of this ed the pupils and patrons of the three regular subjects aside from Each pupil which will certainly be arranged, and wife of Winona Grange; Mr. city, as representative of that Watts school district Friday ev­ J manual training. as Captain McCan has had a crew and Mrs. Gustin, of B u t t e body to go to New York and con­ ening, telling of the premiums must have been in regular at­ of men there for the past week, Grange. Alternates: Mr. and sult with Dr. Friedmann, the being offered by the state for the tendance for three preceeding the boys should shatter several Mrs. Stark, of Leedy Grange; German tuberculosis specialist. best exhibits at the state fair. months. No one who has finish­ records. H. P. Blake and wife, of Winona Dr. Kenny will investigate the He urged the children to enter ed a four-year High school To spur them on in this resolve Grange; Mrs. Alice Cutting, of methods of treatment and report into the contest for the numer­ course shall be allowed to com- to the state board. He will ous prizes. Mr. Maris stated [ pete. Captain McCan has offered a Butte Grange. perpetual challenge trophy to the After the election N. C. Maris leave for the east as -soon as he that Oregon imported $12,000,000 The events consist of a 440, rider who can better the record addressed the gathering on in­ can secure an appointment with in butter and $1,000,000 in eggs 220, 100 and 50 yard sprint; Dr. Kenney the past year, and that Kansas, 220 yard 30 inch hurdles and 120 made by Barney Oldfield on a dustrial fairs and Prof. Gentle, Dr. Friedmann. half mile track. The Oldfield of Monmouth, spoke on earth and his father, Dr. Alfred the first state to take up the ) yard 42 inch hurdles. Shot put, record is one minute and a half education. Both addresses were Kinney, are well known through­ “ back to the land” movement, standing and running broad and the pop-pop fiends expect to especially fine and timely, deal­ out the Northwest as tuberculo­ was now the richest state in the [jump, running high jump, stand­ ing high jump and half mile encircle the local track twice in ing with the value of practical sis specialists, with offices at union, per capita. relay. nearly a minute, or several sec­ work for the public school pupils, Portland and Astoria. Dr. Kin­ For public school scholars only; onds faster than the world’s best and of the value of local, county ney is a son-in-law of J. T. Bux­ C ath o lic T h e sp ia n s to A p p e a r. 50 and 100 yard dash. Running auto driver could negotiate the and state industrial contests for ton, of Forest Grove. Wednesday evening, March 26, I broad jump and running high distance. No automobile can children. the Catholic young people’s dra­ T im b e r G e ts N ew D epot. cope with a motorcycle on a half jump. matic society will present “The N a tiv e Son P asses A w ay. mile or any circular course. A passenger station typifying Deestrick Skule” on the stage of As these will be the first mo­ H illsboro , O r ., —J ames C. the principal industry of the Vert’s hall, in Forest Grove. G ra n d J u ry M ak es Its R ep o rt. torcycle races that have been Corey, native son, died at his community will be built at Tim­ Careful and consistent rehersals H illsboro , O r .—The grand held in the Northwest this year, home at Mountaindale, ten miles ber, one of the new stations on are being held, and the amateur ! jury, appointed at the November and as this is the best crew of northwest of Hillsboro March 3, the Tillamook line of the South­ thespians expect to be letter per­ term of the Circuit Court, made riders that have ever visited this after an illness of several weeks. ern Pacific. Timber is the prin­ fect in their parts when the mo­ ! its final report Tuesday evening section of the country, interest is He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. cipal industry, and the new mentous evening arrrives. “The to Judge Campbell and was dis­ great in Portland and there will George Corey, pioneers of the building will be so constructed Deestrick Skule” will he well charged. Five not true bills and be large crowds coming here on Glencoe section, and was born that it will remind passengers in­ worth seeing. 68 true hills were returned dur­ % ________ _ ing the sessions. The final re­ the two days of the meet. This five miles from Hillsboro, A ugust) stantly of this fact. will likely be one of many meets 4, 1858. He married Hala M. | The sides will be of roughly port recommends some repairs C ollege S tu d e n ts to W ed. of a similar nature that will be Harms October 1, 1892, the wife hewn logs, cut in the vicinity. Students at Pacific University to the poor farm buildings, and given by Captain McCan this dying November 1, 1911. He The interior will be in conven­ have received cards announcing urges that road supervisors he season. leaves four children, George H., j tional fashion. the marriage of Miss Grace M. required to file monthly reports Frank C., Warren J. and Pearl Payne to William G. Gwynn, of money expended. C a u g h t in S to rm a t Sea. F., all at home. C o u n ty A tto rn e y Bill P assed . next Saturday at Puyallup, Mrs. Speaker, wife of the for­ Mr. Corey was a charter mem­ E. B. Tongue will now handle Wash. Miss P a y n e attended H orse Likes F ern C ove Soda. mer superintendent of street ber of Glencoe Lodge. Knights It is hard to keep a good thing paving in this city, underwent a of Pythias, one of the oldest the criminal business of Wash­ Pacific University for several hidden, as Harve Baldwin is ington county only, in accord­ years. Mr. Gwynn is a gradu­ strenuous experience recently lodges in the state, and also a ance with the provisions of the ate of Pacific University, was a ready to testify. Last Thursday while on a pleasure trip from charter member of Washington county attorney bill recently star football track man, and night a horse belonging to the Tillamook, their present home, G r a n g e No. 313. He made signed by Governor West. Mr. represented the institution in U. S. Livery, being somewhat over the waters of the nearby Washington County his lifetime Tongue’s salai y will be $2100 per oratory and debate. He is now dry after a long country trip, re­ Pacific. Their boat was caught home. Of his immediate family fused to partake of the fluid annum, paid by the state, while practicing law at Toledo, Or. in the midst of a severe storm he leaves a sister, Mrs. J. W. served at the barn and made a the county will allow him a and compelled to run into the Hayes, of Carlton, and a half- flying trip to the Fern Cove con­ mouth of the Columbia for shelt­ brother, Thomas Cooper, of Ka- deputy, the salary of whom will T h o m a s R ussell o f D illey Dies. fectionery, crashing through the be paid by Washington county. Thomas Russell, a well known er. The storm continuing, the lama, Washington. front door and coming to a stop farmer of the Dilley section, passengers were brought to Next Sunday morning at the jvho died at his home Wednes­ with its head hanging over the Portland and returned to Tilla­ Rev. Hiram Gould soaks “ Ye Methodist church the Rev. Fletch­ day night, was buried Saturday. soda counter. Some damage was mook by train. Editor" with an axe this week. er Homan, D. D., President of Mr. Russell was an invalid for done by the buggy, to which the It is reported that the time And we thought he burried the W i l l a m e t t e University, will several years. He is survived animal was still hitched, scrap­ ing along the door casing. One card on the Oregon Electric will instrument years ago. preach the annual educational by his widow and nine small of the lights of glass was also soon be changed. Subscribe for the Press. broken. sermon. children. TRACK AND FIELD MEET TO BE HELD THIS CITY HOLD ANNUAL GRANGE CONVENTION HILLSBORO A J No. 19 REGULAR MEETING OF 1 CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY — G R A N T P A V IN G P E T IT IO N S M cC an R ace T ra c k will b e S u p ­ plied w ith C ity W a te r City to P u rc h a s e F ire T eam . At the regular session of the city “ Dads,” Tuesday evening, the usual grist of bills were or­ dered paid, and general routine business transacted. A request from the Women’s club that the electric plant be operated two half days, or all day Thursday, instead of Wednesday morning as at present, was laid on the table. H. P. Watkins was appointed chief of police with power to ap­ point a deputy for night service. A request from the Women’s club that the council name a day as “ Clean-Up Day” was referred to the police and health commit­ tee. The resignation of Dr. W. Q. Tucker from the social committee was accepted. Alderman Johnson, upon mo­ tion, was instructed to purchase a suitable team for use by the city. This team, it is under­ stood, will be used to pull the water cart and for hauling the fire apparatus. A petition from property own­ ers that Pacific avenue from A street to the city limits, he pav­ ed, was granted. Petition from property owners that A street North, from First street North to Third avenue North, be paved with 24-foot paving, was granted. Petition for sidewalk on North side of North First street, be­ tween C and B streets, was re­ ferred to the street committee. Arrangements were made to run a pipeline to the race track so that an adequate supply of water might at all times be available for use on the grounds. Captain C. P. McCan, the owner of the track and grounds will di­ vide the expense of the installa­ tion jointly with the city and pay a minimum of $10 per month for water. Such amount as will be used over the minimum allow­ ance will be paid for at meter rates. S u rp rise G iven E x-M ayor. In honor of the birthday of J. A. Thornburg, Forest Grove’s popular ex-mayor, Mrs. Thorn­ burg arranged a delightful sur­ prise, which took the form of a reception and dance in the Knight’s of Pythias hall. A large crowd of local friends, as well as a number from out of the city, were present, and passed a most enjoyable evening. Punch was served between the dance numbers by Miss Beth Sexton. G o v e rn o r H o n o rs G ro v e Boy. Salem, Ore,- Willard Wirtz, son of Henry Wirtz, of Forest Grove, has been appointed by Governor West as county attor­ ney for Crook county, as an appreciation of services rendered to the administration. Mr. Wirtz is well known in Forest Grove, where he attended school for several years. R u n a w a y T ea m C au ses D a m a g e Monday afternoon, near Dilley, a team hitched to a harrow be­ came frightened at a passing rig and ran away, seriously damag­ ing the implement, breaking a leg of the driver who tried to stop them, and cutting one of the horses so badly that the attention of a veterinary was necessary.