Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, March 06, 1913, Image 1

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    Oropon Historical Society
F orest G rove P ress
8 Pages
Voi. 4
A fte r R ecords on N ew T ra c k .
G e ig e r R elea se d fro m C usto d y . 1
No. 18
Y o u n g sters E njoy S k ate.
W ill Be M ecca for H o rsem en.
A new sensation will be furn­ Hillsboro, Ore.— William Geig­
Glenn Hoar entertained a num­ Captain C. P. McCan, the new
ished Washington county people er, the Forest Grove rancher
ber of his friends at his home owner of the Forest Grove plant,
March 22 and 23 when the Pre­ who shot C. B. Stokes last Sun­
last Friday evening. A rink aspires to make the track the
mier Crew of motorcycle racers day night, mistaking him for a !
was made of the large base­ Pleasanton of the Northwest—
will hold motorcycle races at the chicken thief, has been allowed j
ment and the young folks en­ the center of training for North­
Forest Grove track. This will be to depart from custody, his
joyed themselves for sometime western harness performers and
the first event that will be given brother, F. L. Geiger, of Cor­
skating. Games were played the scene of at least two first
on the race course that was pur- nelius, being appointed to look
later in the evening and dainty class speed programs yearly.
chssed last week by Captain Mc- after him. Geiger was com­
refreshments s e r v e d . Those The West, or Pacific Coast,
Can. Captain McCan thought mitted to the State Hospital for
¡present were: Mary Olmsted, now has two other prominent
that nothing could do so much the insane at Salem, but upon a
Beth Emerson, Alta Gates, Perry privately-owned tracks, Pleasan­
for the opening of the t ack as hearing was allowed his liberty, j
Ward, Robert Illidge, William ton and Woodland, in California.
to give the people of this vicinity the committment being suspend­
| Goff, McClin Lines and Lester Pleasanton is owned by J. R.
a thrilling set of races, and this ed during good behavior.
Mackenzie, the millionaire Ca­
is what motorcycle races certain­
nadian horseman, and Woodland
T u rn e r A rt E x h ib it C om ing.
N on-V oters W ill Be T ax ed .
ly are.
by John Considine and associates.
DeWitt L. Harry, the State
Arrangements have been made
S alt L ake Every citizen of
Forest Grove with a half-mile
referee for the Federation of for an exhibit of pictures, March
Utah who is eligible to vote but course will be the scene of many
American Motorcyclists, was in 12, by the Turner Art people.
who does not exercise the right record-breaking performances,
the city Saturday arranging for An admission fee of ten cents
will be compelled to pay a poll and as a breeding farm of stand­
the race meet. “The Premier will be charged, and forty per
tax of $3 under the terms of a ard bred saddle and draft horses,
Crew have the fastest profes­ cent of the proceeds will be giv­
bill passed by the senate last second to none in the West,
sional dirt track riders in the en to the High School for use in
week. The tax will be assessed should take its place among the
Northwest,” said Mr. Harry, such way as may be seen fit.
against women as well as men. best plants in the country.
“ and they will give a fast card.”
Captain McCan has been a
School B onds A re V oted.
T e a c h e rs in H illsboro.
Captain McCan will place the
horse enthusiast for years. In
track in perfect condition and will
By a vote of 177 to 133, the
The Washington County Teach­ 1909 he purchased The Patchen
bank the turns so that the racers electors of school district No. 15
ers’ Association will meet in the Boy, a pacing sire, from Dick
can make them at top speed. As decided Saturday to issue $35,000
school building at Hillsboro Sat­ Wilson, paying $2500 for this
Captain McCan has had a great bonds for the erection of a new
urday, for the regular business animal, which died a few weeks
deal of experience with auto­ school builning, in the south
session and the discussion of sev­ ago. In 1910 he bought The
mobile racing, the motorcycle: part of the city, to accomodate
eral important matters connected Bondsman, a trotting sire, at the
racers are looking forward to j the grades. In connection with
with school work, including the Old Glory sale in New York,
smashing a couple of records and ! the sale of the bonds, it is under­
school fair and the affairs of the paying $11,000 for the stallion
this is Captain McCan’s ambition. ! stood the board, in a meeting
athletic association. In the af­ accounted the most popular in
He wants as many records held Tuesday, practically cancelled
ternoon a joint session will be the country by many. In a
on the Forest Grove track as pos-1 the arrangement with Morris
held with the Grange, at which 1 “ favorite” contest conducted by
Bros., and that County Treasur­
Prof. E. W. Inlow of this city, a horse publication The Bonds­
All of the events on the pro­ er Sappington will conduct the
will speak upon “ Agriculture in man tied with Peter the Great
gram that will be given at this sale of the bonds, proceeding ac­
the Grades.”
and Walnut Hall as the best type
time will be open to all comers cording to the provisions of the
of sire for breeding Government
E d w ard N a j lor G iven Sm all F ine remounts. His Dam, Serento,
and it is expected that several Oregon code.
® b y A m e r ic a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n .
local riders will enter. In the j
In the circuit court at Hills­ was awarded first place, which
novice race Amos Lahie intends U n iv ersity S tu d e n ts E n te rta in e d .
boro, Saturday, Edward L. Nay­ gives the Bondsman the prefer­
to ride his new 1913 Indian and
Prof, and Mrs. W. N. Ferrin
lor was fined $150 and costs, and ence on account of blood.
others have been promised.
entertained the students of Pa­ F o rm e r U niversity T e a c h e r D ead
Captain McCan is after a stal­
| given 20 days in which to file a
G ra n g e M eet Successful.
Five riders come with the) cific University at their home in The Dalles, Ore.— Mrs. Eliza­ The meeting of the local bill of exceptions. He was lion to replace The Patchen Boy
crew, men with a national repu­ this city last Saturday evening. beth Millar Wilson, who died Giange in th^s city Saturday was ; charged with a statutory offense. and expects to have him at
tation. They ride five different The spacious rooms, tastefully here February 26, was born June exceptionally well a t t e n d e d . In passing sentence Judge Camp- Forest Grove soon after he brings
makes of machines, the Flying < decorated with flowers, ferns and 30, 1830, at South Argyle, New The usual business session was j bell said that the jury had not The Bondsman, Black Req, Oura-
Merkel, Harley-Davidson, Thor, Oregon grape, with the prevail­ York. She came to Oregon in held in the morning and after ! decided that there was any im- gan and his other horses up from
Indian, and Waverly, the fastest ing colors, aside from the green, j 1851, being sent out with three luncheon a most interesting and ! moral act or acts and that he Pleasanton.
machines that are built. All of j being yellow’ and white, were other young women as teachers instructive program was enjoyed. would not attempt to say that
V a lu a b le D og D isa p p e a rs.
the machines that they carry are crowded with the students, many by the National Board of Public A number of excellent talks were there had been any; but that it
built specially for racing by the of whom had their first oppor­ Instruction. She taught at For­ given by practical men dealing was simply living under the same
W. P. Arthur, of near Banks,
factories and they will be placed tunity to meet Prof. Feyrin since est Grove in the school which with various questions of farm ! roof and eating at the same table was in the city Saturday and
on display in Forest Grove sev­ his return from the east. Dur­ I later became Pacific University work, and the care and cultiva­ ; and not being married. Mr. stopped in for a chat with the
eral days before the races.
ing the evening an excellent and at the Oregon Institute, Sa­ tion of rose gardens was also Naylor, in an interview, express­ Press editor. Mr. Arthur tells
musical program was rendered, lem, which afterwards became well handled by an authority on ed himself as confident of an of the loss of a valuable Collie
O ld T im e S pelling Bee.
and refreshments served. As Willamette University. Her hus­ the subject. The musical num­ ultimate complete vindication.
Shepherd dog, which disappear­
The Washington county school j the gathering broke up the young band, Joseph Gardner Wilson, bers were very good and much
about the middle of last
-- ------—7
M issionary Society.
spelling contest bids fair to be a men gathered before the house was Justice in the Oregon Su­ enjoyed. The next meeting of
month. No trace of the animal
success. There are more than and gave several rousing cheers preme Court. He died in 1873. the Grange in this city will be
The union meeting of the For- has been found, although strenu­
50 schools in the contest and for “ Prexy” and the members of while a member of Congress from held the first Saturday in April. |est Grove missionary societies, j ous endeavor has been made to
over a thousand boys and girls his family.
Next Saturday the county con­ held in the parlors of the Meth- [ discover its whereabouts. Mr.
taking part. The first month’s
| odist church Episcopal last Friday Arthur had the dog, which an­
Mrs. Wilson is survived by vention meets in Hillsboro.
B uy Y our T ick e ts E arly.
report is now in the hands of the
'afternoon was well attended and swered to the name of “Gyp,”
Mrs. Pierce Mays, of Portland;
committee. Tli$ school which; The Star theatre is ottering so Mrs. Chas. W. Taylor, of Sher­ S tru c k W ith P ro sp e ro u s O u tlo o k . much enjoyed. Miss Cole and so well trained that it was of the
makes the highest average will many feature attractions to the man, Wyoming; Mrs. Joseph T.
John M. Scott, General Pass Miss Crowthers were among the greatest assistance about the
win a prize, also the seventh and Forest Grove public that it is Peters, of Portland and Fred W. enger Agent, and H. A. Hin- speakers, of whom there was a farm, going after the cows at
eighth grade, the fifth and sixth frequently impossible to secure a I Wilson, of The Dalles.
shaw, General Freight Agent of number. Refreshments w e r e night and taking them out to
grade, and the fourth grade. A seat unless one reaches the local
the Southern Pacific Lines in served before the gathering pasture in the morning, entirely
grand final “ spelling down” will play house early in the evening.
alone, and in many other ways
Boos F eeds th e P ublic.
Oregon, visited the Grove Tues­ broke up.
be held at Hillsboro at the close “The Charge of the Light Bri­ The Forest Grove Restaurant day. Mr. Scott, speaking to a
helping on the place, as only an
The Catholic young people will intelligent dog can. Mr. Arthur
of the contest, in which each gade,” “ Rameses, King of I and Oyster House has become Press representative, expressed
school having taken part will Egypt,” and others are but a {the property of Ed. Boos, one of the opinion that Forest Grove is give a play in Vert’s hall the lat­ feels the loss keenly, but has not
be entitled to one representative. few of the picture plays which our well known citizens, and the on the main line to continuous ter part of March, which prom­ given up hope of eventually re­
The one who spells down will have pleased hundreds in the genial Ed. is to be found en- and increasing prosperity, and is ises to exceed their former efforts covering the dog.
receive a cash ten dollar account last week.
i throned behind the lunch counter rapidly gaining a position as the in the dramatic line.
F o rest G ro v e W ins G a m e .
in the Shute Savings Bank. This
E. C. Killen and family were
Mrs. L. I Lombard, of Port­ most any hour of the day or leading city of Washington coun­
account begins to draw interest
The local High School boys
night. A number of improve-[ ty. Mr. Hinshaw also expressed guests Sunday of G. G. Hancock
on the first of the month in which land, has opened a millinery store ments are contemplated which himself most optimistically re­ and family. Mr. Killen is editor were victorious by a wide mar­
the “spelling match” is held. in the building formerly occupied will add to the attractiveness of garding the future of "The Pret­ and proprietor of the Hillsboro gin in the basket ball game with
The prize is offered by A. C. by Miss Gertrude Kirkwood.
Portland Academy, last Friday
the place and facilitate the hand­ tiest Town in Oregon.”
Miss Wanitta Jack, of New-
Both sides played an
Mrs. J. F. Miller will be host­
Dr. Smith, Secretary of the
berg. was married to Earl W. ling of greater patronage.
t game. The High
Riverside Driving club, is at the ess to the Women’s Club Mon­ school second team defeated the
Fisk, of Sholes, at Hillsboro, last
G e ig e r D oes R ig h t T hing.
day afternoon. This is one of
Mrs. Hattie Coffman and young
Wm. Geiger, who shot C. B. Saturday. Their home will be in son Lloyd, of Eastern Oregon, local track with two fine speci­ the regular meetings of the or­ Beaverton players the same
Stokes in mistake for a chicken Portland. The groom is a neph­ who have been visiting Mrs. mens of horseflesh. The doctor ganization and is known as “ Lib­ evening.
will move his family to Forest
thief, has given the injured man ew of S. B. Lawrence, of this Coffman’s parents at Gales City,
erty Day.”
Grove for the summer.
P. U. D e fe a ts Y. M. C. A.
$500 in cash for immediate ex­
returned to their home Saturday.
The Sophomore class of Forest
penses and surgeon’s bills, and
Mrs. Louise McDonald, of
Grove High school were enter­ Wednesday evening, on the
also placed a deed of his ranch the Eastern Star gathered in the Thatcher, was a Grove visitor i ping in town from Gales Creek tained at the home of Misses floor of the Portland Y. M. C. A.
in escrow with the Forest Grove local hall at a “Tacky” party. Saturday.
gymnasium, the athletes of Pa­
The revival meeting continues Gertrude and Martha Allen, Mon­ cific University defeated the Y.
National Bank, to be turned Out of date costumes was the
day evening. The evening was
over to Mr. Stokes in case he order of the evening, and a num­ Mr. Harding and family have at the Free Methodist church. pleasantly passed with games and M. C. A. aggregation 41 to 36.
should lose one or both of his ber of decidedly antique dresses moved to North Yamhill, where Bishop Pease left Wednesday to music. Refreshments were serv­ The feature event of the evening
legs as a result of the shooting. were displayed by the members Mr. Harding has been appointed address the Educational conven­
was a mile run, won by Austin,
and their guests. Progressive agent for the Southern Pacific tion at Seattle, Wash. Rev. W. ed.
of I'. U .; Shaver securing first
Several handsome B e l g i a n
J. Johnston, pastor of First
Hess and Mack have traded dominoes was played and a de­ railroad.
honors in the shotput, placed the
part of Captain McCan’s 12-pound weight 38 feet, 8 inch­
the U. S. Livery barns to Mike licious luncheon enjoyed.
A team belonging to the U. S. church of Portland, will preach
The competition between the Livery ran away Tuesday even­ each evening and Sunday in the stable of breeders, have arrived es.
Wirak, of Amity, for a ranch
in this city and are quartered in
near that place. Mr. Wirak will stores means opportunity to the ing, smashing a buggy and run­ local edifice.
J. F. Allen, of Gales Creek,
have a man in charge within a housewife—if she is a careful ning themselves into a state of
Fay Shearer, of Hillside, was the McNamer barn.
was a Grove visitor Monday.
Subscribe for the Press.
reader of the ads.
total collapse.
in the city Saturday.
few days.