historical socie ty MÊÊÊËÊÊ RESS F orest G rove WASHINGTON COUNTY’S NEWSPAPER. Vol. 4 No. 17 FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1913. BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS SELL BONDS BEFORE DISTRICT ELECTORS AUTHORIZE ISSUE BIG STOCK OF MERCH­ ANDISE TRANSFERRED Still Swapping Property. MORRIS AND COMPANY, OF PORTLAND, PURCHASE AT Wi" PAR-THEN CHARGE $1060 FOR SUPPOSEDLY FREE LEGAL SERVICES—BONDS ACTUALLY SOLD OVER 3 POINTS BELOW PAR. s *»™ " IS MISTAKEN FOR THIEF PEPPERED WITH SHOT L. M. Vincent, George Culver, M. S. Taunton has traded his Frank Maitland and Fie Neout, store building on Pacific avenue o f Gales Creek, are placing a to F. W. Emerson for residence portable sawmill in timber own­ NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH GENERAL STORE IS SOLD property in this city. It is un­ derstood Mr. Emerson will use ed by L. M. Vincent on the Clear­ water, about three hundred C. B. Stokes Wounded by Wm. A. G. Hoffman Secure* Entire the store room for business pur­ poses o f some character, al­ yards from the McCann mill. Geiger Sunday Evening as Interest of Hoffman and There is always something to learn in the realms of high They expect to begin operations though the exact nature is at Passing Residence. Allen Company. finance, and good teachers are generally eksily secured. That inside of three weeks. present unknown. is the opinion one would form, anyway, if they stumbled across a Because he was mistaken for A deal involving a large sum proposition like the Press men ran into yesterday. It seems ns if the a chicken thief, C. B. Stokes, a of money and the transfer o f one Board of School Directors of Forest Grove, supremely confident of widely known resident of this o f the largest stocks of generalJ the securing, Saturday, o f a vote favorable to the issuing of bonds city, has been confined at his merchandise in Forest Grove oc-1 to the amount of $35,000, the proceeds from the sale of which home since Sunday night with curred this week when A. G. would be used for the purpose o f constructing a school building Hoffman took over the entire in -' PLAY “ BETWEEN THE ACTS” on the lot recently purchased in the south part of the city, con­ FINE PROGRAM ARRANGED his lower limbs swathed in band­ ages, the result of a well-placed terest of the Hoffman & Allen ducted preliminary negotiations far the sale of such bonds, finally company. Mr. Hoffman will re­ Hall Filled to Capacity By the closing a deal with Morris & Company, of Portland, for the en­ Talks of Interest to Farmers and charge o f birdshot, fired by Wil­ Friend* and Neighbors of Others Will Be Given by liam Geiger. arrange the stock, adding con­ tire issue, subject, of course, to the action of the voters Saturday. Chicken thieves had been raid­ Handsome Musicians. siderably to the many lines of Prominent Speakers. That is all serene and comfortable, and undoubtedly entirely ing Geiger’s hen coops quite fre­ goods now carried, including a within the bounds o f legality,—but two letters are on file in the number of staple articles for Gale Grange will meet in the quently, and Sunday evening he G aston , O re . — The delightful office of the clerk of the board, which sadly contradict each other which there is a general demand. little c o m e d y “ Between the and would lead one who reads them to believe that Morris & Com­ Knights o f Pythias hall this determined to watch for the C. E. Jay, o f Portland, an ex­ | Acts” was staged by the Gaston pany have sized the people o f Forest Grove up as a ripe bunch of Saturday. In connection with marauders and effect a capture, perienced salesman and purchas­ j band boys and their lady friends come-ons. the regular business matters*If possible. About nine o ’ clock ing agent, has secured a work­ at the Odd Fellows’ Hall, last Letter No. 1, dated January 25, 1913, says in part: “ We are which will be handled, one of the Mr. Stokes came down the road ing interest with Mr. Hoffman | Saturday night. to purchase the issue o f $35,000 bonds of school district No. 15, most interesting programs yet leading his cow, and as he was and will move to the Grove with­ The hall was packed and a num­ Washington county, Oregon, bearing interest at 5%, at par and arranged has been provided for passing the Geiger place, a in the next two weeks. Mr. Jay ber had to be turned away for accrued interest, if any, at time o f transfer. We to furnish blank the afternoon session. In ad­ watch dog started a loud bark­ ing, bringing Geiger to the door. has been associated with Swift want of standing room. dition to several musical numbers The bonds, all necessary proceedings and directions in connection with Geiger sent a call out into the & Company as city salesman in players of merit and a series o f bright acquitted themselves holding election to vote the bonds and such legal services as may Portland, and is well qualified in favorably. To Mrs. H. L. Rus­ be required, free o f expense to the district.” readings, the following subjects night, to which Stokes paid no every respect to assist in the sell is due a large part o f the In letter No. 2, under the same date, it is agreed and under­ will be spoken on and discussed. attention, thinking it an effort to handling of the huge stock which credit for the splendid rendition stood that the district is to pay Morris & Company $1060 for such “ Preparations for S p r i n g quiet the dog. Geiger, in turn, Mr. Hoffman has taken over. Planting, by Dan Baker, which receiving no reply to his hail, blank bonds, services, etc, at the time the bonds are delivered. of the play. The store which will be known The cast was as follows: Dick Both these letters are signed by the authorized agent of will treat of, first, preparing the and hearing the cow tramping in the future as the A. G. Hoff­ Comfort, Henry Bennett; George Morris & Company and by the chairman of the Board of School soil; second, local conditions en­ along the road, mistook the man Company establishment, is i Merrigal, George Oakes; Mr. i Directors. tering into plowing, pulverizing, sound for that of a person runn­ to be thoroughly renovated and Meander, Dick’s uncle, Ben They constitute a binding agreement and mean that if the fertilizing and seeding; third, ing away. He placed his double- barrel in position and let fly, a number o f improvements, in Ward; Harris, the man servant, bonds are voted they will De sold at slightly more than three points advantage o f local soil tests. S. T. Walker will give a talk placing a choice collection of eluding a new front with better Joe McBurney; Mrs. Meander, ! below par value. 6% bonds generally command a good premium. and more commodious display Dick’ s aunt, Caroline Wescott; 5J% bonds asomewhat smaller premium. And although it is claim­ upon the care of flowers and birdshot in the lower extreme - ties of Stokes. / windows, stairs leading to the Sally, the maid, Grace Baker; ed 5 % bonds have to be sold below par, there is no reason why roses. The injured man will be about galleries from near the main en­ Edith Comfort, Sadie Ward. “ Mistakes I Made Last Year ! they should not command par if 6 and 5 \ command a premium. again shortly. No hard feeling on My Farm and New Methods trances and a quantity of addi­ The band boys played numer- The School Board was probably justified in selling something exists between the men as a I Shall Try This Year;” N. J. tional shelving, will be made. 1 ous selections. they did not possess, but we fail to see it that way. It’s up to Mr. result o f the mistake, as they Better arrangements will also be Baker and W. S. Ewing. After the performance the and Mrs. Voter, Saturday, to give the final decision, after a little provided for the display of goods. | players were treated to a bounte­ L headwork as to the contents o f the two letters mentioned. “ What I have Gotten from have been friends for years. Books and Papers That Have ous luncheon, at the home of Dr. Helped Me as a Housekeeper,” and Mrs. Baker, assisted by Mrs. Mrs. J. D. Mickle. E. J. Ward. . . . A cordial invitation is extend- The players are contemplating i ! giving a performance at Dilley M. S. Allen, who hrs just dis­ Saturday, March 8, the An­ in the near future. the afternoon session and all posed of his interest in the Hoff­ nual County Grange Convention Captain C. P. McCan Buys Washington County Fair Association members are requested to be man & Allen company to A. G. will be held in the Grange hall present at the business meeting Grounds—To Establish Breeding and Training Stables Semi- Hoffman, has purchased the at Hillsboro. Grange work will in the morning. Annual Meets to Be Held County Fair Will Be Revived. hardware business of W. Ü. occupy the morning session, and Wagner & Son, on North Main in the afternoon the Washington Captain C. P. McCan, million­ other harness performers at the street, taking possession at once. County Teachers’ Association S t . J ohns , O re . —J. T. Brooks, will meet with the Grange and a prominent shoe mercant of aire horseman and advocate of track. Orlena, a trotter; Car­ Mr. Allen has had over 15 years experience in the handling of participate in the program. this city, died Tuesday morning clean sport, Tuesday noon com­ man McCan, a pacer with a One of the fastest and clean- hardware o f all descriptions, and “ Earth Education” by Prof. , at his home from a complication pleted negotiations with the mark o f 2:09J; Syrangar, a trot­ Gentle of the State Normal, of diseases. He was born in Washington County Fair associa­ ter, Hazel Patchen, a trotter by jest basketball games ever wit- is qualified in every respect to “ School Fair Exhibits,” by Mr. | Wabash county, Indiana, in 1853, tion for the purchase of its Patchen Bov; Ethel Toddington, ¡nessed here was won by the \ continue the business in an up- Maris, “ Agriculture in the and came to Oregon in 1893. grounds just east o f the city, a futurity colt pacer, and Lady Chemawa Indians over Pacific to-date and live-wire manner. It Grades.” by Prof. Inlow, of He first located in Forest Grove, comprising 27 acres, including a Allation, are to be quartered University by a score o f 25 to 15 is understood Mr. Allen will The presence o f Black Friday night on the Pacific make some improvements in the Forest Grove, will be some of but removed to this city in 1906, first class half-mile racetrack, there. arrangement of his stock and in- the subjects handled at this ses­ i where he has been engaged in numerous stable buildings, and Rex, a stallion o f Kentucky sad- University floor. other structures. He expects to die horse stock, and Auragan, a The sensational basket shoot- crease the present lines to some sion. ! business until the time o f his hold Spring and Fall race meets ing of Clemens, of Chemawa,, extent, Belgian draft stallion, will give death. He had been an Odd who scored six field baskets Unique Colonial Party. \ Fellow for 25 years and he has on the fast course and will es­ Forest Grove the cream of the when his team was behind, con-! Mrg. Ralston Has Accident, tablish headquorters for the blooded equine stock o f the Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker en­ been prominently identified with Bondsman Stock Farm here. In Northwest. tributed largely to the success ol Sunday afternoon, while walk- the Methodist church since boy­ tertained the members o f the addition he will turn the track The track has only 39 stalls, the Indians. 1 he Pacific Uni- ¡n^ about the yard o f her resi- hood. Deceased is survived by E. 0 . W. club last Saturday over to the Riverside Driving but 100 more will be built im- versity quintet led at the start o f ,jence> Mrs. M. E. Ralston, of a widow and one son, J. C. evening at a “ Colonial” gather­ Club for the staging of the sea­ mediately. Requests for stall the second half, but were never ^ ¡g c ¡ty s|ipped in some manner sister and four ing. The lady guests were all Brooks, one son’s matinees. room have been received already out in front after Clemens got an(j ¡n tj,e en(jeaV0r to save her- brothers. arrayed in appropriate costumes While Captain McCan has pur­ and the track is expected to be through shooting his six baskets gejf f rom a fai|t badly strained and the decorative scheme car­ chased the Forest Grove track the busiest training spot in the in rapid succession. Another Property Trade. the ligaments o f the left limb, ried out the idea conveyed by the and the association property, the Northwest this Spring. just above the ankle. Mrs Rals­ Ed. Mertz and Dave Keene invitations. A delicious lunch­ The Riverside Driving Club Sister of Late A. C. Brown Dies. ton is confined to the house as a eon was served after which five- got together the latter part of yearly county fairs will still be A Salem dispatch to a Port­ result o f the accident, and it hundred was indulged in. High last week and after the usual staged by the W a s h i n g t o n will make its future home at prizes went to Mrs. Chas Bu­ dickering, completed a swap of County Fair Association. Cap­ Forest Grove, Captain McCan in­ land paper announces the death will probably be ten days or chanan and W. B. Haines, while residence property. Mr. Mertz tain M c C a n will l e a s e the tending to build a clubhouse for in the capitol city Feb. 18, of more before she recovers the use In addition the club Mrs. Pherna Strong, at the age o f her foot. the consolations were awarded has moved onto the Keene place the grounds for fair purposes its use. and also rent them for special will hold a two-day meet at Van­ of 83. Mrs. Strong was a sister Mrs. J. W. Macrum and H. J. near the Dilley road and Mr. race programmes. The Spring couver during the summer. New Restaurant to Open. of the late Alvin C. Brown, of Keene into the Mertz residence Goff. and Fall meetings are to be of A circuit composed of Canby, this city, and a granddaugter of John Constantinos, former in the central part o f town. three or four days’ duration, Mc­ Forest Grove and Vancouver for Tabithn Brown, closely associat­ proprietor o f the Forest Grove Basket Ball Friday Night. I race meetings is planned for the ed with the early historv o f For­ Fish market, is arranging to A committee composed of Can guaranteeing all purses. Portland Academy and Forest est Grove and Pacific University. open a commercial restaurant The three-heat, every-heat-a- coming season. Grove High school will try con­ representatives from the various and oyster house in the store clusions at basket ball in the churches, the public school, the race system will be adopted on Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson Mrs. W. E. Sherbrooke and room just vacated by the Emer­ college gymnasium to-morrow social commission, and the city the Forest Grove track, w ith the are suffering with La Grippe. small son Charles, o f Cornelius, son grocery. Fixtures and evening. As both teams have officials, met yesterday morning modification that a winner of W. E Sherbrooke, the Cornel­ spent a day visiting at the Hol- equipment have been ordered been putting up a good game, a and passed a resolution request­ one heat cannot participate in This insures a more ius rose garden man will give an linger home. and it is expected the restau­ contest for supremacy that would ing the proprietor of the Grand another. The Forest Grove Scrubs play­ rant will be prepared to cater to distribution o f the purse address upon “ The Cultivation prove interesting from the start Theatre to refrain from running equal and Pruning o f Roses,” at the ed a Basket Ball game at Banks the public about March 7. should be the result. The local the films depicting the adven­ money. By April 1 Captain McCan will meeting o f the Grange Saturday last Friday evening, ending in a High School second team will tures o f the Dalton brothers, Mrs. E. T. Scott and daughter play Beaverton High school, notorious outlaws o f some few have his famous trotting stallion, afternoon, March 1st. All lovers victory for Banks by a score of spent last week at New Port. the Bondsman, and a number o f , of roses are invited to hear him. 24 to 13. (years ago. gliO. GASTON BAND BOYS EN­ TERTAIN WITH COMEDY GALE GRANGE TO MEET HERE THIS SATURDAY M. S. ALLEN BUYS BIG MILLIONAIRE HORSEMAN WILL MAKE STOCK OF HARDWARE PERMANENT HOME IN FOREST GROVE ^ to e.ver>one to participate ¡n COUNTY GRANGE CON­ VENTION AT HILLSBORO FORMER GROVE RESI­ DENT DIES IN STJOHNS INDIAN BRAVES REAP HARVEST AT PACIFIC I 1 ' 1