F O R E S T G R O V E PRESS, F O R E S T G R O V E , O REGON , T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 20, 1913. Forest Grove = ^ s = Steam Laundry Wood, Cold Storage and Ice. Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Ore. J W. F. HARTRAMPH Feed Mill will run every day in the week. Wholesale and Retail Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Wheat and Corn, Middlings and several kinds o f Hard Wheat Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch Seed. Give us a call when in need. S. A. WALK ER Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on E conom ic and Business Principles. T h e H om e Com pany T hat H as M ade G o o d . Insure Y our Business or Dwelling in T h e Bankers & Merchants THANKS BE TO GOD THEREFOR! MERTZ & LATTA lnd Phone 50x JESUS IS COD'S GIFT TO HUMANITY Salvation Is o! Divine Mercy, Says Pastor Russell. Coal, Forest Grove, pie of Justice, continually holding it up entered, His loyalty to the Father before His creatures, and demanding would mean Ills faithfulness “ unto their obedience to this I.aw,surely could death, even the death of the cross. cot be exempted from its operation Wherefore, also, God hath highly ex­ Himself. To this the Scriptures agree, alted Him, and given Him a name assuring us that “Justice is the founda­ above every name." (I’ billppiuns ii. 8. j tion of Ills Throne.” Our endeavors in it.) Thus the Iteedeemer has attained the past to harmonize Love and Jus­ this glorious exaltation to the Father's tice with our great Creator’s dealings ' right hand—to the Divine nature, glory, with humanity have continually Involv­ honor and immortality—as the result ed us In difficulty. We were assured of Ills faithfulness. by the prominent creeds of the world A n Opposite Course F ro m Satan's. that the Creator had knowingly and The Apostle, evidently, purposes to willingly brought us into existence uu- draw our attention to the difference be- der such conditions that the great ma- tween the course o f Satan and that of jority of mankind would spend an the I.ogos in respect to loyalty and eternity in torture, obedience to Jehovah. Satan proudly We were unable to see Justice In any assumed that if he had a separate Em- Ri,„b arrangement, yet feared to critl- pire lie could mnnage It better than else our Creator, lest He should. If pos­ Misunderstanding of W h a t Constitutes «•as the Divine arrangement. Lucifer, sible. do something still worse for us. the Divine Penalty F or Sin Has M is ­ tiie morning star, said in his heart: “ I Rut our reason balked at the proposl- led Us In Respect to E v e ry Feature wtll ascend above the stars [the other j tion, while we desisted from criticising of God’s Pro gr am F o r O u r Recovery angels]; I will be us the Most High la | jiie Creator. We could not endorse such F ro m the Penalty— T h e Redeemer dictator, a ruler].” Pursuing this am- „ program, nor could we see it to he in Different From the Fallen Race— D e ­ hltloua course, Satan beheld in our first harmony with the Divine regulation! parents n new order of beings, with i governing ourselves. If we are to love liverance From Satan. procreative powers designed to bring 0ur enemies and he compassionate to­ Rochester, N. Y., into existence a race that would HU ward them, should more be expected . - " - Pastor the earth. Lucifer assayed to be ruler of fallen beings than of our perfec-l Kussell of Brook­ ) over this human creation. He became Creator? lyn is here. We a rebel against the Divine arrangement Justice A lw a y s Satisfied. report one of his in so doing; he captured the first pair From the Divine standpoint the hu addresses from the by Ills misrepresentations, and not only man family are all convicts, undet text. "Thanks be did he thus become the “prince of this death sentence, dead in trespasses aud unto God for His world” (tlie present order of things), sins, wholly without rights or privi­ unspeakable Gift." but additionally, as Jesus explained, he leges. As the French Government, nol (II Corinthians lx, became tlie murderer of tlie race. unjustly, has allowed the medical pro- 15.) He said: (John vill, 44.) He has, Indeed, had a fes8jon to ujake experiments with con- Jesus, our Sav­ reign of thousands of years, but with ricts who are under death sentence, tc ior, is God's great what horrible results! The whole cre­ try upon them the effects o f fear, poi­ Gift. To appre­ ation Is “groaning and travailing in Lr \ s h ' k ’ k'n.N.M i i son, etc., so God not unjustly has at ciate the teaching pain," under the death sentence. lowed mankind, all under death seu of the Bible on this and on every sub­ "Meditated Not a Usurpatio n.” tence, to practice all kinds of evil ject, we must handle the Word of God St. Paul intimates that although the upon oue another, and to learn froir honestly, not deceitfully. We must Logos was still higher in glory and hon­ each other great lessons respecting recognize that our Lord Jesus is oue or than Lucifer, In that He was “ the the exceeding sinfulness of sin and thi person, and the Heavenly Father Only Begotten,” the chief representa­ wages or penalty of sin—death. another person. Only thus can we np tive of Jehovah, nevertheless He was Justice merely exacts its penalty; bui predate how God could give His Son, bumble. The Logos “ medltuted not a that penalty paid by Adam and his and how Jesus could consent to be the usurpation to he like God.” (Philip­ family left them hopeless respecting Gift o f God to man. As we have pre­ pian«, II, 0. Emphatic Diaglott.) On any future life. Unworthy of ever viously seen, the oneness between the the contrary, he was very willing to ac­ lasting life, they died; and surely they Father and the Son Is not that declar cept the Divine proposal that He should become no more worthy while dead ed by the creeds, a oneness o f person, take tlie lower nature of man for a None has any claim upon Justice. Adart but is that declared by our Master time, In order to carry out the Father's at the very moment of his fall Himself, saying that lie and the Fa­ Plan. How detestable the pride of might have been smitten with a thun ther are one in the snme sense that He Lucifer, afterwards called Satan! On derbolt, without having any claim upor desired all of ills disciples, His fol­ lowers, to lie one—one In mind, in pur­ the contrary, how beautiful is the hu- Justice; for lie was under a death pen pose, In will, In effort. “ That they millly exhibited by the Redeemer! Ue j alty. The fact that Justice allowed was loyal to the core. He would he j him to live for many years with a for may be one, even ns we are one."— merely the Father's Word. Logos, felted life meant not a waiving ol John x vII, 21, 22. Jesus Is God's unspeakable Gift In mouthpiece. His Joy should be, not iu the death penalty, but Divine liberal that It Is Impossible to tell the riches seeking self-advancement, hut in glori- |ty in respect to the execution of ttu of God's grace in this connection—the fying the Father; and the Apostle criminal. numberless blessings and mercies points out that He faithfully and loyal-1 When, therefore, in the Bible Got ; which are ours through Jesus. He ly carried it out to the conclusion of presents a hope of a future life througt represents to us the very fulness of ev­ Ills course—in all things desiring the the death of His Son. His unspeakable Gift, it must not be understood as sig ery Divine provision for our eternal will of the Father who sent Him. What an exhibition this was to all nlfylng obligation on God's part to welfare. “ In Him dwelleth nil the ful­ ness of the Deity bodily." (Colossiaus the holy angels! And did the Father ward the sinner. It means mercy, grace 11, !).) in a certain sense nil of God's permit Him to really suffer loss be- 1 x or (ioe3 God ignore His own sen Intelligent creatures are in His image cause of His loyalty. Ills faithfulness? fence and tlie Justice of the case it and represent Him. Thus the angels Assuredly not! He was not left In tile exercise of His mercy. His La« aud cherubliu are Godlike; even Adam, death. He was raised from death, nmst stand. The death sentence must made a little lower than the angels— Neither was He left by the Father stand. Justice must be vindicated of human nature—was an image of on tlie lower plane of human nn- without a shadow of turning. Divtu« God in the Mesh—fully In harmony in ture, which He took merely for the Mercy is made to intervene by provid every line of his character and being purpose of suffering death on man’s fug the unspeakable G ift "Herein was manifested the love oi with the Divine character. Adam, behalf. Ou the contrary, tlie Father highly exalted Him and exhibited to God,” in that “ He gnve His Only Be bodily, represented God in ttie world. But all these things, true o f angels and [ angels and to men the character pleas- ; gotten Son, that «-hosoever believett of men, are still more true of Jesus; [ Ing in Jehovah's sight. Bringing the In Him might not perish, but have ev j and the Scriptures tell us that He was Only Begotten One forward, Jehovah erlasting life." As we have just seen j the "I.ogos," the Father's Word or | prophetically declares: “ Let all tho Adam and his race under the deatt Messenger Jehovah's active Agent In , messengers of God worship Him!" sentence had perished, except as Goc all the work of creation. “ By Him j This same privilege has come to the from the beginning foreknew His in were all tilings made that were made, j Church. In res|K>nse, the invitation to tetitlon to send His Sou into the «'orlc and without Him was not one thing ] become Jolnt-sncriflcers «'1th Christ, for human Redemption—Ills unspeaka- made." The Logos, the highest, the to walk in His steps, aud to enter into hie G ift The Redemption, when fiu first, the Alpha and the Omega of Je a share of ills glory, has been accept lshed, «'ill fully have satisfied the hovah'a Creation, became the Gift of ed by one after another of God's saint­ claims o f Divine Justice—not only as ly people, from Pentecost until now respects the little company now belli» God to man. Nor was this Gift compulsory; rath They have confidence that "He who selected—the Church, the Bride 01 er, the Logos entered fully into the brought again from the dead our Lord Christ—but ultimately also as respect» transaction, lie had absolute faith in Jesus, that great Shepherd of the the "sins of the whole world." This the Heavenly Fnther’s Wisdom, Jus sheep." Is both able and willing to ls a Glf t then, pure aud simple, nol tlce. Love and Power; hence, when the bring them also, through Him, to eter cnlled for by Divine Justice, hut mere proposition opened that lie might leave mil glory. As He walked the "narrow ly prompted by Divine Love. the heavenly condition for an earthly way,” they have courage to walk In Divin e Love and Justice Co-operate. condition. In which lie would perform His steps. As He overcame, they have After the unspeakable Gift shal a great service pleasing to the Father , the encouragement of His promise that have been made applicable to the « holt and beneficial to men, the Logos de­ “ Ills grace will he sufficient” for them. To tills class Jesus is God's unspeak­ world o f mankind ut the beginning ol lighted to do the Father’s will. He was made tlesh. The disciples and others able Gift To these favored ones. His Messiah's reign. Divine Wisdom wit beheld that lie as a Man was not as footstep followers, tlie Savior is spe­ insist that, although the Redeemer other men. hut was "holy, harmless, cially an uuspenknble Gift of God. If may give to humanity every opportu nity possible for recovery from sin nuc undefiled and separate from sinners.” as a Gift to the world His merit is The Redeemer's difference from the beyond the power o f tongue to tell, death, and every assistance possible fallen race Is again declared In the how much more so Is lie the unspeak for Restitution, nevertheless, none shal! statement: "A hotly hast Thou pre able Gift to the Church—to the Elect! have eternal life except ns perfect he pared Me for the suffering of death." As the “ Captain of their Salvation.” lugs in heart harmony wit ii tlie Cre­ The Scriptures declare Hint He took He Is leading forth these other sons of ator Therefore tlie work of Messiah'» tlie same nature as the tlesh that had God. Ills younger brethren, to glory.— Kingdom « ill be to deliver bumuuit) from stu and death, and to give oppor sinned, In order that He might redeem Hebrews Ii. 10. l'he Savior Is an unspeakable Gift to ‘ unity for all to return to Harmon, sinners But In ills flesh was no sin Otherwise. He could not have been out the e Church ns the Bridegroom The " ith th! ta th er;.nnd who..w' 11 Redeemer. Only a sinless one coulo thought of becoming nn associate aud so do. Justice will Insist shall lie de­ till the Divine reijulreineuts and glvt Joint heir iu nil the glorious work of stroyed in the "Second Death." Against n decision. Divine Wisdom. Lov» to God a Hansom for Father Adam, tin God throughout the Millennium, Is an such ... ... _ . , porl'ivt man, thus redeeming Ills life Inspiration which makes the trials and uml 1 *°wer wW offer no objection, no. will any redemption be effected fo, from destruction and. at the same time difficulties of the way seem ns nothing. redeeming all of Ills family Involved Besides, we have the assurance of th- tbelr wilful sin. Forest Grove, Ore II. LIDYARD WALKER & L1DYARD SHOEMAKERS 1st Ave. N., near Main St. We are prepared to do the very best o f all kind o f shoe work. UP TO DATE MACHINERY Special attention given to crippled feet. W M . W EITZEL Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work and Re­ pair Shop. North First Avenue, between Main anti “ A " Streets; phone Stiit. SURVEYOR All kinds o f survey­ ing and maping. Subdivisions a spec­ ialty. H. B GI.AISYER, Hoffman A Allen Bld’ g Phone StH> Forest Grove, Ore. UNDERTAKING Embalming and Funeral Directing FOREST GROVE UNDERTAKING CO. J. S. Buxton. Manager Phone No. 6 4 2 Forest Grove. Or. ij fè r a tà r c t c P á lra$ J K 0 KKIM TIM0 *K M T in sin through him. G ILTNER’S Ph6ne Main 701 ROCERY South Main Street, Forest G rove, Ore. Fresh Vegetables Every Day L o g Cabin Bread A m b e r and Fresh Each Morning G olden G ate COFFEE Neat Printing is something every business man desires when he orders station­ ery. Neat letter appearing business heads, envelopes, state­ ments, bill heads, cards, etc., are what can be had from the Press Publishing C o. Neat printing Is Our Motto and we endeavor to live up to it at all times. W h en we to deliver a job of printed work w hich entirely satisfies, w e are prepared jo b to make it right. turned out of must be ticular. this Tlie Scriptures declare that the world "Freely Delivered H i m U p .” kno«'s not God. and that only the eyes Cod's Gift was not completed In of tlie consecrated Church nre opeD tc merely arranging that Ills Son should behold the "Love of God. which pussotb temporarily become a man, to l>e out understanding." Tills class ouly. there­ Redeemer. Indeed, the transfer of na fore, Is In any sense prepared to give tore from the heavenly to the earthly thanks to God now for the unspenk- »a s merely an Incidental, made neces ableG Ift Their thanks go up. notonly «ary l*y the Divine Law: “ An eye fot 1,1 words, but also in actions, which nn eye: a tooth for a tooth; a man's life "speak louder than words.” These for a man's life.” And so we read that thanka ascend as sweet incense to God the Father set before the Sou "the «* Hls blessings, and mercies abouud great Joy," the Influence of which was In all spiritual things toward those to lend the Son cheerfully to endurt who are tn Christ Jesus, the hitler experiences of Ills earthly By aud by. "All the blind eyes will life, as we read: "Who, for the joy he opened aud all the deaf ears wtll that was set before llltn, endured th« he unstopiied." Then the whole world cross, despising the shame.” of mankind. Including those awakened Tills Joy is intimated to have been from the sleep of death during Mes (1) the Savior's pleasure in doing th< siah's reign, will he In a condition to Father's will; i2) The Joy o f hrlngtnii recognize God's unspeakable Gift aud many sous to glory—the Church; t3) to render thunks. When the wilful The pleasure and Joy o f being the evil-doers shall have been destroyed. world's Restorer, delivering them from •Every knee «III b o w and every tongue the power o f Satan, sin and death «-ill confess, to the glory o f God.” These Joys, commingling, were e the Royal I’riesthood. Our offer- mgs to Jehovah, our little all. would he unacceptable, because we are all by na- ture sinners, children of wrath, blent lshed But our great High Priest's merit Imputed to our sacrifices makes them acceptable. As Christ s “ mem- hers" we are privileged to "present our tHslies living sacrifices, holy and ac- opt a hie to God." (Romans xii. 1.1 From whatever viewpoint we look, the Savior is God's uns|>eakat>le G ift es peclally to His Church fail Cheapest and Best W ashington-Oregon Corporation.