Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, February 13, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
F orest G rove P ress
Vol. 4
W A V .V A V V ^ V A V .V .V A V M V .V .'.V .V .^ V .V .V .V .V .V .V ./
No. 15
G a sto n F a rm e r E n v elo p ed by W ill A u d it M unicip al A cco u n ts
fo r P rev io u s F o u r Y ears.
B lazing S h e e t of G aso len e.
J a m e s . S. R oyal C alled B eyond F o rm e r G ro v e Boy W in n in g Con-
E arly S u n d ay M orning.
v e rts to C h ristia n C ause.
By a vote of three to two, the
Rev. Uuton, of the local Free
The flames resulting from the
Methodist church, returned home
explosion of a five-gallon can of Forest Grove City Council Tues­
Monday evening from a several
distilate caused the death of W. day evening passed a lesolution
days visit at Sunnyside, in Clack­
D. Lilly, an employee of Dr. recinding its former action in re­
Weatherbee, of near Gaston, gard to the auditing of the city
amas county, where he assisted
Rev. H. E. Kreider, formerly of
Monday. Funeral services were accounts, and authorized the
this city, in the conducting of a
held yesterday with interment in public accountant who has been
series of special revival services.
the Gaston cemetery. Lilly was engaged, to go over the books of
Rev. Kreider, who was at one
engaged in thawing out a hy­ the city from the time of the
time a student of Pacific Univer­
drant, and threw the contents of issuing of the municipal bonds
sity, and for a while pastor of the
the can of distilate over the for the gravity water system,
*i T he N ew C a r n e g i e L i bra ry o f P ac if ic U ni versity F rom t h e N orth •* pipe covered with burning gas­ approximately about four years
Free Methodist church in this 8
district, is meeting with excellent • .V V .V » m V * V .V .V V A V V .V V .V * V .V .V .V .V .\V .V .V .V .V .\V .V . oline. The burst of flames which back.
success in his work at Sunnyside.
This action was taken as a re­
followed completely enveloped
He has the good will and hearty
the unfortunate man, searing sult of a petition containing the
cooperation of the members of
and burning him so badly that signatures of one hundred of
his church and of the community
he died within a short time. He the taxpayers of the city, and
D elig h tfu l R ead in g G iven U n d e r P ro fesso r P ro c to r R ead s P a p e r
as a whole, and is building up a
was about 50 years old and came presented to the council by Miss
A u spices W o m e n ’s C lub.
on S u b ject of In te re st.
strong organization of workers
to this country from eastern Manche Langley, Forest Grove’s
for the Christian army.
Oregon about 9 months ago. He well-known and popular young
Friday evening, in V ert’s Lib­ Saturday, in connection with leaves a wife and three children. lady attorney.
eral hall. Miss Banfield, of Port­ the first of the local institutes
The resolution was carried
land, gave a most delightful and under the direction of County
without preliminary argument.
interesting reading to a small but School Superintendent B. W.
Councilman Starrett moving its
W a n ts to S la u g h te r AH E xisting appreciative audience. The af­ Barnes, the Washington County
adoption, with a second from
G a m e a n d F ish S ta tu es.
fair was under the auspices of Teachers’ Association met at G ro w ers of W e ste rn O re g o n a n d Councilman Todd. S t a r r e 11,
W a sh in g to n O rg a n iz e .
the Women’s club of Forest Grove Tualatin for a most interesting
Todd and Goff voted in its favor
S a l e m , O r . —
»After s i t t i n g and for the benefit of the local and instructive session. A num­
through over three weeks of the High school. Miss Banfield is ber of helpful papers were read
The Pacific Fruit Association and Wirtz and Johnson against.
session without introducing a bill possessed of a charming person­ and several important matters was incorporated Tuesday by H. Councilman Barber was not
and after declaring vehemently ality, and has a command of ex­ taken up. Prof. Ball of Arleta, C. Atwell, Fred G. Heavens and present.
Work will begin upon the
when approached by newspaper­ pression which gives grace and treated of ‘‘Co-operation Between H. A. Lewis. The incorporation
within a few days, Max
men as to whether he contem­ ease to every sentence. Her Parents and Teachers,” and also was authorized by a meeting
who has been retained
plated introducing one that he reading was of a character to spoke on the subject of grammar held in Portland Saturday by a
being at present en­
did not, Representative Massey, win and hold the attention of her teaching in the grades. Prof. large number of fruitgrowers of
a similar task in
of Washington County, aston­ listeners from the opening sen­ Grover, of Dilley, gave a talk up­ Western Oregon and Washington.
where he ex­
ished every member in the House tence to the closing words.
on the supervision of play­ It is the outgrowth of action tak­ pects to finish shortly.
Tuesday afternoon when he in­ During the evening several grounds, and Prof. Proctor, of en at Albany in March, 1911, by
troduced a monster measure re­ musical numbers were rendered this city, spoke of the causes and fruitgrowers of Western Oregon.
W o m a n ’s C lub E n te rta in e d .
pealing all of the game and fish by young ladies of the High prevention of retardation.
Its principal place of business
Monday afternoon, at her
laws of the state.
school, each one receiving well- At the noon hour a bountiful will be in Portland, and among
home on Second ave­
“ I understood that there was merited applause.
dinner was served by the Ladies’
S. Allen entertain­
a movement on foot to clear the
Of the eighty-odd members of Aid* society of the Methodist of uniform grades, distribution
of the Women’s
code of all junk, and I thought I the Womem’s club of this city, church of Tualatin, and during of reliable market intelligence
w’ould start in,” was his laconic but about twenty were present, the afternoon a program of an and affiliation with central m ar­
reply, when asked as to his and the representation from the entertaining nature was given by keting agencies.
reasons for the action.
High school was equally small. the Tualatin school children, un­ The association will attempt to
‘‘I am serious about it,” he This small attendance f r o m der the direction of Prof. Evans. encourage the best methods of and a d v a n t a g e s of a ‘‘Con­
continued, when his declaration | among those directly concerned
The next meeting of the as­ growing, handling and packing sumer’s League,” u r g i n g the
was greeted with laughter, ‘‘for and benefited by the entertain­ sociation will be held in Hillsboro and to promote the general use ladies to patronize home industry
I consider the present game laws ment speaks poorly in the way of March 8, in connection with the among its members of a cost and purchase “ Made-in-Oregon”
products. Miss Liola House ren­
as nothing but junk. I do not appreciation of the efforts of the County Grange convention. At system.
know but that some of the game committee in charge of the affair. this time plans will be discussed
Another object will be to se­ dered a piano solo of merit and
should be protected, but I do not Greater interest should have been for increasing the interest among cure advantageous freight rates, Mrs. Carmack sang in a very
believe a costly commission is manifested and a decidedly larger the school children in agricultural and the matter of advertising pleasant manner. The affair
necessary to do so, and I am fav­ number should have been present. pursuits, and also for the holding and popularizing apples and other was voted most successful in all
oring repealing them and starting
of a school fair in the fall. Mrs. fruit will be taken up by the as­ respects.
B ridge C lub E n te rta in e d .
A. T. Buxton, lecturer of Pomona sociation.
M uch T a k e n w ith F o re st G ro v e .
Valentine decorations predom­ Grange, is co-operating with the
C. L. VanKoughnet, of the firm
N ew F ire A la rm S ystem .
inated in the beautiful home of association toward the success of N ativ e Son Dies a t H illsboro.
Two large maps of Forest Mrs. F. J. Miller, last Thursday, 1 these undertakings.
H i l l s b o r o , O r . —James H. of VanKoughnet and Reder, the
Grove, and sufficient small ones where the members of the After­
Sewell, aged 66, died here Tues­ new proprietors of the Pioneer
M eth o d ist B ro th erh o o d .
to supply each member, have noon Bridge club were enter-!
day night. He was the oldest | Drug store, has arrived from
been ordered by the Forest Grove tained in a charming manner by
of the late Rev. Henry Se­ Sturgis, S. D. Mr. VanKough­
Friday eveninga number of the
Fire Department. The maps will j a charming hostess. The decora­ men of the Methodist church well, who settled on the Tualatin net has rented the Griffith resi­
dence, and expects to be settled
show the location of every hy­ tive scheme was carried out at gathered together and took pre­ 1 Plains in the early ’40s.
drant in the city, each one of : the luncheon tables, heart place liminary steps looking to the or­ Mr. Sewell was born May 24, in a short time. In an interview
which will be numbered. When | cards being used. In addition to ganization of a local brotherhood. 1847. He married Miss Sarah with a Press Representative he
it is necessary to turn in an alarm the members of the club, Mes-1 Rev. Hawkins, of Sellwood, was Allen, a daughter of pioneer expressed him s e l f a s m u c h
of fire, hereafter, the number of dames John Wilson Macrum, E. present and addressed the meet­ Isaac Allen, May 24, 1871, the pleased Forest Grove and
the hydrant nearest to the scene F. Burlingham and A. E. Scott ing. Short talks were also made wife dying in 1898. Two child­ the surroundiug country, and de­
will be given, and that number were guestsof Mrs. Miller. Sev­ by several of the more active ren survive, James A. and Miss lighted with the mild and ener­
vating climate of this section of
tolled off on the bell, thus indi­ eral very pleasant hours were workers. A committee of five Alice, both of Hillsboro.
Mr. Sewell was proprietor of
cating to the firemen, without de­ passed and all voted the affair a was appointed to complete plans
lay, the approximate location of decided success.
for the formation of the society. the first tile factory in Oregon. R ailro ad M u st P ay fo r C h an g es.
the blaze.
Another meeting will be held For years he was identified with
By unanimous vote the City
L ad ies’ A id E n te rta in e d .
shortly, or as soon as the com­ school and road affairs and was
has decided that all
P io n e er R esid en t P asses A w ay .
prominent in politics.
Mrs. S. L. Carlyle was hostess mittee are prepared to report.
M otor C ycle a n d Dog Collide.
and re-stringing of
Portland.—George R. Johnson, to the members of the Ladies’
light wires, along
Art Burke and Fred Fogel, one of the pioneer citizens of Aid Society of the Methodist
City to C ollect Leins.
of the Port­
Sunday, while riding a motorcy­ Oregon died at his home, Monday Episcopal church yesterday after­
City attorneys Hollis & Gra­ By resolution of the City Coun­ land, Eugene and Eastern rail­
cle, had a head-on collision with a ¡evening. He had been in feeble noon. Several pleasant hours
ham have been instructed by the cil, all those having bills against
stray dog, which resulted in a condition since a paralytic stroke were passed, and delicious re­ Common Council to proceed with the City of Forest Grove must road, made necessary by the con­
struction of the power lines of
somewhat badly skinned face for two years ago. His widow sur­ freshments partaken of. Sev­
the collection of leins against present them to the Finance com­ that company, must be paid for
Burke and a severe shaking up vives him. Until last year he eral new members were received
property, which were made in mittee by five o’clock p. m. of the
by the railroad.
for Fogel. The dog was badly lived at Tigard in Washington into the society, including Mes­
order to pay for sidewalk con­ Monday preceding the regular
hurt, but managed to get away county, when he removed to the dames Needham and McNeill.
monthly meeting, which occurs
before its injuries could be in­ city. He came to Oregon from
Im p ro v e m e n ts B eing M ade.
the second Tuesday of each
month. Bills not received by the
the middle west by ox-team thir­
P ole S ettin g R eg u lated .
Goff Brothers have let a con­
Rev. H ilton a t In d e p en d en c e.
ty years ago. He was 72 vears
to the Forest Grove Planing
Upon recommendation of the
A card from Rev. C. H. Hilton,
C ondition of C ity Finance«.
the installing of a new
street committee,the City Council pastor of the local Christian
The report of the City Treas­
their store building at
Tuesday evening decided that all church, who is conducting re­
F ire F ig h te rs a t G a sto n .
urer for the month of January A sk fo r S tre e t C lean in g Bids. poles erected upon A. street vivals at Independence, states
the corner of Pacific avenue and
shows$739.13 in thegeneral fund;
Elsewhere in the Press notice must be set 12 feet from the that Sunday and Monday the
A volunteer firemen’s associa­ Main street. The present front
$270.93 in the library fund; is given that sealed bids will be property lines, thus allowing for audiences taxed the s e a t i n g tion has been organized at Gast­ is to be torn out, the entrance
$478.34 in the road fund: $8.63 received by the City Council for possible future changes in the c a p a c i t y .
Four conversions on, with Chas. Westcott as chief. somewhat changed, and the new
in the building fund and $5,097.- the cleaning and flushing of the parking or curbing of that street. have so far resulted. Rev. Hil­ Improved apparatus wiil be se­ front constructed almost entirely
20 in the 1911 street bond fund. streets for a period of three
ton preached the funeral sermon cured and company drill taken up of plate glass, supported by steel
Bills for the month of January to months. The successful bidder
Prof. W. N. Ferrin, of Pacific over the remains of a prominent immediately. The boys are fig­ columns. It will undoubtedly be
the amount of $757.32, were or­ to house the sprinkler and at- University, returned from the woman, T u e s d a y , to a large uring uponjmaking their company one of the most attractive store
dered paid.
I tend to the filling of the tank.
t fronts in the city when completed.
tone of the best in the county.
.East Tuesday evening.
Jas. £. Royal, Oregon pioneer
of 1852, Indian fighter and form­
er owner of a large portion of
Portland’s now thickly populated
east side, died at his home in
Forest Grove Sunday morning at
1:45 of acute kidney trouble.
Mr. Royal was born in Piqua,
Ohio, April 13, 1829, and came to
Oregon with his parents, crossing
the plains by Ox-team. He set­
tled in Powell valley, taking up
a donation land claim, which he
farmed until 1861, when he moved
to a 60-acre tract of land upon
the east side of the Willamette
river, across from Portland.
This tract embraced the blocks
now bounded by Thirtieth. Forti­
eth, and Division streets and
Hawthorne avenue. Here Mr.
Royal raised strawberries and
small vegetables, supplying the
city market. He frequently re­
plenished his larder with deer
meat, killing the game practically
without stirring from his door­
step. A walnut tree which Mr.
Royal planted just east of what
is now the boundary line of
Ladd’s addition, still stands as a
monument to his industry. Mr.
Royal moved to this city in 1903,
living a retired and restful life
until death came.
April 29, 1856, deceased was
married in Portland to Miss Jane
Powell Pugh, who died in 1869.
Oct. 4, 1871, Mr. Royal again
married, this time to Mrs. Weal-
thea Markee Smith, of this city.
Besides the widow, two brothers,
C. F. Royal, of Salem, and Wm.
Royal, of Elma, Wash., two sis­
ters, Mrs. Mary C. Alderson, of
Portland, widow of the late Rev.
C. Alderson, and Mrs. Elizabeth
Mahan, of Topeka, Kansas, a son,
Earl 0. Royal, of Portland, and
five daughters, Mrs. Jennie Hines
Siletz reservation, Mrs. 0. W.
Tarr, Gresham, Mrs. C. C. Sel­
lers, Portland, Mrs. F. W. Jones
and Mrs. A. J. Douglas, of this
city, survive. Seven grandchil­
dren are also living.
Mr. Royal was a notable figure
at the annual re unions of the
Oregon Pioneer association, and
possessed a fund of stories of
the early days in Oregon. He
was captain of the first company
of volunteers, organized in Pow­
ell valley, to take the field against
the Indians when the report of
the uprising and nussacre which
occured in the Cascades reached
the coast. He affiliated with the
Methodist church early in life and
remained a staunch and active
member until the end. Funeral
services were held Tuesday after­
noon at 2 o’clock in the Methodist
church. Rev. Hiram Gould offici­
ating, with interment in Forest
View cemetery.