Oregon H isto ric a l Society F orest G rove P ress WAS HI NGTON C O U N T Y ’S NEWSPAPER. Voi. 4 FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30. 1913. ACCOUNTS OF CITY TO BE AUDITED ONE YEAR BACK S a m u el a n d W illia m M u n c y , 9 4 , W o r ld 's O ld est T w in s No. 13 HOME INDUSTRY MEETING MOST COMPLETE SUCCESS Representatives of Manufacturers’ Association of Northwest and Prominent Citizens of Forest Grove Address Large Audience on State and Community Up-Building. At Meeting of City Council Tuesday Night Vote of Mayor Defeats Motion to Investigate Municipal Records for Past Four Years— Street Paving Bonds Sold. Forest Grove residents received er plant and of the new canning a genuine treat Saturday n ig h t! factory, and stated that the es­ when they gathered in V ert’s tablishing of these two concerns hall to the number of several should be but a wedge to the se­ E x p ec ts E stim a te s Cost. hundred to take part in the curing of other payroll producing Questioned by the council be­ "Home Industries” e v e n i n g industries, as this section of fore the above action was taken, ] which had been arranged for. A Washington county was capable Mr. Crandall estimated that it! number of out-of-town and local of supporting many more lines of would take about ten days to ex­ speakers were present, but una­ endeavor in various fields. pert the books for one year back, W ill G o B ack O n e Y ear. Miss Minnie Myers spoke brief­ voidable circumstances prevented When the matter came up for j and about 30 days to go back four two of the principle ones, Mrs. ly of the interest taken by the discussion, Councilman Wirtz years. Mr. Crandall charges i Sarah Evans, President of the women of this city in the further­ moved that the books be audited $7.50 per day, which would mean Oregon Federation of Women’s ance of the "Keep Your Dollar for one year back. This motion 1 about $225 as the cost of expert- Clubs and Col. E Hofer, Presi­ in Oregon” movement, adding was seconded by Councilman ing the city accounts for a period dent of the State Editorial As­ that, if unable to secure "Made- Barber. Councilman Goff im­ of four years back. in-Oregon” products to at least sociation. from attending. O p inions of Councilnnen. mediately moved an amendment, insist upon having goods manu­ W elco m e by M ayor. In voting against the amend- j extending the time back to the The meeting, which was for the factured upon the Pacific Coast. commencement of work upon the ment, Councilman Wirtz said that j purpose of telling the consumer The meeting closed with a series city water system, or about four j he did not think the citizens of | of the merits of "Made-in Ore­ of colored slides showing the var­ years. This amendment was the Grove would sanction the ex­ gon” products, of the possibilities ious phases of road making, and seconded by Councilman Starrett. penditure, and Councilman Bar­ of securing more local industries illustrating numerous stretches A roll-call vote on the amend­ ber expressed himself as of the and of the necessity for coopera­ of good and bad roads in this ment resulted in a tie, Council- j same opinion, adding that he did tion in the up-buiiding of the state and the state of Washing­ men Wirtz, Barber and Johnson not think the people passed the j state as a whole and the com­ ton. J. S. Doolittle, connected voting no, and Goff, Starrett and resolution which calls for the ex-1 Photo by American Press Association. munity in particular, was opened ] with the Portland cement inter­ Todd yes. The deciding vote was pertingof the books with a full ] AMUEL AND WILLIAM MUNCY, nsed ninety four, are declared to pe by G. Edwin Secour, editor and ests of Oregon, gave an interest­ cast by the Mayor, who voted no. understanding of its meaning, or the oldest twins In the world Their birthday falls on Christmas, and publisher of the Forest Grove ing lecture in connection with the one Just past %vas made the occasion of a big reunion. They were The original motion was th e n . the expense that would be in­ born on the old Muncy farm at Babylon, N. Y , and they are still liv­ Press, who acted as Chairman. the lantern slides. called up and carried by a five] curred. ing there, hale and hearty, despite their great age They posed for their pic­ Mayor O. M. Sanford, in well! Councilman Goff said that he j ture, as shown above, with Samuel on the left and William on the right, dur­ chosen and appropriate words, DEBATE FOR DISTRICT ing their recent birthday celebration. absolutely in favor of having MACCABEES’ SMOKER A was extended a welcome to the "Home the books experted for at least a CHAMPIONS SATURDAY Industry” idea, stating that co-l MAGNIFICENT SUCCESS period of four years back, and NEW AND operation was necessary to suc­ that he believed such was the 1 cess and calling attention to For­ H IG H S C H O O L S T O C O N T E S T M A N Y A T T E N D A S G U E S T S concensus of opinion of those who AND est Grove as a suitable point for voted for the adoption of the re­ — the establishing of numerous in- J T h e D alles a n d F o re st G ro v e A f­ solution at the mass meeting pre-1 S p e a c h e s, Songs, M usic, C ard s C o m m ittees N am ed a n d A p p o in tiv e O ffices Filled by M a y o r an d dustrial enterprises. Mayor San­ ceding the election. te r H o n o rs G irls’ G lee C lub a n d P le n ty to E a t a n d D rink R a tified by G o v e rn in g Body —G o ff E lected P re sid e n t by ford in the course of his address I Im p ro v e m e n t Bond» Sold. W ill R e n d e r Selections. M ad e E v ery o n e H a p p y . A c c la m a tio n W ill D ispose o f O ld W a te r T ow er. of welcome, compared the high At this meeting bids were r e - ! state of efficiency which com­ ceived for the College Way im­ Good things to eat, the best of j provement bonds. But two of­ Thursday evening the Forest to the council for a price upon munity and state development] Saturday evening, in the Cen­ c i g a r s , excellent instiumental j fers being received, one from Mr. Grove city council of 1912 as­ the old water tower, which stands had reached in the east to the tral school building, the debating and vocal music, talks by speak-! Hendricks, of this city, fora $500 ] sembled for the last time; the on A street, was received from apparent lack of the "get-to-geth- teams of The Dalles and Forest ers of ability, and a general joy­ bond and the other from the W ar-; reading of the minutes of the VV. J. Good, and taken under er” spirit which prevailed in Grove will contest for forensic honors. Forest Grove will sup­ ous time, was what the Knights ren Construction company, for previous meeting was listened to, consideration. some sections of the west, placing j port the negative in this city, of the Maccabees and their the entire issue of $2,386.25. It approved without comment and the blame, not to the lack of in­ and the affirmative at The Dalles, T o A u d it A cco u n ts. friends enjoyed Tuesday even-1 was suggested that possibly Mr. the council made its final adjourn­ itiative or willingness to progress, where Ruth Troutman, Glenn In line with the tencnts of the ing. A large crowd assembled Hendricks might wish to take up ment. The chair of office was but to the general prosperity and in Odd Fellow’s hall early in the the entire issue, and he was called turned over to Mayor O. M. resolutions adopted at the nom­ opulence which was evident on Morgan and Vinton Robinson will represent the Grove school. The evening, gathering in the gen­ up by phone and given an op­ Sanford, by ex-Mayor J. A. ination mass meeting preceding all parts of the Pacific Coast. home end will be upheld by Ella the election, the newly appointed eral assembly room, where they portunity to do so. Upon Mr. Thornburg with a silent hand­ " O re g o n C o u n try L ife.” Garrigus, Tom Roe and Claud finance committee was instructed were treated to a number of se­ Hendricks reply that he did not j clasp, the three new members of Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred, Hutchens. This debate w i l l to find out the approximate cost lections. vocal and instrumental, care for more than $500, it was the council took the vacated seats representing the organization practically decide the district by the Walker Bros. F. W. decided to accept the bid of the of the former councilmen, and of exporting the city accounts, and publicity departments of the championship as Forest Frove has and make an early report. Jones rendered several humor­ Warren Construction company, with the rap of pencil held in the Oregon Manufacturers’ Associa­ won from McMinnville High and C o m m ittees A p p o in ted . ous selections, and excellent who offered par value. hand of Mayor Sanford, the gov­ tion. gave an excellent talk upon The Dalles secured a decision talks were given by Judge John It was decided to have the old erning body of Forest Grove for Mayor Sanford named the fol­ the advantages of country life in over Oregon City. Two minor Ditchburn. of Portland and State lowing committees: Oregon, calling attention to the schools are still to be met, but no water tower removed and a mo­ the year 1913 was in session. Commander J. W. Sherwood. Streets and Public Property, rapidly increasing transportation trouble is anticipated in securing O rg a n iz a tio n P e rfected . tion was passed authorizing the Later the Knights and their The work of organization was Councilmen Johnson, Todd and facilities and the many miles of an easy victory over them. The Recorder to advertise forbids for friends adjourned to the dinner the same. immediately taken up and H. J. Starrett. good roads being constructed, all real contest lies between the hall where cards and cigars help­ Goff elected president of the Printing and Purchasing, Coun­ tending to alleviate the disadvan­ Grove and The Dalles, and the S alary In c re a se M ade. ed to pass away the time until cilmen Barber and Goff. tages which at one time went question, "Resolved, That the The matter of purchasing lots council. Mayor Sanford named lunch, prepared by Steward Len- Finance, Goff and Barber. the members of the various com­ with a home in the country. Electorial College should be abol­ in the Congregational church neville and his assistants, was Water and Light, Todd and mittees, End tendered the names Mrs. Weatherred also spoke of ished and the President and Vice- served. Sir Knight Carl Hoff­ square was laid upon the tab le! of those whom he had selected to Johnson. the m a n y "Made-in-Oregon” President elected by direct vote man then took the boys to the indefinitely. The salary of Light fill the appointive offices, securing Ordinance, Wirtz and Starrett. products which were at the com­ of the people” offers exceptional Star theatre, where they witnes­ Commissioner Fuqua was in- j an unanimous ratification in each Health and Police, Starrett mand of the consumer, dwelling opportunities for clean cut and sed a special production of creased $10 per month, and the case. and Wirtz. upon the i mportance of patron-1 decisive argument from both "Kings of the Jungle,” one of council decided to retain the o f-, M ay Sell W a te r T ow er. A p p o in tiv e O ffices. izing home industry in order that sides. the best film productions ever fice of the City Recorder in the more manufacturers might be in­ The Girl’s Glee club and the The following appointments! A committee from the mem­ store room now used by Fuqua shown in this city. duced to settle within the bor­ High School hand will furnish were tendered and ratified: As a result of the excellent en­ as an office and display room, pay­ bers of the Congregational church ders of the state, thus building vocal and instrumental music for Water and Street Commission­ tertainment w hich was provided ing a rental of ten dollars per appeared before the council with up an industrial center of worth the evening, which is expected er, P. W. Watkins. an offer to sell the city a portion by the Knights, eight new mem­ month. This action was taken and value. In closing, Mrs. to be one of the most notable in of the church property facing on Light Commissioner, V. I. j bers were secured, with a prom- j by the council because Fuqua re­ Weathered stated that the Ore­ the history of thedebating league. College Way, almost directly op­ Fuqua. ise of more to come. Another fused to accept the appointment gon Manufacturers’ Association posite the Carnegie library, upon Water and Light Collector, R. 1 entertainment and smoker is be- j as Light Commissioner, unless J . S. L oynes F ra c tu re s Rib. was prepared to assist local people which to erect a city hall oi other P. Wirtz. ing planned for the latter part of the remuneration was increased in every way in the securing of Jas. S. Ixiynes, one of the pro­ February, which promises to be j to $25 per month and the Record­ suitable building. This was tak­ City Attorneys, Hollis and industrial enterprises and the up­ prietors of the Forest Grove Graham. en under advisement, a decision of an unique and interesting e r’s office maintained in his store. Planing Mill, is confined to his building of the community. to be rendered later. A request Chief of Police, not filled. The council debated the matter character. home with a broken rib, sus­ N eed of Local Payroll». at some length, and finally ar­ tained while climbing to the rived at the above decision, be­ which was referred to Council- do business. Mr. Constantinos i Judge W. H. Hollis, state Sen­ A tte n d e d F u n era l of A unt. roof of the planing mill during W. W. Ireland, a well-known lieving that the extra cost of the men Barber and Goff, the com­ will open a fish market on Main ator from Washington county, the recent snow storm. Mr. real estate operative of this city, fuel which would be used in the mittee having those matters in street, near Pacific avenue and next addressed the gathering up­ Loynes intended to clean the snow e x a c ts to be ready to serve the on the "Need of A I.ocaI Pay­ was called to Independence last city building on Council street charge. from the roof and in endeavoring public tomorrow. The s t o r e roll” , giving in a crisp, concise Saturday to attend the funeral of would offset the rent paid for the to climb ¡up, slipped and fell W ill O p e n Fish M a rk e t H ere. room is now being equipped with way an enumeration of the ad­ his aunt, Mrs. J. W. Leonard, j Pacific avenue office room. across the edge, striking his side John Constantinos, who recent­ the necessary shelving and coun­ vantages offered by Forest Grove who died recently at The Dalles.! A communication was received with considerable force, which from the Forest Grove Press, re­ ly sold the Hillsboro restaurant, ters, and the show window a r­ and the surrounding country to resulted in the fractured rib. W’m. Hardebeek, of Dilley, J questing an equal division of the has decided that Forest Frove if ranged with water-tight compart­ many lines of industry. Senator city printing and publishing, a good place in which to live am: ments for the display of seafood. • Hollis spoke of the milk condens-, Subscribe for the Press. 12-tf was a Grove visitor Tuesday. By a vote of five to one, the Forest Grove City Council, in an adjourned session Tuesday night, authorized the auditing of the city accounts for the year 1912 only, and agreed upon Max Cran­ dall, an expert accountant, toper- form the work. to one vote, Councilman Goff standing by his guns and voting no. S MAYOR COUNCILMEN ASSUME OFFICE PERFECT ORGANIZATION THURSDAY NIGHT