2 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1913. N O T I C E Scenes at the Notable Funeral Of the Hon. Whitelaw Reid CENTRAL LIVERY BARN McNamer & Wirtz, Prop’rs General Livery Tillamook Stage Line 10% Discount • . • . V . W . V . V . W . W . W . V . ' . V W . V . V . V . W . ’. ' . V . V . V . V . W V . . - fc ». ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY will be given on all H E A T IN G •• STOVES Dairymen Attention Great Special Feature W . O. Wagner & Sons Forest Grove, Oregon Photos by American Press Association. HE funeral of the late Whitelaw Reid, American ambassador to Eng Innd, was attended by hundreds of notables when held In the Cathe­ dral of S t John the Divine, In New York, after the arrival of the British cruiser Natal with the body. Marines from our own battle­ ships acted as escort of honor. The coffln was carried to and from the church on a gun carriage properly guarded. President Tnft and the Hon. James Bryce, British ambassador at Washington, were among the distinguished men who paid their last respects to the dead. The picture shows the scene outside the edifice and the coffin being carried from the cathedral. T Main Street Garage Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and General Machine Work. Storage and Supplies. Phone Main 62X W . A . CHALM ERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. v .v .v .v .w .w .v .* . ORENCO Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds o f Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Willis-Place Lumber Co. Phone 0 1 X South A Street Forest Grove, Or. TH E S T A R T H E A T R E Motion Picture Exhibition The Best Pictures Obtainable Every Film A Winner Drama, Comedy, Laughter and Pathos Look! Can You Beat It? Dress Fabrics............................. at 50c per yard Corn, ...........................................3 cans for 25c Tomatoes........................................3 cans for 25c String Beans.................................. . 10c per can 1 ‘eas, ................................ lie, S for 2 .V Discount in trade for Cash in 30 days at 5 The Sun-Rise Grocery ( ' ( Pacific Avenue and 3rd Street. The heart o f the small boy ! was made glad by the snow which fell recently and he en­ joyed himself to the utmost. | The only damage done here was ; the breaking o f telephone wires. Quite a number o f Orencoites attended the entertainment at Hillsboro on Wednesday night I given by the Jubilee singers. Peter Riedweg did not get the roof on bis new livery stable in | time to keep the snow out. Three of the eighth grade pu­ pils here took the examinations at Hillsboro last Thursday and Friday. Several of our citizens have had a siege of the grippe. Mr. McDonald was the first to come j down with the dread disease. Mr. Power was next, and even the doctor did not escape, for he was laid up several days. The doctor was not like the Indian r , . ... .. „ , for he built a small fire and put , . . . . , .. , his feet clear around the stove , . . and put in his time reading about Tom Sawyer and 11uckle- berry Finn. :: •. ». :: ». K Grove, we are living in total ignorance o f the outside world. Mr. and Mrs. Demoss visited at Mr. Kennedy’s Sunday. •* Deep snow is hard on the China pheasants and other birds, The pheasants come quite close to the buildings in hope o f find­ ing food. Mrs. Knighten has been quite ill but is able to be up around the house this week. Grandma McCoy has been suffering with neuralgia. Rather a small school this % \ week owing to the heavy snows. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frost were taking a sleigh ride Sunday afternoon and called at Marion Knighten’ s. A flock o f wild geese flew south over the hill Tuesday and were quite low, owing to the fog, no doubt. John Frost was up on the hill Sunday, to get a chance to slide down. •i GALES CITY. »: :• :• V .v .v . v . v . v . v .v .v .w .v .w . Miss Maude Lilly spent Satur- g unj ay with friends in p orest Grove. ,, , .. . , r>- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce, , „ . n , o f Forest Grove, spent Sunday ... , e »» j at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill. The Wilson River mail carrier reports snow 6J feet deep on the •.v .v .w v .v .v .v .v .w .v .v .v . summit. Mrs. J. J. Adkins gave a party WATTS a at her home last Saturday even­ v .v .v . v .v .\ v .*.v .\ v .v .v . ing in honor o f her sister, Miss Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Stevenson Esther F’ ratt. Those present went to F'orest Grove Tuesday to were Mr. and Mrs. James do some shopping. All have to Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Walter go to town sometimes, even if S a r g e n t , Edythe Churchill, the „ roads _ are very bad. , Esther Pratt, Tessie Johnson, Edna Lilly. Ethel Adkins, Arlie in town at Dr. Geiger’s last week and Ethel Fineout, Guss Gean, and attended the Evangelist Howard Lilly, Herb Kile, Nor­ meetings. man Lilly, Willis Hines, Bernnie There was no Sunday School Churchill, Robert Lilly and Eu­ Sunday on account o f the deep gene Loving. The evening was snow. spent in playing games, after The dwellers on David's Hill which a dainty lunch was served. enjoyed some fine scenery last All had an enjoyable time. week. Nearly two feet of snow Mr. Bacon, o f F'orest Grove, had fallen and every kale plant,, . . . . , ,, , has been stocking up the people was a miniature Lsquuno house; , ~ ,, . , o f Ga es Creek with the Aladdin every grapevine was surmounted . . . . . . . , . , e .. , .. ' lighting svstem the past week, by an overhanging roof o f white B and the fruit and forest trees in ^ ur telephone system has been their ermine cloaks made a won- knocked out since last Friday on derfullv beautiful picture. account of the storm and we j a y a n (j I The rain which fell during the d» " ' ' know ho'v much j* day and night Monday, continu- w" ‘ '*»■ “ our connert,on w,th F'orest Grove is completely cut ing Tuesday, settled the snow a| out. a great deal. Our mail man failing to make: the Hill Saturday or Monday, ijT crtrt/ J ra çjflrïi and the telephone lines being mmm rime mcm r down between here and the I Farm Dairying in 18 Chapters by L A U R A ROSE Secured at Great Expense Especially for Subscribers to the Forest Grove Press. S El E 0 0 A Chapter Every W ee k . The First Installment Will Appear February 13, 1913 Watch For It. Read It. Cut It Out and Preserve It For Future Reference If you are not a subscriber get on the list now at the Bargain Price of $1.00 for one year. i \ % V . % % V . V . V . V , V . V . V . V . V A V . V . V . V . V . V . , .V .» .,i Ï ». ».