Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
F orest G rove P ress
Val. 4
P. C. S T A R R E T T
W ils o n ’s “W e lc o m e H o m e’’ A r c h
A n d t h e P r e sid e n t Elect’s W ife
M rs. C o tto n A p p o in te d T e a c h e r
of D om estic Science.
N ew M em b er of C ouncil
S even H u n d re d D ollars R aised a t
M eetin g L ast W e ek .
A rousing meeting of the
commercial club of Gaston,
was held last Thursday evening
for the purpose of creating more
interest in the industrial possibil­
ities of the district and for the
promotion of a greater consump­
tion of “ Made-in-Oregon” pro­
ducts. Addresses were made by
Col. E. Hofer, of Salem, and
Mrs. Edyth Tozier VVeatherred,
of Portland, in the interest of
“ Home Industries.”
Carmichael spoke about the
dairying possibilities of Gaston
and its tributary territory; E.
X. Harding upon the milling in­
dustry; L. L. Paget referred
briefly to matters of local inter­
est and Dr. C. E. Hawkes made
a stirring appeal for the estab­
lishing of a cheese factory. So
enthusiastic did his hearers be­
come as Dr. Hawkes enlarged
upon the possibilities of Gaston
as a point for the establishment
of industrial enterprises, and a
cheese factory in particular, that
a temporary organization was
formed on the spot, and over
seven hundred dollars subscribed
by interested ones from among
the audience. During the course
of the evening the Gaston brass
band gave a concert, and re­
freshments, provided by Port­
land manufacturers and import­
ers, were served.
In accordance with the resolu­
tions passed at the recent meet­
ing of school electors, the Board
of School Directors have complet­
ed negotiations for the purchase
of the Staver and Starrett prop­
erties at the corner of Fifth
street and Third avenue South,
consisting of a piece of ground
326 by 200 feet. The price paid
was $2,950. This is an excellent
j location for school purposes, and
when the proposed grade school
| is constructed it will be in the
heart of the resideuce district.
At the board meeting Friday
evening the resignation of Miss
West as Domestic Science teach­
er was accepted, and Mrs. Cot­
ton, at present instructoress o f (
the seventh grade, appointed to !
fill the vacancy. The seventh
grade will be looked after by the
present force of teachers, the|
several divisions being properly
divided for that purpose. This;
arrangement will cause no loss
of time because of waiting for j
an additional teacher.
D r. S. E. T O D D
H eavy S to rm r n d L ig h t System
F a ilu re Block P lans.
Many people were disappoint­
ed Friday evening because of the
necessity for postponing the
“ Home Industry” m e e t i n g
which had been arranged for
that night in Vert’s hall. A
large crowd had assembled, the
picture machine had been set up,
and the speakers were all o n '
hand, when the sudden darken­
ing of the city, due to the break- j
ing of the electric wires made it j
necessary to adjourn. Col. E. j
Hofer, Philip Bates, W. H. Mc-
Monies, Mrs. Sarah Evans and
Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred
were all present and the pros­
E lected ta C ity C ouncil
pects for an evening of educa­
tion and value were never better.
The elements decided otherwise,
however, and those who were on
hand found it necessary to seek C linging Snow B reak s L ight a n d
their various homes without the
T e le p h o n e C ircuits.
p r o m i s e d entertainment. At
some future date, to he announc­ The storm which visited this
ed later, the same force of good city last Friday and Saturday
speakers will again be in the created havoc with the wires of
Grove, and a most pleasant and the local lighting an 1 power
profitable evening will undoubt­ companies and the telegraph and
edly result.
telephone services. The wires
commenced to break late Friday
C o n d en ser M a n a g e m e n t C h ange. afternoon and in a very short
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Sells, of time Forest Grove was without
Ferndale, Wash., arrived in this light or power and completely
cith Monday evening. Mr. Sells cut off from all communication
will succeed P. C. Kinzer as with the outside world by tele­
superintendent of the Pacific graph or telephone. Although
Coast Condensed Milk company the storm raged all of Friday
plant in South Forest Grove, night, changing from snow to
Mr. Kinzer going to Seattle, rain and rain to sleet, artd back
where he will have charge of a again to snow, all the public util­
department in the general office. ities companies had gangs of men
Mr. Kinzer has been in Forest working upon the repairing of the
Grove for several years, and, various circuits. The Washing-
with his wife, has taken a prom­ ton-Oregon corporation, which
inent part in the social activities furnishes day current to Forest
of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Grove, had its lines in shape and
Kinzer will take with them to were prepared to turn on the
their new home the best wishes power at 2 o’clock Saturday after­
of a host of friends and admirers. noon. The municipal plant, with
many wires down all over town,
not get in shape to resume
Y. M. C. A. E xpress T h a n k s.
operations until Sunday evening.
Hearty thanks and apprecia­
The telephone and telegraph
tion for services and courtesies
service has been gradually re­
rendered have been extended to
sumed, and ¡snow practically the
the various church organizations
same as before. The telephone
and individuals who assisted in
people probably suffered t h e
the entertainment of the dele­
heaviest loss, as their wires not
gates to the recent Y. M. C. A.
only went down all over the city,
convention held in this city, by I
hut throughout the countryside
the Pacific University branch of
as well, necessitating the em­
that organization, through its I
ployment of a large force of men
resolution committee. We regret | to make repairs.
_______ • ______
to note that no mention is made
of the Star theater or its proprie- | E x-Sheriff F ou n d in B an k .
tors, who turned over the house j
Ex-Sheriff G. G. Hancock is
for the noon day meeting of Sat­
installed in the cashier’s
cage at the First National Bank
of this city. A. R. Leabo has
Live W ires Kill H orse.
gone to Portland and expects to
A horse driven by R. A. With- j
leave shortly for an extended
combe, of Hillsboro, was killed
tour through California.
by striking a live wire in the !
Hancock, who is a heavy stock­
streets of that city, Friday night.
holder in the First National, is
Mr. Withycombe was severely
as smiling and genial as ever,
Another horse, be­
and seems right at home amid
longing to A. L. Holcomb, was
his surroundings of gold and
stunned by a shock, but re-1 greenbacks.
covered sufficiently to he driven
Will P av e C an y o n R oad.
D r. L an e E lected S en ato r.
S a l e m , O r.,—Twenty-e i g h t
members of the State Senate at
P h o to s c o p y rig h t by A m e ric a n P r e s s A ssociation.
noon Tuesday voted for Dr. Harry
irg in ia ta lk e d fo r m a n y a d a y o v e r th e visit o f P re s id e n t E lect
Lane, of Portland, the people’s / A \ L L W V oodrow
W ilso n a n d M rs. W ilso n to S ta u n to n . Va.. on h is re c e n t
choice for United States Senator
fifty -s ix th b irth d a y . G o v e rn o r W ilson w as born th e re , nnd th e old
to w n g a v e h im n tr u e s o u th e rn recep tio n T h e “ W elcom e E lom e'' a rc h
to succeed Jonathan Bourne, Jr.,
w a s a f e a tu r e o f th e c e le b ra tio n , a n d th e re w as tails a f te r th e e v e n t w a s o v e r
on March 4 next. The only two o f m a k in g it a p e rm a n e n t m em o ria l. M rs. W ilson w as a p ro m in e n t figure In
against Lane were Calkins and th e d a y 's p ro g ra m , b e in g g iv en a n e q u a l p lace of h o nor w ith h e r h u sb a n d . S he
Bean, who cast their votes for is sh o w n In th e Illu s tra tio n J u s t a s s h e looked d u rin g th e c e le b ra tio n
Ben Selling.
In the House of Representa­
tives at the same time 50 mem­
bers cast their votes for Dr. Har­ M rs. W e a th e rre d .A p p e a re d in W ife of E x -Ju d g e of W a sh in g to n
ry Lane, S. A. D. Meek, of
P la y T h e re L ong A go.
C cur.ty P asses A w ay .
Washington County, being the
only one to vote for Selling, with
Mrs. Edyth Tozier Weatherred,
HI llsboro , O r . , —Mrs. Fran­
the explanation that he had re­ who was to have delivered an ces J. Archbold, wife of ex-
fused to sign statement No. 1 and address at the meeting which County Judge A. C. Archbold,
objected to Lane as the nominee j was scheduled for last Friday died at the family home Monday
for United States Senator.
i evening in Vert’s hall, was a morning, after an extended ill­
Hoskins and Lester in the member of a dramatic organiza­ ness. She was the daughtor of
Senate, both unpledged, voted for tion of Pacific University which Judge Ralph Wilcox and wife,
Lane, explaining their ballots by presented “ Queen Esther,” with and was horn at Independence,
the assertion that they believed Miss Emma Wagner in the title Mo. in 1844. At the age of one
the will of the people should pre­ role, on the stage of the old year she crossed the plains with
Vert’s hall directly after it had her parents, and the family set­
Mrs. Weatherred tled in 1845 on a dominion land
M a c c a b e e s’ S m o k e r T u esd a y .
and Miss Maggie MacCrum, now claim, on a part of which Hills­
As outlined' by the entertain­ the wife of Dr. Bird of Salem, boro now stands.
ment committee, the smoker of appeared as the maids to the She was married to Mr. Arch­
the Knights of the Maccabees, Queen, and the late Prof. Robb bold August 20. 1865, and for 67
which will be held in Odd Fel­ j played the character of Mor- years made this place her home.
hall next Tuesday night, decai. Miss Agnes Watt and Her husband and the following
B ack to th e B itter R oot.
promises to be an event of the j Miss Lois Burlinghame, now children survive: Mrs. Eva V.
J. M. Enschede, who is in : year in lodge circles. Elaborate
charge of the horticultural de- ! irrangements have Leen made Mrs. M. J. McMahan, of Port- Loeb, wife of George Loeb, a
merchant of Ridgefield, Wash:
partment of the Sunset Orchard for the satisfying of the inner j land, were the fairies. Others
Virginia M. and John M., of
Land company, in the Bitter Root | and outer man. Sufficient “ eats”
and Hugh, Elizabeth
valley of Montana, left Sunday 1 and “smokes” will be on hand as participants in that produc­
C. Jr., of Port­
for Stevensville, Montana, after to meet all requirements. A tion were: Barnett Roe, brother
a student at
a month’s vacation spent with musical program of worth will be of C. O. Roe; the late John Watt;
the home folk in this city. Mr. provided, and several novel Miss Mary Lyman, now Mrs. N.
Enschede is enthusiastic over the stunts presented for the edifica­ McCoy; Miss Mattie Clark, who
Wilcox, two sisters, Mrs. Carrie
progress already gained in the tion of the Knights and their
Lyman of Whitman college; and Goode, Grants Pass, and a
Bitter Root, and expects, in the friends.
Mitchell Gillman, now on the Su­ brother, John, also survive.
n e x t three yeais, to h a v e
achieved results of such character V alley F an s to F orm L eague. preme Bench of Washington.
that they will stand as a lasting
Representatives from the coun
monument to his knowledge and ties of Polk, Yamhill and Wash­
ability as a horticulturist.
ington will meet in McMinnville
February 5 for the purpose of
B an k D irecto rs E lected.
organizing a tri-county semi-pro­
At a meeting of the stockhold­ fessional baselall league to con­
ers of the First National Benk. sist of six teams and to be known
held last Tuesday, the following as the Yamhill league. Repre­
directors were elected. G. G. sentatives from this city, Hills­
Hancock, John Templeton, H. J. boro and Cornelius, will be pres­
Goff. Geo. Mizner, W. H. Hollis, ent.
Allan Rice, T. VV. Sain, E. W.
Haines, Chris. Peterson, W. K.
T h re e M en B adly B urned.
Newell and H. T. Buxton. The
Early Thursday morning three
board elected E. W. Haines presi­ men occupying an Oregon Elec­
dent; John Templeton, vice presi­ tric bunk car at Hillsboro were
dent; G. G. Hancock, cashier.
badly burned by fire which was
caused by an overheated stove.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Emmerson They were removed to a Portland
visited in Vancouver Sunday.
W. H. Barker, of this city, is
The Press leads all competitors.
spending a few days in Portland.
No. 12
Pacific Boys M eet
C ro o k s G o to S herw oo d .
Rev. and Mrs. James Crooks,
who have been conducting a
series of successful revivals at
the Methodist Episcopal church
in this city, left Tuesday for
Sherwood, where they will in­
augurate a series of evangelistic
meetings at the Friends church.
D efeat.
McMinnville defeated Pacific
University at the local gym, Fri­
day afternoon, by a score of 27
to 13. This was the first basket
H illsboro in D ark n ess.
hall game of the season, and a
The storm of last week wreck­
large crowd were in attendance.
electric light and telephone
Pacific won the contest between
in the county seat, and that
the second teams of the same in­
in darkness for several
stitutions by a score of 18 to 14.
nights. Snow fell to a depth of
eight inches. Railway men re­
port seven feet of snow on the
summit between Hillsboro and
Tillamook on the Pacific Railway
and Navigation Line.
The male quartette at the Star
last evening made a decided hit,
answering to repeated encores.
Their stuff was up-to-date and of
the kind that strikes the right
The Barber Asphalt company,
of Portland, has just received a
contract for the paving of the
Canyon road, which has long
been a bugaboo to the residents
of the Tualaitn plains and those
who have found it necessary to
drive into the Rose City. The
Canyon road is the shortest route
from this section to Portland and
its paving will be considered by
everyone who has had occasion
to fight the mud during the win­
ter, while passing over the road,
as one of the best acts ever per­
formed by the Portland authori­
ties. It is expected the work will
be completed by the first of
March, weather permitting.