7 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1913. Forest Grove = = ^ Steam Laundry Hcuce, revolting from the thought of tEe Heavenly Kingdom. Its blessings the Church s couqiu iug the world by waited for and prayed for are still fu­ sword aud tiume, by thumb-acrew aud ture. They cuunot come until the First- rack aud stake, the general miscon­ fruits shall have been harvested. St. ception turned to au expectation of James (1:18/ declares that the Church couquering the world by the G<*spel is a kind of First-fruits unto God of Message This second mistake Is not Ills creatures. Through this First- so serious iu some respects as the first fruits the Divine blessing will operate —It does not Involve horrible atrocities amongst men for a thousand years, to in the name o f God and the Savior. restore that whk-h was lost—human However, it is equally misle-.diug as perfection iu the image aud llkeuess of respects the Truth. It sets aside the the Creator. St. Paul’s argument proceeds along Word of God and substitutes the bu- He declares that the first mau theory that the preaching o f the this line Gospel is to convert the world. The feature of the Divine Plan Is to bring Dlvlue Word is that the preaching of many sons to glory—as joint-heirs with As Jesus was made perfect the Gospel is for the purpose o f select­ Jesus. ing a Church to be Messiah’s Joint- through sufferings, so these following Him as their Captain and I.eader, walk­ heirs in ills Kingdom. P iito r Russell Preaches His First Pas­ I f the Church could convert the ing in His steps, are also to be made toral Sermon at Washington Temple. world with the Gospel, it would be perfect through sufferings, for " I f we The Message of the Hour— Not the very tine. But ft is surely absurd to so suffer with Him. we shall also reigu Burning of the World, but the Rolling expect In the face o f our experiences of with him."—Ueb. 2:10; 2 Tim. 2:12. Away of the Curse and the Uplift of the past century and o f the plain state- \ Proceeding, the Apostle discusses this Cor. 5th Ave. sanctified class. Head and Body. They and 2nd St., Humanity Will Result From the Mes­ rnents o f God's Word to the contrary. All see that the world is not being con­ are sanctified or set apart under a sianic Kingdom of a Thousand Years. verted; and that if Christianity cannot special covenant, which rends. "Gather Forest Grove, Ore. ! convert the people at home, it would My saints together unto Me. those that Washington City, he vain for her to expect to convert I have made a Covenant with Me by sac­ Jan. 5.—Pastor Itus- rifice.” (Psalm 50:5.) This special sell, having accept­ the heathen ubroad. i f great religious sanctification or selling apart to sacri­ ed the call of the centers such as Loudon. Rome and fice marks this little company o f sons Washington Temple Washington are no nearer to having o f God ns separate and distinct from God's will done in them as it is done Congregation tu n- all others of God's creatures. With sectarlau), preached in Heaven, what hope would there be J their Lord and Head, they are heirs his Brst pastoral ser­ ! of better results in heathendom? o f God—joint-heirs with Jesus Christ 1 am not saying one word against mon In the Temple their Lord, if so be that they suffer Foreign Missions. God forbid! In pro- today. He announc­ with Him. The Redeemer who sanc­ Feed Mill will run every ed that his flrst | portion as we are able to send the light tifies them and those who are sanctified day in the week. three sermons here i of Truth into more benighted lands, let through Him "are all o f one [Body or will he based upon ! us do so. But. if possible, let us send j company], for which cause He is not the True Light from God's Word. And : texts cut in the W holesale and Retail ashamed to call them brethren, saying. stoue front of our let us trim our lamps that w e our- I will declare Thy name unto My breth Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground handsome Union Station. The first of ; selves may have that True Light In i our favored land. W hat we urge is ren—in the midst of the Church will these served him today: "Thou hast Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked I sing praise uuto Thee.” — Ileb. 2:11. 12. put all things under Him." (Psalm 8:0.) that Christian people should come back Christ Jesus and His Children. Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole j The speaker said:— to the teaching o f the Bible, in order Then the Apostle’s argument broad­ Wheat and Corn, Middlings and Our »ext is a prophecy respecting the to do this, each denomination should throw away its creedal spectacles, ens so ns to include the general scope several kinds o f Hard Wheat Divine intention that eventually Mes­ which have Injured the spiritual sight o f Messiah's redemptive work—extend­ siah's Kingdom shall be established in Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, majesty and power. Victoriously it of all o f us. All true children o f God ing beyond the Church. Ills Body, to Hay and Vetch Seed. shall overthrow the Prince of Darkness should study afresh the Divine Chart, Adam and all the families of the earth. and his reign of sin and death. Grad­ which shows us where we are and the St. Paul quotes in proof of this, "B e­ hold, I and the children which God hath Give us a call when in need. ually it will emancipate humanity, Port for which we should strive. given Me." This statement evidently Heirs of the Kingdom. healing their sin sickness, opening their blinded eyes o f understanding, and un­ Thus doing, nil is plain. The shad­ applies to those who will be saved to stopping their .leaf ears to the Message ows and mists o f darkness flee away. the human, earthly salvation during Ind Phone 50x Forest Grove, Ore of Divine grace and peace. Eventually We begin to realize and to see that the Millennium. They will all be the every knee shall bow and every tongue the Elect Church are all that are be­ children of Messiah. That it could not confess to the glory of God. In the lan­ ing saved as yet; and that they are refer to the Church is evident; for we guage of our text. Divine Power will be being chosen out o f the world for a are never styled the children of Christ, but His brethren, His spouse, His mem­ exercised through Messiah and His very special high office in joint-heir bers. Kingdom to the full subjection of every ship with their Redeemer. St. Peter elsewhere emphasizes this, The non-elect are not consigned to earthly thiug to Him. From day to day we repeat the Lord's endless misery nor to purgatorial tor­ saying, "The God and Father ot our prayer, "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will ture, but simply sleep, awaiting the Lord Jesus Christ hath begotteu us.” be done on earth, as it is done in Heav­ glorious awakening In the morning of (1 Peter 1:3.) Jesus emphasized this en." Its fulfilment would be impossi­ the New Dispensation—awaiting the also, saying. “ My Father and your ble aside from the associated promise establishment o f Messiah's Kingdom j Father.” Never did the Master speak of the Bible that the present Dispensa­ with power for their release from the uf Himself as the Father o f His tion of preaching the Gospel Is event­ chains of sin and the prison-house of Church class, nor would It be an ap­ ually to give way to the Messianic the tomb. I f this Message goes to the propriate figure that lie should be rep­ Kingdom and its reign of force. Many heathen o f the Orient, it will doubtless resented as espoused to Ills own chil­ Christian people entirely overlook this deal with them as it has done with dren. On the contrary. He is pro­ feature of the Divine Program—that the peoples o f the Occident—all will phetically declared to be the Father o f restored humanity. To the world the New Dispensation Is to be ushered receive enlightenment; a few ,-ill be He becomes the Second Adam. The in by a Time o f Trouble which will drawn to saintship and prepared un­ wreck everything not fully In accord der the Lord’s providence for glory, first Adam, the qualified head or fa honor and immortality with Jesus at ther of humanity, fai.cd to give ever with the Divine standards. His Second Coming, by the glorious lasting life because o f his disobedience, A Kingdom of Power and Glory. by which he himself came under th« “change” o f the First Resurrection. I remind you o f the Divine decree re­ sentence o f death. Let Us Connect Up Our Text. specting Messiah’s Kingdom recorded The Logos left the Heavenly glory In the Eighth Psalm we find the was made flesh and was crowned with in the Second Psalm: “ I will give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritance, and Prophet expressing amazement at the glory and honor like the first man- the uttermost parts o f the earth for greatness o f the Creator as manifest­ that He might taste death for every Thy possession. Thou shalt break them ed in nature, especially in the starry man—that He might redeem the ruct Civil Engineering with a rod o f iron; Thoti shalt dash firmament. He then expresses amaze­ from the sentence o f death, in mak them in pieces like a potter's vessel.” ment that so great a Being should ing satisfaction for sin He associates and Surveying This prophecy is referred to by our take heed to humanity in its present with Him self the Elect, who present Lord, who declared that its fulfilment deplorable, fallen, sinful condition. their bodies living sacrifices, holy aud would be after the completion o f His Prophetically he implies a knowledge acceptable to God. as His members A. A. KIRKWOOD, Church, to participate with Him in the o f the fact that God from the begin­ Then In dealing with the world lie will ning purposed a redemption for every Abbot Bld’ g work of bringing the world Into proper officially take the place o f Live-Giver, member o f the race. Phone 482 subjection to the rules o f righteous or parent—to restore, to regenerate, tc The Prophet then answers his own ness. Justice and love. He says. "T o revive, to resurrect, to uplift, all tht Forest Grove, Ore. question as to what man is, explain­ him that overcometh will I grant to willing and obedient, during the thou ing that as be left the hand of his sit with Me in My Throne.” "T o him sand years o f His Messianic Kingdom. Creator he was crowned with glory and that overcometh * • • will I give All obedient to Him will thus be en power over ttie nations: and he shall honor, as au earthly image o f his Mak aided to regain all that was lost rule them with a rod of iron: as the er, only a little lower in grudaticu or through the'first father. Adam —human W .W eitzel L. L. Hollinger vessels of a potter shall they be broken scale than the angels. H e was made perfection in an earthly I ’aradise, with into shivers- even as I received o f My to have dominion over the earthly everlasting life nnd fellowship with works o f God. The intimation is that God. Since Jesus will be the Life W E IT Z E L & HOLLINGER Father."—Revelation 3:21; 2:26. 27. A failure to apply the Scripture por­ God’s visiting o f humanity in due time Giver to all of the race at the cost ol traying the transfer of the government will mean the reclamation o f the earth His own life. He is appropriately styled of earth from the Prince o f Darkness ly dominion and its human king from their Father, and they His children Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet sin and death. Nothing in the proph to the Prince o f Light has confused the So also we read in the prophecy that Metal W ork and Re­ minds of many and led them to expect ecy goes into detail, because It was not He shall he cnlled "Th e Prince of then due time for details to be revealed. things contrary to the Divine Word pair Shop. Peace,” the Father Everlasting—the The very Scripture so frequently quot­ Centuries Later St. Paul Commented. Father who gives exerlastlng life. ed in support o f a gradual conversion St. Paul declares. "N ow is our sal­ All Things Put Under Him. North First Avenue, between Main and uf the world declares that this transfer vation nearer than when we flrst be- A t the dawn of this thousand-year " A ” Streets; phone 863. will not be by the conversion of the ; lieved.” The greater nearness should Day in which Ills Kingdom will ac­ world—that it will lie by Messiah's tak­ i make many features o f that salvation complish the full rolling away of the ing possession of man's inheritance pur I much more conspicuous. Taking up Curse, how appropriate that this text chased by Him for humanity at Cal­ David's prophecy, he shows that it im ­ should have our consideration! And vary. The nations will become Christ’s plies human Restitution, the bringing how appropriate it is that this text by the conquering power o f the terrible 1 of mankind hack to the image and like should greet the thousands who enter trouble in which the nations will be □ess o f God and to the full dominion and leave our Union Station! As we angry and God's wrath will come.— i of earth—the redemption fully offset- run to and fro in these chariots which Revelation 11:15 18. 1 ting ttie curse. "But,” the Apostle pro­ go like lightning, let us have In mind All kinds o f survey­ ceeds, "w e see not yet nil things put their newness, nnd also the fact that The Pendulum's Swing. ing and maping. under him.” (Hebrews 2:8.1 Do we the Lord has specially declared that In Ihe long ago past our forefathers Subdivisions a spec­ studied these Scriptures, but misun­ see anything? Has any star o f hope they will be signs by which His people ialty. derstood and misapplied them. They arisen guaranteeing the coming bless may know that they are living in the assumed that God had given to the mgs? Yes! The Apostle declares, “ We time when they may expect speedily H. B GLAISYER, Church authority to establish His see Jesus, made a little lower than the fulfilment o f the gracious promises Kingdom The espoused virgin Church the angels, crowned with glory aud of our God to the effect that He will Hoffman & Allen Bld’ g became united or married to the world honor” —Just as the first man was—and through Jesus' Kingdom wipe away Phone 806 - to civil pow er-and ceased to wish this in order that He might suffer all tears from nil faces, bind up the Forest Grove, Ore. for and to pray for the Heavenly death—in order that He might be the broken hearts, liberate the captives of Bridegroom to whom she was espous­ Redeemer or Ransomer o f the first sin. nnd deliver the captives o f the tomb. ed through the Gospel. Under the de­ man and his family, humanity. St. Paul refers to our text when dis­ Thus we see that the foundation has cussing Messiah's Millennial Reign, tl lusions that she had been authorized to establish Messiah's Kingdom and that been laid for God’s return of fhvor to Corinthians 15:27.1 Here he declares ner share in earthly dominion brought humanity—a Sin-Offering and Atone ttiat Divine Power will put all things about by union with civil power con­ i tnent. covering Adam and all of his under Messiah, that He will reign glo­ stituted it the Kingdom o f Messiah, race What a grand superstructure of riously and victoriously, nnd that at Dilley, Oregon the Church endeavored to apply and to blessings will ultimately he erected the close o f His successful work lie ui>on this broad ami gracious founda fulfil these prophecies. will deliver up the Kingdom of earth Phone 52 An attempt was made to rule the tion! But we ask. Why the long delay to the Father, restored to the original world with a rod of iron through the o f more than eighteen centuries?—and glory o f manhood, witli not a reliel b> civil governments, and to put under yet the work of uplifting the race of tie found-beenu