Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, January 02, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Pacific Drug Co.
extends to all its patrons
and friends its heartiest
best wishes for the
Grand Theater
Instrumental and Vocal
After the show visit the
Dolly Varden
The ladies o f the W. C. T. U. her out o f the beaten path as an
invite you all to their reception, evangel of
Jan, 3, at 3 p. m., at the Con­ and purity. Her influence has
gregational church. Come and been wonderful in court circles
let us listen to a short pro­ as well as among the poor. Lov­
gramme, music and a social time, able and tender, she won to her
wishing one another a very pure white ribbon banner thou­
Happy New Year.
sands of loyal recruits.
The eminent surgeon,
To the sisters o f the W. C. T.
Fredrick Treves, was asked by U. We may not all be able to
the editor of a boys paper to lead to world heights o f fame,
send them a message and this is but we can be true to our hea­
his message.— “ Don’ t bother venly vision and listen to the in­
about genius or being clever. ward promptings o f duty and
Trust to honesty, hard work, action. To each o f us the field
perservence and determination. of action is wide and the call
The best motto. Don’ t grumble; clear. Enter the fighting lists,
plug on, boys, you hold your fu­ my sisters, clad in the armor of
ture in your oun hands. Never purity and truth, and help slay
waver in this belief.
Don’ t the enemies of the home and win
swagger and talk big. Rememb­ the victory for God and human-
er it is the empty can that rat­ jity.
Be honest, be kind, be
As a voter now, I believe in
loyal and remember to be un­ j good citizenship. I should con-
selfish. It is one o f the finest j sider whether the saloon, makes
attributes of manliness. Do not good or bad men. I believe in
drink or smoke, keep pure and i clean politics. We want no sa­
clean in body and mind, boys.” loon partisans in office.
In the olden days there lived a | want ideal laws and their in-
maiden who received a heavenly t'orcement, freedom from fraud
A martyr’ s fate was | and graft. I believe in my re­
hers, but thousands today pay sponsibility of franchise. When
toibute to the memory of Joan I vote I will mark my ballot as
Arc, the Maid o f Orleans. When one exercising the right of
Francis Willard was a young franchise in trust as guardian of
woman she had a heavenly vi­ children and their future wel­
sion, and she too, entered the fare, and as an agent in bring­
lists to redress the wrongs of ing in the Kingdom o f God.
humanity. A world bound to­
gether by the white ribbon,
homes blessed, and lives in­
spired to glorious service, speak
of her years o f patient toil. Her
life an example of consecreation,
tact and patient continuance in
well doing is truly an example
for every young woman o f to­
day. The vision came to Lady
Henry Somerset o f England,
amid the glitter of court life, led
\ X 7 I T H the birth of the new year we
desire to express our appreciation
for the business which has been tender­
ed us during the year coming to a close,
and to express the hope that we may
have the pleasure of a continuation of
past patronage during 1 9 1 3 .
Everything in shelf and builders' hard­
ware, kitchen utensils, cutlery, stoves and
ranges, wagons, plows, rakes, harvesting
machinery, etc. contained in our m am ­
moth stock.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All
Hinman-Gordon Hardware Co.
The Forest Grove Press $1.50 per Year
Embalming— Funeral Directing
J. S. Buxton, Manager
Phone No. 6 4 2
Forest Grove, Or.
Dr. Lowes glasses are death
Ask your neigh­
Mrs. E. W. Haines and daugh­
ters, Ruth and Grace, are visit­
ing with friends in Washougal,
Will the person who has the
book “ A Circuit Rider’s W ife”
We want to assure
please return it at once and
you we are prepar­
oblige the Librarian.
ed to give you the
January clearance sale now on
very best work in
at Paterson’s Furniture store in
the latest approved
Forest Grove.
Everything re­
designs, and that
your early order for
For Sale:—Barred Plymouth
Portraits will insure
cockerels from 0 . A. C. heavy
you the perfection
laying strain, Mrs. C. S. Hat­
of careful attention
field, Phone Main, 165. 9-tf
to detail.
Precious stones, gold and sil­
3 3
watches, clocks and many other
articles kept by first class jew el­
ers can be had at Shearer & Son,
• -------------------------------------------- •
in Forest Grove.
The Forest Grove Fruitgrow­
ers’ association will hold its first
annual meeting January 11,
lit . Good, hon­
est Dentistry to the when
directors will be elected
best o f my ability.
increase of $10,000 on the
Could on « do mors?
2nd. I examine the capital stock probably author­
your mouth and tell
you its actual eon*
dition before I be-
The Forest Grove Fruitgrow­
*in y o u r actua
work, stating in ad­ ers’ association will hold a pub­
vance what t h e lic meeting January 4. with a
coet w I 11 be. If
J. O. Holt, man­
ready, we begin: if big dinner.
not, the exam ina­ ager
o f the Fruitgrowers’ as­
tion coets you noth*
sociation, and others, will ad­
8rd. I guarantee all that I do, aa I consMer dress the gathering.
Reports of
w ork not worth guaranteeing, not worth doing.
the past year’s business will be
This has been my policy.
4th. A bsolute cleanlinesa. Every Instrument given.
m ust be cleansed, and are used aa they are taken
Geo E. Spears, a noted fancy
from the eteri liters.
6th. My price« are reasonable, not advertised
billiardist, gave an exhibi­
cheap price« to lure you in, and then charge you
m o r e -b u t a price that will make more friends. tion in a local parlor Friday even­
m ore patients; one price to alL
ing, which was witnessed by a
goodly number o f enthusiasts.
Spears does some exceedingly
N . W . C o r n « 6th mnd Oak. 2nd door, ta k , «levatot
clever exhibition work; and in a
match with home talent, dis­
played remarkable skill and
wonderful technique in handling
' ^^mrrrj tnxmt.w T T H ^
the elusive ivory spheres.
• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • to headaches.
Photos for
¡a ¡a
Have you observed that the News-Times fails to
give you Facts for Facts ?
W H Y ? Who loses by city blunders? Does the public gain by having public matters obscured? My
business proposition offers you service and we know we can save you from losses aggregating $50,000 in
fifteen years; BESIDES this we can save the consumer thousands of dollars during that period. A T THE
RATES YOU N O W PAY the sum saved to you will be enormous.
You should demand facts. W h a t you want to know is where
you stand now and the answer to these questions.
W hy
is consumer overcharged?
are rates so high if profits are so great?
must consumer buy maters if profits are so large?
three-fifths of population should carry all the street lighting
and part of other general taxes?
Why are streets so poorly lighted that lanterns must be carried?
Why does the News-Times dispose o f my facts so lightly?
Why was $72.90 expense credited to profit?
Why does News-Times claim that 15 cluster lights equal 45 arc
(45 arc lights equal 135 three ball cluster lights.)
Why does News-Times claim $1.50 each for 8 candle power porch
lights and only $1.50 each for 32 candle power street lights?
Will the borrowed $4,000 be returned, and when?
Is interest on that $27,000 paid out of light, or water?
When did the light plant become free of debt?
Will the profit claimed continue? How much profit in 15 years?
Who paid for electric plant?
Who pays for replacing machinery worn out?
Who pays for replacing worn out poles and broken wires, etc?
Why are sinking and replacement funds ignored?
Why is insurance omitted?
Why are fuel items inaccurate?
Who pays for 80,000 gallons of water used each day in steam plant?
Forest Grove Studio.
Dr. Elof T.Hedlund, Dentist
'I Hi Jvra/Srci
Municipal Ownership May be Another Way of Collecting Exhorbitant Taxes
The contract I offer reduces cost to consumer and taxpayer.
Paid A dv.