'iro e o n H istorical S ociety F orest G rove WAS HI NGTON C O U N T Y ’S NEWSPAPER FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 2. 1913. Vol. 4 No. 9 FIND A CLUE T h e B ig E v e n t s o f I n t e r e s t I n 1 9 1 2 EIGHT MILLS TO SUICIDE SCHOOL TAX Letters and Papers Discover­ ed Will Help to Locate Friends of Schultz. Three Thousand Dollars Will Be Expended on Repair of Central Building. GRIP REVEALS SECRETS TO BUY MORE GROUND Had Woman Friend in Los Angeles— Possible Was P a r o l e d Criminal. Electors Turn Down Resolut­ ion Authorizing Building of New High School. Discoveries of an interesting Figuring upon a valuation of character have been brought to $1,215,000, the school electors light in connection with the sui­ levied an 8 mill tax at the annual cide of Henry Schultz, who made meeting held in the Central way with him§elf between this building Monday. $3,000 was city and Cornelius, about six also voted for the purpose of in­ weeks ago. The grip belonging stalling a heating system, and to Schultz found in the Oregon making necessary repairs, at the Electric depot a short time ago, Central school. A committee and which, upon first examina­ was appointed to act in conjunc­ tion, failed to produce a clue of tion with the school board and any kind, has upon a second and Photo oi T a lt copyright by Purdy. P h o t o s o f E q u it a b l e fire. R o o s e v e lt and W ilso n c o p y r i g h t by A m e r ic a n P r e s s A s s o c ia tio n . purchase a suitable site east of third examination, conducted by N’ .lantm ry the $15.000,000 E q u ita b le building In New York w as b urned down. Roosevelt th rew his " h a t in the rin>i" in F ebruary. Roald A m undsen an­ Fourth street upon which to nounced th e discovery of th e south pole iu M arch. April w itn essed the T itan ic disaster. W ilbur W right, the pioneer of av iation, died in May T a ft was Chief of Police Burnswurth, erect a building to be used as a renom inated in Ju n e . In Ju ly th e m ikado of J a p a n died, and t lie follow ing m outh w as m arked by the dentil of W illiam Root It in London A m erica was turned out a small sized mine of grade school. forced to send troops to quell n N icarag u an revolt in S eptem ber. The opening engagem ent of the B alkan w ar took place in O ctober N ovem ber saw tbs information. Papers which were •lection of W ilson, and the bouse of governors m et in R ichm ond, Va., In D ecember. A resolution was submitted at first overlooked, and later found this meeting calling for the skillfully concealed in the legs demolishing of the old portion of of a pair of heavy overalls, to all the Central building and the intents and purposes show that erection in its place, of a modern Schultz was a paroled convict brick structure, to be used as a from the Salem penitentiary, as grade and high school combined. among them were about two The presentation of this resolu­ dozen paroled prisoners monthly j tion brought forth considerable Opinion of City Attorneys Based on Decision of State report blanks. argument, and after lengthy Attorney General—Final Decision As to Qualifying A postoffice money order for $3 debate it was defeated by a two- Probably Up to Election Board in Coming Election. made out in favor of W. G. Mac-1 thirds vote. Laren, 22 North Front street, j The expenses of the school Portland, and never forwarded, | Forest Grove, Oregon, Dec. 31st, 1912. district for the year are shown was found, as was also an envel­ Editor of the Forest Grove Press, as follows: ope from the Pioneer Employ­ Forest Grove, Oregon. S a la ry ......................... $11,654.00 Dear Sir: ment Agency of Portland, ad­ Janitor service ...............1,000.00 We do not wish to enter into any controversy over the article dressed to J. C. Callahan of Gas­ Interest on warrants to ton. In all probability the most FUNERAL ON TUESDAY appearing in the News-Times relative to the opinion of the Deputy M. E. DILLEY HONORED amount of $3,200 at 6 Attorney General as to the manner that women should /ote at the important clues, those which will j m --------- I City Election of our City. In justice, however, to ourselves, and by per cent in te re s t....... .192.00 possibly lead to the finding of the ; way of explanation we desire to say that the opinion we gave Interest on bonds to a- dead man’s friends or relatives, | Members of Clergy Form an ¡you, at your request, was based wholly upon the provisions of the Presented With A Handsome mount of $12,500 at 5 Charm by the Members are two photo postals of good Escort of Honor to Body [ City Charter and the State law construed in accordance with a per cent interest......... ..625.00 I letter of the Attorney General himself written to us on December looking young girls, and a sou­ of Holbrook Lodge. of Rev. J. R. Hall. Interest on bonds to a- 3, 1912, in response to a letter of ours asking for his opinion as venir postal from a young wo­ to how the new law would effect the voting by women during City mount of $500 at 6 man of Los Angeles, which were Ele ction this year. His letter is as follows: per c e n t ...................... .. .30.00 With the installation of officers found carefully wrapped in sev­ Rev. J. R. Hall, a retired min­ December 3rd, 1912. W ood............................... . 500.00 “ I have your letter of the 30th ultimo asking for an opinion of the local Masonic body Friday eral thickness of newspaper. ister of the Methodist Episcopal Paving ta x ...................... . 198.00 The card from Los Angeles was | church, died early Saturday from this office in regard to the right of women to vote at a com­ night, M. E. Dilley began his Salary of Clerk............... 100.00 ing City Election, and whether or not they should be registered fortieth consecutive year as signed in an affectionate man-1 morning from a sudden attack of and how they should register. Incidentals...................... . .750.00 Tyler of Holbrook Lodge No. 30, ner, which would lead one to be-; heart disease, at his home in Reply ing thereto I would say that since the polls closed on A. F. & A. M. lieve that something more than j Forest Grove. Total......................$15,099.00 Diseased was election day, the 5th of November, women have had all of the same Mr. Dilley, who passed the friendship existed between th e ! born at Pittsfield, Mass., June, I rights and privileges that men have had, as far as exercising the Sources of Revenue correspondents. Two roughly 1848, and in June 1870, was mar­ elective franchise is concerned, and they 1 ave been subject to all of seventv-fifth milestone of life’s 8 mill tax on $1,215,000 same registration rules and regulations as rmn. If your city journey last May. has been a drawn maps, made with a pencil ried at Pem, Mass., to Miss the valuation.....................$9,720.00 charter requires that voters register, they should then register the member of the local organiza­ on the back of cards, one, pre­ Mary E. Livermore, who died in same as men. However, in the event they did not register, they State Educational fund sumably of the location adjacent this city a year ago last October. i could vote on election day by swearing to and signing Blank “ A” tion for more than 43 years. He 751 children at $8...... 6,008.00 has the record of having attend­ Special tuition.....................300.00 to and including Eleventh and He entered the ministry in Ohio whether registered or not.” ed more meetings, visited more We think that a fair construction of our opinion will not hear Everett streets, in Portland, and 25 years ago, coming to the coast the interpretation placed on it by the Deputy Attorney General. sick brethren and attended more Total $16,028.00 the other of a section of the Pat­ and locating in Eastern Oregon We did not expect, and wre do not now expect that the Election funerals of brother Masons than Balance ton Valley, in this county, were in 1898, remaining in that sec­ Board will make it an absolute qualification of the privilege for $ 929.00 also discovered carefully preserv­ tion eight years, and having women to vote that they sign what is known as Blank “ A” . We any other member of the lodge. ed. Both sketches bear a num­ charge of several churches. Six think that it is a matter to he left to the decision of the Election He was signally honored by the ber of dotted points, presumably years ago he moved to the Wil­ Board unless the City Council should establish some rules govern­ lodge upon the date of his sev- [ ing the manner of voting. If the Election Board are satisfied to enty-fifth birthday, being ten- i of houses or certain locations, as lamette valley, settling on a permit women to vot e without registration and no one challenges they all have initials beside farm near Forest Grove, moving their vote, we presume there will he no question whatever as to dered a reception, and made the recipient of a handsome and j O r e n c o , O r e . , - Mrs. Electa them. The Patton valley map into the city proper about two their being permitted to vote. Very truly yours, unique charm of special design. Tolman became the bride of shows two roads carefully lined years ago. One brother. Dr. J. Hollis & Graham. Mr. Dilley was born in Han-1 Richard Olsen of Portland, Sun­ out leading from one objective H. Hall, of Lodi, Ohio; a sister, cock County, Indiana, and cross-1 day evening, the ceremony being point to the other, while the Mrs. Mattie Wood, of Cleveland, erl the plains to Oregon in 1853, | performed by Rev. Boozer of Portland sketch also bears evi­ Ohio; four daughters, Mrs. M. J. first settling in Linn County, the Presbyterian church, at the dence of having been planned Cummings, of Seattle, Mrs. J. locating about six miles from home of the brides parents, Mr. with the idea of showing the L. Vankirk, of this city. Mrs. One of the prettiest weddings Forest Grove, where he conduct­ and Mrs. James Hocking, in this A wedding of unusual interest streets or alleys plainly. The R. S. Brymer, ot Oswege, Ore., that ever occured in Scoggins ed a sawmill for a number of city; a few close friends and to Washington County people oc- grip and its contents have been and one son, G. W. Hall, of valley was the marriage of Vir­ years. Later Mr. Dilley abandon­ relatives only were present. The cured Wednesday afternoon atthe turned over to Sheriff Hancock, Lostine, Ore., survive. Funeral ginia Millicent, eldest daughter ed his lumber interests to ta k e ' bride was gowned in a beautiful home of Mrs. M. E. Rolston, in who will endeavor to discover services, followed by interment of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Butt, to up farming, purchasing a tract creation of lead-colored silk, and this city, when Mrs. Ida Ray­ something of the past of the sui­ in Forest View cemetery, were Chas. LeCady of Portland on on the outskirts of this city. ' wore a bouquet of purple flowers mond became the bride of John cide. held from the Methodist Episco­ W. McBurney, Rev. Barber con­ Christmas day. The ceremony Fora number of years he has re­ at her belt. The groom was pal church Tuesday morning, ducting the ceremony. Immedi­ was performed at the home of the sided in the Grove, dividing his dressed in conventional black. A Doctors Saw off Finger. Rev. Hiram Gould delivering F. A. Stanhope, a farmer liv­ the final words. A number of ate friends and relatives only briede’s parents, in the presence time among several business in­ bountiful wedding supper was I served after the usual congratu­ ing near here, caught his hand Methodist clergymen from this were present. After partaking of near relatives only,1* Rev. terests. Adams, of Gaston officiating. between a tug and single tree section of Oregon attended thp of a delicious luncheon Mr. and lations had been tendered. The hook, Monday, while hitching up funeral, acting as an escort of Mrs. McBurney left for a The bride was one of the most man of wide business experience newlyweds will make their home a team, and injured his middle honor to the remains of the vet­ months tour of California. There popular young ladies of the val­ and now engaged in the manu­ in Portland. facture of sash and doors in Port­ finger so badly that it was found eran of the Lord’s army. Prac­ ley, highly esteemed by every­ land, where the couple will make home will be at Gaston, w here necessary to amputate the mem­ tically all of the immediate Read Pages 2 and 8 Carefully , one. The groom is an eastern then home. the groom has a large farm. family also attended. ber at the first joint. I DEATH WHEN HEART FAILS WOMEN VOTERS SUBJECT TO SAME REGISTRATION REGULATIONS AS MEN BEEN TYLER MANY YEARS Old Time Mason Holds Unique ' Record for Continuous and Faithful Service. Veteran Minister of Methodist Church Answers Final Call of The Master. COUPLE WEDDED AT ORENCO SUNDAY EYE POPULAR COUPLE UNIT- SCOGGINS VALLEY GIRL ED AT FOREST GROVE MARRIED CHRISTMAS