FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1912. F o r e s t G r o v e P r e s s the Republicans run the govern­ ment compared to what they are G . E d w in Secour, M an ag ing E d ito r. up against with all these wild T H E P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G C O men demanding that each one’s pet tariff scheme bejenacted into F O R E S T GROVE. ORE. law. T eleph o n es : O f f i c e 502 J P e r m s R e s i d e n c e 397 of S u b s c r ip t io n One year, in advance...................... $ 1.50 Six m onths, in adv an ce......................... 75 T hree m onths, in advance..................... 50 THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1912. D isplay a d v e rtis e m e n ts fo r p u b lication in th e P r e ss m u s t be in th is office n o t la te r th a n T u e s­ d a y e v en in g to in s u re a p p e a ra n c e in c u r r e n t issu e E n te re d a t th e p o st office a t F o re s t G rove, O re. a s m ail m a tte r o f th e second class. Many farmers are not aware that the government publishes several valuable nooks for free distribution. The books are ap­ portioned to Senators and Con­ gressmen from whom they can be obtained by merely asking for them. Among the most use­ ful of these books are the Agri­ cultural Year Books, that for 1911 being the latest issue. The Government also publishes a very practical book on “Diseases of the Horse” and another on “Diseases of the Cattle” and a report of the Bureau on Animal Industry of special value to stock raisers. Asking for copies ofj these books does not place the citizens under any obligation whatever to the Senators or ¡Congressman as the books are printed by the Government and paid for by the taxpayers. Many an Oregon farmer has cured sick horses and cattle by following the direc­ tions in the Government’s doctor books. If you are interested, send your request to Senator Jonathah Bourne, Jr., Senator George E. Chamberlain, Cor- gressman A. W. Lafferty or or Congressman W. C. Hawley, at Washington, D. C. W onderful M onaitory. At Solovetsk, in the Russian gov­ ernment of Archangel, is the most remarkable monastery in the world. The monastery of Solovetsk is in­ closed on every side by a wall of granite bowlders which measures nearly a mile in circumference. The late P. T. Barnum said The monastery itself ia very strong­ that the American people liked ly fortified, being supported by and square towers about to be fooled, and judging from round thirty feet in height, with walls the manner in which conserva­ twenty feet in thickness. The mon­ tive business men bite at wild astery consists in reality of six cat advertising schemes, he churches, which are completely filled with statues of all kinds and knew whereof he spoke. precious stones. Upon the walls and the towers surrounding these You don’t want to miss any churches are mounted huge guns, future numbers o f the P r e s s . which in the time of the Crimean We have lots of good things in war were directed against the Brit­ store for our readers and pro­ ish White 6ea squadron. pose to make the paper interest­ ing for all. You hardly ever see a man’s wife’s name in the list of injured when his touring car hits a tree or goes into the ditch. C lip ped a n d P a ste d Fels of Philadel­ phia says he is tired of being the Single Tax Angel; or is it goat? He will give $2000 a month to the “ caws” if other enthusiasts will do as much. Now watch the enthusiasm w a n e—The Dalles Optimist. , 1 Í POETRY NOTES Lawyers Forest Grove, Ogn. BY RIVERSIDE o 4| PA. and Notary ‘Public Forest Grove Oregon CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ? ^ J. N. Hoffman A Homey- at-Law sion.] AND Mark B. Bump BIDDY. “Jen n y W ren anil Robin R edbreast raise t* e ry p retty birdie they batch, and why ca n ’t you. M other H en?" asked Mrs. C atbird. “Too m any hum ans around to bun­ gle the Job.” cackles Biddy. T h a t’s the tru th in an eggshell. Bid d.v. You’re not alw ays a victim of circum stances. You hatch a big bunch of chicks, an d Mr. B ungler puts you an d your brood in a coop th a t h asn ’t been cleaned for a year. F ilth, mites' Attorney-at-law Hillsboro, Ore. Guaranteed Rings afford far better values than you can ^et in any other line. lhey are made by skilled crafts­ men, with great care. Possess rare beauty. A printed guarantee goes with every ring, insuring purchaser against lost stones (except d i a m o n d s). Over 2000 de­ signs to se-^ lect from. Osteopathic Physician Treatment by Special Appoint ment Only Physician and Surgeon Calls answered prom ptly day or night Phone: Office 271, R esidence 283. Dr. C. F. Via Physician and Surgeon Attorney-al-laW Public Real Estate Hillsboro, Ore. Office over Hoffman & Allen Store Phones, Res. 35XX, Office 751 Calls answ ered prom ptly day and n ig h t Forest Grove, Ore. Benton Bowman W. E. Pettenger, D. M. D. Attorney-at-law When Philip of Macedon ap­ proached by night with his troops to scale the walls of Byzantium the moon, then new or in crescent, shone out and discovered his design to the besieged, who repulsed him. The crescent was after that adopted as the favorite badge of the city. When the Turks took Byzantium they found the crescent in every public place and, believing it to possess some magical power, adopt­ ed it themselves. Visitor—I do hope that poor Jack, your brother, does not grieve too much at my having broken our en­ gagement. I feel sure he must be very unhappy. What did he say, dear? The Sister—Oh, he said what a lucky thing it was you broke it off this week instead of next, as it saved him from having to buy you a birthday present! NIXON BUILDING FOREST GROVE, ORE. Daniel D. Bump The T urks and the Craicent. His Deep Grief. OFFICE: W. Q. Tucker, M. D. South o f C ourt House S oapm aker With our secretary of navy yelling for two dozen more bat­ tleships and Canada going to build three for the British navy, we may expect a large and active nightmare in Brother Car­ negie’s peace dream -Portland News. ------------------- A great many women who be- ■¡eve in palmistry spend their money getting their hands read, while a great many men spend their money getting their noses The merchants of Washington red. Eugene Guard. county do not look upon the par­ cels post as being of benefit to To the casual follower of the them, feeling that it will fend news ¡t may seem that Turkey is to give the advantage to the| mashed out pretty flat, but then mail . order ... . house. . A . little t think of Dad’s pocketbook about thought W ill show otherwise. It (his season of the year. _ Eugene will cost the mail order house of i ftegister Chicago $1.32 to deliver an eleven ------------------ pound package to a Washington Another game or two of foot- county purchaser, while the local |)al| and then ping pong and merchants can deliver the same tiddily winks will hold sway un­ weight package for 15 cents on til the baseball season comes to any rural route running out of (the rescue-Oregonian. the town where they are doing ------------------ . business. For 35 cents they can A married man has reached deliver the same packege to any the bottom of the ladder when customer residing within 50 miles he begins to brag about his of their store. These facts com­ wife’s relations—Journal, bined with a systematic effort to get the business should increase still the subscribers keep com- the sales of the local merchants ¡„g to the Press. 19 added to wonderfully and bring a large the list last week and 17 this volume of new trade. The par- week. up to going to press, cels post will help the local mer- The p resa wil, be seilt to any chant if he will make an etrort to addreas until January i, 1914 help himself. i for ^ After the first of the year the subscription price will The Democrats are at the lie- be $1.50. Old subscribers will ginning of their troubles now. be given advantage of the $1. It was a joy to them to wdteh rate if they renew at once. DR. K. S. MYERS DR. ETHEL J. MARTIN Osteopathic Physicians D R . C.E. W A L K E R EQ U ITY AND PRO B A T E ONLY Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. Ind. Phone 502 F o re st Grove [T hese a rtic le s a n d Illu stra tio n s m ust not be re p rin te d w ith o u t special p erm is­ Office in A bbott Bldg. Both Phones F o re st Grove, Ogn. Ind. Phones W. P. Dyke A ttorney-at-LaW C M BARNITZ MR. B U N G L E R Etiquatt*. "Etiquette” is a French word which originally meant a label in­ dicating the price or quality, the English “ticket,” and in old French was usually specialized to mean a soldier’s billet. The phrase “that’s the ticket” shows the change to the present meaning of manners accord­ ing to code. Burke solemnly ex­ plained that “etiquette had its orig­ inal application to those ceremonies and formal observances practiced at courts. The term came afterward to signify certain formal methods used in the transactions between sovereign states.” H, W. Vollmer, M. D. Physician and Surgeon W. M. Langley & Son Hillsboro, Ore. Room 6, Hillsboro N ational Bank Building Hillsboro, Ore. Hollis & Graham R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon A ttorneys-at-Law Forest Grove, Ogn. Tam iesie Bi ilding 3d and Main S ts. Hillsboro, Ore’ E. B. Tongue, jdttorney-at-Law P h o to by C. M. B a m ltz. A B A D L Y B U N G L E D B ID D Y . S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Physician and Surgeon D istric t A tto rn ey . T an d lice get busy and aw ay goes a bunch of Biddy babies to chicken heav­ en. H e ties a rope to your leg and hitches you like a m ule to your coop. You get tw isted in the rope, sta n d on your head, b ang by one leg and. terrified a t such treatm en t, striv e to regain your liberty, au d in the effort your strong w ings strik e your chicks and, lo, more of them go to chicken heaven. Bungler m ixes sloppy eornm eal and slaps It dow n in the dirt, w here it sours and gets filthy from fowl feet: he th ro w s dow n m usty grain, bought at a b arg ain ; your chicklets fill up, then some tu rn up aud go up to chick­ en heaven by the rotten ration route. H e keeps you and your babies on rotten ground and throw s your feed on th e microbial mess, rain comes down an d soaks up the gapew orm em ­ bryos, the little red devils hatch, your chicks sw allow them , choke aud a n ­ o th er bunch goes to chicken heaven by th e gapew orm route. T hen bungler sets dow n a w ater bucket big enough for a horse, an d the D elta Building Hillsboro, Ore. Yeager & Cornish Attorneys at Law C. H. Pollock, D. M. D. Hillsboro Commercial Bank Buildtng Phone City 232 Hillsboro, Oregon L in k later Building Phone Main 74 Hillsboro, Ore. | John M. Pipes, Martin L. Pipes, ^Uomeys. Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. ‘Physician, Surgeon George A. Pipes, ° ' aw and Osteopath 811 C ham ber o f Com m erce Calls answ ered day or night. Portland, Ore. * Hillsboro N ational Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. H. R. Kauffman Physician & Surgeon Office: j Dr. S. M. Regan, D. V. S. F o re s t G rove N a t’l B an k B uilding P h o n e M ain 0131 Forest Grove, Ore. Res. Phone C ity 133 Office Phone Main 783 3rd S t., J^block N. of Main St. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. D. W. Ward Dr. E. B. Brookbank Physicians and Surgeons J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. Physician and Surgeon 22 F irst Ave. N o-th Phone: Office 40x Residence 402 ■ Hillsboro, Ore. Forest Grove. Ore. Phone City 384 Rooms 4 and 5, Schulm erieh Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Made W. B. COON, V. S. for men, women and children. O f f ic e on 1 st S t . Dr. E. J. Crowthers Betw een Pacific and 1st Ave. S. Physician and Surgeon H aving bought o ut Dr. Feeley, V et­ erinarian, I wish to notify the public Calls answ ered day and n ig h t th a t I am prepared to answ er all calls, Office in Ja ckson P harm acy d ay or night. Cornelius, Phone Main 95 F o rest G rove , O re From $2 Up Call for Free Birthday Card. SHEARER & SON W h ite P a la c e C a fe JEWELERS FOREST GROVE, Ore. K. REYNOLDS OREGON Pacific Ave., Forest Grove Photo by C. M. Barnttz. B U N G L E R S DEATH TRAP. Ju st For C h ristm as We hfve classy, clever gift goods for every age and condition. They are better than usual embracing the new­ est ideas. Our prices are as at­ tractive as our goods, so come early for the best pickings. F or A M an ? • The Autostrop Safety Razor Outfit. The per­ fect, safe and complete razor in a neat, attract­ ive box with 12 blades and a strop, or a Military brush set. or a fountain pen and numerous other things just as useful. G ive H er P erfu m es for Christmas. We would like to show you the latest long-life, daintiest odors in hand- s o m e, unique holiday packages. She will ap­ preciate them. Also a handsome perfume atomizer which is almost a necessity. See our big window display, but w e can’t put everything in the window, so if you don’t see what you want ask us. * Choicest of box candy at the Fern Cove Confectionery. 7tl Phone 901 F orest G rove P lan in g M ill C o. General Contractors and Builders Dealers in LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, CEMENT, SAND and LIME. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dri d. Beat the Prices at the Manufacturers of Frames, Mouldings, Sash, Doors and everything required in the build­ ing line. Farmers’ Grocery and Meat Market We sell Fiint-Kote and Mikado Roofing, Also Sherwin-Williams Paints. Pacific Ave. Office and Factory, Council St., Forest Grove J. D. RODE FOREST GROVE PHARMACY. W e deliver to any part oi the city. th irsty rem n an ts of your fam ily rush for a drink. They fly up on th e death tra p and fall In. and, lo. th e lust of y o u r num erous fam ily go up to Join th e rest In chicken heaven above. “Y'ea, and th a t's not th e w orst of it,” c rie s poor Biddy. “ I get th e blam e for It nil, an d B ungler will piny th e m ule au d m a k e th e sam e m istakes again n e x t y ear.”