FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1912. 8 A. E. Hart was a Portland FIRST WOMAN TO VOTE visitor Monday. IN WASHINGTON COUNTY visited Mr. Kinnemann, of Tillamook, Sunday with Mr. and WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. F or S ale —Ancona Cockerels It has been decided by the $1.25 each. Also Andalusian HILLSBORO,OR., Miss Rose Mrs. W. J. Good, of this city. Sunday School of the Banks cock. U. G. H anna . 5-4t Cave was the first Washington Methodist church to observe F or S ale —No. 1, alsike-clover County woman to vote at an Buy the boy or girl a bicycle Christmas with a Christmas tree, and timothy-hay. Phone, 726. election since woman suffrage for Christmas. A great assort­ program and a Santa Claus; a 4tf W. W. Ryals’ Feed Barn. carried in Oregon. She was at ment at Danielson’s, Pacific real old fashioned observance. F ound —A watch and chain at 6-2t Oregon Electric depot. Owner the City Hall ready to vote when avenue have same by describiug the polls opened and cast her Mr3. Ellen Koontz, of Hood IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF can property. Martin E c h w a 11, OREGON FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. ballot at the first city election River, is a guest of her brother, Mary Anderson, Route 1, Cornelius. 5-2t Plaintiff held since the adoption of the Boniface Ruffner, of the Laugh- Jam es H vs arper, Jr. VLEGAL NOTICE For sale or will trade one half charter two years ago. lin Hotel. e t al D efendants. / block good resident location in E STATE OF OREGON TO, Miss Cave is the daughter of This week in the Juvenile court first TH William H arper and Jan e Doe H arper, his wife, Forest Grove. Address P ress . name unknown; Elbin Thomas and Jane the late Riley Cave, and at Hillsboro, Peter Kilkenny, Doe Thomas, his wife first name unknown; The unknown heirs of Loima H arper, deceased, and A good building lot 70x100 is at present employed as Stephen Louis Cox, Chas. Bosler, Charles Jane H arper, his wife; the unknown heirs of feet, with fruit and berries, for H arper, deceased; Glenn H unter, Sue a stenographer in the law offices Walter Cooper and Willie Days O’Brien, and Jan e Doe O’Brien, her husband, sale cheap. Best residence dis­ first and true name unknown; Josie Ann P ratt; of Bagley & Hare. Lettie Clam and John Doe Clam, her husband, [ trict. P ress Omc*. were sentenced to the reform first and true name unknown; R. T. Robinson; Charles S. Naylor and N ettie Naylor, his wife; school. Milton G. Naylor and Emma N. Naylor, his Good office rooms in the Hoff­ DIFFERENTLY EXPRESSED One of the most beautiful up- and wife; the unknown heirs of Andrew Harper man building for rent. Inquire Eliza H arper, deceased, and all other per or parties unknown claim ing any right, 39-tf Two tributes to David Bis- to-date lines of Christmas Post sons title, lien or interest in the real estate de­ of J. N. H offman scribed in the com plaint herein not given as pham’s singing at his recent New Cards may now be seen at the defendants in said suit, D efendants GREETING: F or R ent —good store room on name of the S tate of Oregon, Pacific avenue H, care Press. York concert at Carnegie Hall Forest Grove Pharmacy. Hurry You In are the hereby required to appear in a suit brought against you by the above named serve as an interesting example and make your selection before plaintiff in the above named C ourt a t Hills­ F or S ale —50 x 100 lot. small boro, in W ashington County, Oregon, on or of contrasting sources and iden­ the choice ones are picked out. before the 26th day of December 1912, said 1 house within a block of College being the last publication of this no­ tical conclusions. The first trib­ The Star theater to-day offers date $300 with terms. tice a» provided by the order of Court in campus. said suit by the Judge of Must sell at once. H, care Press ute is embodied in a letter to the the greatest military drama ever : said Court made on and the entered 18th day of November, directing publication of this notice, the Office. baritone from a well-known con- produced the siege of Peters­ 1912, first publication of which should be dated, and 2lst day of November 1912, and nosseur, who declared the con­ burg. Civil war veterans are is the dated last the publication A creage - Any amount, suit­ of which shall lie the 26th day of December to answ er the com­ able for buildings and gardens. cert to be “the most remark;±ble invited to witness this product­ plaint filed therein and 1912, unless you so appear answ er or dem ur or plead to the said $300 per acre. Ten minutes walk vocal exposition I have ever ion without cost. For Saturday or complaint default will be taken against you from Grove postoffke. H, care judgem ent rendered according to the h ard from any man.” The sec­ an especially fine program has and prayer of said complaint. The said suit is brought to determ ine a claim Press Office. ond appreciation comes from an been secured. made by said defendants adverse to the plaint- itf to the following described land situate in 20 acres, some good timber, elderly couple, evidently from W ashington County, S tate of Oregon, viz; SHERIFF S SALE. Beginning a t the Southw est com er of the nice land near good gravel road, the rural districts. As they left Notice is hereby given, T hat by virtue of Donation Land Claim of Andrew H arper and an execution, decree and order of sale issued wife in section 12, Township one, South, Range j about 4 miles from Grove. $40 the hall, the old lady remarked out of the Circuit Court of the State of Four W est of W illam ette M eridian, and ru n ­ per acre. Terms, care Press Oregon for W.'ishington County, dated the 30th ning thence N orth 71 degrees E ast 8.84 chains; ! office. to her husband, “Say Pop, he day of November, 1912, in favor of hied J. thence North 10 degrees, W est 18,46 chains; Brennan, plaintiff, and against W. J. Brennan thence South 84 degrees, W est 8.75 chains to can sing some, can’t he?’’ These I and Maud M. Brennan, defendants, for the j the w est line of the Andrew H arper Dona­ F or S ale —50 acres at $100 of $599.15, and the fu rth er sum of $100.00 tion Land Claim; thence South 10 degrees, comments from the sophisticated I sum attorney’s fees, and the fu rth er sum of $25.00 E ast 20.45 chains to the place of beginning, per acre. 20 acres clear, 1| in costs and disbursem ents, to me directed and j containing seventeen acres, more or less, and to timber, balance pasture. House, and the unsophisticated music- delivered, commanding me to make sale of the compel the said defendants to set up and property hereinafter described, I have establish their claim, if any they have, to Close to lover are fairly representative of real levied upon, and pursuant to said execution, said premises, and t hat the same and the pretend- | barn and orchard. ed claim, right, title, lien, interest or estate o f; postoffice and stores. Apply H, and order of sale, 1 will on the pleasure which Mr. Bisp- decree said defendants, or any of them , in and to S taukuay , T he 4 tii ok J anuary , 1913. t the south door of the Court House in Hills- said premises and every p art thereof may he Press office. ham's singing affords where- I i a boro, W ashington County, Oregon, a t the udjudged and decreed to be invalid and void; hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, sell a t j th at the said defendants and each of them FOR S ale Good young driv­ ever he appears. The date of | public auction to the highest bidder, for cash i may be barred of and from all right, title, interest in hand, all the following described real and estate in and to the said premises and ing horse. Star Confectionery. the Bispham concert is Dec. 16. j | property lying, being and situated in W ash- I eech and every p art thereof, and th a t said de­ I ington County, Oregon, and more particularly I fendants and each and every one of them may F or S ale —Pure bred S. C. R, be forever enjoined and restrained from in- described as follows, to-wit:— Beginning at a point on section line be­ terferrin g w ith the plaintiffs title and her Red chickens, also pure bred Hartrampf’s Feed Mill has tween section 2 and 3 T. 2 S. K. 1 W, W. M. peaceable possession and occupancy of said I chains north of the southw est corner of prem ises; th at the said plaintiff's title may be White Orphington. Star Con­ just installed a grain cleaner for j | 9.U9 said sec. 2, thence north 3.58 chs. to center adjudged and decreed to be a go«*d and valid one fectionery. 6-2t of Taylor Bridge Road, thence north 38 de­ as against the said defendants and each of cleaning seed grain. 3-tf gree; 21 m inutes E. 1.01 chs. to center of said them , and all persons claim ing under the said defendants and each of them , and for such I road to an iron pin, thence s. 52 degrees 31 The Grand theater will pre­ j I m ¡me inutes Dilley’s Fish Market on First E. 7.04 chs. to a stake on the south other and fu rth er relief as may be ju st and of tract, thence s 88 degrees 55 m inutes equitable as the nature of the case may re­ sent Custer’s Last Fight to its j ginning, west 0.24 chs. to section line a t place of be- quire, as will more fully appear by the com­ Avenue north has installed an containing 1.59 acres, more or less, plaint on file herein to which reference is patrons this Saturday evening. | for up-to-date meat market in con­ to satisfy the hereinabove named sums, and hereto made, and for her costs of suit. the costs and expenses of sale and said And you are hereby notified th a t if you fail writ. Said sale will be made subject to re­ to appear and answ er the said com plaint as nection with the fish business, Handsome, hand painted Cal­ demption as per stutuie of Oregon. above required the said plaintiff will apply to a t Hillsboro, Oregon, on this 4th day the Court for the relief demanded in said com­ and is prepared to receive per­ endars at the Book Store, For­ of Dated December, 1912. G eo . G. H ancock , plaint. H ollis & G raham . Forest Grove, Oregon. sonal or phone orders for morn­ IT of W ashington Co. Ore. est. Grove. Excellent Christmas M. 1. L angley Sheri A ttorneys for Plaintiff. , and L otus L. L angley , 3-6t M ary A nderson , Plaintiff. ing and evening deliveries. Attorney • for Plaintiff. gifts. 6 It METHODIST CHURCH AT BANKS TO HAVE FINE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM \ ( i » a y I YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool. Enroll at PACIFIC UNIVERSITY for Education, Health and Physical Development, and Do It Now ! For particulars address PACIFIC U N IV E R SIT Y Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. WATCH THIS SPACE ! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOREST GROVE, OREGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard of D irectors : Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain W. K. Newell L. J. Cori John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson H. G. Goff W. H. Hollis E. W. Haines THE PEOPLES’ STORE BULLETIN Do Your Xmas Shopping Early Before the Assortments are Broken GIFTS SUITABLE FOR Special Millinery Inducements Fine A line of Trimmed Hats .Selling MEN AND BOYS regular at from $3.50 to $5.00, at q o PRETTY HAND BAGS All Styles and Colors 85c to $6.50 each. SILKS Dainty and Servicable for Waists and Dresses, 27 inches wide—98 cents EIS WOOL and SHETLAND WOOL Shawls and Scarfs 50c to $2.50. STOCKINGS Warm Cashmere, Dainty Silk or Serviceable Cotton. USEFUL DRESS MATERIALS All Colors Serges, Panamas, Poplins, Tweeds and Cheviots 50c to $2.00 per yard. FINE TABLE LINENS Napkins to match 50c to $2.00 per yard. BLANKETS Wool or Cotton White, Gray or Fancy 90c to $10 per pair. COMFORTS All kinds and Colors $1.25 to $5.00 UMBRELLAS Always good in Oregon — $1.00 to $ i.oo. Sweaters, Belts, Hair Switches, Barrettes and Back Combs, Gloves. Corsets. Silk Petti­ coats, Luce Curtains, Portieres, Fancy Towels Line of All Feather Trimmings Stamped Just for the month of December at half price, including Plumes, Wings, and Feather Linens Fancies of all descriptions, Genuine French Felt Untrimmed Shapes—regular $2.50 to $3.50, at q q •JO C Ask to see the new Aviation Sets, consist­ ing of Cap, Muff, and Neck Piece fur the Children. See Our Exhibit Of Wato” Color Paintings framed No two alike. The prices are so small you’ll be sur­ prised. Just the thing for a Christmas Present. Huck Towlings and Pillow Tops. D. M. C. for Em­ broidery and Crochet Brainard and Arm­ strong’s Embroidery Silks. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns SUSPENDERS Plain and Fancy..................................... 15c to $1.50 NECKWEAR -All the New Shapes................................... 25c to 75c SUITS -To Fit any Size, or made to order. OVERCOATS AND RAIN COATS-A11 Sizes-All Styles. UNDERWEAR Separate Garments or Union Suits—all weights— Wool or Cotton, — » SHIRTS -Dress Shirts, Outing Shirts, Work Shirts. HATS AND CAPS Largest Stock of Hats and Caps in the County to select from at Smallest Prices, SHOES AND SLIPPERS To Fit Dad and Johnny—Nothing makes a nicer Xmas present. SWEATERS -For Men and Boys—Plain or Roughneck and they are all reduced in price. Smoking Jackets HILLSBORO, OREGON