7 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1912. THIS WILL INFORM THE LADIES KOW TO VOTE In line with its policy o f pro­ gress and advancement, the Press requeued of Messrs Hollis & Graham, City Attorneys, an opinion relative to the registra­ tion of women who may desire to vote at the coming city elec­ tion, and with great pleasure publishes the following reply, w.iich is carefully and explicitly written and covers all points thoroughly. Forest Grove, Oregon, December 7th, 1912. The Editor Forest Grove Press, Forest Grove, Oregon. Dear Sir: As requested by you for an opinion as to whether or not the lady voters of the city would be required to register before being allowed to vote at the munici­ pal election to be held this com­ ing January we herewith submit our opinion on the subject. Section 2, Article 2 of the Con­ stitution of the State which pro­ vides that every male citizen of the age of 24 years and up­ wards who has resided in the state during six months im­ mediately preceeding such elec­ tion, and every white male of foreign birth 21 years old and upwards who has resided in the United States one year and in the state six months immediately preceeding the election, and has declared his intention of becom­ ing a citizen o f the state was so amended as to permit women with similar qualifications to vote at the general election of the state which would include municipal elections. In addition to qualifications fixed bv the Constitution of the State in the section above quot­ ed, Section 3457 of Lord’s Ore­ gon Laws provides as follows: “ It shall be the duty of every elector in the state of Oregon, between the first Monday in the same article provides as fol­ January; 1900, and five o’clock lows: “ All elections under this p. m. of the 15th day of May, act shall be conducted according 1900, and between the same to the provisions hereof and the dates and h o u r s bi-annually election laws of the state so far thereafter to register with some as they are applicable.” notary public or justice of the The City Charter does not pro­ peace or with the county clerk vide for the registration o f vot­ of the county in which the elect­ ers for municipal election but or resides, in accordance with restricts those qualified to vote this chapter.” to persons who are entitled to According to this section the vote under the general laws of present year would be the year the state and who have resided for registration o f voters. within the limits of the city for Section 10 o f article 3 of the six months next preceeding such city charter provides as follows: election.” “ No person shall be qualified to Women are placed on the vote at any election under this same plane as to requirements act who is not entitled to the and qualifications for electors privilege of an elector according that men are and while section to the general laws o f the state 13451 above quoted required men and who has not resided within to register for the general elec­ the corporate limits of the city tion under the state laws, it as herein described for the six would follow that women wrould months next preceeding such also be required to register for election.” And section 15 of | election under the general law and as the charter expressly provides that municipal elections shall be held in accordance with the general laws of the state in so far as the state laws are ap­ plicable it would follow that it | is necessary for women to regis­ ter in order to qualify them to vote at municipal elections they having the qualifications of elect­ ors as provided by the state law THREE REELS passed last November, but since section 3451 fixes no date for registration except between the first Monday in January and the 15th day of May, o f each second year, and since the City Charter does not provide for any manner of registration and no ordinance The Greatest Western Drama has been passed by the city coun­ Ever Produced cil providing for registration of voters within the city limits, it would follow that it would be im­ possible for the women to .regis­ ter for voting at the city elec­ tion either in 1912 or 1913 unless the city provides some manner for their registration. The law provides a manner for electors to vote where they are not registered by signing what Grand Theater THURSDAY NIGHT LUCILLE SATURDAY Special Attraction CUSTER’S L A ST FIGHT Picture Plays of Merit is known as Blank “ A ” o f the registration blank forms provid­ ed by section 3449 of Lord’s Ore­ gon Laws and by meeting the requirements of this last named section the women of Forest Grove can vote at the city elec­ tion without registration. Respectfully submitted, Hollis & Graham. WRESTLER ARNDT VIC­ TOR HANDICAP MATCH Walter Arndt, at Hillsboro Tuesday night, was successful in vanquishing two opponents with apparent ease. Kid Exposito was laid to rest the first time with a head scissors in 8 min­ utes. Second fall with a ham­ mer lock and body scissors in 4 minutes. Heuermann, a husky boy, was put to the mat with a head scissors in 10 minutes and the second time in 1 minute, the same hold being used. Bisner Brothers put up a clever two round exhibition of boxing as one of the prelimin­ aries, getting a draw. Kid An­ derson, o f Portland, and Billy Moriarity, of P u e b l o , were scheduled to go six rounds, but Moriarity took the count in the third after one minute of work. Anderson knocked him to the floor, and hurt a knee prevent­ ing him from coming up. An­ derson would undoubtedly have been given the decision, even if the bout had gone to the limit, as he was much the superior of the two. About 150 were in at­ tendance and the contests were clean all the way. The Royal Neighbors elected the following officers at a meet-j ing recently held. Oracle, Mrs. Dora Emerson; Chancellor, Mrs. ; Wm. Stockman; Vice Oracle, j Mrs. Patton; Past Oracle, Mrs. j Graham; Secretary, Mrs. Aldrich; Treasurer, Mrs. Ives. Lunch was served by the social com mittee. MRS. ANTON HERMANS DEAD IN We want all children under CALIFORNIA AFTER SHORT ILLNESS eight years of age to be regis­ Mrs. Anton Hermens,' of Ver- boort, died in Oakland, Cal., of cancer of the throat, after she had spent two weeks in that city taking treatment. Her hus­ band had a letter from Mrs. Hermens on Tuesday, stating that she was improving so much that she expected to start home in a few days, and Mr. Hermens left for Oakland at once to es­ cort her home. Several hours after he started for California, a telegram came announcing the woman’s death. It is expected that when he reaches Oakland Mr. Hermens will at once bring the body home for interment. Mrs. Hermens has lived in the Verboot neighborhood for many years and is survived by the hus­ band and 10 children. tered at King & Caples before December 20. 4-4t AUCTION SALE At Mrs. M. Parr’s, North Main street, oppo­ site Lincoln School, Monday December 16, Sale starts 1 p. m. Household goods. Chickens, Pigs, Ducks, Wood and canned fruit of all kinds. Portland Marble Works E stablished in 1886 Carries the largest stock of Memorials. 264-266, 4th St.. Portland, Ore. Read our advertising pages. HOM E, SW E E T H O M E Buy a lot and build you a home. Lots of lots in various places. Take your choice. 2 lots, 50x150, near S. P. Depot. 1 lot, 100x100, on corner 5th St. and 4th Ave. South. 1 lot, 50x110, on 5th St., near corner 1st Ave. South, by new P. E. & E. Electric line. 2 lots, 50x100, just north of Gymnasium hall. 4 lots on corner, on C Street and 1st Ave. North. Only 3 blocks from Main St. If you are looking for a Green-house site; I have the best location in Forest Grove, 4 blocks west of Main St. A few choice lots left in my addition. 8 room Salem house for sale or exchange. No commission to pay. I sell my own proper­ ties. Prices and terms on application. Phones 0171 0191 CHAS. E. HALL. Mileage Doubled During 1912 By construction of new railroad from Salem to Albany, Harrisburg, Junction City and Eugene, the Oregon Elec* trie Railway has doubled its former mileage in the W ill­ amette Valley. O REGO N ELECTRIC RAILWAY FOREST GROVE receives the benefit of the transportation contact with this increased ....... , territory Part of a Great Railway System The Oregon Electric Railway is directly affiliated with the Spokane, Portland & Seattle, Oregon Trunk, Northern Pacific, and Great Northern Railways and Burlington Route, furnishing through ticket and train arrangements via Portland to-------------------------------------------------------- — fin a iS V S P OKA NE PU G ET SOUND C EN TR AL OREGON M ONTANA ST. PAU L C H IC A G O DENVER ^TLA N D W . E. COM AN, G EN ER AL FREIGHT a FASSENG ER A G E N T PORTLAND. OREGON J. E. F a r m er , a g en t FOREST GR°VE. OREGON