5 FOREST GROVE TRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1912, B revities BY G E O R O t HARR M*CUl**HEON| C o p y rig h t, 1906, by D p d d , M ead C o m p an y . SY N O PSIS read" som ew here the other day th a t Lord B a z e l h u r s t ’. s e rv a n ts , ordered to they had hit w hat they shot a t 3.000.000 throw R a n d o lp h S h a w In to a b ro o k m a r k ­ in g the b o u n d a r y lin e s b etw e e n the S h a w a n d B a z e lh u rs t e s ta te s , a r e thoroughly ducked b y S h a w h im self. L o rd B a z e lh u rs t. In cited by h is 111 n a - t u r e d A m e ric a n w ife. In v a d e s S h a w 's lan d , b u t r u n s w h en S h a w a p p e a rs . S h a w , m o re In le s t th a n e a r n e s t, e je c ts f r o m h is p r e m is e s P en elo p e D ra k e , L o rd B a z e l h u r s t 's s is te r . P e n e lo p e a d m ir e s him Very much. C H A P T E R IV. In Which the Truth Trespasses. ORD and Lady B azelhurst, with the more energetic m em bers of their p arty , spent the day in a so called bunting excursion to th e hills south of the villa. Tow ard n ig h tfa ll they returned successfully em pty handed and rapacious for bridge. Penelope, full of sm oldering anger, had spent the afternoon In her room, disdaining every call of sociabil­ ity . She had aw akened to the tru th of th e situation In so far as she was con­ cerned. She w as a t least seeing things from Shaw ’s point of view. H er re­ se n tm e n t w as not against the policy of her brother, but th e overbearing, p e tu la n t ty ran n y of her American sis­ ter-in-law . From the beginning she had disliked Evelyn; now she despised her. W ith the loyal sim plicity of a siste r she absolved Cecil of all real blam e In the outrage of the morning, a ttrib u tin g ev erything to th e cruelty and envy of the despot who held the Penelops Started and Flushed. p u rse strin g s from which dangled the pliable fortunes of B a ze lh u rst The tim es out of—or, let me see, was It the B azelbursts, one and a ll—ancestors P russians who fired 3,000,000 rounds th ro w n in—sw ung back and forth on an d ”— th e pendulum of her capriciousness “Oh, let’s change the subject,” said Penelope, poor as i church mouse, w as the duke in disgust. “W h at’s become alm o st wholly dependent upon her of th a t Shaw fellow?” Penelope s ta rt­ brother, who In turn owed his present ed and (lushed, much to her chagrin. allluence to the more or less luckless At the sound of Shaw ’s nam e Lady m ovem ent of th e m atrim onial m a rk e t Bazelhurst. who w as passing with the T h e girl had a small, inadequate in­ count, stopped so abruptly th a t her come—so sm all th a t it w as alm ost companion took h alf a dozen paces w o rth Jesting a b o u t w ithout her. “Shaw ? By Jove, do you know I'd H ere was Penelope, tw enty-tw o, beautiful, proud, fuir minded and com pletely forgotten th a t fellow.” ex­ healthy, surveying herself for the first claim ed Cecil. tim e from a new and nn entirely d if­ “ I thought you were going to shoot fe re n t point of view. She w as not him or shoot a t him or som ething like pleased w ith the picture. She began th at. Can’t you get him in range?” to loathe herself more th an she pitied “Oh. I w asn 't really in earnest about h e r brother. Som ething like a smile th a t, B arm inster. You know we cam e into her clouded face as she spec­ couldn’t shoot a t a fellow for such a u la ted on R andolph S haw 's m ethod of th in g ” — "Nonsense, Cecil,” said his wife, handling Evelyn Banks had she fallen to him as a wife. T he quiet pow er in “You shoot poachers In E ngland.” “B ut this fellow isu 't a poacher. H e’s th a t m an’s face signified th e presence o f a manhood th a t—ah, and Just here a—a gentlem an, I d aresay—in some re­ it occurred to her th a t Lady B azelhurst spects—not all, of course, my dear, felt th e force of th a t pow er even b u t’’— “G entlem an? Ridiculous!” scoffed though she never had seen the man. She hated him because he w as strong his w ife. enough to oppose her, to ignore her. to “I —yes; quite rig h t—a ridiculous gen­ laugh a t her Impotence. tlem an, of course. Ila, ha! Is n 't he, T he sm oldering anger and a growing B arm inster? But w ith all th a t, you sense of fairness combined a t length know, 1 couldn't have Tom pkins shoot in th e determ ination to take her broth­ him. H e asked me th e other day if he e r and his w ife to task for th e morn­ should tak e a shot a t Shaw ’s legs, and in g ’s outrage, let the consequences be I told him not to do anything so ab­ W hat they m ight. When she Joined the surd.” Penelope's h eart sw elled with people dow nstairs before dinner there relief, and for th e first tim e th a t even­ w a s a red spot in each cheek and a ing she looked upon her brother w ith steady look in her eyes th a t caused the som ething like sisterly regard. “I t d id n 't m a tte r, how ever,” said du k e to neglect woefully*the conversa­ tion he was carrying on w ith Mrs. Od- Lady Evelyn sharply. “I gave him in ­ structio n s yesterday to shoot any tres­ well. D inner w as delayed for nearly half passer from th a t side of the line. I an hour w hile four of th e guests fin­ c a n 't see th a t we owe Mr. Shaw any ished their "rubber.” Penelope ob­ especial consideration. He has Insulted served th a t the party displayed varying nnd ignored me a t every opportunity. em otions. It a fte rw a rd tran sp ired that Why should he be perm itted to tres­ th e hunters had spent m ost of th e a f t­ pass more th an any other common ernoon in her ladj'ship’s d istan t lodge law breaker? If he courts a charge of playing bridge for ra th e r high stakes. birdshot he should not expect to es­ L ittle Miss Folsom w as pitifully unre­ cape scot free. B irdshot w ouldn't kill sponsive to th e m irth of Mr. Odwell. a man, you know, b ut It would”— B ut Penelope could restrain herself She could 111 afford to lose $000. Lady B azelhurst w as in a frightful mood. no longer. T he heartlessness of her H e r guests had so fa r forgotten them sister-in-law overcam e her prudence, selves as to win more than $1,000 of nnd she interrupted the scornful mis­ th e Banks legacy, and she was not a tress of the house, her eyes blazing, cheerful loser, especially as his lord but her voice under perfect control. sh ip had dropped an additional $1>00 H er tall young figure w as tense, and T h e w inners were riotously happy. her fingers clasped the back of Miss T hey had found the sport glorious. An Folsom’s ch air rath e r rigidly. “ 1 suppose you know w hat happened observer given to deductions might h av e noticed th a t half of th e diners this m orning.” she said, w ith such ap­ w ere im m oderately hilarious, the other parent restrain t th a t every one looked at her expectantly. h a lf studiously polite. “Do you mean in connection with L ord B azelhurst wore a hunted look an d d rank m ore than one or tw o high­ Mr,—w ith Jack th e G iant Killer?” ask­ balls. From tim e to tim e he cast fu r­ ed her ladyship, her eyes brightening. “Some one of your servants shot him tiv e glances at his wife. H e laughed freq u en tly a t the w rong tim e and this morning.” said Penelope, with g reat distinctness There w as b reath ­ m irthlessly. less silence in th e room. “ H e’s got som ething on his mind, “Shot hi in?” gns|>ed .L ord Bazel- w hispered Odwell in comment, “ Yes; he a l w a y s laughs when there burst, his thin red face going very Is nnvthing on his mind.” replied Mrs. white. “ N o t-n o t fatally?" exclaim ed Eve­ D e Peyton. "T h a t’s th e way he gets lyn. aghast in spite of herself. It off.” “ No. T he instructions w ere carried A fter dinner no one proposed cards. T h e party edged off into twos ami o u t n is w ound in the arm is trifling th ree s nnd explained how luck had B ut the cow ard w as not so generous been with or again st them Fenelope. w hen it cam e to th e life of his inno­ Who could not afford to play for stakes cent. harm less dog. He killed the poor an d had the courage to say so. sat thing Evelyn. It’s—it’s like m urder!" “Oh,” cried her ladyship, relieved. back and listened to the conversation o f her brother and the group around “H e killed th e dog. I daresay Mr. him . The duke was bolding forth on Shaw has come to realize a t la st th a t th e superiority o f th e Chinese over the we are earnest In this. Of course I am Ja p an e se as servants, and Bazelhurst glad th a t the m an is not badly h u r t w a s loudly defending the Japanese Still, a few shot In th e arm will hardly keep him In bounds. His legs were in ­ navy. “ H ang It all, B arm lnster. the Jap s tended." she laughed lightly. "W h at could eat ’em up!" he proclaimed. m iserable aim Tom pkins m ust tako.” (TO BE CONTINUED) “ C ouldn't they?" to the crowd. -I'm talking about servants. Cecil.” F or S alf . —Remington type­ observed the duke. “And shoot? Why, they’re the g reat­ writer, No. 6, $20 cash takes it. est gunners in the world. By Jove, I Good condition. G. Press Office. D T ak e Y o u r Coupon Book TO Chas. Maitland, a merchant of Gales Creek, was in the Grove Saturday. D. M. Wagner and wife, of Gales Creek, drove over to the Grove Saturday. Mrs. Laura Hines and family, of Gales Creek, visited in the Grove Saturday. Wm. Kahler, of Cedar Cat - yon, transacted business in this city last Saturday. Mrs. Anna Blum and daughter Hazel, of near Gaston, were shopping in Forest Grove Satur­ day. •Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Harris, of the Hillside neighborhood, were presented with a baby boy last Saturday morning. The leading and enterprising firms with whom w e have arranged to redeem Press Coupons. Their prices meet all competition. THE JACKSON PHARMACY HOFFMAN & ALLEN General Merchandise Drugs and Medicines Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove GOFF BROTHERS GOFF BROTHERS Hardware, Implements, Autos Hardware and Supplies Cornelius Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove A. S. HENDRICKS GEO. G. PATERSON Furniture and Pianos Mrs. Carrie Wood and daugh­ ter Alice, of Eugene, are guests at the home of Mrs. Wood’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Shearer of this city. They will remain until after the Christmas holidays and assist in the care of Mrs. Shearer, who is quite ill with lumbago. General Merchandise Cornelius Main Street, Forest Grove GASTON DRUG STORE SHEARER & SON Drugs and Medicines Jewelers Gaston Main Street, Forest Grove FOREST GROVE PHARMACY Pure Drugs and Medicines BRIGGS BROTHERS General Merchandise Dilley Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove What To Give? G. LUNDQUIST & CO. SUN-RISE GROCERY Hardware Groceries and Provisions Cherry Grove Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove It is sometimes dif­ ficult to make a selec­ tion of Rifts when one is limited in ex­ penditure. C. G. DANIELSON ERIC ANDERSON Bicycles and Sundries Jewelry and Drugs Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove WE WILL HELP YOU FOREST GROVE STUDIO In your selection or suggest to you what would be appropriate Useful Gifts, Orna­ mental Gifts, Com­ mon Sense Gifts, al­ ways p l e a s e . We have the most com­ plete line of Holiday Goods ever brought to Forest Grove. We have selected every article carefully and our guarantee goes with them. Come in and Inspect Our Holiday Goods. R. A. PHELPS Cherry Grove FORSBERG & BROSTROM Photos and Photo Supplies General Merchandise Forost Grove A. J. COOK White Palace Cafe Cherry Grove THE C. C. STORE Day Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware Pacific Ave., Forest Grove C. L. BUMP & CO. Orenco ORENCO DRUG CO. General Meachandise Drugs and Jewelry South Forest Grove MORTON & FREEMAN Orenco Wm. OELRICH Groceries and Provisions Builders’ Materials Hillsboro J. A. HOFFMAN Orenco OREGON NURSERY CO. Jeweler Wholesale and Retail Nursery Stock Hillsboro Orenco Pacific Drug Co. THE DELTA DRUG STORE Drugs and Medicines WHY NOT? PERCY LONG - 2nd Street, Hillsboro MRS. M. L. BURDAN Millinery 2nd Street, Hillsboro SAELENS & SPIESSEHEART Meat Market 2nd Street, Hillsboro A. C. DONELSON Dr. ElofT.Hedlund, Dentist Furniture N. W. C om er 6th and Oak, 2nd floor, take elevator Hillsboro PEOPLES STORE PATENTS General Merchandise Confectionery and Patent Medicines Beaverton R. L. TUCKER Everything to Build With Beaverton N. C. LILLY General Merchandise Gales Creek E. J. AYERS General Merchandise Gales Creek K1NTON & JENSEN General Merchandise Banks Hillsboro p ro m p tly o b ta in * 0 « * 0 F IE T rad« M arks. C a re ts (o rT rs t.fi L abels r t r u u n d . T W E im r T U 1 S M L A C T IC I H u rt» * 8*od sk etch '