FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, ORE» ¡ON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1912. I 3 I ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS A T THIS Great, Popular Closing Out Sale THE MOST IN VALUE, THE BEST IN QUALITY D. B. PARKS & CO. Cornet Second and Main Sts., Hillsboro GREAT CROW DS ARE COMING NOW THE PEOPLE ARE FINDING OUT THAT WE ARE GIVING B a rg a in 'P ric e s, J u s t as w e A d v e rtise F irst Q u a lity , J u s t as w e A d v e rtise H o n est M ea su re, J u s t as w e A d v e rtise W e b o u g h t this sto ck in te n d in g to close it o u t to m a k e room fo r o th e r goods. It will not b e o u r loss if w e sell th e goods a t c n e -h a lf p rice. W e b o u g h t it low. A Closing Out Sale of Sweaters A Closing Out Sale of Shoes For Men, Women, Young Ladies and Children $5, $6, $7 and $8 grades Priced at For Men. Women, Misses and Children for 39c, 69c, 98c $1.19, 1.49 and $1.98 $ 3.98 A Closing Out Sale A Closing Out Sale iGLAD TIDING5 OF GREAT JOT FROM P A IN T I N C B Y P L O C K H O R S T 10c Outing Flannels 124 “ 15c “ 15c Ginghams 35c Men’s Sateens No. 5-7-9 all Silk Ribbons Wool Gloves Child’s Wool Gloves—Ladies’ Wool Gloves—Men’s for 7c 9c 11c 11c 19c 5c 13c 19c 19c 3 spools 0. N. T. Thread 3 spools Lustre Silk 100 yards Spool Siik Knitting Cotton Flishers per skein Men’s Collars Men’s Undetwear 75c Underwear Boys’ Pants Boss Overalls for 10c 10c 5c 3c 9c 3c 29c 374 47c 79c V E R Y A T T R A C T IV E B A R G A IN S ON E V E R Y T H IN G . ALL DAY FRIDAY We give with every $2.00 purchase, a C5c broom for 25c. ALL DAY SATURDAY We give with every $2 00 purchase, 10Ih granulated Sugar for50c. ALL DAY MONDAY We give with every $2.00 purchase, 3 spools of O. N. T. Thread free. D. B. PARKS & COMPANY <3oD rest v’ou mero), Gentlemen. 1 C o rn e r S eco n d a n d M ain Sts., H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N . >9 i. God rest you mer-ry, gen-tle-men, Let nothing you dis f Our Furniture Re-member Christ our Sa - vi-our W as born on Christmas IS THE FAVORITE OF ....XMAS SHOPPERS,.. Day, To ---0 —1 --- ,--- -------- 1 —------ *— save us all from Satan’s pow’r When we were gone a = r = r = l* = T ---- 1 — — p ---- ----- - - —r • — C horus , ti • dings of com • fort and joy, comfort and com In Rethleliem In Jewry. This blessed Babe was born And laid within a manger. T'pon this blessed morn. The which His Mother Mary Did nothing take In scorn O tidings Ac From God our Heavenly Father A blessed Angel came And unto certain Shepherds Brought tidings of the same How that in Bethlehem was born The of God by Name O tidings Ac Son "F ear not then " said the Angel. Let nothing you a ffrigh t This day I* bom a Saviour O f a pure Virgin bright To free all those who trust In Him From Satan s power and m ight," 0 tidings. Ac. The Shepherds at those tidings Rejoiced much In mind. And left their flocks a-feedlng In tempest, storm and wind, And went to Bethlehem straightway, The Sou ot God ty find O tidings Ac And when they came to Bethlehem Where our dear Saviour lay. They found Him In a manger. Where oxen feed oo hay His Mother Mary kueeltng down I ’ uto the Lord did pray O. tidings Ac. Now to the Lord sing praises. All you within this place. And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace. This holy tide o f Christmas Ail other doth deface 0 tidings. Ac. T ALK as you like there is nothing CAN TA K E the place of furniture in the es­ teem of gift Givers. N oth­ ing else is so servicable— nothing else reminds one of the giver every day in the year as furniture does. For reasons of newness and variety and all round goodness we ask you to do your choosing from this stock of ours. In all respects this store stands ready to offer you furniture certain­ ties. Christmas shoppers are requested to a t least see how we are prepared to m ake their shopping satis­ factory. You can’t buy under our prices for our goods To-day isn’t a bit too soon to get interested. Roe & Company FOREST GROVE, OREGON.