Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, December 05, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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The Star Theatre treated its N otice is hereby
given. That by virtue of |
decree and order of sale issued
patrons to “Rock of Agess, ” an out execution,
of the Circuit Court of the State of |
Oregon for W ashington County, dated the 30th ;
Thursday night, showing the day
of November, 1912, in favor of Fred J. *
Brennan, plaintiff, and against W. J. Brennan >
films to two packed houses. and
Maud M. Brennan, defendants, for the
sum of $599.15, and the further sum of $100.00 j
Special organ and vocal music attorney’s
fees, and the further sum of $25.00
and disbursem ents, to me directed and
accompanied the film. For next delivered,
commanding me to make sale of the j
property hereinafter described, 1 have ,
C opyright by A m erican P ro u Asso­
Thursday night the Star has se­ real
levied upon, and pursuant to said execution, i
ciation. 1911.
cured one of the greatest picture S ta u rd a y , T hk 4 t h day ok J an u a ry , 1913. i
door of the Court H ouse in H ills- I
plays ever produced in this coun­ at boro, the W south
ashington County, Oregon, at the
A 5’OUnir IUUI1 &li(l a g ir l O f t w e n t y
of said day, sell at 1
_ A
try—The Siege of Petersburg. public auction to the A. M. highest
bidder, for cash were dancing together In a ballroom.
hand, lying,
all the
real » A 10CKei
W kpt
n p A e c o u n lia
lln r r m m n a t to e r H ia n l l a onH
Over 2500 soldiers and 1200 in property
l>eing following
and situated
in Wash-
ington County, Oregon, and more particularly workmanship flew about from her
horses participate in this produc­ described
as follows, to-w it:—
Beginning at a point on section line be- UOSOm a s She Whirled. O n th e third
tion of war time events. The tween
section 2 and 3 T. 2 S. R. 1 W, W. M.
chains north of the southw est corner of tloger of her left baud was a ring
portrayal of the battle scenes are 9.09
said sec. 2, thence north 3.58 chs. to center with an inexpensive stone. When the
Bridge R£*ui, thence north 38 de­
as exact as history can make of grees Taylor
21 minutes E. 1.01 chs. to center of said music ceased she took the m an's arm.
iron pin# thence s. 52 degrees 31
, ..
them, as the films were taken road
minutes e . 7.04 chs. to a stake on the south und they strolled away into a side
of tract, thence s 88 degrees 55 minutes room, where there was no one except
upon the actual battle ground. line
w est 6.24 chs. to section line at place of be­
The Locket
Grand Theater
Special Attraction
Picture Plays of Merit
Photos for
Christmas Presents
& 8
We want to assure
you we are prepar­
ed to give you the
very best work in
the latest approved
designs, and that
your early order for
Portraits will insure
you the perfection
of careful attention
to detail.
8 8
Forest Grove Studio.
themselves. Seating herself on a sofa,
she said:
•'That's our last dance.”
“You don't care to wait?"
“While waiting my chances in the
matrimonial m arket would be passing
away. In ten years I shall be thirty
my opportunities for m arriage re­
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STUTE OF duced at least 75 per cent, at thirty-
five say DO per cent, and a t forty I
Mary Anderson, Plaintiff
won’t have one chance in a hundred
Jam es Harper, Jr.
that l have now.”
et al D efendants. /
will always have me whatever
William Harper and Jane D*>«> Harper, his w ife.
Vm ir ntr*
first name unknown; Elbin Thomas and Jane
® *
Doe Thomas, his w ife first name unknown; The
“I Wouldn’t
trust to JOUT Constancy,
unknown heirs of Loima Harper, deceased, and ri*p „ - « Wq
rrrnw nlH or
Jane Harper, his wife; the unknown heirs of > e k i n s HS \* e gTOW O ld er B e c o m e
Charles Harper, deceased; Glenn Hunter, Sue either fat Or skinny. And 1 know you
O'Brien, anti Jane Doe O’Brien, her husband. too well to believe that you will ever
first and true name unknown; Josie Ann Pratt;
L ettie Clam and John Doe Clam, her husband, love either kind.”
first and true name unknown; R. T. Robinson;
“I sw ear”—
Charles S. Naylor and N ettie Naylor, his wife;
Milton G. Naylor and Emma N. Naylor, his
“Don’t swear. Go out, as you pro­
wife; the unknown heirs of Andrew Harper pose to, to the mining districts and
and Eliza Harper, deceased, anti all other per-
»«ns or partir» unknown claiminK any riaht, when you return. If unmarried and I
title, lien or interest in the real estate tie ___ _________ ,
Rcriia»i in the com plaint herein not a iven 1 as
unmarried and . you want me, you
defendant« in »aid suit. Defendants GREETING, w ill doubtless get m e . But VOU won’t
In the name of the State of Oregon, j
You are hereby required to appear in a suit Í Want me.
brought against you by the above named
off the ring " on her . finger,
plaintiff in the above named Court at Hills- I
ginning, containing 1.59 acres, more or less,
to satisfy the hereinabove named sums, and
for the costs and expenses of sale and said
writ. Said sale will he made subject to re­
demption as per statute of Oregon.
Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, on this 4th day
of December, 1912.
G eo . G. H ancock ,
SherifT of W ashington Co. Ore.
M. I. L angley , and L otus L. L angley ,
A ttorneys for Plaintiff.
boro, in W ashington County, Oregon, on or Unclasped tile locket from about her
before the 26th day of December 1912. said n e c k and handed them to him.
date being the last publication of this n<>- |
“Keep them.” he said, “not as typi­
tice as provided by the order of Court in
said suit made and entered by the Judge of | cal of nn engagement, but as trinkets.”
said Court on the 18th day of November, j
“Since you wish It I will.”
1912, directing publication of this notice, the
first publication of which should be dated, and ! “Goodby. I leave by an early train.
is dated the 21st day of November 1912, and j
the last publication of which shall l>e the j I must go. I have things to do yet
26th day of December 1912, to answ er the com- | before going to bed.”
plaint filed therein and unless you so appear
or answ er or demur or plead to the said
"Goodby and good lock be with you.”
com plaint default will he taken against you
Twenty years passed. The man dur­
and judgem ent rendered according to the
prayer of said complaint.
ing nil that time had all he could do
The said suit is brought to determ ine a claim
made by said defendants adverse to the plaint- to keep Ills head above water; then he
ifF to the following descrilanl land situate in struck a bonanza. Returning to his
W ashington County, S tate of Oregon, viz;
Beginning at the Southw est corner of the former home for the purpose of or-
Donalion Land Claim of Andrew Harper and gatliziug a mining C O U ipnny, he reach-
w ife in section 12. Township one. South. Kaniii
, ..
Four W est of W illam
ette Meridian, and run-
run p(l 11 lu t lle winter season, when the
ning thence North 71 degrees East 8.84 chains; gnyety was at Its height. On his way
thence North 10 degrees, W est 18,46 chains; from dining with a friend he passed
thence South 84 degrees, W est 8.75 chains to
the weBt line of the Andrew Harper Dona­ the building where two decades before
tion Land Claim; thence South 10 degrees, he had parted with his love. Seeing
East 20.45 chains to the place of beginning,
containing seventeen acres, more or less, and to the place lighted up and hearing the
compel the said defendants to set up and strains of music, he entered. Couples
establish their claim, if any they have, to
said prem ises, and that the same and the pretend­ were dancing, and there was the lady
ed claim, right, title, lien, interest or estate of from whom he had parted whirling,
said defendants, or any of them, in and to
said prem ises and every part thereof may be while on her bosom was the never rest­
adjudged and decreed to be invalid and void; ing locket.
that the said defendants and each of them
may bo barred of and from all right, title, interest
How she bad managed to preserve
and estate in and to the said prem ises and her
youthful looks and her beauty be
eoeh and every part thereof, and that said de­
ri ^ be
fendants and each and every one o f them may was
at ..............
a loss „ .........................
to __ __ know. She ' ___i
he forever enjoined and restrained from in- I
| terferring with the plaintiffs title and her U niD iU T ieu , for n o WOIH11T1 w h o h a d th e
peaceable possession and occupancy of said , r a r e of n f a m ily COllld lo o k SO VOUnp.
premises; that the said plaintiff’s title may he 1 .
. .
, *
, .
adjudged and decreed to he a good and valid one I
d a n c e d b y h im . t h e lo c k e t flirt-
j as against the said defendants and each of Ing as of yore, their eyes met. but he
them, and all persons cluim ing under the said
defendants and each of them, and for such saw at once that he was not remem­
other and further relief as may lie ju st and bered.
equitable as the nature of the case may re-
! quire, as will more fully appear by the com­ “Who is that lady?” he asked of one
plaint on file herein to which reference is who stood near.
h. i. to made, and for her (•••sts of suit.
“Miss Clarkson.”
And you are hereby notified that if you fail
! to appear and answ er the said com plaint as
1 thought so,” he said, then to him­
above required the suit! plaintitr will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in said com- self: “I must have changed much more
j plaint.
H oi. LIS & G raham , Forest Grove, Oregon. than she.”
He concluded not to make himself
A ttorneys for Plaintiff.
8-6 1 ______________________________
M ary A nderson , Plaintiff.
known then and there, but announce
Hartrampfs Feed Mill has
just installed a grain cleaner for
• cleaning seed grain.
Cheapest and Best
W ashington-Oregon
his return by note the next day and
ask permission to call. This he did
and received a very gracious note In
reply, stating that Miss Clarkson would
be happy to receive him. The same
evening he went to her residence. She
was living In the same bouse, and on
being ushered Into the drawing room
there sat a woman so fat that her first
effort to rise was a failure, and In­
stead of tnnklng u second she held out
her hand to him.
“Pardon me." she said. “It’s very
hard for me to rise. I told you when
you went away that we women must
expect to grow fat or skinny, and you
see that 1 belong to the first class."
lie controlled himself mitHelently to
concent the shock, but as to acting
like a returning lover he found It 1m-
posslble. As soon as he became com­
posed he said:
“The first thing I wish to know upon
my retnm Is have you still the ring
and the locket I gave you.”
“The ring Is now locked lu my bu­
reau drawer upstairs. The locket I
lent to my niece, .lull« Clnrkson. to
wear nt a boll which she was to at­
tend last evening."
He wi)s satisfied with the explana­
tion and knew why he had been led
luto an error.
The lady made It very easy for him.
She had not expected that they would
begin where they had left off twenty
years l>efore. Indeed. It was evident
from the expression ou her former
lover's face that he had no mind to
keep his pledge that, though she were
fat and forty, he was still hers. She
asked him what he hud been doing all
those long year«, and he told her that
he had been struggling with adversity.
He failed to acquaint her with the
fact that he had come home to form a
cotnpnny that would give him nn enor­
mous Income. Instead, he left her to
suppose that he wns still struggling.
Before leaving he tried to stammer
something like his words when they
were half their present age. but fnlled.
“Don’t.” she said. Interrupting him.
"W hat I told you has come to pass.
Go marry some woman between twen­
ty and thirty years of age and be hap-
ITe said "Never’*’ very faintly, but
the next day hunted among bts old
friends till he found one who would
Introduce him to the younger Miss
Clarkson. Again the locket flapped,
hut this time while he danced with
the niece, whom be finally married.
Twenty head of good, young,
well broke horses for sale cheap.
See them at the U. S. Stable.
2-4t L. E. H ess , Owner.
F or S ale —Ancona Cockerels
$1.25 each. Also Andalusian
cock. U. G. H anna . 5-4t
FOUND—A watch and chain at
Oregon Electric depot. Owner
can have same by describiug
property. Martin E c h w a 11,
Route 1, Cornelius.
For sale or will trade one half
block good resident location in
Forest Grove. Address P ress .
A good building lot 70x100
feet, with fruit and berries, for
sale cheap. Best residence dis­
trict. P ress O ffice .
Good office rooms in the Hoff­
man building for rent. Inquire
of J. N. H offman
L aw O ffice with Library for
rent. Want good live man to
take charge of office and busi­
ness. Address T he P ress .
F or R ent —good store room on
Pacific avenue H, care Press.
F or S ale —50x100 lot, small
house within a block of College
campus. $300 with terms.
Must sell at once. H, care Press
A creage —Any amount, suit­
able for buildings and gardens.
$300 per acre. Ten minutes walk
from Grove postoffice. H, care
Press Office.
20 acres, some good timber,
nice land near good gravel road,
about 4 miles from Grove. $40
per acre. Terms, care Press
F or S ale —50 acres at $100
per acre. 20 acres clear, l | in
timber, balance pasture. House,
barn and orchard. Close to
postoffice and stores. Apply H,
Press office.
The best is none too good,
then get Whitman’s Chocolates
and confections which are per­
fection at the
Forest Grove Pharmacy.
The Grand Theatre will have a
quartette of male singers this
Satusday night, and several good
picture films. The dog and
monkey circus which appeared at
this house Tuesday and Wednes­
day proved a good drawing card,
attracting the children especi­
At Pacific University
You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to
grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­
fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory
in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­
more, you can receive system atic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy
the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool.
Enroll at
for Education, Health and Physical Development, and
Do It Now !
For particulars address
Care Committee of Control
Forest Grove, Oregon.
Capital and Surplus
$ 60,000.
U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y .
B oard of D irectors :
Geo. Mizner T. W. Sain
W. K. Newell
L. J. Corl
John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock
H. G. Goff
H. T. Buxton
Chris Peterson
W. H. Hollis
E. W. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Marsh, of
Underwood, Washington, were
Thanksgiving guests at the
home of President Ferrin, of
Pacific University.
Sunday morning at 6 o’clock
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heesacker
who reside in the Thatcher dis-
trict, were presented with a 9
pound baby girl.
This is the Store with the Xmas Spirit. Beautiful
Christmas Merchandise everywhere. Make your
purchases early—W e’re ready to fill your wants now
Suitable Gifts for the Ladies
Pretty hand bags, all styles, 85c to $6.00
Silks—dainty and durable, for
waists and dresses, 27in. wide 98c
Fine muslin underwear, gowns,
skirts, drawers, corset covers
and Princess slips.
Table linens and napkins to match
50c to $2.00 per yd
Umbrellas, plain or fancy handles
50c to $4.00
Dress Materials in all the wanted colors,
Worsteds. Serges. Panamas,
Tweeds, Silk and Wool Poplins
and Cheviots
50c to $2.00 yard
Hosiery—Silk, Wool, Lisle or
15c to $1.50 pair
Blankets and Comforts at surpris­
ingly small prices
Special Millinery Inducements
A line of trimmed hats selling
regularly from 3.50 to 5.00 now 98c
Genuine French felt untrimmed
shape. Selling legularly at 2.50
to 3.50
now 98c
See our New Aviation Suits
consisting of cap, mutf and neck
piece for children
Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns
Free Exhibit Water Color Paintings
with 2 to 3 inch gilt frames, no two
alike. Very low prices. JUST THE
All our men’s $3.00 derby hats at $2.37
All our men’s 2.50 derby hats at 1.88
About a dozen short length
Overcoats, were $15.00 at
Overcoats, were 25.00 at
Boys’ sweaters, were 75c at
at 29c
Boys’ union suits^were 75c
Smoking jackets at half price
Boys’ good school shoes, were 3.00. $1.98
Lot of men’s shirts, 60 per cent
wool. Regular $1.50
at 1.00
See our prices this week on Men’s
and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats.
Fine line of stamped Linens, Huck
Towelings and Pillow Tops.
D. M. C. for Embroidery and
Brainard & Armstrong's Embroid­
ery Silks.