» FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1912. Forest Grove Steam Laundry W ood, Coal, Cold Storage and Ice. MERTZ & LATTA Cor. 5th Ave. and 2nd St., Forest Grove, Ore. W. F. HARTRAMPH Feed Mill will run every day in the week. Wholesale and Retail Bran,Shorts, Rolled Oats, Ground Oats, Ground Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Cracked Corn, Whole Wheat and Corn, Middlings and several kinds of Hard Wheat Flour, Sack Twine and Sacks, Hay and Vetch Seed. Give us a call when in need. lnd I’ hone 50x Forest Grove, Ore P O L K ’ S' OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A D i r e c t o r y o f e a c h City , T o w n fin«l V il l a g e , g i v i n g d e s c r i p t i v e s k e t c h o f e a c h plac e, lo ca tio n , p op u l a ti o n , t e le ­ g r ap h , s h i p p i n g a n d b a n k i n g p o i n t ; al so Classified D i r e c to r y , c o m p i l e d by bus iness a nd p rof es sio n. K. L. P O L K A CO., R K A T T L K W. Weitzel L. L. Hollingcr WEITZEL & HOLLINGER Tinning and Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work and Re­ pair Shop. North First Avenue, between Main and *‘ A ” Streets; phone Ktvl. DILLEY GATHERED A T GASTON Si Vermilya has gone to Vale, A fter a long illness, Ike Lar­ Oregon, to work. son is once more able to be out. The Artesians will a hold dis­ Ed. Fisher, o f Forest Grove, trict meeting Dec. 11th. was a Gaston visitor Friday last. Seth Vermilya has been laid up Mrs. N. J. Walker and Mrs. this week with blood poison. H. Wetterborg attended a meet­ SheriIF elect Jap. Reeves, was ing o f the Eastern Star in For­ in Dilley on business Monday. est Grove Monday evening. Mrs. J. W. Hughes entertain­ The Christian Endeavor society ed last Friday evening at 500. of the Congregational church of Judge Stevens transacted busi­ Gaston was represented in For­ est Grove, Wednesday, by Grace ness in Forest Grove Tuesday. Mr. Force has departed for an Harding, Constance W i l c o x , extended trip through California. Sylvia Floyd, Mrs. G. A. Bryant, Alec Stuart, Joseph McBurney F. M. Sutford has purchased | and Mathew Bates. the Henry DeSlazer property in Dr. Baker was arrested last Dilley. Saturday and taken to Hillsboro T. A. Russell, who has been on a charge of bootlegging. A quite sick for the past several number of men in and around weeks, is reported improving. Gaston have been subpoenaed Harry Debord has returned and appeared before the Grand from eastern Oregon, where he Jury. A four-horse team was has been for the past several required to haul away the con­ years. fiscated “ booze.” Henry Jerrett and wife took The women of Gaston con­ dinner with Mrs. Jerrett’s par­ sider Uie right to vote more o f a ents on Gales Creek, Thanks­ duty imposed than a privilege giving. enjoyed. At the city election Dilley school district has 207 Tuesday the contest lay between children of educational age, ac­ the wet and dry elements. cording to census just completed Thanks to the women the drys by Clerk B. A. Hoskins. won out, electing A. M. Porter Mrs. Coulter and son Jay, from mayor and the following council- Amity, were visiting friends in men: Burris, Bert White, H. Dilley over Thanksgiving, re­ Kraemer, Spence, and J. II. Chas. Wescott was turning home Monday morning. Wescott. Ben Kuhm and Wm. Ortenger, elected in place of Ike Larson, Fred Robertson se­ of Portland, spent several days resigned. cured the recordership and Mrs. last week at Mr. Kuhm’s grand­ Olive Hawke was elected treas­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judge urer. W. Haney secured the Stevens. marshalship. The Ladies Aid Society met at Mrs. Brodersons this week. The We want all children under Aid Society will have a bazzar Friday evening for the benefit of eight years of age to be regis­ tered at King & Caples before the church. December 20. 4-4t Alfalfa hay, the best o f feed. BEAVERTON BRIEFS Delivered any place in town. Hartrampf Feed Mill. 3-tf F. W. Allen, of Scoggins Val­ ley, was a Beaverton visitor last WEEKLY W O R D OF W A TTS week. Miss Clara Lesser spent Sun­ Peter Vandehey spent Thanks­ day with the home folk. giving at Newton with his Miss Helen Lesser visited the brother. district school last Monday. F. W. Cady and family spent Gertrude Rueter passed the Thanksgiving with friends in Thanksgiving vacation at home. the Rose city. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Stevenson Louis Hodler, who has a dairy were in Portland Saturday on farm east of town is making ex­ business. tensive improvements. Mrs. DeMoss and Edna ate Defects in the new charter dinner last Thursday with Mr. will delay the election o f town and Mrs. Stevenson. officers for some time. A. B. Keagy, o f Aberdeen. Cattle thieves visited Huber Washington, is visiting with his last Tuesday and escaped with daughter, Mrs. T. B. Stevenson. three heifers and a bull. No A. S. Dilley was upon David’ s trace of the raiders has been Hill Tuesday, and purchased, found. some stock from Messrs Holscher The Beaverton and St. Johns’ and Stevenson. High School basketball teams Between repairing the tele­ will try conclusions in this city phone line and harvesting h is, Saturday night. A fast game is potato crop, Dick Holscher was a i expected. busy man, last week. FOREST GROVE ITEMS John DeMoss went to Eagle Frank Mott, of Thatcher, was Creek, Oregon, Wednesday of last week, to spend Thanksgiv­ a grove visitor Tuesday. ing with his parents. His little Have you seen the display of son accompanied him. Clay Woodenware at the Forest I). A. Kennedy and family Grove Book Store ? Especially 5-lt were among the guests who par­ nice for Xmas gifts. took of turkey and all the good Next Wednesday the city fire things which go with “ him” at department will elect officers for Mrs. Dor thy Seymour’s in the the ensuing year, and complete Grove on Thanksgiving Day. arrangements for the annual ball Unless w e a t h e r conditions January 1. change shortly, many potatoes will have to be left in the ground throughout the winter. This year’s crop of potatoes is extra Katabllthed in 1806 fine, but gophers have helped themselves so liberally that nu­ merous fields have been lessened by several sacks. Portland Marble Works If your umbrella leaks have Danielson recover it. 3-tf ELITE MILLINERY PARLORS For Rent —1 unfurnished bun­ National Bank Building. galow' and 1 furnished house. Both modern. Inquire o f Mrs. Miss C. EL Olson, Successor to Mrs. Bath. M. A. Thomas, phone 855. or at 3-tf Hillaboro, O re., the P ress office. Carries the largest stock of Memorials. 264-266. 4th S t , Portland. ONLY THREE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS ! ! •it./ .A ! A V * ../..Jk &L vt T T h e reductions w e have been m aking in prices and the Beautiful Silverware w e are giving aw ay have fully demonstrated to our friends and patrons that we m ean J U S T W H A T W E SAY. W E W IL L S O O N H A V E O U R C H R IS T M A S G O O D S O N D IS P L A Y and w e extend to you a cordial invitation to visit us and m ake your selections early. W e have a large stock o f Needful and Sensible Articles. Hoffman & Allen Co. For Christmas gifts that are appropriate come to the Book Store, Forest Grove. 5-lt Andrew Weber and Chas. Mauw, of Portland, were guests of Rev. Father Buck, Saturday forenoon. Street p a v i n g operations, which were resumed last week, have again been suspended, due to the uncertain weather condi­ tions. F or S ale —Remington type­ writer, No. 6, $20 cash takes it. Good condition. G. Press Office. The mother o f Robert Tayler, who was stricken with paralysis last week, is reported gradually recovering. The work on the city jail is rapidly going forward and hut a short time should elapse be­ fore the finishing touches are made. Over 100 people partook of the excellent Thanksgiving din­ ner served at the Christian church. The services in the evening were excellent and greatly enjoyed by a large audi­ ence. E. F. Burlingham has purchas­ ed the lot and building at the cor­ ner of First avenue and First street, South, of A. E. Koehler, and will construct a general warehouse thereon in the near future. U9 ■>K W h g ' o MR. RANCHER. Do you know where your land corners are, or the ex­ act number of acres you have ? You need to know be­ cause the price of land is so high now, that every foot adds on or takes off just so much value. It is worth con­ sidering. Let me tell you. H. B. G laisyer , Surveyor, Over Hoffman & Allen’ s, Phone 806. Main St. For the W ife, Sister or Mother. W e o ffe r you the opportunity o f selecting from m any useful articles o f value and merit. Especial attention is directed to the Handsome and Servicable Carving Sets in many beautiful patterns d » 0 O A i _ <£*7 O O — and ranging in price from v LO / . U U . why nota Modern Coffee Percolater ? to $4.50 in price. Percolaters give added flavor to the coffee and are an addition to any table. T O O L S FOR TH E B O YS make an ideal and useful Christmas gift. When you give the boy a set of tools you give something of worth and value. Something that will be useful throughout the year. Something that will instruct and help the lad to better things. We have a large and varied assortment of carpenter tools o f the best quality and at prices within the reach of any purse. You can find many appropriate and useful gifts for the boy in our great store room. C H R IS TM A S G IF TS FOR A L L TH E F A M IL Y may be had at our store. The line of stoves, ranges, cooking utensils, pocket knives, shelf hardware and other articles too numerous to mention is complete and up-to-date in every way. Visit the store, inspect the stock, and you will surely find something o f an appropriate and useful nature with which to make happy the members o f the family, a relative or friend. Hinman-Gordon Hardware Co. On.