FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1912. FOREST GROVE PHILHARMONIC COURSE Dec. 16 Marsh Hall, HOME, SWEET HOME Buy a lot and build you a home.' Lots of lots in various places. Take your choice. 2 lots, 50x150, near S. P. Depot. 1 lot, 100x100, on corner 5th St. and 4th Ave. South. 1 lot, 50x110, on 5th St., near corner 1st Ave. South, by new P. E. & E. Electric line. 2 lots, 50x100, just north of Gymnasium hall. 4 lots on corner, on C Street and 1st Ave. North. Only 3 blocks from Main St. If you are looking for a Green-house site; I have the best location in Forest Grove, 4 blocks west of Main St. A few choice lots left in my addition. 8 room Salem house for sale or exchange. No commission to pay. I sell my own proper­ ties. Prices and terms on application. Phones 0171 0191 CHAS. E. HALL. Central Livery Barns McNamer & Wirtz, Prop’rs General Livery And Tillamook Stage Lines H o u i e s f o r r e n t a n d f o r s a le , l i t t l e p a y m e n t s a n d i n s t a l m e n t s lik e r e n t Own Your Own Home Modern seven room house just seven blocks from Oregon Electric depot. This elegant home has four bed rooms, re­ ception hall, porcelain bath, fine linen closets, living and dining rooms with openings, built in china closets, kitchen with panterv, porcelain sink with back, electricity with fix­ tures, front and rear porches, faces east, good neighborhood, graded streets, sidewalk, good barn, one acre of deep, mel­ low soil, strawberries, Loganberries, asparagus, grapes and fruit trees. Price $3,000. $500 down, balance like rent. T. J. O. Realty Co. Hoffman Building. Phone 501 Forest Grove M o n e y t o lo a n o n a c r e a g e a n d f a rm * S o uth P ar k G rocery Cor. 2nd St. and 4th Ave. ALL NEW GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. J. F. LEISE, PropV Phone 731 r KENNEDY’S GRAPE JUICE M ADE FROM THE Best Concord Grapes Pure and Unfermented. GALES CITY. Carl Iler, of Nehalem, was a Gales city visitor one day last week. Earl Bateman is the happy owner of a new hornless phono­ graph. J. W. H. Adkins was transact­ ing business in Hillsboro last Monday. Mrs. Clarence Miller spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bateman. Miss Phreda Loving, of Forest Grove, took Thanksgiving dinner with the home folks. Mrs. Bateman, of Gales Greek, spent Thanksgiving with her daughter Alice, of Corvallis. We have understood there are two petitions out for road super­ visor, Robert Hayden and John Ranes. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adkins and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Clay Trites, of Hillsboro. Miss Mae McCann, accompani­ ed by Miss Ruth Galloway, of Forest Grove, were Gales Creek visitors last week. The masquerade ball here last week was a grand success. Mrs. Robert Hayden and John B. P ar­ sons took the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Parkin, of Forest Grove, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Parson, of Gales Citv, Thanksgiving day. James McClaren had the mis­ fortune to fall and break his arm and shoulder last week, and be­ ing an old man, it puts him in a serious condition. Charley Lilly, of Portland, who has been spending a few days with his mother, of Gales Creek, started Monday for Grants Pass where he will visit a few days with relatives. THATCHER ITEMS. Mr. LaSalle was in town on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lock were in Forest Grove Monday. C. E. Dixon, of Gaston, visit­ ed in this vicinity Tuesday. The school enjoyed a two days vacation, as usual at this time of the year. Rev. J. F. Leise, of Forest Grove, preached at the church Sunday evening, followed by a short exhortation by Rev. S. Upton, the regular speaker. Grandma King celebrated her eighty-first birthday at the home of her son Ed King, of this sec­ tion. A number of friends were present and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Charley Bamford, of Hillside, had the misfortune to fall from a shed he was building, striking the ground on his head and shoulders. While much improv­ ed he has not fully recovered. E. G. Downs and family spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Downs’ mother, Mrs. A. L. Cannon, in southern Oregon. Mr. Downs brought back a sample of White Buffalo potatoes, one of which measured 14 inches in length by t) inches in circumference. Wednesday evening a basket social was given at the school house. The boys were request­ ed to bring the baskets, which the young ladies bought by num­ ber not seeing the basket until after purchasing. A short pro­ gram was rendered by some of the young people. Everyone en­ joyed themselves immensely, and the social was considered a suc­ cess. Management, DAVID B1SPHAM EUGENE KUESTER, Portland. At the piano, Harry M. Gilbert. Season Ticket of 4 Concerts $ 3.00 SEE California this Winter Its A ttrac tiv e Seaside S esorts Fam ous H otels, M agni­ ficent Scenery, D elightful ' ' Clim ate, O utdoor S ports of all Kinds, w ith Miles of D rives Through O range Groves and along Ocean Boulevards. THE %0 / I ogden su N & S shasta E T \ dt» ] ROUTES H A S IN E E F E C T R O U N D T R I P F A R E S $55.00 PORI LAND TO LOS ANGELES E F F E C TIV E JA N U A R Y l* t, 1013 $54.70 50.20 44.30 42.60 41.85 Eugene Roseburg Grants Pass Medford Ashland to to to to to Los Los Los Los Los Angeles Angeles Angeles Angeles Angeles Sam e F a re s apply to Colton, P asadena, R iverside, and San Bar- nadino. W ith corresponding Low F ares from In term ed iate points and stop-overs going and retu rn in g and long re tu rn lim it. Descriptive and In te re s t'n g L iteratu re on various A ttractions of the Golden S tate may be obtained from any Southern Pacific A gent, or by w riting John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon GENERAL BLACKSM1THING AND HORSESHOEING We want all children under eight years of age to be regis­ tered at King & Caples before December 20. 4-4t The Xmas shopping at Staehr’s Bazaar has now begun in good earnest especially in the a fte r­ noons, people are crowding into the store thick and fast. It seems as if the older people have taken the “ Bezaar Fever” as early as the children, but this, of course, may be on account that Staehr’s Bazaar this year carries a very large line of Xmas gifts for older people as well as for children. Anyhow the older folks are in there in the a fte r­ noon selecting their goods and have them put away while they have a chance to get just what they want. 5-t Our Work Guaranteed and Your Patronage Solicited SCOGGINS VALLEY J. C. WEGNER Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wall and son Howard of Firholm, visited First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon over Sunday with the Wahl family. Mrs. Mathews, of Portland, visited last week with her sister, Mrs. C. L. Dennis. Both went to Portland Friday for a pleasant time together. The remains of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Hall, who was laid to rest six years ago on Auto Repairing, Vulcanizing and the old Hall place, was removed General Machine Work. Storage Saturday to Forest View cemetry and Supplies. Phone Main 62X at Forest Grove. Roy Matteson went to N orth­ ern some four weeks % GALES CREEK GLEANINGS. ago, California returning last week with a Joseph Lee is reported im­ “ bonnie bride;” some thought Roy rather slow in th e.m atri­ proving. monial line. He has proven Mrs. M. L. Vincent was visit­ them mistaken. ing at Dilley Tuesday. T. R. Johnston is helping Jud- son James with his barn. We will give 10 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps free to any one who will bring this Mr. Cox is moving in grandpa advertisement to us. Not good after December 10th, 1912. Only 10 free stamps Shorb’s home for the winter. to one person. Ben Bateman, from upper Gales Creek took some fat hogs G U A R A N TEE to the Grove Saturday. OF Ernie Sargent and Miss Clap­ per were doing business in the Grove the last of the week. Bill Williams and son Willie, from Pea Vine Ridge, were do­ O F B U F F A L O . N. Y. ing business in the Grove on (!) ‘Datedat Forest Grove, Ore., 1912 Monday. Main Street Garage W . A. CHALMERS, Main Street, Forest Grove. Subscribe for the Press, to day. (i) I I is desired right now to represent The Pictorial Review in this territory—to call on those whose subscriptions are about to expire. Big money for the right person—rep­ resentatives in some other districts make over $500.00 a month. Spare time workers are liberally paid for what they do. Any person taking up this position be­ comes the direct local representative of the publishers. G. C. GRAY, PICTORIAL REVIEW New Yotk City I. The Queen City Ring Mfg. Co. THIS IS TO C E R T IF Y that ring stamped is Expert Carpet, Rug and Fancy Weaving I 1 Orders called for and delivered. (!) I s o l id c o l d purchased today by ¿%Cr. and ¿\Crs. Christmas Shopper sold by SHEARER & SONS, of Main Street I (!) Dilley, Oregon Phone 52 Write today for this oficr of 222 We* 39lh Stree* Pacific University. The greatest American Artist ! MAN or WOMAN 5 g u a r a n te ed ' -J — ‘ 1 I / TO BE SOLID QOLD, and we guarantee the sets to slay in our rings. Should any set lose out, however, we will replace any stone, except diamonds, in any of our rings free of charge at any time. SEAL \ The Queen City Ring Mfg. Co. Ü) i y II V I I I I I 1!) ! I (!)