■ FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1912. D. N. Morris is suffering from rheumatism this week. Round Oak Don’t & C M I E F Let Your L S teel Wife Fuss -gRanges * any longer with a Worn Not How Cheap o u t , poorly baking, fuel wasting range. but How flood Think of the Perfect Baker* Fuel Savers • Round Oak Chief Steel Range. U Bring her in to see it, and learn how complete and perfect a range can be made. W . O. Wagner & Sons Forest Grove, Oregon THE S T A R T H E A T R E Childrens’ toys o f all kinds at the Forest Grove Book Store. Christmas gifts'for all. 5-lt Don’ t use anything but Sen­ eca Stock Powder, the guaran­ teed stock powder, for your horses or cattle. For sale only by the Forest Grove Pharmacy. 49-tf For rent, 15 acres. All in high state of cultivation, good buildings, fine water, two thirds mile of the Grove. T. J. 0. Realty Co. 49-tf Recitals o f the Conservatory advanced pupils will be given in Marsh hall next Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o’ clock. Several o f the instruct­ ors will also appear. The O. K. C. Club will meet in the Club House at the regular hour Saturday night. The boys who were at Eugene will lead the meeting. Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers, of McMinnville, were in the Grove Monday, having come down to remove Mrs. Clara G. Essen, the mother o f Mrs, Stiv­ ers, to their home in our sister city. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. L. L. Hollinger Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The subject to be discussed is “ Nar­ cotics.” Important business is to be discussed so every member please come. The Public library has recent­ ly secured 10 /olumes o f Boy Scout stories, a set of R. L. Stevenson, a set of Kipling and the 1912 edition o f B r y c e’s American Commonwealth. On Monday, November 24, Dr. Semones gave a lecture on the care of the eyes, and on Mon­ day, December 2, Dr. Todd gave i a lecture on the care o f the teeth, before the High School I students. These health talks i have been very instructive. BIG SPECIAL T H U R S D A Y , DEC. 12 The Seage of Petersburg Daily Change of Best Films Procurable Ready for business N e w Lumber Company All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Wiliis-Place Lumber Co. Phone 0 1 X South A Street Forest Grove, Or. All kinds of Optical Goods. Watcnes, Clocks and Jewely. J. A . H O FFM A N W ATCHM AKER A N D JEW ELER We solicit your patronage. Reliable work at moderate prices. HILLSBORO, ORE. Investment Realty Abstract Company Makes Your Abstract Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE phone 871 Sun-Rise Grocery Pacific A% FOREST GROVE. We are here to serve your needs. No order too small or' too large for us. OREGON J. DODGE, Proprietor Stated A n n u a l Com- munication o f Holbrook ' ▼ ' .Lodge No. 30, A. F. and A. M. this Saturday evening, Dec.7, 7:30 o ’clock. Important meeting: Election of officers and other business. All v i s i t i n g Brothers cordially invited. By order of the Worshipful Master. A. B en K ori , Sec’y. Hugh Brennan, while assist- | ing with the blasting of stumps ' on the Cox place south o f For­ est Grove last Thursday, was badly burned about the head by the explosion of a supposedly dead charge. Brennan was in­ vestigating a charge o f dyna- | mite which had failed to explode, when the blast went off, badly injuring one eye and affecting his hearing. The injured man is under the care of a physician at the Clark boarding house, in this city. Brennan’s home is in Oregon City. PUBLIC SALE DECEMBER 14 The undersigned will sell at Public Auction Saturday, Dec. 14, at his residence, the third house north of the Christian church, in Forest Grove, the following described property: one famous little team, known as the Itustin team, 5 and 6 years old. This team is worth its weight in gold. One A No. 1 dark jersey cow, 5 years old, giving milk. 1 light wagon, good as new;l hack, 1 top buggy 1 Stevens 25-20 single shot rifle. 1 set double harness, 1 heavy single harness, 1 two-horse cul­ tivator, 1 single cultivator, 1 12- inch chilled plow, 1 potato dig­ ger, 1 12x14 tent, 2 Cross cut saws, Hand saw, Buck saws, Forks, Axes, Hoes, Grub hoe, Apples, Fruit and other things to numerous to mention. All sums ten dollars and under,cash. Over ten dollars, credit of twelve months given. Purchaser to give note with approved se­ curity, bearing 8 per cent. Sale starts at ten o ’ clock. J. W H ughes , Auctioneer, A. M. G rubbs , Owner 4-3t AUCTION SALE Finest of Bread and Pastry Balced Every Day. We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents Free delivery to all parts o f the city Pacific Avenue, Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Econom ic and Business Principles, T h e H om e Com pany 1 Hat H as M ade G o o d . Insure \ our Business or Dwelling in T h e Bankers & Merchants L . DECEMBER 14 after the A. M. Grubb Sale at FOREST GROVE 1 J M ake most acceptable gifts for the young lady, or even your mother or your wife— in fact, any member of the family would be delighted with it. Our showing consists of a number of the period styles; also colonial and mission effects in all the favored woods. $ 7 .5 0 up. LADIES’ WRITING DESKS CHILD’S DESKS A T $ 3 .50. H ere is another very useful gift suggestion— a beautiful Library Lamp. W e have but a very few of these handsome lamps on hand and as a special inducement w e offer them at $3.50. T h ey ordinarily sell at $5.0 0 . ELECTRIC LAMPS ROCKING HORSE CHAIRS hand, and offer them jit close figures. For the little ones a most appro­ priate and pleasure giving Christ­ mas gift. W e have several on C om e early and make your selection; from 90cts up. RUGS, BOTH LARGE AND SMALL A great assort­ ment of large and small rugs, in handsome patterns and durable weave. T hese rugs are excellent X m as gifts and some­ thing that will be appreciated by the housewife. M any choice designs to select from and the prices run from $ 1 .2 5 up. PATERSON'S FURNITURE STORE Main Street, - Forest Grove- Oregon Doing Double Duty Now’s the time to make one dollar do the work of two. Nowhere else in Portland can you find clothing bargains like these: $ 10.00 Moyer’s $ 1 5 .0 0 and $ 1 8 .0 0 Suits Other stores sell like quality at $ 2 0 . 12.50 For Moyer’s Fine $ 2 0 .0 0 Suits They cost you $ 2 5 at ordinary stores. 3.50 For A ny Boys’ $ 5 or $ 6 Suit in the Store The most astounding offer in clothing dis­ tribution to be found today anywhere. Only at Our Store at Third and Oak W h en you see it in our ad, it s so o f first class fresh DAIRY COWS Forest Grove C h ristm as G ifts A Motion Picture Exhibition HOME BAKING CO. A party of high school girls attended a skating party in Hills­ boro Thanksgiving night, and report an enjoyable evening. M O YER THIRD A N D O A K