8 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMRER 28, 1912. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF WANT AND FOR SALE ADS. 0RE60N FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY. Mary Anderson, Plaintiff vs Central Livery Barns McNamer & Wirtz, Prop’rs General Livery And Tillamook Stage Lines House« for rent and for sale, little payments and instalments like rent Own Your Own Home Modern seven room house just seven blocks from Oregon Electric depot. This elegant home has four bed rooms, re­ ception hall, porcelain bath, fine linen closets, living and dining rooms with openings, built in china closets, kitchen with pantery, porcelain sink with back, electricity with fix­ tures, front and rear porches, faces east, good neighborhood, graded streets, sidewalk, good barn, one acre of deep, mel­ low soil, strawberries, Loganberries, asparagus, grapes and fruit trees. Price $3,000. $500 down, balance like rent. T. J. O. Realty Co. Hoffman Building. Phone 501 Forest Grove M oney to loan on acreage and farms Miss Miriam Corl, of Corvallis, formerly of the Grove, is visiting here this week. Miss Tumbleson, who is at the local sanitarum, is rapidly recovering from a case o f pneu­ monia. For rent, 15 acres. All in high state of cultivation, good buildings, fine water, two thirds mile o f the Grove. T. J. O. Realty Co. 49-tf The action for d a m a g e s brought by the Forest Grove Planing Mill company, to recover $10,000 for a broken limb, caus­ ed by being caught under falling lumber, was decided Tuesday in the Circuit court at Hillsboro in favor o f the defendants. 'l < LEGAL NOTICE James Harper, Jr. ( et al Defendants. / THE STATE OF OREGON TO, William Harper and Jane Doe Harper, his wife, first name unknown; Elbin Thomas and Jane Doe Thomas, his wife first name unknown; The unknown heirs of Loima Harper, deceased, and Jane Harper, his wife; the unknown heirs of Charles Harper, deceased; Glenn Hunter, Sue O’ Brien, and Jane Doe O’ Brien, her husband, first and true name unknown; Josie Ann Pratt; Lettie Clam and John Doe Clam, her husband, first and true name unknown; R. T. Robinson; Charles S. Naylor and Nettie Naylor, his wife; Milton G. Naylor and Emma N. Naylor, his wife; the unknown heirs o f Andrew Harper and Eliza Harper, deceased, and all other per­ sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien or interest in the real estate de­ scribed in the complaint herein not given as defendants in said suit, Defendants GREETING: In the name o f the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear in a suit brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the above named Court at Hills­ boro, in Washington County, Oregon, on or before the 26th day o f December 1912, said date being the last publication of this no­ tice as provided by the order of Court in said suit made and entered by the Judge of said Court on the 18th day o f November, 1912, directing publication o f this notice, the first publication of which should be dated, and is dated the 21st day of November 1912, and the last publication of which shall be the 26th day of December 1912, to answer the com­ plaint filed therein and unless you so appear or answer or demur or plead to the said complaint default will be taken against you and judgement rendered according to the prayer of said complaint. The said suit is brought to determine a claim made by said defendants adverse to the plaint­ iff to the following described land situate in Washington County, State of Oregon, viz; Beginning at the Southwest corner o f the Donation Land Claim of Andrew Harper and wife in section 12, Township one. South, Range Four West of Willamette Meridian, and run­ ning thence North 71 degrees East fl.84 chains; thence North 10 degrees, West 18,46 chains; thence South 84 degrees, West 8.75 chains to the west line o f the Andrew Harper Dona­ tion Land Claim; thence South 10 degrees, East 20.45 chains to the place o f beginning, containing seventeen acres, more or less, and t<> compel the said defendants to set up and establish their claim, if any they have, to said premises, and that the same and the pretend ed claim, right, title, lien, interest or estate of said defendants, or any of them, in and to said premises and every part thereof may be adjudged and decreed to be invalid and void; that the said defendants and each of them may be barred o f and from all right, title, interest and estate in and to the said premises and eech and every part thereof, and that said d e­ fendants and each and every one o f them may be forever enjoined and restrained from in­ te rfe rin g with the plaintiffs title and her peaceable possession and occupancy o f said premises; that the said plaintiffs title may be adjudged and decreed to be a good and valid one as against the said defendants and each of them, and all persons claiming under the sai l defendants and each of them, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable as the nature of the case may re­ quire, as will more fully appear by the com­ plaint on file herein to which reference 1 hereto made, and for her costs of suit. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com­ plaint. H o l l i s & G r a h a m , Forest Grove, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 3-6t M a r y A nderson , Plaintiff. Beware o f strangers taking subscriptions for magazines; you may never see magazines, money or stranger again. Give us your subscriptions, we will meet any prices of any reliable firm. We deal direct with the publishers and are in a position to give you the lowest possible prices, single or clubbing rates. Had you thought o f a subscription to a magazine for Xmas? Hartrampf’s Feed Mill has 4tf Forest Grove Pharmacy. just installed a grain cleaner foi cleaning seed grain. 3-tf Notice All persons are warn­ Mrs. Joy, of near Gaston, was ed not to extend credit to my operated upon at the Forest wife on my account. I will not Grove Sanitarium Monday. Dr. be responsible for any bills that Barnett of Hillsboro assisted she may contract after this date. Dr. Smith, 'of Portland in per­ 4-2t It. S. R eyn $ lds . forming the operation. Twenty head of good, young, well broke horses for sale cheap. See them at the U. S. Stable. 2-4t L. E. H ess , Owner. YOUNG WOMAN ! At Pacific University W a n t e d — Girl experienced in sewing to work in tailoring shop. Call at once. S a m e t the Tailor. Forest Grove, N Main sreet. 1-tf Edward Jasper, who is at the local sanitarium, was supposed to be suffering from tuberculosis. Further investigation shows lung trouble, but no symptons of the White Plague. Mrs. Ora Hankins, daughter of Mrs. T. W. Sain, underwent an operation at the local sanitarium, Tuesday, and is reported getting along nicely. Drs. Crockett and Shoot, of Portland were the at­ tending physicians. You can obtain a thorough education, one that will fit you to grapple with the world if necessary. Moreover, you can live in a re­ fined, homelike atmosphere at Herrick Hall (the finest girl’s dormitory in the Pacific Northwest) while you are pursing your studies. Further­ more, you can receive systematic instruction in gymnastics and enjoy the privileges of the gymnasium and swimming pool. • Enroll at PACIFIC UN IVER SITY for Education, Health and Physical Development, and Do It Now ! For particulars address The best is none too good, then get Whitman’s Chocolates and confections which are per­ fection at the 4tf Forest Grove Pharmacy. Messrs. Kendall and Staley have purchased a lot in Halls’ addition, and will shortly com­ mence the erection of a modern dwelling. P A C IF IC U N IV E R S I T Y Care Committee of Control Forest Grove, Oregon. W A T C H THIS S P A C E ! • --------------------------------------• Photos for Christinas Presents $ $ We want to assure you we are prepar­ ed to give you the very best work in the latest approved designs, and that your early order for Portraits will insure you the perfection of careful attention to detail. $ & Forest Grove Studio. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FO REST G R O V E , O REGON Capital and Surplus $ 6 0 , 0 00 . U. S. D E P O S IT O R Y . B oard of D ir e c t o r s : T. W. Sain W. K. Newell Geo. Mizner John Templeton Geo. G. Hancock L. J. Cori H. T. Buxton Chris Peterson H. G. Goff E. W. Haines W. H. Hollis PEOPLES STORE, HILLSBORO, ORE. I EVERY MAN EVERY WOMAN 8 IS EXPECTED T O R E A D THIS W e have a Big Store. W e have a Big Stock. Its not moving fast enough. We Are Goins to Cut Prices Tomorrow morning these prices go into effect, few items over carefully. 50c Ladies fleece lined underwear Ladies tailored hats, regular $2.50 now All Ladies hats, trimmed or untrimmed half price. All shapes trimmed free o f charge where trimming is bought in store. A full line of ladies tailored suits at half price. $25.00 and $30.00 suits, now at This is not odds and ends but a new cut in prices. Big reductions in ladies rain coats 250 yards of dress goods, regular 65c 12ic dress ginghams Plaid and fancy messalino and persian silks, regular $1.25 All calico, one week special $1.75 Quilts and blankets $1.00 Bleached table linen now 12Jc Percales, now 100 Childrens’ sweaters, 29c 98c $10.79 now 29c 8 l-3c now 69c 4c 98c 59c .8 1-3 29c Read this agreement and these $1.50 ladies kid gloves, now Men’s $1.00 overalls Mt. Hood and Blue Label, one week spec’ Men’s 60c work shirts, now 35c wool sox, now Men’s and boy’s gloves regular 35c now $1.50 men’ s heavy gloves now Childrens 60c rubbers now $1.00 men and boys sweaters at è price Visit our shoe dedartment we are cutting right and left mens, women’s and children’s shoes $2:00 and $2.50 men’s hats now $2.00 mens flannel overshirts $10.00 Men’s coat and vest $2.00 wool odd vest $1.50 Boys pants now Big reductions on mens and boys suits, overcoats Everything in the Big Store is going at the same reductions. By using the word agreement, we mean that this store agrees to give the public just what it advertises. Bring this paper with you. Remember, tomorrow we start. Don’t overlook this ad; it means dollars to you. The PEOPLE’S STORE, Hillsboro, Oregon. I •PEOPLES STO RE, HILLSBORO, O R EG O N ' I