FOREST:GRO V E ‘ PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OR ICON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. SURPRISED BY MANY FRIENDS UPON WED­ DING ANNIVERSARY tv -m m . BY *: C E O H O t B A R R M£CUT€*HEON u 7 wentv head o f good, young, F o r S a l e N o.l, alsike-clover wt 1 broke horses for sale cheap. and timothy-hay. Phone, 726. St> them at the U. S. Stable. 4tf W . W . Ryais’ Feed Barn. Embalming— Funeral Directing 2-4t L. E. H ess , Owner. Interesting papers were read FOREST GROVE liiDERTAXING CO. A board sidewalk is under con­ at the Friday afternoon meeting st! iction out the Greenville road o f the Missionary Societies of J. S. Buxton, Manager from the city limits. The prop­ Forest Grdte held in the Con­ Phone No. 642 Forest Grove, Or. er! owners along that thorofare gregational Church. Mrs. Se-1 standing the expense. ! monies conducted the devotional | Perry Ellis, proprietor of the services. Mrs. Carlyle gave an Crystal Springs Health Resort. instructive paper upon the pro­ 15 miles from this city, was a gress of missionary affairs in the visitor in the Grove yesterday. S Spanish-American C o u n t r i e s , Mr. Ellis has one of the prettiest M rs. Sanford spoke upon the p ro m p tly obtained OR NO FEE. T rad e-M a rk s. ~ * vg * t* ‘ C o p y rig h ts and l.ah«ls registered. locations in Oregon—a natural "Problem of the City,” Mrs. Per­ T W E N T T T E A R S ' P R A C T IC E . rin treated o f women and child­ Send m odel, sk etch o r photo, for free report park of great beauty. on p a te n ta b ility . A l l bu siness confid ential. H A N D -B O O K FR E E . E ip la in s o v - r r t h in g . T e P s ren in Industrial Life and Mrs. !*."* to O btain and S ell 1 atents. W h a t In v en tio n s Saturday in the County Seat, Horsch delivered an address up- " i l l P a y . Ilo w to ( le t a P artn er, ex p la in s best 1 m ech an ica l m o vem ents, and co u ta in s 300 ott sr the Hillsboro High School eleven | on “ The Church as a Social su b jects o f im portane« to in ven to rs. Address, Patent del 'atod the Estacada aggrega­ Agency.” Over 100 were in at- H. B. W ILLSON & CO. A ttorn eys J o « J i l l Willson Bldg. tion by a score of 13 to 0, even­ tendance. WSSHINGTON. D C . . ing up for its loss to Estacada two weeks ago, 6 to 0. Hillsboro ma le a touchdown within the first ten minutes of play. Thomp­ son kicked a goal in the second half. UNDERTAKING Mr. and Mrs. Franklin That­ cher, who celebrated their [silver wedding anniversary last Satur­ day, were most pleasantly sur­ prised by a large circle o f friends who gathered at their home northwest of the Grove with well filled baskets and numerous appropriate gifts. Everything that could be thought of to make such an occasion pass off most auspiciously, was undertaken and a most delightful day en­ joyed. No one had reason to complain of hunger, as the con­ tents of the many baskets proved all sufficient. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rob­ erts, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. James Haney, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schafer, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Thatcher, Mr. and j A cyndicate of Portland busi­ Mrs. Scofield, Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ ness men, members of the Con­ thur Aydelott and daughter Lil­ cordia club, has purchased out­ lie, Mr. and Mrs. EJ. King and j right 80 acres of the Sweek little Addie Eva, Mr. and Mrs. homestead on the Tualatin river, Allen Hayden, and Hellen Hess, and secured an option on 50 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sears, Mr. acres additional. The consider­ and Mrs. Fred Lyda and son s1 ation is said to be $500 per acre. John and Hairy, Mr. and Mrs. A lub house will be erected and W. J. Haney, daughter Leora, th site used as a country club. and son Francis Willard; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Griep and little Will- abelleand William Barker. Copyright, 1906. by Dodd. Mead O Company. “ There's always something doing,” he said. “ A week or two ago, by Jove I'll wager.” “ ‘Love me, love my dog,’ is my mot­ you wouldn't believe It. but we hnd an to.” evening turn up without a thing on The conversation was not prolonged. hand. Strangest thing I ever knew. Neither o f us had a tiling on. We said I'euelope began to find herself on rath­ we'd stay at home and go to bed ear­ er friendly terms with the enemy. ly just to see how It felt. Well, what Confusion came over her when she re­ do you think? We sat up and read membered that she was behaving In a till half past 10 o'clock, and then both most unmaidenlj- manner. Doubtless o f us thought of it nt the same time. that- was why she brought the meet­ We dressed and went down to Rec­ ing to a close by galloping away. The ways of fortune are strange, tor’s and waited for the theaters to let out. Three o'clock when we got look at them from any point of view. home. You can’t Imagine what a Surprising as it may seem, a like en­ queer exiierience It is being all aloue counter hnppened on the following day and—aye, on the day after and every with one's wife.” “ Don’t you love your wife, Mr. Od- day for a week or more. Occasions there were when Penelope was com­ well?” pelled to equivocate shamefully in or­ “ Certainly! But there's always a der to escape the companionship of the crowd.” Both of them glanced over duke, the count or others of their Ilk. nt pretty Mrs. Odwell. . nt u „ , , f ,, SUe ",aS ! Once when the guardian of the road ing down nt her plate demurely while 1 was late at ills post she rode far into Reggie Van Voort talked straight into the enemy's country, actually thrilled her pink ear, his eyes gleaming with by the Joy of adventure. When he ap­ the zest of invasion. “ I say, Miss peared far down the road she turned Drake, you won’t mind talking to me and fled with all the sensations of a awhile after dinner, will you?” went culprit, nnd he thundered after her on Odwell, something like relief in his with vindictiveness that deserved bet- voice. , .. . .... i *er results. Across the line she drew After dinner she was obliged to set reln and faced hlm deflantly. her halr him straight in a little matter. They blown awry, her cheeks red, her eyes were sitting on the terrace, and he had sparkling. thrown away his half smoked ciga­ "No trespass!" she cried, holding up rette, an ac{ in itself significant She her gloved hand. He stopped short, had been listening patiently, from for that was one of the terms of truce. sheer habit nnd indifference, to what The next day he again was missing, T H A N K SG IV IN G FARES he was saying, but at last she revolted. but she was not to be caught by ids “ Don't! You shall not say such stratagem. Instead of venturing into V IA OREGON ELECTRIC R Y things to me. I am not your kind, 1 the trap he had prepared for her, she Round trip tickets will be sold j fancy, Mr. Odwell,” she said. “ I don’t remained on her side of the line, smil­ know why you should tell me of your ing at the thought of him in hiding far Nov. 27, and 28, return limit i chorus girl friends, of your suppers up the road. If any one had suggested Dec 2, to all points on the O re-! and all that. I don't care to hear of to her that she was developing too gon Electric Ry. for one and one- them, and I don’t intend that you shall great an interest in this stalwart gen­ use me as a subject of illustration. I tleman she would have laughed him to third fare. Minimum fares: 50c am going upstairs." scorn. It had not entered her mlud to for adults, 25c for children. “ Oh, come now. that's rather rough, question herself as to the pleasure she J. E. F a r m e r , Agent. Just as we were getting on so well. found in being near him. She was All the fellows do the same"— founding her actions ou the basis that "I know. You need not tell me. And he was a real man and that the little you all have wives at home, too,” with comedy o f adventure was quite worth Intense scorn. while. “ Now, that's where you wrong us. At length an impatient line appeared They’re not at home, you know. That's on her fair brow, u resentful gleam Just It.” in her eyes. His remissness was an “ Never mind, Mr. Odwell: I’m going impertinence! It was the last time in.” She left him and entered the she would come—hut a sudden thought house. For a minute or two he looked struck her like a blow. She turned after her in wonder and then, softly white and red by turns. Had he tired F. A. Watrous has secured the whispering, made his way over to of the sport? Had the novelty worn where De Peyton, through some over­ off? Was he laughing at her for a confectionery next to the Star sight, was talking to his own wife. silly coquette? The riding crop came Theater, formerly conducted by De I ’eyton unceremoniously announc­ down sharply upon her horse's flank, R. A. Phelps. The deal was ed that he was going upstairs to write and a very deeply agitated young wo­ closed last week. a letter. man galloped off toward Bazelhurst Penelope, flushed with disgust nnd Villa, hurrying as though afraid he Dilley’s Fish Market, open six ; humiliation, drew near a crowd of men might catch sight of her in flight. days in the week. Will deliver! and women in the long living room. A quarter of a mile brought a change Her brother was haranguing the as­ in her emotions. British stubbornness fresh, salt and dried fish. North I semblage, standing forth among them arose to combat an utter rout. After First avenue, telephone 692. like an unconqnered bantam. In spite all, why should she run away from 3-tf o f herself she felt a wave of shame him? With whimsical bravado she nnd pity creep over her as she looked turned off suddenly into the trail that at him. led to the river, her color deepening “ Barnminster says the fellow ran with the consciousness that, after all, 1 when he saw him today,” his lordship she was vaguely hoping she might see was saying. “ But that doesn’t help him somewhere before the morning matters. lie has been on my land passed. Through the leafy pathway j again and again. Tompkins says, and she rode at n suail’s pace, brushing ; Tompkins ought to know.” tile low hanging leaves nnd twigs from [ “ And James, too,” said the duke with about her head with something akin to n brandied roar. petulance. “ Can’t Tompkins and bis men keep As she neared the river the neighing appropriate for Christmas that man off my land?” demanded Lady o f a horse hard by caused her to sit Bazlehurst. Every one took note of erect with burning ears. Then she gifts are be found at our the pronoun. Her ladyship’s temples relapsed into n smile, remembering . store. seemed to narrow with hatred. Bazel- that it might hnve come from the Iiurst had told the men privately that game warden's horse. A moment later They are quality goods, se­ she was passing sleepless nights In or­ her searching eyes caught sight of lected to meet the needs o f der to “ hate that fellow Shaw” to her Shaw's horse tied to a sapling nnd on \ the most exacting purchas­ ers. full capacity. Bazelhurst ground, ninny hundred feet, It may seem a little early “ My dear. I have given positive or­ from his own domain. She drew rein j to urge you to select your ders to Tompkins, nnd he swears he'll sharply and looked about in consider­ gifts, but it is not too early carry them out.” said lie hastily. able trepidation. Off to the right lay j to make a selection from “ I suppose Tompkins is to throw him the log that divided the lands, but | our splendid assortment of into the river a gall-.” nowhere along the bank of the river Holiday Goods. ••He is to shoot that fellow Shaw could she see the trespasser. Cnreful- if he doesn't keep off our land. I've ly she resumed her way. ever on the had enough of it. They say he rode lookout, puzzled not a little by the ■ his confounded plow horse all over the unusual state of affairs. west end the other day.” Penelope Near the river trail she came upon smiled reflectively. "Trampled the new the man, but he paid no heed to her 1 A Growing Pharmacy fern beds out of existence and all that. approach. He sat with ills face in his I in a Growing Town. Ilang him, Tompkins will get him if hands, and—she could not believe her j he persists. He has told the men to eyes and ears—he was sobbing bitter­ take a shot at the rascal on sight ly. For an Instant her lips curled In Tompkins doesn’t love him. you know.” the smile of scornful triumph, and j I’ euelope went her way, laughing, then something like disgust came over i and forgot the danger that threatened j her. There wns mockery In her voice ■ Randolph Shaw. I as she called out to him: The next morning, quite early, she "Have you stublied your toe. little was off for a canter. Some magnetic i hoy?” lit. Good, hon­ force drew her toward that obliterated PTo loo'-od nn. dared. Then he est Dentistry to the line in the roadway. Almost us she a r o s e , turning his hack while he dush- best of my ability. came up to it and stopped Randolph .*d his baud across his eyes. When he Could ons do more? Shaw rode down the hillside through glanced hack at her he saw that she 2nd. I examine your mouth and tell the trees and drew rein directly oppo­ was smiling. Hut she also saw some­ you it* actual con­ site, the noses of their horses almost thing lu his face that drove the smile dition before I be- touching. With a smile he gave the away. Absolute rage gleamed in his ?in y o u r actua military salute even as she gasped in eyes work, statin? in ad­ So It Is real war?" he said hoarsely, •elf conscious dismay. vance what t h e “ On duty. Miss Drake: no trespass­ bis face quivering. “ Your pitiful cow­ coet w i l l be. If ing.” he said. There wns a glad ring ards want It to be real, do they? ready, we beirin: If not, the examina­ in his voice. ‘Tlease don't run away. Well, that's wbat It shall be, bang tion coats you noth* them! They shall have all they want Y'ou're on the safe side.” “ I'm not going to run." she said, her of it. Look! This is their way of tn#. 8rd. 1 ruarantee all that I do, as I eonsidet cheek flushing, “ Ilow do you know gating, |a it? Look!” work not worth *uaranteein*f not worth doing. ( TQ B£, c o v n N U E D ) where the line Is? It has been de- This has been my policy. ■troyed by the ravages of time." 4th. Abeclute cleanliness. Every instrument "Yes. It has seemed a year. This must be cleansed, and are used as they are taken thing of acting sentinel so religiously F. Mott advertised a six-year- from the sterilizers. Is a bit wearing.” His great friendly 6th. My prices are reasonable, not advertised dog came across the line, however, and old team for sale through the cheap prices to lure you in, and then chartre you looked bravely up into the enemy s classified colums o f the Press. more—but a price that will make more friends more patient«; one price to alL face, wagging his tall. “Traitor! Come Mr. Mott has sold the team, and back. Bonaparte!" cried his master. "What a beautiful dog!" she cried, the buyer was secured through sincere admiration in her eye*. "I PRESS a d v ertisem en t, N. W. C « n w 6th sod Oak. ted to o t, t * i . tlevaua love a big dog- He is your best friend. 5 GENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING Our W ork Guaranteed and Your Patronage Solicited J. C. WEGNER First Ave., Foot Council St. Forest Grove, Oregon Closing Out Sale o f Odd Pieces of Furniture A t Greatly Reduced Prices A ll Furniture that is tagged with red tags are the close-outs. ! Some of these pieces have been in stock for some time and seemed to be slow sellers, but I have reduced the prices so that they will move now. 1 hat I have a limited amount of different articles, as follows: Dressers, Buffas, China Closets, Beds, Chairs, Rockers, some Rugs, Lace Curtains, Lounges and Center Tables. In fact something of each article, llOlfltf: •ma I mi Y o u will have to come early to get the best buys. CHARMING NOVELTIES Paint PURE M ASURY’S WHITE PAINT in 5-gallon cans at $1.95 per Gallon A Paint Insurance Policy. W e have the exclusive sale in this vicinity for GOLD SEAL PAINT. W e are authorized by the manufacturer to issue a written guarantee over our own signature that the paint will last five years. Special GOLD SEAL PAINT at $1.95 per Gallon. Let us figure on your whole bill o f Paint, Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, etc. PURE WHITE LEAD, PURE LINSEED OIL, W A L L PAPER and CLOTH in stock. Pacific Drug Co. WHY Dishes At Cost. NOT? Must close these out. See my windows Linoleum A few remnants o f Linoleum cheap. All Linoleums reduced. Sewing Machines Guaranteed Sewirg Machines, with drop head, Special $16.50. Guaran­ teed ten years by the maker. Have a limited amount of other Sewing Machines that will be sold at cost this week only. G E O R G E G P A TE R SO N FOREST GROVE, OREGON. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund, Dentist JLO L