4 FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. F o rest G rove P ress G. Edwin Secour, E ditor J . N. Hoffman, Associate E ditor i! The Pilgrims’ T H E P R E S S P U B L IS H IN G C O FOREST GROVE. ORE. T elephon es : O ffice 502 R esidences 442 397 T erms of S ubscription One year, in advance.......................$ 1.50 Six m onths, in adv an ce..........................75 T hree m onths, in advance......................50 T H U R SD A Y . NOVEM BER 28, DR. K. S. MYERS Most everyone will agree that A lot of people are about a day W. M. Langley & Son the butcher is about the only behind in their thinking. DR. ETHEL J. MARTIN person who can make both ends Lawyers Osteopathic Physicians meat. Why is it that farmers always OFFICE: NIXON BUILDING Forest Grove, Ogn. F O R E ST G RO V E, ORE. put the large potatoes in the top +++++++ There is no business in the of the sack instead of placing D R . C.E. W A L K E R world that cannot scrape up a them in the bottom to surprise ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ W. P. Dyke reason why it cannot advertise, the purchaser ? A ttorney-at-LaW Osteopathic Physician if the management labors hard and enough to find it. A Plainfield. N. J., council­ ************************** Notary ‘Public Treatment by Special Appoint­ man wants workingmen exclud­ O th e g ran d old pilgrim fa th e r Forest Grove Oregon ment Only Knock not at all. Nether ed from living in his town. Says W illiam B radford, governor of th e original New E n g lan d colo­ your competitor nor your fellow it costs $26 a year to school a belongs th e honor of being J. N . H o ffm a n worker. Neither your superior child and workingmen average the first nies, V/. Q. Tucker, M. D. to proclaim In A m erica a gen­ Attorney-at-LaW nor your inferior. For verilv three children per family. If eral th an k sg iv in g day w hich should be Physician and Surgeon the hammer doth bounce back the gentlemen studies economics a festiv al as w ell as a day of th a n k s­ EQ U ITY AND PRO BA TE ONLY Office Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. giving. T he m onth of November, 1G23, Calls answered prom ptly day or night with double force. hard enough, he’ll likely get had been a w eary one to th e bitterly Ind. Phone 502 F o re st Grovo Phone: Office 271, U esiJence 283. around to solving the problem tried pilgrim s. T h eir m onths of toil and p atien t w aitin g for th e Ingathering by killing off the children. of th e h arv est seem ed about to end in M a r k B . B u m p Dr. C. F. Via 1912. D isplay a d v e rtis e m e n ts fo r p u b licatio n in th e P r e s s m u s t be in th is office n o t la te r th a n T u e s­ day ev en in g to in s u re a p p e a ra n c e in c u r r e n t issue E n te re d a t th e p o st office a t F o re s t G rove, O re. a s m ail m a tte r of th e second class. Municipal ownership is co­ operation. All c o -o p e ra tiv e enterprises are conducted for the benefit of the co-partners. The electric light plant is owned by the municipality. The munici­ pality is composed of the resi­ dent tax-payers of the commun­ ity. The tax-payers, therefore, of Forest Grove, own the electric light plant. Why have the co­ partners not been given their rightful dividend from the earn­ ings of the light plant, in de­ c r e a s e d cost of light? The present rate of 12h and 4J should be materially reduced at once, according to the report of the Finance committee of the City Council. This is a good town. Let us get all the good out of it we can. The way to get good out of land is to improve it. The way to get good out of a town is to de­ velop it. It is a poor farm that is all pasture. It ought to be worked. He is a poor farmer who is content to take merely what nature sends. He is a poor citizen who is willing to let the town shift for itself, taking only such benefits as come with­ out labor. The man who is satisfied to harvest merely what comes up will have to live on a diet of weeds. The P r e s s has repeatedly call­ ed attention to the unsafe con­ dition of the sidewalks, due to their deep covering of damp leaves. Last week a member of the City Council suffered a bad­ ly strained shoulder, due to a fall caused by slipping on one of these leaf covered walks. It would seem that this strenuous object lesson would be incentive enough for the Council to in­ struct the property owners to clean off the wet leaves from the | walks. It is reported that several Montana gentlemen enjoyed a quiet alfalfa smoke the other day. We have an idea that this is not the first time alfalfa has been smoktd in a pipe. A whole lot of smoking tobacco seems to be adulterated with alfalfa or something worse. Speaking of alfalfa, sometime ago in Denver alfalfa biscuits were passed around at a ban­ quet and pronounced of very ex­ cellent taste. Which leads one to wonder why the bakers have not tried milk weed in place of Hour from which to make their milk loaves. Folks who buy from mail-order houses because they think things are cheap, should consider the chicken. The first thing a chicken learns to say is “cheep, cheep;’’ but it soon stops and be­ gins to crow- about its own chickenyard. A Pennsylvania man who ad­ vertised for a wife 56 yeai-s old. received more than 500 re- 8[>onses. Yet they say that women will not register lx*cause they have to give their ages. A lot of people w ho fail in life attribute it to not having l>eon discovered by the proper parties. Many a man is honest through force of circumstances. First ii Thanksgiving Day T th e deepest disappointm ent. T h e ea rth w as parched, th e w hole lan d cried out for rain, and th e crops w ere being m ined for lack of m oisture. I t w as under these d epressing conditions th a t Pilgrim F a th e r B radford called together the little h and of se ttle rs an d set ap art a day to be devoted to fastin g and p rayer th a t th e glassy skies m ight be­ come cloud covered and th e w indow s of heaven be opened to give life to the th irst dying fields. I t did not look prom ising fo r a day of thanksgiving, an d yet circum stances changed th e day appointed for fastin g and prayer to one of rejoicing, feastin g and th an k fu ln ess. T he pilgrim s w ere In th e very a c t of p ray in g for rain Clipped and Pasted A Boston preacher w o u ld strike the word hell out of the English language. But what would old-time preachers do for a text ?—Oregonian. C O L U M B IA Not the “Gera of the Ocean,” but the C O L U M B IA the Gem of the “Household.” One of th ese p erfec t m usical in stru m en ts should be in every home. Corn fed pork and peanut fed pork are very popi lar in differ­ ent parts of the country. We wonder if pigs fed on potatoes will make hams to be relished by epicures.—Hood River Glacier. Physician and Surgeon Attorney-at-laW South of Court House Hillsboro, Ore. Daniel D. Bump Attorney-at-laW ffi£otary Public Room 6, Hillsboro N ational Bank Building Real Etlale Hillsboro, Ore. Benton Bowman C o lu m b ia G raphophone is th e only in stru m e n t of its kind. It has reached its p erfec­ tion as a m usical in stru m e n t largely because of its ideal sim ­ plicity. By reason o f th is sim ­ plicity you g e t a b e tte r m achine fo r less money. We have them a t all prices, from $ 1 5 to $ 1 0 0 . O ur te rm s the easiest. Forest Grove Pharmacy ^ If your umbrella leaks have Danielson recover it. 3-tf For Rent—1 unfurnished bun­ galow and 1 furnished house. Both modern. Inquire of Mrs. M. A. Thomas, phone 855, or at the P r e s s office. 3-tf U. S. S T A B L E S UNDER NEW M ANAGEM ENT ^ Good H orses and Rigs, w ith or w ithout D rivers. T ra n sie n t H orses well cared for. H ESS & M A C K , P r o p r ie to r s Merchants Savings & Trust Company 6th and Washington Sts., Portland, Oregon Banking by mail. 47o paid on Savings Accounts. Open Saturday Evenings, 6 to 8 for the accomoda­ tion of those who cannot bank at other times. Hillsboro, Ore. R. M. Erwin, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Tam iesie Bi ilding 3d and Main Sts. Hillsboro, Ore Hollis &. Hillsboro, Ore. S. T. Linklater, M. B., C. M. Graham Physician and Surgeon A Itorneys-at-LaW D elta Building Forest Grove, Ogn. Hillsboro, Ore. C. H. Pollock, D. M. D. E. B. Tongue, L in klater Building Phone Main 74 Jltlorney-at-Law D istrict A tto rn ey . The Forest Grove, Ore. W. E. Pettenger, D. M. D. Attorney-at-laW The man who is fond of en­ tertaining fiction will miss some­ thing good if he fails to read the ; statements of expense filed by | the candidates who made a state­ wide campaign. — Oregon Register Everywhere, almost, Turkey is “in bad.” In Europe the powers in the Balkans are after her, and in America—well about November 28 next turkey will be done to a queen’s taste.— Eu­ gene Daily Guard. Office over Hoffman & Allen S tore Phones, Res. 35XX, Office 751 Calls answ ered prom ptly day and n ig h t Hillsboro, Ore. Hillsboro, Ore. TH E PILG 1U M S’ THANKSGIVING. John M. Pipes, Elmer H. Smith, M. D., D. O. Martin L. Pipes, Jlltorneys- Physician, Surgeon at-Law George A. Pipes, and Osteopath when rain came. I t cam e In such floods and It cam e so opportunely th a t 811 C ham ber o f Com merce the pilgrim fa th e rs w ere convinced th a t P rovidence had sm iled on th e little Portland, Ore. band of forlorn men, women an d chil­ dren who, driven from th eir ow n homes, had been forced to pitch th e ir te n ts on Dr. H. R. Kauffman the wild an d Inhospitable shores o f a Physician & Surgeon foreign laud. Office; F o r e s t G rove N a t ’l B an k B u ild in g W illiam B radford in his proclam a­ P h o n e M ain 0131 tion had called th e day a fea st of thanksgiving, an d th e best h u n te rs In Forest Grove, Ore. the colony had been scouring th e a d ­ ja c e n t woods for wild turkeys and o th er gam e to supply the w an ts of the Dr. E. B. Brookbank colonists and th eir guests. The Physician and Surgeon kitchens of th e pilgrim s w ere crude 204-6 Nixon Building an d rough, b ut th e good dam es did Main 80x th eir best, an d the resu lt w as u rep ast Phone: Residence 35x sa tisfy in g an d sum ptuous enough for Forest Grove, Ore. th e mo»* exacting. T he menu con­ sisted of ro ast tu rk ey dressed w ith beechnuts, venison pasties such as H. W. Vollmer, M. D. th e pilgrim m others knew so well how Physician and Surgeon to m ake, savory m eat stew s w ith dum plings of barley flour, clam chow ­ Office in A b b o tt Bldg. d er served In enorm ous howls w ith Both Phones F o re st Grove, Ogn. sea biscuits floating on the surface, ro asts of all kinds, broiled fish, salads, ta k e s and plum porridge. Lastly, Ind. F h o n e s th e re w as a bountiful supply of oysters, th e contribution of M assasoit W. B. COON, V. S. an d his ninety w arrio rs to the first O f f i c e o n 1 s t S t . T h an k sg iv in g bill of fare. T he g re a t­ est d in n er of th e festival w as given on Betw een Pacific and 1st Ave. S. S atu rd ay , th e la st day of the célébra H aving bought o ut Dr. Feeley, V et­ tlon. H istory chronicles th a t it w as erinarian, I wish to notify the public one of th e loveliest days o f th e In th a t I am prepared to answ er all calls, dinn sum m er, and so mild was the day or night. w eath er th a t th e good pilgrim dam es Phone Main 95 F o r est G ro ve , O re w ere able to set tlieir tab les In the open air, an d in th e prim itiv e forests in th e w ildest country, in a new and unexplored world, w as celebrated the b rig h test and m ost joyous T h an k sg iv ­ ing on record. Calls answ ered day or night. Hillsboro N ational Bank Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. S. M. Regan, D. V. S. Res. Phone C ity 133 Office Phone Main 783 3rd S t., L block N. of Main St. Hillsboro, Ore. J. O. Robb, M. B. Tor. Physician and Surgeon Phone City 384 j Rooms 4 and 5, Schulm erich Bldg. Hillsboro, Ore. Dr. E. J. Crowthers Physician and Surgeon Calls answ ered day and night Office in Jack so n P harm acy Cornelius, Ore. Dr. J. J. Murray, V. S., VETERINERY SURGEON AND DENTIST Graduate of American Veterinary College, of New York City, 1881. Office w ith Brown’s Main S treeh Livery and Feed Stable, Hillsboro Phone City, 506 White Palace Cafe STEAHR’S BAZAAR has now- got their immense stock of Xmas gifts and toys on display and they are indeed a sight to see. Although all their pianos and organs, sew­ ing machines, and [in fact any­ thing that could be removed, has been put in another store build- j ing, still the store is full to over­ flowing so there is hardly room to get around. Large tables are placed through the middle of the room and loaded down with toys of all descriptions and the show­ cases are filled with beautiful gifts for the older folks. The fact of the matter is Steahr’s Bazaar has Xmas presents in abundance for papa and mamma as well as all the children and now is the time to select your gifts and have them laid away as the variety of goods is great­ er now than later on and the store is not so crowded with cus­ tomers. 4tf J. A. Thornburg, of the Forest Grove National Bank, was a business visitor in Portland. Sat­ urday. Oyster Cocktails at Shearer’s. Forest Grove. Try them. l-4t R. a . PHELPS. Pacific Ave., Forest Grove Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. General Contractors and Builders Dealers in LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, CEMENT, SAND and LIME. All Finishing Lumber Kiln Dried. Manufacturers of Frames, Mouldings, Sash, Doors and everything required in the build­ ing line. We sell Flint-Kote and Mikado Roofing. Also Sherwin-Williams Paints. Office and Factory, Council St., Forest Grove