FOREST GROVE PRESS, FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. Round Oak .CHIEF L Steel ^Ranges Don’t Let Your Wife Fuss any longer with a Worn * Not how Cheap o u t , poorly baking, fuel wasting range. but How — •^ ¡.Q o o d Think of the Perfect Bakers .FuelSavers ® X. * Round Oak Chief Steel Range. » ■U Bring her in to see it, and learn how complete and perfect a range can be made. W . O . W agner & Sons Forest Grove, Oregon THE * S T A R T H E A T R E Is N ow L o ca te d in Its N ew B uildin g Motion Picture Exhibition from 7:45 to 9:00 Three Shows every Saturday, 7:30, 8:40, 9:50 Matinee—2:30 p. m. Saturday Daily Change of Best Films Procurable Ready for business New Lumber Company All kinds of Building Ma­ terials, Kiln Dried Finish, Dry Shiplap in any quan­ tity. Sash and Doors Call and get prices. We are here for business and want to make your ac- quaitance. Phone O l X All kinds of Optical Goods. Forest Grove, Or. Watches, Clocks and Jewely. J. A . H O FFM AN W ATCHM AKER A N D JEW ELER We solicit your patronage. Reliable work at moderate prices. H IL L S B O R O , GALES CITY. Mr. Seth had a runaway Sat­ urday but no damage was done. Mrs. Emma J. Hines spent Sunday with Mrs. J. L. Loving. Deputy Sheriff J. Applegate was a caller at John McClarans, Sunday. Mrs. Tom Quick returned home a few days ago from ajvisit with her mother in Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark and his mother Mrs. McPherson, are moving to Fall City, Ore., this week. J. W. H. Adkins was called to Forest Grove Monday to see Joseph Lee, who has been ill for some time. Mrs. Pate, who has been visit­ ing with her brother Chas. Clark, started for her home in Wyoming, Tuesday, D. G. Lilly was doing business on Gales Creek Monday. D. G., says he and his family intend to start for Arizona, Tuesday, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jacobson, of Portland, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce, o f Forest Grove, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Churchill Sun­ day. The few days of fine weather puts a pleasant smile on the coun­ ters nee of everyone and well it might for there has been few days of this kind for some time. The debate on Woman’s Suff­ rage at the Wilson School house, Saturday evening, resulted in the defeat of Woman’s rights. We think that the Judges must have been prejudiced against the women; perhaps in the next ten years they will learn to ap­ preciate the ability of the fair minded honest thinking woman. Give them a chance. Mrs. J. L. Loving received word Monday that her brother Elbert Lilly, of McLeod, Calif., formerly of Gales Creek, met his death by accident Thursday of last week, and was buried at Redding, Calif., Sunday at 10 o’clock. He was a good promis­ ing young man, well known by most people o f this place. The particulars of the accident has not been learned. Ralph Emerson visited in Portland last Sunday. Hartrampf’ s Feed Mill has ; just installed a grain cleaner for 1 cleaning seed grain. 3-tf Willis-Place Lumber Co. South A Street Tow ns ORE. Investment Realty Abstract Company The High School boys have se­ cured the gymnasium for their athletics. Alfalfa hay, the best of feed. Delivered any place in town. Hartrampf Feed Mill. 3-tf Hazen Maynard, who is visit­ ing with A. E. Hart, has just completed a trip around the world. We want all children under eight years of age to be regis­ tered at King & Caples before December 20. 4-4t The Book Store on North First avenue is making preparations for a big holiday trade. Goods are arriving and being placed on the shelves Jand the store windows are most artistically arranged. The activity o f this store re­ minds one more o f a healthy bee hive on a warm summer day than anything else we can think of. Don’ t neglect the children’s musical education. It is a sin for parents to neglect this part Offices, with Forest Grove Press, Hoffman Building. of a child’ s education. Have you Law Office, M. B. Bump, Hillsboro. a piano in your home to start the little ones out on, who, if they GUARANTEES RELIABLE SERVICE had half a chance, would turn the gloom into sunshine for you and others? I sell good reliable 87 pianos and sell them on terms to Pacific A suit you whether for cash, or the OREOON FOREST GROVE, smallest payment you can afford. We are here to sen e your needs. No order too small or too large — G e o . G. P a t e r s o n , Forest for us. Groye, O re . Makes Your Abstract pb.« i Sun-Rise Grocery J. DODGE, Proprietor Don’ t use anything but Sen­ eca Stock Powder, the guaran­ teed stock powder, for your horses or cattle. For sale only by the Forest Grove Pharmacy. 49-tf HOME Grand Theater B A K IN G CO. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day. PUBLIC SALE DECEMBER 14 The undersigned will sell at Public Auction Saturday, Dec. 14, at his residence, the third house north o f the Christian church, in Forest Grove, the following described property: one famous little team, known as the Rustln team, 5 and 6 years old. This team is worth its weight in gold. One A No. 1 dark jersey cow, 5 years old, giving milk. 1 light wagon, good as new;l hack, 1 top buggy 1 Stevens 25-20 single shot rifle. 1 set double harness, 1 heavy single harness, 1 two-horse cul­ tivator, 1 single cultivator, 1 12- iuch chilled plow, 1 potato dig­ ger, 1 12x14 tent, 2 Cross cut saws, Hand saw, Buck saws, Forks, Axes, Hoes, Grub hoe, Apples, Fruit and other things to numerous to mention. All sums ten dollars and under,cash. Over ten dollars, credit of twelve months given. Purchaser to give note with approved se­ curity, bearing 8 per cent. Sale starts at ten o ’ clock. J. W H u g h e s , Auctioneer. A. M. G r u b b s , Owner 4-3t 5 We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 2 5 cents Free delivery to all parts o f the city Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove Absolutely Safe and Reliable The Bankers & Merchants Mutual Fire Association O f Forest Grove, Oregon Conducted on Economic and Business Principles. T he Home Company That Has Made G ood. Insure Your Business or Dwelling in The Bankers & Merchants ELECTRIC POWER Great Special TH A N K SG IVIN G M ATINEE ^ and EVENING ^ The Prison on the Cliff 2 Reels of 4 ,0 0 0 feet Cheapest and Best W ashington-Oregon Corporation. The Order in the Court 2 ,0 0 0 foot feature The Old Swimming Hole Comedy W ar in Portland W e have joined in the C LO TH IN G W A R and place on sale every one of our M EN’S $ 1 5 A N D $ 1 8 SUITS A T $ 10.00 These suits are sold in any other store in town at $20 A L L O U R M EN’S $ 2 0 SUITS G O A T 12.50 These Suits are sold elsewhere at $25 Every Boy’s $5 and $ 6 Suit in the house at 3.50 These are the G R E A T E ST REDUCTIONS in the city. Suits are on sale only at our store at Third and Oak Streets W hen you see it in our ad, it’s so M O YE R TH IR D A N D O A K